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Weaponry Jutsu Shauntaystaffimgf
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 Weaponry Jutsu

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PostSubject: Weaponry Jutsu   Weaponry Jutsu I_icon_minitimeSun Nov 07, 2010 9:35 pm

Name of Jutsu: Sougu: Ametsuchi Bunretsu Misairu [Tool Manipulation: Heaven and Earth Split Missile]
Rank: D
Type of Jutsu::
Element Affinity:
Training Link:
Description: This is a basic jutsu to add to a projectile more cutting ability and speed. The user starts with gripping his projectile firmly and swinging his arm back, or starting with a spin. The user then violently moves his arm ahead in a curve and throws his projectile to spin faster and faster, giving it much more piercing force. The only downside for this enhanced throw is that it can only be used on one projectile at a time.

Name of Jutsu: Sougu: Hishiou Taka [Tool Manipulation: Souring Falcon]
Rank: D
Type of Jutsu::
Element Affinity:
Training Link:
Description: The user will take the chance when their opponent have let their guard down and launch themselves into the air. The user will fly away facing their opponent as they equip two fuuma shuriken, looking much similar to a falcon spreading his wings. At the point that they see best, the user will shoot both shuriken at the opponent.

Name of Jutsu: Sougu: Shibu Shuriken [Tool Manipulation: Defense Shuriken]
Rank: D
Type of Jutsu::
Element Affinity:
Training Link:
Description: The user will use her fuuma shuriken and spin it around his hand or hands against an attack. The shuriken's motion will most likely block a few projectiles, and perhaps a ninjutsu attack, despite the fact that the user's hands maybe be damaged and this jutsu will probably stop. With more dexterity and strength, the shuriken can be swirled at higher speed for better defense.

Name of Jutsu: Sougu: Tsuudan [Tool Manipulation: Piercing Bullet]
Rank: D
Type of Jutsu::
Element Affinity:
Training Link:
Description: This more of a devastating flashy and concentrated projectile attack. The user will shoot a lot of kunai at high speed all together at their target. With such a sudden attack, one that's fast and focused, the user will mostly hit and pin or injure their foe.

Name of Jutsu: Shuriken no Bu-meran Nagewaza [Shuriken Boomerang Toss]
Rank: E
Type of Jutsu::
Element Affinity:
Training Link:
Description: This technique allows the user to throw a shuriken such that it makes a circling pattern and, so long as nothing alters its course, returns to the user.

Name of Jutsu: Ayatsuito no Jutsu [String Reeling Technique]
Rank: D
Type of Jutsu::
Element Affinity:
Training Link:
Description: Ayatsuito no Jutsu is a taijutsu technique utilizing wire. This string can be used in rappelling, or as a method to tie down and restrict the movement of an opponent. It can also be used in combination with traps, kunai and shuriken.

Name of Jutsu: Youjitsuba [Spitting Toothpick]
Type of Jutsu::
Element Affinity:
Training Link:
Description: A Taijutsu technique where the ninja spits a toothpick out of their mouth. Attacking in this manner, while the enemy is normally focusing on your hands, provides a small element of surprise, but with much more effectiveness when used following a distraction.

Name of Jutsu: Battou [Drawing Sword]
Rank: D
Type of Jutsu::
Element Affinity:
Training Link:
Description: This is simply drawing a bladed weapon out of it's sheath. But it's done at a speed where the hand seems like an afterimage. It a technique derived from first strike sword styles.

Name of Jutsu: Ha [Edge of a Sword]
Rank: D
Type of Jutsu::
Element Affinity:
Training Link:
Description: This is a skill in which a bladed weapon is swung in a special manner. This skill allows for a sword swing to be seen in an blare of light. The angle of the blade is held so that the light bounces off the blade during the swing. This is mostly for blinding an enemy.

Name of Jutsu: Sougu: Shuriken Seishoku Meisai [Tool Manipulation: Shuriken Reproduction Camouflage]
Rank: C
Type of Jutsu::
Element Affinity:
Training Link:
Description: This is a feint jutsu where the user hides several smaller shuriken in one big one. Mid-flight, smoke emits and the large weapon is converted into the smaller ones to surprise the opponent.

Name of Jutsu: Sougu: Soushuriken [Tool Manipulation: Shuriken Manipulation]
Rank: C
Type of Jutsu::
Element Affinity:
Training Link:
Description: This is the user's ability to manipulate wires allowing for control over the flight of a shuriken to quite some dangerous extent, to the user as well, as back-firing is more than easy.

