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Secrets Revealed! Nasamea's Truth Unfolds! (Mitsu and Nasa, private) Shauntaystaffimgf
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January 16th to January 22nd

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 Secrets Revealed! Nasamea's Truth Unfolds! (Mitsu and Nasa, private)

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Secrets Revealed! Nasamea's Truth Unfolds! (Mitsu and Nasa, private) Empty
PostSubject: Secrets Revealed! Nasamea's Truth Unfolds! (Mitsu and Nasa, private)   Secrets Revealed! Nasamea's Truth Unfolds! (Mitsu and Nasa, private) I_icon_minitimeThu Oct 14, 2010 11:51 pm

Mistu was walking through the streets, on his was to the teashop Nasa had told him to meet her at the following day. He anticipation was building at the fact that he was going to learn all about this clan of Nasa's. If something struck his interests, and he didn't know about it, he had to find out. He listened to the bustling of people going about their usual business of the every day activities. He soon found himself approaching the tea shop Nasa had specified. Mitsu wasn't all that fond of tea, but he was fine with this place. As soon as he entered the shop he looked around for Nasa. He seemed to be early and found a booth seat by a window, like Nasa wanted. He told a waitress that he was waiting for Nasa to show up, she seemed to know who she was and left. Mitsu looked outside and watched the people walk by. He made a motion to call a waitress over and ordered some green tea with a touch of mint. He hoped Nasa was get here soon, his curiosity was building.
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Secrets Revealed! Nasamea's Truth Unfolds! (Mitsu and Nasa, private) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Secrets Revealed! Nasamea's Truth Unfolds! (Mitsu and Nasa, private)   Secrets Revealed! Nasamea's Truth Unfolds! (Mitsu and Nasa, private) I_icon_minitimeFri Oct 15, 2010 1:34 pm

[You can ignore everything that's in italics in the first few paragraphs]

Swich....tap tap...Thud

She was in a hurry and this time for a good reason. Due to missing her feeding last night, Nasamea now had to do it by day. She was rather tired last night for exerting herself so she also happened to sleep through noon. Now came the time to hunt like a wolf. She would need to be quick, quiet, and pick out the weakest if she wished to take down her prey. Unlike a wolf's though hers was relatively smart which proved to be more of a challenge even when hunting children. Yes, children.

She unknowingly took on a small group of kids when she attempted to take out one of their friends and drag him off to the side. Before she could even sink he teeth in, someone showed up and shrieked. Stupid girls, they were almost always loud. This brought in the others and made her flee without a meal. Her eyes burned red and she pumped her body as fast as she could. She wasn't necessarily THAT desperate for blood but would need it in order to function well. Why not wait until tonight? She needed to meet Mitsu and didn't want to ask for a friendly donation nor possibly spring at him. Aka, she didn't want to look at him as though he were food.

After running across rooftops to get away from them she learned they were academy students which made things more difficult. So she ended up hiding. Why didn't she try taking them all out? That would make an even bigger scene which could cost her greatly. Especially when she was just promoted! All her hard work would have went to waste.

Finally she had dove beneath an overhang which was where she was right now. She panted lightly as she listened intently. She was beneath the over hang of a shop; between the wall and the metal above. She was surrounded buy this dome like structure and if she would need to get away from even this she could slip down into the shop below. She was curious what sort of shop it even was. Hopefully it was open. Why wouldn't it be? Who knew.

"I think that thing went this way!"

That sounded like the boy she heard from earlier, right as she was leaving. In her opinion only one or two of them saw her but no matter, she highly doubted anyone would figure out what they saw. Since she was going out in broad daylight and risking the chance of being seen, she had changed a little. She still wore her clothes but had black and green hair and was surrounded by blue fur and black markings. Good disguise on her opinion. But now she was changing back. Hearing a kid begin to run down the overhang she decided that was enough hiding and quickly slipped into the store before anyone noticed.

Walking in casually, she looked around and noticed this was the perfect place to hide. It was a clothes store. In fact, it was the one that her and Shi shopped at a long time a go. It was all distant memories now but ironic none the less. She immediately walked over to the section where they shopped and begin to dig around for something interesting. She needed to change her outfit and discard the clothes she had on now asap in case the kids began to talk. She grabbed a few things to try on, a red and white dress and a new belt. She wanted more but this would suffice for now. She purchased it before slipping outside and gazing around. For the most part the coast was clear.

Seeing this she quickly walked down the street, joining the busy crowd, and made her way towards wherever. Eventually she went down an alley and casually sat, hiding her bag behind a trash can as she waited for someone to pass. This area wasn't busy since it was the business district but people always tended to cross by here in a rush. She waited, and waited, and waited. Finally, before giving up, someone crossed and didn't even see her. The man was waling relatively fast. He must have been in to big of a hurry to notice. Seizing the opportunity to strike, Nasamea sprang out and tackled the man as a smaller version of her original form without the wings. She snarled, pinning her legs and arms down with her own while her head hung over him. He breathed fast and tried to look around but began to shudder with fear. Yep, gets them every time.

She then changed a hand back and knocked him out like she did with every one else. FINALLY she had something. As her original form she grabbed him and dragged him to the side before reverting back to her human self. Since she didn't grow in size at all and didnt have wings the formation went smoother and didn't sap her as much. She drank, draining quite a lot that would make him dizzy when he woke up but not kill him. She then grabbed her bag, went to the other side of the dumpster and changed super fast. Rather than throwing her clothes in the dumpster she burned the evidence. It was about that time she had to meet Mitsu so she made her way over to the tea shop. Her eyes were finally back to normal. She would finish feeding later.

As Nasamea neared the shop she checked her hair in a glass window in the shop next to it before she continued walking and entered. Her first instinct was to look for Mitsu in the shop in case he already got a seat.

"Well look who it is, Nasamea. How are you?"

Nasamea turned her attention to the left, her eyes looking a bit shocked for a moment before she settled. The waitress startled her a bit since she was lost in thought about this morning. She hoped she didn't leave any evidence and the more she thought about it, she would be okay.

"Good thank you, was doing some errands this morning. What about yourself?

The waitress smiled and nodded before showing Nasa her hand. On one finger was an engaement ring. This made Nasamea's mouth actually gap a bit before she looked up, "congratulations"

The waitress continued to smile before she nodded again, "yep yep, happened last night."

Last night... ugh... last night...

"Well anyway, there's a boy here who asked for you. Said something about meeting you. Any idea?"

She nodded, "actually yes, that's who I was just looking for."

The waitress led the way and showed her the table Mitsu sat at. Nasamea smiled faintly before she sat down, gave her order for Earl Gray tea, and waited for the waitress to leave. Mitsu would probably be the first to truly notice the outfit change. She was wearing a red and white dress that fell to about her knees. It wasn't open though and if one looked closely they would see that where the dress slit on both sides was black short shorts beneath. She wore a belt around her waist as well to keep the dress to her small stomach. It curved to her form almost like her old clothes did but even better. It was a dress perfect for fighting because it wouldn't get in the way and couldn't be easily yanked off. She would buy more alter considering she changed forms quite a bit recently.

She sighed when the waitress left, "Well hello, long time no see. Sorry if I am a bit late. I got caught up in a bit a some trouble but we won't explain that. All is well..."

She peered around a bit, her eyes carefully watching their surroundings. She then turned abck to him and whispered lightly, her amber hues settling into his, "nobodies around either so this is an excellent spot. If anyone shows up we could always leave too but anyway.." she paused in thought for a moment. Soon her attention returned from the table below to him again, "what questions do you have that I could answer? The more the merrier but start a bit slow so you aren't asking a bunch at once... if you have a lot anyway...."

One question at a time took to long but ten at once was a bit overbearing depending on the question. Since this meeting already started, she waited for him to speak. Business first as usual. They would have fun and cut up later.
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Secrets Revealed! Nasamea's Truth Unfolds! (Mitsu and Nasa, private) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Secrets Revealed! Nasamea's Truth Unfolds! (Mitsu and Nasa, private)   Secrets Revealed! Nasamea's Truth Unfolds! (Mitsu and Nasa, private) I_icon_minitimeSat Oct 16, 2010 1:40 pm

Mitsu had been thinking of questions to ask Nasa while he waited for her to come. He noticed her through the window as she walked past to the door. He didn't get much of a glimpse, but he could she she had a different change of clothes than usual. When she entered the shop, he looked at her, studying what was different. the skirt was the main and most obvious difference. There were slits at the sides revealing that she had shorts underneath them, they also revealed most of her legs. Mitsu studied the shirt as well, and overall, he concluded that she looked very nice. As the waitress walked Nasa to the table, he smiled to the both of them, mainly at Nasa. Nasa then ordered her tea and apologized for being late. "Honestly, I thought I would be the one who was late. But considering the previous night', I can see why. Its quite alright, I can't blame you at all. And I must say, you look lovely this midday mi'lady. Mitsu smiled again, he was being suave as usual. He usually couldn't help it, it was in his nature. He suspected he got it from his father, but he was far too young when he passed away to know what they were really like, or to even know what suave even meant.

Nasa started peering around, making sure no one was around. Mitsu sat there until she spoke again. Since the ordeals of last night had taken hold of all his interest, when Nasa started speaking, she had his full attention, Mitsu making eye contact the whole time, and he would do the same for all of her answers to his questions as well. Mitsu sat there, thinking of what question to ask first. What was strange was that even though his head was bombarding with questions to ask, now that he could ask them, his mind was nearly blank. "Well I suppose my first question would be; What all can you do? Is there anything that you need to do to keep energy other than sleep?" Mitsu was going to ask another question, but decided these would be enough for now, incase one of those two brought up another question he might want to ask. For now, he would listen intently.
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Secrets Revealed! Nasamea's Truth Unfolds! (Mitsu and Nasa, private) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Secrets Revealed! Nasamea's Truth Unfolds! (Mitsu and Nasa, private)   Secrets Revealed! Nasamea's Truth Unfolds! (Mitsu and Nasa, private) I_icon_minitimeSat Oct 16, 2010 7:38 pm

A slight blush crossed her face as her eyes widened. She didn't expect such a comment from anyone seeing as how she tended to be a jerk to everyone. Maybe she needed to step up her angry mask. But she enjoyed his company. He was nice to her and so she would be to him. He was rather suave to, something rare. A tinge of a grim expression crossed her face. Her first thoughts were that the kindest people tended to be hurt the most. She would hate to see his life threatened. This was the very reason she was a bit uncertain about making friends to start with.