Name of Jutsu: Sougu: Kagura Shuriken [Tool Manipulation: Ancient Shuriken Dance]
Rank: C
Type of Jutsu::
Element Affinity:
Training Link:
Description: The user will first prepare himself by kneeling down and either equipping his shuriken or laying his scroll flat open on the ground (summoning his weapons). Afterward, the user will leap up into the air into the dance of rushing his shuriken at his opponent skillfully so that they curve mid-air and dart at the target. The more rushed this jutsu is, the less accurate it can be. That also will decrease the number of shuriken that can be used.

Name of Jutsu: Sougu: Shokyuu Geki [Tool Manipulation: Circular Batting Attack]
Rank: C
Type of Jutsu::
Element Affinity:
Training Link:
Description: The user will first get his target in his range. Afterward, much like a Boushi taijutsu, the user will spin around as he unrolls his scroll outwards and lets it slide through the air twirling as well. The user's chakra will then immerse the scroll to summon all flails (Metal spiked ball at the end of a chain with handle) in it partially. As a result, each flail will be held by its handle. Lastly, the high-speed spinning spiked balls will be used to hit the opponent multiple serious times.

Name of Jutsu: Sougu: Tobidougu Hageshiri Nagare [Tool Manipulation: Projectile Weapon Violent Stream]
Rank: C
Type of Jutsu::
Element Affinity:
Training Link:
Description: This is practically the skill of a throwing weapons' user at which he could utilize her projectiles in a continuous stream of shots, while the user himself spins and flips around, stepping to different directions as needed. Ultimately, this jutsu is about him lunching groups of variable weapons, ending it with a back flip releasing a Fuuma Shuriken.

Name of Jutsu: Sougu: Tobidougu Shigure [Tool Manipulation: Projectile Rain]
Rank: C
Type of Jutsu::
Element Affinity:
Training Link:
Description: The user surges his scroll with chakra and flings up into the air. The scroll then bursts with smoke into its sealed projectiles shooting down towards the opponent.

Name of Jutsu: Kage Shuriken no Jutsu [Shadow Shuriken Technique]
Rank: C
Type of Jutsu::
Element Affinity:
Training Link:
Description: This attack uses a Fuuma Shuriken (a big, aerodynamically designed shuriken with curved blades). The user throws 2 shuriken at the opponent; however, one is hidden just beneath the first one, creating a perfect shadow. The opponent believes that only one shuriken is thrown, so after dodging it, the second shuriken appears from the blind spot, surprising the opponent, and possibly damaging him/her.

Name of Jutsu: Garyuu [Dragon Fang]
Rank: C
Type of Jutsu::
Element Affinity:
Training Link:
Description: he User slips wire around their fingers as they fling several kunai, aiming to cut the target rather impale them, hit or miss, once all the kunai have passed the target, the user tugs on the wire around their finger to change their direction for a surprise back attack.

Name of Jutsu: Haridoku [Poison Needles]
Rank: C
Type of Jutsu::
Element Affinity:
Training Link:
Description: A taijutsu technique involving several chutes strapped along the ninja's arm, loaded with poison-tipped needles attached to strings. The strings are tied to the loaders in the back of the chutes that house the needles, which the ninja draws back in attack. Upon release, the loaders shoot forward, snapping the strings and firing the needles at the ninja's enemy.

Name of Jutsu: Harisuzu [Bell Needles]
Rank: C
Type of Jutsu::
Element Affinity:
Training Link:
Description: A taijutsu technique where the attacker attaches bells to needles to mislead the enemy into reacting to sound instead of movement. In this way, one or many needles with bells can be thrown, quickly followed by regular needles that would catch the opponent off guard when they react to the sound. Even if the bell needles miss, they cans till be used to mislead the enemy into reacting to sound by attaching strings to the bells, allowing the attacker to create the distraction of sound at any time during the fight, opening their opponent up for another attack.

Name of Jutsu: Haritsuba [Spitting Needles]
Rank: C
Type of Jutsu::
Element Affinity:
Training Link:
Description: A taijutsu technique where the ninja spits needles out of their mouth. Attacking in this manner, while the enemy is normally focusing on your hands, provides a small element of surprise, but with much more effectiveness when used following a distraction.