Waiting for him to ask questions she continued to watch for anyone who may come near. It was his questions though that made her look back to him for a second before her eyes took a dive to the table before her.

"Well... You see..."

Her ears tuned into the waitress before she looked up and smiled. The waitress grinned back before she sighed, "here we are."
She set the cups of tea before them before nodding, "enjoy".
With that she turned and walked away, leaving them be.

Nasamea waved her hand over the steaming hot tea while her eyes rested on it. She instantly went back from someone who looked cheery to a girl lost deep in her thoughts.

"Anyway," she began, placing her head on a propped hand to block out everyone in the shop, "I can do quite a bit I suppose. Aside from regular ninja stuff and transforming into what you saw, I have hightened senses comparable to that of a canine's I guess. Most of my power is just my natural chakra and transforming though. Thing is I can get bigger."

She finally stopped fanning and picked up the cup. Blowing on it, she lightly sipped before sighing with a comfortable nod. She set the white cup back down before she set back into the red booth seat. She crossed her arms and legs before continuing. Not once did she look at him through these motions.

"And as for my source of energy. it or not...." she took another sip of tea before sighing, " it's blood."

She said it rather straightforward and bluntly. No beating around the bush there. She didn't blame him if he thought she was weird now. But it was better telling than actually drinking someone's blood like she did Shi. He sort of found all of this out the hard way.

Anyway, after that she set the cup down before looking directly at him.
"Otherwise I don't need food or beverages. In fact I hate the taste of human food. It's rather revolting..." she said before smiling faintly as though embarrassed. She rubbed the back of her head now as she leaned back against the seat again, "sorry if I freak you out."
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Secrets Revealed! Nasamea's Truth Unfolds! (Mitsu and Nasa, private) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Secrets Revealed! Nasamea's Truth Unfolds! (Mitsu and Nasa, private)   Secrets Revealed! Nasamea's Truth Unfolds! (Mitsu and Nasa, private) I_icon_minitimeSat Oct 16, 2010 10:00 pm

Mitsu stared at her intently as she began to speak. Mitsu wanted to know everything she was willing to tell. The waitress stopped and gave them their tea and they accidentally said 'thank you' simultaneously. Mitsu decided to wait for his to cool, while Nasa tried to accelerate the process by waving her hand over it. She seemed lost in thought almost, but she has a grim face when she said she needed blood to survive. This came as a slight shock to him, but he soon overcame it. He tilted his head and cocked an eyebrow. "Blood you say?...Honestly, I don't think its weird, it actually makes sense. Rather intriguing to me to be truthful. So, does it really matter what kind of blood, like does it need to be human, or animal, or does any kind really do? and about how long can you usually go without it? How much can last how long? Sorry for all the questions, I'll let you answer those first." Mitsu then picked up his cup of tea and studied it. It was no different than an average cup, being all white with its small handle. He blew gently across the top of it as Nasa did when she drank from hers. He then took a small sip, knowing it would be still hot. It tasted just the way he thought it might. The distinctive taste of th green tea, with just the right amount of mint flavor. Not enough to overpower the green tea, but just enough to add a good flavor. The hot liquid gently slid down his throat as he swallowed. Mitsu then breathed in and the usual effect from mint occurred, the air feeling cooler than usual on the inside of his mouth.
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Secrets Revealed! Nasamea's Truth Unfolds! (Mitsu and Nasa, private) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Secrets Revealed! Nasamea's Truth Unfolds! (Mitsu and Nasa, private)   Secrets Revealed! Nasamea's Truth Unfolds! (Mitsu and Nasa, private) I_icon_minitimeSun Oct 17, 2010 1:19 am

Nasamea tried to sip her tea a bit more. She actually savored the flavor. Despite dislking most beverages she actually enjoyed drinking numerous types of tea. She didn't mind juice either and when it came to food she could tolerate most meat. But otherwise she wanted to hurl chunks.

"Blood you say?...Honestly, I don't think its weird, it actually makes sense"

She had taken on a relaxed posture. Her arms and legs were still crossed and she rested against the seat. Her head was more focused on the tea but after that comment they flicked up to him. She looked into his eyes as though to search deep within him. She was trying to see if he were telling the truth and from what she saw, he was. She hoped that her assumption was accurate. Otherwise things would get hairy and someone may die. Depending on her mood and what happened after anyway.

"Rather intriguing to me to be truthful. So, does it really matter what kind of blood, like does it need to be human, or animal, or does any kind really do? and about how long can you usually go without it? How much can last how long? Sorry for all the questions, I'll let you answer those first."

She got the impression of a kid in a candy store. He was totally intrigued from what she saw and couldn't decide what to choose. Tootsie roll or sucker? Maybe the gobbstoppers. In a different aspect it was as though he was sorting through topics to discuss before moving to another. Clearing them one step at a time. This was good. Besides, the more she gave the more he may have. She didn't want to give to much but then again she actually did. She didn't mind someone she could actually possibly trust knowing. Besides, he was giving her ease at the fact he accepted her and actually said she wasn't a monster. To sum it up, he was giving her more confidence in herself, and humans. This was obvious in the relaxed manner she was sitting at the moment.

She set the cup down after taking another sip. The warm liquid filled her soul and made her internal fire burn with a powerful essence. She loved the heat. No doubt about that. Especially when it was internal heat.

"It's fine really," she said with a slight chuckle before she grew partially serious again. She was mostly just focused. Her senses were still tuned into them and the world around after all.

"It doesn't matter THAT much but honestly... it's human blood I tend to go for. Well, that my parents did as well. And practically all of my kin. Human blood allows us to have more energy and feed less. We aren't murderers though. It's rare you hear of a death due to blood drain. We only knock people out and take maybe a quart or so. Enough to where they will barely even fell anything once they wake up. Honestly, normally people don't know what hit them."

She felt it was best to leave out the evil ones that lurked out there. Honestly, she was ignorant of their hunting patterns anyway. As far as Konoha though, the people were safe unless outsiders came and disrupted the balance. Chances of that though were rather low if what the followers of the Kisaki from the East (Kiri) had said was right.

"Anyway, animal blood still satisfies. But normally it's not only harder to get a hold of but doesn't satisfy as much. It's like, you have to attack two deer to count for one human I guess. It's weird how it works but eh," she shrugged.

"And as for how long... well... normally we should consume at least a quart of fresh human blood at least once a day. No matter what, has to be fresh. Otherwise it looses its affects. One of those other odd things I guess.. but ha...what isn't I guess. This quart or so, mixed with at least 2 to 3 hours of sleep, a day though keeps us going for about 5 days. Anything above that and we start to wear down and become weaker. Oh yeah, I don't think I mentioned we can regenerate. This ability can slow down to that of a regular humans speed and then we become slower and weaker as well. You would see us sleeping more then."

She felt as though she said a lot right then but at least he learned something new right? To show him, she focused chakra into one of her nails. Before his eyes he would see it grow until it was sharp. She peered around to make sure nobody was looking before slitting her wrist. It was only a minor scratch. She held it out for him to see as her nail reverted back to normal. Within a few seconds, the wound healed as though it were never there.

A grin sort of crossed her face.
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Secrets Revealed! Nasamea's Truth Unfolds! (Mitsu and Nasa, private) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Secrets Revealed! Nasamea's Truth Unfolds! (Mitsu and Nasa, private)   Secrets Revealed! Nasamea's Truth Unfolds! (Mitsu and Nasa, private) I_icon_minitimeSun Oct 17, 2010 6:28 pm

Mitsu listened very closely as she spoke, taking a few sips of tea while doing so. He understood what she was saying. It had definitely peaked his interests so he remembered everything. When she mentioned regeneration he cocked his eyebrow again. Regeneration was a slight something he could relate to, to an extent. When he protruded bones from his body, the openings healed instantly. Even he didn't know exactly how it worked, but it only did it if it was from his bones. She demonstrated he ability for him an smiled when she was done. "Impressive. I can relate to a certain point, watch." Mitsu then held up his finger in the same fashion as Nasa did earlier. He protruded the bones from his index finger and then reached over and pulled out the rest with his other hand, laying it down on the table, basically he just removed the bones in his finger, but his bones in his finger were replaced with new ones as he pulled the current ones out. He then pointed his finger at Nasa to show her the hole regenerate itself. "It only works when I pull out bones and such, I wouldn't be able to do what you did. Now, I guess if you don't know much about my bloodline, you can ask me a question if you want, I'm trying to figure out what else to ask you still"
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Secrets Revealed! Nasamea's Truth Unfolds! (Mitsu and Nasa, private) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Secrets Revealed! Nasamea's Truth Unfolds! (Mitsu and Nasa, private)   Secrets Revealed! Nasamea's Truth Unfolds! (Mitsu and Nasa, private) I_icon_minitimeSun Oct 17, 2010 7:13 pm

Nasamea was bit baffled by what Mitsu had just done. He pulled out his bone and yet seemed perfectly fine. The wound healing didn't seem to be unnatural to her but his bone was removed yet his finger was still formed the same way. 'What just happened? she asked herself as she tilted her head.

Soon enough her attention turned back to Mitsu. The tea before her didn't seem to be that interesting anymore. The guy just pulled out his bone after all. It was funny how she could change and what not yet the simple thing as pulling out a bone was the most intriguing thing ever.

"Well, if you don't truly mind me asking, how do you do that? You pulled out your bone yet your fine. You didn't seem to lose structure to your finger either. The wound healing seems normal, at least in my standards, but that... whoa. What all can your bloodline do? I've never seen that before."

She pretty much left it as, "tell me as much as you can" because she wasn't sure what all to ask. It was weird to her. She stared at the bone a bit as she held herself back from touching it. What would it feel like?

She wondered if by continuously staring at it, if Mitsu would let her hold it. She wasn't even sure if she wanted to but it was interesting. VERY interesting.
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Secrets Revealed! Nasamea's Truth Unfolds! (Mitsu and Nasa, private) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Secrets Revealed! Nasamea's Truth Unfolds! (Mitsu and Nasa, private)   Secrets Revealed! Nasamea's Truth Unfolds! (Mitsu and Nasa, private) I_icon_minitimeSun Oct 17, 2010 8:06 pm

Mitsu enjoyed watching Nasa's reaction to what he just did. He loved most people's reactions actually. He figured since this was sort of his secret, and that she shared a big secret of hers, he wouldn't mind sharing. He leaned back, much more relaxed and took a drink, not a sip of his tea. He motioned the cup around just before, to keep the flavors well blended. He chuckled a bit before speaking, and noticed Nasa was staring at the discarded finger bones he placed on the table.