Name of Jutsu: Shuriken Taifuu no Jutsu [Shuriken Typhoon Technique]
Rank: C
Type of Jutsu::
Element Affinity:
Training Link:
Description: The user performs "Shuriken Boomerang Toss", holding the two shuriken linked together through a wire of minimum length of 3 meters, each in a hand, the user then lunches both successively, attempting to hide the presence of strings. Next, the first shuriken spins around the target to return to the owner. The wire then pulls the starting shuriken back while the second swirls to revert on its turn. Influenced by the wire's central attraction force, both shuriken give a reaction of centrifugal force resulting in both circling the target.

Depending on the force the shuriken were thrown with initially, the shuriken may complete 1-3 high speed rounds before they start narrowing down their radius and closing on the opponent. Finally, the wire tangles the foe then the two shuriken revolve approaching speedily then piercing their body.

Name of Jutsu: Sougu: Dai Tenkai [Tool Manipulation: Great Revolution]
Rank: B
Type of Jutsu::
Element Affinity:
Training Link:
Description: The user first hurls his big scroll up into the air spinning it around like a tornado. Afterward, chakra is used to release the weapon within, a huge metal ball at the end of a strong chain replacing the scroll in the user's grip. The user then continues to spin the chain forcefully until the ball gains enough momentum and then he tugs it down to let the ball fall hazardously on his opponent crushing them with massive force.

Name of Jutsu: Sougu: Juudan Fuusha [Tool Manipulation: Slicing Windmills]
Rank: B
Type of Jutsu::
Element Affinity:
Training Link:
Description: Dexterity or appropriate weapon scroll.
Description: The user utilizes his scroll's ability for fast summoning to introduce many throws of fuuma shuriken at their opponent reducing their evasion possibilities very drastically.

Name of Jutsu: Sougu: Shuu Senjin [Tool Manipulation: Thousand Sword Array]
Rank: B
Type of Jutsu::
Element Affinity:
Training Link:
Description: The user will place his two scrolls at his side, and with a couple of handseals, the scrolls will dart upwards swirling within smoke shaped as two dragons and unrolling. The user will then flicker and jump into the air within his scrolls as his chakra acts up and summons all kunai stored within the scroll. Much like Kugutsu no Jutsu, the user's hands will then emanate chakra threads that will connect to the kunai and rush them all at the target or targets.

Name of Jutsu: Sougu: Soushouryuu [Tool Manipulation: Twin Rising Dragons]
Rank: B
Type of Jutsu::
Element Affinity:
Training Link:
Description: The user will place his two scrolls at his side, and with a couple of handseals, the scrolls will dart upwards swirling within smoke shaped as two dragons and unrolling. The user will flicker and jump into the air within his scrolls. The user will then be able to unseal weapons with both his hands as he rises swirling and flipping around, and through his accuracy, he will shoot his projectiles at his target or targets like edged hail.

Name of Jutsu: Hien [Flying Swallow]
Rank: B
Type of Jutsu::
Element Affinity:
Training Link:
Description: The user charges at the opponent in a straight line, moving so swift it almost seems like they are flying. At the moment when the user is close enough, he uses chakra to create an invisible extension of his wielded blade or blades. As a result, the enemy would be fooled by the range of the weapon. The extension is normally 6 inches, yet for someone who has Fuuton manipulation, up to 12 inches of extension are possible.

Name of Jutsu: Midare Senbu [Chaos Fan Dance]
Rank: B
Type of Jutsu::
Element Affinity:
Training Link:
Description: The user attacks the enemy with their fan, thus launching them into the air. They then throw their fan behind the enemy and disappear, reappearing behind the enemy. Finally, they grab the fan and strike the enemy headfirst into the ground.

Name of Jutsu: Sakura Fubuki no Jutsu [Sakura Blizzard Technique]
Rank: B
Type of Jutsu::
Element Affinity:
Training Link:
Description: The user hurls several kunai at their opponent, each with a small sack of miniature explosive tags attached. The opponent, while deflecting the kunai, will cause the sacks to break and scatter the tags on themselves and the area around them. The user merely has to throw another kunai with an explosive tag to ignite them, thus catching their opponent in an immense explosion. The sacks can also be broken and scatted by more thrown weapons of the user.