"You can hold it if you like, even keep it. It is pretty much useless to me now. As for how it works, its a bit complicated, but I think you should be able to understand it just fine. The people with my bloodline have a surplus of calcium in their body at birth. Our bodies also produce much more calcium than average people. We have the ability to manipulate our bones, and the calcium in our bodies, and use the calcium to make bones. That is why my finger maintained its form, because as I was removing the bones, my body was replacing the bones with new ones. We never get arthritis, and if we do, we can just remove the bones. Broken bones are never a problem either. There was one certain person though, many years ago, around 200+ years ago by the name of Kimmimaru. He was found and raised by the one called Orochimaru, and was thought to be the last of his kind. He could do amazing things. Simply astonishing things to be exact. He could pull out his spine and use it as a powerful whip, make a full sized sword and wield it with his own style. He could even shoot gigantic spikes through the ground at almost any range at almost any instant. He was indeed one of the greatest of our kind of all time. But I think I may be able to do better. I have this idea that will take a bit of practice, but one i get the hang of it, I'll be able to do so many new things. I want to become the greatest, and legendary one of my bloodline. I am going to be better than Kimmimaru one day."

As Mitsu spoke, he started off relaxed. But as he went on about all the things Kimmimaru could do, he had admiration on his face, and when he talked about his idea, he had a look like he had plans going on in his head. Mitsu motioned for the waitress to come over, as he was starting to run out of tea. "Since you are trusting me with your secret, I might as well trust you with mine. So is there anything else you would like to know? If you want another finger, or even a whole hand, it is no problem at all." Mitsu laughed while saying that because he meant it as a joke, but even if she was serious, he would give her another finger, heck his whole hand if she asked him to. There was no pain, and it wouldn't cost him anything.
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Secrets Revealed! Nasamea's Truth Unfolds! (Mitsu and Nasa, private) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Secrets Revealed! Nasamea's Truth Unfolds! (Mitsu and Nasa, private)   Secrets Revealed! Nasamea's Truth Unfolds! (Mitsu and Nasa, private) I_icon_minitimeSun Oct 17, 2010 9:02 pm

She took up his offer and reached over before snatching it away. It were as if she were a raccoon trying to steal a shiny object before anyone noticed. From there she examined it from all angles while listening to him speak. It was crazy. She grabbed the base and bent the top before staring at it with wide eyes while holding it away from her. A grim sort of expression crossed her face at it before she fiddled with it some more. From another perspective, it was the same kid in a candy store thing. Or maybe a kid playing with something they had never seen before. Nasamea knew it was his finger bones yet it seemed so foreign to her. These were the sorts of things that intrigued her. She wanted to see more.

"You know..." she began once he finished. Her attention was still focused on the finger as she made it move in her hands and felt its texture. "I wonder if your clan may have any ties to mine. I mean its possible. All bloodlines had to start from somewhere right so they all must somehow be connected. But I say this because whenever I change out of this human form into my actual one, my bones get bigger, along with my muscles and organs, etc. Same when I change to this human one, they shrink. I wonder if the calcium alternations has to do with it. Doesn't explain the muscles and scuh I guess but eh," she shrugged.

If it wasn't obvious now, not even Nasa knew a heck of a lot about her clan. She knew whatever her parents told her and although that was a lot, it didn't explain the reasons as to why they changed. Why they were born as monsters. None of that really. Her mother and father always said, "at the moment it would be to hard for you to comprehend". The more she thought about though, something came to mind. Joel.

She remembered a long time ago that her mother mentioned something about searching for "Joel's Diary". That this would hold all secrets. She remembered people being at her house after training sessions and her parents sending her to her room. She would listen behind a wall as they talked about searching for this Diary and where to look next. They made a mission to find it but nobody knew where it was.

This whole time she thought about this, Nasamea was frozen with her eyes locked on Mitsu. Her eyes were very distant though, as though she were starting past him or not at all. THen, suddenly, she snapped back and shook her head. A faint smile then crossed her face before she set the bone back down.

"Sorry I spaced out thinking about stuff. It was rude of me. You just happened to remind me of some things I have to do at home after this. But anyway...." she cleared her throat, took a drink of her tea, then sighed. She was ready to continue.

"Back to your clan. That is a very intriguing ability. I can't believe you can..well..regenerate... your bones like that. I mean I can but ha, its just interesting. You'll never have to worry about breaks or anything!"

She smiled a bit. She was getting a bit excited. Settling back into a calm state she let her grin fade a bit to a light smile.

"But I hope you reach your goals of becoming the best. I know I personally want to be the best leader of my clan and the strongest.... kind of like my mother. But anyway, is there some way I could maybe help you train your bone jutsu? You have an idea of what to do after all."

She then grinned sinisterly, "maybe I could take you on as my beast form."
After that she chuckled before moving on.
"As for the hand and stuff. I think i'll pass. Don't want to freak out my foster parents or the waitresses after all. They may never let us come back here or let me hang around you. I would anyway though."