Name of Jutsu: Yanagi no Mai [Dance of the Willow]
Rank: B
Type of Jutsu::
Element Affinity:
Training Link:
Description: To perform this technique, the user must have two blades in their hands. The user can then use these blades to stab, slice, or even impale their target in the movements similar to that of dancing. With quick movements and fast jabs, this is a formidable dance.

Name of Jutsu: Sougu: Meigetsu Jigoku [Tool Manipulation: Full Moon Hell]
Rank: A
Type of Jutsu::
Element Affinity:
Training Link:
Description: The user will hurl their big scroll around their foe in a circular matter, taking only a few seconds. Once the scroll has completed a full circle, the user surges chakra through the scroll's parchment summoning and shooting kunai or senbon to the center of the circle. The weapons shine with a bright white color that it all appears like a shining full moon from above. Though, dodging this appears to be easy, the jutsu lasts for two long that the opponent would land back from an evasion jump to get slashed with the weapons still being shot. At the other hand, this jutsu is way too draining to be used more than once per fight and holds quite the risk factor of the weapons ricocheting at the user.

Name of Jutsu: Sougu: Tensasai [Tool Manipulation: Heavenly Chain Disaster]
Rank: A
Type of Jutsu::
Element Affinity:
Training Link:
Description: The user will hurl their big scroll high into the air over their target or targets. Afterward, their chakra will summon all bladed weapons within the scroll (ideally kunai) and let them shoot down like hail with flashing blue lights at the opponent. Lastly, three large blades will rush down, all attached to three huge chains that will finally descend on the victim or victims with great impact. The hailing projectiles cover quite a large area (Approximately a few blocks). This jutsu is also too draining to be used more than once per battle.

Name of Jutsu: Mikatsuki no Mai [Dance of the Crescent Moon]
Rank: A
Type of Jutsu::
Element Affinity:
Training Link:
Description: This is an advanced Ninjutsu technique. As the user charges at his opponent, he creates multiple shadow copies to confuse his opponent. Using the confusion, the real user will be able to attack from the opponent's blindside.

Name of Jutsu: Taikuuhouka Kumo [Flak Cloud]
Rank: A
Type of Jutsu::
Element Affinity:
Training Link:
Description: The user gathers a stack of shuriken and explosive tags. The user then proceeds to kick the stack at his opponent. A precision kick is a must. The swirling mass of shuriken then detonates sending shuriken flying like shrapnel. This double pronged attack is dangerous.

[b][u]Name of Jutsu[/u][/b]: Sougu: Ametsuchi Bunretsu Misairu [Tool Manipulation: Heaven and Earth Split Missile]
[b][u]Rank[/u][/b]: D
[b][u]Type of Jutsu:[/u][/b]:
[b][u]Element Affinity[/u][/b]:
[b][u]Training Link[/u][/b]:
[b]Description:[/b] This is a basic jutsu to add to a projectile more cutting ability and speed. The user starts with gripping his projectile firmly and swinging his arm back, or starting with a spin. The user then violently moves his arm ahead in a curve and throws his projectile to spin faster and faster, giving it much more piercing force. The only downside for this enhanced throw is that it can only be used on one projectile at a time.

[b][u]Name of Jutsu[/u][/b]: Sougu: Hishiou Taka [Tool Manipulation: Souring Falcon]
[b][u]Rank[/u][/b]: D
[b][u]Type of Jutsu:[/u][/b]:
[b][u]Element Affinity[/u][/b]:
[b][u]Training Link[/u][/b]:
[b]Description:[/b] The user will take the chance when their opponent have let their guard down and launch themselves into the air. The user will fly away facing their opponent as they equip two fuuma shuriken, looking much similar to a falcon spreading his wings. At the point that they see best, the user will shoot both shuriken at the opponent.

[b][u]Name of Jutsu[/u][/b]: Sougu: Shibu Shuriken [Tool Manipulation: Defense Shuriken]
[b][u]Rank[/u][/b]: D
[b][u]Type of Jutsu:[/u][/b]:
[b][u]Element Affinity[/u][/b]:
[b][u]Training Link[/u][/b]:
[b]Description:[/b] The user will use her fuuma shuriken and spin it around his hand or hands against an attack. The shuriken's motion will most likely block a few projectiles, and perhaps a ninjutsu attack, despite the fact that the user's hands maybe be damaged and this jutsu will probably stop. With more dexterity and strength, the shuriken can be swirled at higher speed for better defense.