She then put on a rather thoughtful face as she tried to think of more to talk about. Truth was, she didn't have much. She was a bit more set on training now. Maybe they could help each other. Also, she was set on trying to find a way to continue her parents mission to regarding this so called 'Joel's Diary'. This may be something for when she's older though. She could always check with the Konoha library and stuff though. Maybe she would get lucky. Or maybe contact the Kiri Kisaki and her followers. Maybe they would have information about the diary. She was a kid when they talked about it after all. They could have found it by now.

Realizing she was spacing out again, Nasamea finished her tea before letting out a deep sigh. The cup hit the table with a clank that made her jump a bit. She didn't expect it after all and actually ended up scaring herself a bit. She then shrugged before crossing her arms again, "i've got nothing to be honest. Anything else for me? Maybe I could help you train or something. I could also show you my true form then to... well... in the actual full form I mean.You just saw me attack, you didn't see me actually train. I'll need to get some few clothes from down the street though before that happens. I kind of want a new dress like this to be honest. It seems perfect for fighting attire on my opinion."

She looked at her shirt before grinning with a bit of embarrassment.
She didn't know what else to say.
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PostSubject: Re: Secrets Revealed! Nasamea's Truth Unfolds! (Mitsu and Nasa, private)   Secrets Revealed! Nasamea's Truth Unfolds! (Mitsu and Nasa, private) I_icon_minitimeSun Oct 17, 2010 10:24 pm

"Having ties are quiet possible, but unlikely if the abilities are this different. But then again, I don't know all that much about my clan, other than that what was in Konoha's archives. Both of my actual parents are dead, so I really get to learn much at all. So I don't really know all that much, because I've had to learn everything I know now on my own. I was taken in by my aunt and uncle sort of from sympathy. There isn't that strong of a connection, but I'd be sad if they died. I'm getting off track here, I'm sorry. And you getting lost in thought, its not a problem. It happens to the best of us." Mitsu finished off his tea before moving on to his next cup, he took in a deep whiff of the hot tea and let it out. He loved the smell of mint the most. It was so sweet and refreshing to him. He also laughed when she declined his offer for another finger.

His eyes became fixated on Nasa as before when she spoke again. Going against her in her full form? Mitsu didn't think he could take her as she was now, let alone the way she was in the forest last night, and that wasn't even her full strength. Mitsu chuckled along with her and he jokingly said "Well, I think I have to decline that offer, I am still pretty low in the ranks, while you are close to chuunin. Besides, these jutsus are more about me taking the time to concentrate on them. I first need to be able to use them. But maybe we could spar some time once I get the hang of using them, you know, get practice on when to use what move in a battle."

"I've got nothing to be honest. Anything else for me? Maybe I could help you train or something. I could also show you my true form then to... well... in the actual full form I mean.You just saw me attack, you didn't see me actually train. I'll need to get some few clothes from down the street though before that happens. I kind of want a new dress like this to be honest. It seems perfect for fighting attire on my opinion."

Mitsu took a few sips as she talked. Her grin had toned down more and more as she spoke. Mitsu got the idea to compliment her again about her attire. He usually couldn't help it, he was naturally suave and charming. Perhaps he got it from his dad, but he could never be sure. "Well I cant really think of anything else to ask either. But if you want, I could go with you if you wanted to get some clothes and give a second opinion if you wanted."
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PostSubject: Re: Secrets Revealed! Nasamea's Truth Unfolds! (Mitsu and Nasa, private)   Secrets Revealed! Nasamea's Truth Unfolds! (Mitsu and Nasa, private) I_icon_minitimeSun Oct 17, 2010 10:55 pm

"Konoha Archives...." she whispered to herself in her thoughts. She continued to listen but once again her face appeared very thoughtful.
Better then the library!
There had to be at least ONE sighting of someone in her clan from over time during when it was founded. Apparently the clan had been around for a long time. There had to be. Not wishing to be rude, Nasamea stopped thinking about Joel's Diary and returned to the conversation. She would have plenty of time afterwards to think about a book she didn't even know was real or a legend. She remembered her parents contemplated it as well. That it was a trap to lure those who sought after it. Yet they still searched....

"I keep doing it," she said before shaking her head again.
"Least I can still think and pay attention right? Honestly, I can partially relate. My parents both passed away and sine they couldn't find anyone from my family. They sent me into the foster program. I was adopted by a family here in Konoha and moved here from Takigakure."

She rather have told him that they passed than that they were murdered by a fellow clan member from another territory. That the other Kisaki, the person she was trying to kill now, had assassinated her whole mother's clan. That her family was gone for good and that there was nothing she could do to bring them back. That part, she felt was better left out.

She stopped then blinked as though she saw something that surprised her.
"You know.... that's the first time I have ever told anyone that. Actually, I think I have told you a lot more than anyone. No one seemed this interested. Eh.."

She blinked again before growing an awkward expression and sitting back against the booth again. As she crossed her arms she let her eyes fall back on mitsu. Truth was, she didn't know how to come across now. Up to this point she was a very temperamental person who seemed to be set on hurting people and making them feel bad for themselves. Yet this guy managed to break through her layers and into her inner core. He was speaking to the real her. Shi managed to get close but never this. Truth was, between them two, they never seemed to have time. And it appeared maybe they never would..

She was getting off track again. Before the pause between them grew to large she broke the silent barrier. Suddenly she lurched forward, placing both elbows on the table and resting her head on her hands. She gave him a very testy expression that made her appear rather sly. It were as though she were trying to taunt him.

"Chickening out are we? What if you met someone else like me? There ARE other people out there who are far stronger than me that can get bigger. Never know if you'll run into one of them."

She then sighed and sat back again, closing her eyes and shrugging.

"All well, I guess you'll just be unprepared then........Oh," she looked back at him with a rather serious expression. This one was one of glee yet sorrow, "I was actually promoted today."

She wondered how he would take this. But before he could speak she then inserted more.

"That doesn't mean we can't still do missions are stuff. In a way, i'm still a part of the team. If you guys accept me still anyway"

This was what caused the sorrow. She actually felt a part of the team now. And of course, as always, once she felt as though she finally achieved a family or felt good about something.... she had to leave it behind. In a way, she could still be around, but she WAS a Chunin now. She couldn't exactly go prancing around with them all the time. She would have other duties above a genin's soon.

"....Maybe we can go on better missions now!"

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PostSubject: Re: Secrets Revealed! Nasamea's Truth Unfolds! (Mitsu and Nasa, private)   Secrets Revealed! Nasamea's Truth Unfolds! (Mitsu and Nasa, private) I_icon_minitimeMon Oct 18, 2010 10:42 pm

When Mitsu mentioned the archives, it appeared as though Nasa had gotten an idea of sorts. Maybe she was looking for information on something and wanted to look deeper? Like most things, Mitsu couldn't be certain. "You know, if you are looking for something, I could maybe help. I go to the archives often, as I am something of a bibliophile, and I can find things easily most of the time. And since I usually have plenty of free time, I can spend some time looking if you need me to. It wouldn't be a problem." He appreciated that she trusted him enough to tell him so much, and even more that she told him more than she has anyone else. He laughed at her little taunt about not wanting to fight her full form. He knew he wasn't ready for the way she was now. "Perhaps after I am satisfied with training, I might try to spar with you in your full form, but until then, I guess you can say I'm 'chickening out'. And a promotion? So you are chuunin now? Congratulations to you then, I am happy for you. I can't let you get too far ahead of me now though, so don't be surprised if I end up becoming chuunin soon as well. I would also love to go on more missions. If going with you means bigger missions, that means I'll be able to catch up to you then."
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PostSubject: Re: Secrets Revealed! Nasamea's Truth Unfolds! (Mitsu and Nasa, private)   Secrets Revealed! Nasamea's Truth Unfolds! (Mitsu and Nasa, private) I_icon_minitimeMon Oct 18, 2010 11:06 pm

"Oh...well" she paused for a moment before clearing her throat. She was unsure if she wanted to ask about Joel's Diary. If it was something that made practically very member of her clan freak out about, it must have been very important to the clan. Maybe he could help though. Could she trust him this much though? What if it was a book about how to destroy the clan? Well, she would want to know then but wouldn't want others to know. Nasamea looked around against, being cautious. She then leaned towards him more and began to whisper.

"There's something I actually am searching for. The problem is, I don't know whether it's actually a myth or a real thing. My parents and a good portion of my family used to spend time planning meetings and trying to search for it when I was younger but as far as I know, nobody ever did."

She looked around again, watching an elderly man carefully as he walked to the front doors and outside. He gazed back for a moment before smiling and giving a friendly wave. Nasa waved back to be polite before he leaved and she returned to Mitsu.

"For it to cause my parents and such to become so devoted it must be important. I have a feeling that it explains a lot of things about my clan. Such as why we were created, about our abilities, and more. Maybe I could find some techniques in it."
She then shrugged, "truth is, I have no idea what is in it and I don't think my parents knew that much either. Just that it was rumored to have information about my clan..... to be specific... it's called Joel's Diary."

The mentioning of the document out loud caused chills to run down her spine. A funny feeling was cast over her, causing her to be a bit restless at the thought of the book.

"It's said to hold numerous documents. I figured that since it is so old that there could be a document or something somewhere about how to find it. Any clue is necessary. Heck, like I said, I don't even know if it's real or if someone else already found it."

She sighed a bit before she relaxed against the seat again, She was feeling very restless for spilling all that information out. It caused her to cross her arms and legs again so that she appeared to be relaxed. She didn't want to show signs of uneasiness.

"If you do know, please never look at it or tell a soul. It's very important and may lead to the downfall of my clan."

She shrugged again. She just wasn't sure.

"But anyway... thank you. And I bet you'll catch up soon enough with your persistence. A little training here and there and some more missions and wah lah, you should be worthy of rank in no time."

She then began to whisper again, a smirk on her face, "personally I think I was just given the rank so they could get me to shut up. I wouldn't stop nagging the mission provider."

Once again she rested back against the seat but this time she chuckled.

"But maybe so. I'm for a mission any time."
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PostSubject: Re: Secrets Revealed! Nasamea's Truth Unfolds! (Mitsu and Nasa, private)   Secrets Revealed! Nasamea's Truth Unfolds! (Mitsu and Nasa, private) I_icon_minitimeMon Oct 18, 2010 11:44 pm

Nasa mentioned she in fact did have something she was searching for. Once she noted how important it was, it struck his interests. He paid his full attentiveness to her and listened carefully. A book about her entire clan's history? Possible information of how to destroy every last one of them? I have to know more about this. But she is asking me something that is very hard for me to do, and that is to not read anything if I find results. "Nasa, I have to say, I can be a very curious person once something has gotten my attention. Asking my not to read anything is something I may not be able to do. But since it is honestly that important to you, I will give you my word that my eyes will see nothing without your permission, and that none of anything spoken here this afternoon, will become known to anyone. If I end up finding anything, that will be rewarding enough. Just knowing that I was able to greatly help out a friend of mine is all that is needed. Heh, I'll most likely start later this evening...And whenever you want to do a mission, just send a note or even come on over again. I'll most likely be happy to go. As for the book, if you ever find it, I want to know all I'd be able to."
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PostSubject: Re: Secrets Revealed! Nasamea's Truth Unfolds! (Mitsu and Nasa, private)   Secrets Revealed! Nasamea's Truth Unfolds! (Mitsu and Nasa, private) I_icon_minitimeTue Oct 19, 2010 12:05 am

After Mitsu's speal, Nasamea gave him a bit of a more distant stare. Her expression became wll-like, ever her eyes, before suddenly they flit to an oncoming waitress. She said nothing but put on a fake smile as the waitress came over.

"Would you both like to have a refill? Sorry I didn't come earlier, there was an accident in the kitchen and they needed my help. People can really be stupid sometimes."

She sighed and shook her head while Nasamea simply let out a grin and chuckled slightly. It were as though she was going from one emotion to another. The thing was, she was doing it rather casually too. One thing was for sure, her emotions began to seem a bit... fake... now.

"Personally no thanks. I actually need to leave here soon. I don't know about my friend though."

The waitress then turned to Mitsu. Whether he ordered she did her duties and walked away. If he wanted a refill, she would be back with it. In the meantime, Nasamea was shortening the conversation. She didn't mean to seem pushy but maybe it was best that she returned home soon anyway. Her parents would probably be wandering about her.

When the waitress left, Nasamea turned a rather devilish eye to Mitsu. She may not have necessarily portrayed an evil look but she may have seemed rather challenging. This would be his one and only warning.

"It's crucial that when you're of higher rank, unless you get lucky with your rank now, that you will one day possibly be entrusted with a highly important document you are not allowed to read. That if you do, you may die."

Her eyes appeared to be cold as she stared right into him. Her voice was very even toned, not sounding threatening at all when she spoke. She then relaxed, releasing a sigh.

"Sorry I grew tense, it's just important to me. Bu thank you, I am putting a high faith in you that you will not read it. Something I rarely do for well..anyone...You may very well be one of the first besides well..."

She meant Shi...but at the moment it appeared that Shi was trying to kill her. So maybe not quite him. She wasn't sure about him just yet. She shook her head, "nevermind. But anyway, thank you again and if I will try to at least let you see one page depending whats inside. Consider it the fruit of your labor for helping me find it even the slightest. Now then..."

She moved out from the booth, placing money on the table as she did, ad stood up. She straightened her dress real quick before looking at him.

"It may be time for me to go. Chores and parents you know? They won't be happy if I am late for dinner too." She grinned and turned, "i'll be sure to drop a message. Same for you. You know where to find me. Thanks once more. And I hope i've answered any questions you have at the time."

She waved once, closing her eyes and grinning before turning away and walking towards the door. Once she exited and walked down the street, her face finally returned back to its angry looking facade. She wasn't unhappy, it was just her "usual" look.
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PostSubject: Re: Secrets Revealed! Nasamea's Truth Unfolds! (Mitsu and Nasa, private)   Secrets Revealed! Nasamea's Truth Unfolds! (Mitsu and Nasa, private) I_icon_minitimeTue Oct 19, 2010 8:44 pm

The waitress walked over and asked if either of them wanted something. Nasa declined and so did he. Mitsu was fine with the rest of his tea that he had. She gave him advice about possible delivery missions or any other that may involve carrying any form of secret documentation. He knew all of this very well, but he tended to cut off everything and not mess around on missions, especially important ones. She had seemed like this was extremely important, which it was, but Mitsu didn't take it as seriously. He knew he would if he was ever involved in a mission like that though.

"Sorry I grew tense, it's just important to me. Bu thank you, I am putting a high faith in you that you will not read it. Something I rarely do for well..anyone...You may very well be one of the first besides well... never mind. But anyway, thank you again and if I will try to at least let you see one page depending whats inside. Consider it the fruit of your labor for helping me find it even the slightest."

"It is quite alright. I understand fully the risks I would be taking if I was dumb enough to read something I shouldn't. Although the temptation would be high, breaking a friend's trust is something harder to do than reading something I shouldn't. Again, you have my word as a trusted friend that no one will see or hear of anything about this. And I gratefully appreciate that you trust me so willingly. Therefore I will have to do the same with you sometime. For now, I guess we will see each other possibly in the near future. I shall seek you if my search finds anything. Goodbye for now Nasamea."

With that he stood up and bowed as she got up and left. He bowed not because of trying to be suave, but sheerly out of respect. He sighed when she left without paying, since she said it was going to be on her. He simply finished his tea and then asked for the bill, paid the money, and placed a tip on the table and walked out and left. He wasn't sure if he should just go to the archives now, or try to learn a small idea for a jutsu he had just gotten.

End of Topic
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