[b][u]Name of Jutsu[/u][/b]: Sougu: Tsuudan [Tool Manipulation: Piercing Bullet]
[b][u]Rank[/u][/b]: D
[b][u]Type of Jutsu:[/u][/b]:
[b][u]Element Affinity[/u][/b]:
[b][u]Training Link[/u][/b]:
[b]Description:[/b] This more of a devastating flashy and concentrated projectile attack. The user will shoot a lot of kunai at high speed all together at their target. With such a sudden attack, one that's fast and focused, the user will mostly hit and pin or injure their foe.

[b][u]Name of Jutsu[/u][/b]: Shuriken no Bu-meran Nagewaza [Shuriken Boomerang Toss]
[b][u]Rank[/u][/b]: E
[b][u]Type of Jutsu:[/u][/b]:
[b][u]Element Affinity[/u][/b]:
[b][u]Training Link[/u][/b]:
[b]Description:[/b] This technique allows the user to throw a shuriken such that it makes a circling pattern and, so long as nothing alters its course, returns to the user.

[b][u]Name of Jutsu[/u][/b]: Ayatsuito no Jutsu [String Reeling Technique]
[b][u]Rank[/u][/b]: D
[b][u]Type of Jutsu:[/u][/b]:
[b][u]Element Affinity[/u][/b]:
[b][u]Training Link[/u][/b]:
[b]Description:[/b] Ayatsuito no Jutsu is a taijutsu technique utilizing wire. This string can be used in rappelling, or as a method to tie down and restrict the movement of an opponent. It can also be used in combination with traps, kunai and shuriken.

[b][u]Name of Jutsu[/u][/b]: Youjitsuba [Spitting Toothpick]
[b][u]Type of Jutsu:[/u][/b]:
[b][u]Element Affinity[/u][/b]:
[b][u]Training Link[/u][/b]:
[b]Description:[/b] A Taijutsu technique where the ninja spits a toothpick out of their mouth. Attacking in this manner, while the enemy is normally focusing on your hands, provides a small element of surprise, but with much more effectiveness when used following a distraction.

[b][u]Name of Jutsu[/u][/b]: Battou [Drawing Sword]
[b][u]Rank[/u][/b]: D
[b][u]Type of Jutsu:[/u][/b]:
[b][u]Element Affinity[/u][/b]:
[b][u]Training Link[/u][/b]:
[b]Description:[/b] This is simply drawing a bladed weapon out of it's sheath. But it's done at a speed where the hand seems like an afterimage. It a technique derived from first strike sword styles.
[b][u]Name of Jutsu[/u][/b]: Ha [Edge of a Sword]
[b][u]Rank[/u][/b]: D
[b][u]Type of Jutsu:[/u][/b]:
[b][u]Element Affinity[/u][/b]:
[b][u]Training Link[/u][/b]:
[b]Description:[/b] This is a skill in which a bladed weapon is swung in a special manner. This skill allows for a sword swing to be seen in an blare of light. The angle of the blade is held so that the light bounces off the blade during the swing. This is mostly for blinding an enemy.

[b][u]Name of Jutsu[/u][/b]: Sougu: Shuriken Seishoku Meisai [Tool Manipulation: Shuriken Reproduction Camouflage]
[b][u]Rank[/u][/b]: C
[b][u]Type of Jutsu:[/u][/b]:
[b][u]Element Affinity[/u][/b]:
[b][u]Training Link[/u][/b]:
[b]Description:[/b] This is a feint jutsu where the user hides several smaller shuriken in one big one. Mid-flight, smoke emits and the large weapon is converted into the smaller ones to surprise the opponent.

[b][u]Name of Jutsu[/u][/b]: Sougu: Soushuriken [Tool Manipulation: Shuriken Manipulation]
[b][u]Rank[/u][/b]: C
[b][u]Type of Jutsu:[/u][/b]:
[b][u]Element Affinity[/u][/b]:
[b][u]Training Link[/u][/b]:
[b]Description:[/b] This is the user's ability to manipulate wires allowing for control over the flight of a shuriken to quite some dangerous extent, to the user as well, as back-firing is more than easy.

[b][u]Name of Jutsu[/u][/b]: Sougu: Kagura Shuriken [Tool Manipulation: Ancient Shuriken Dance]
[b][u]Rank[/u][/b]: C
[b][u]Type of Jutsu:[/u][/b]:
[b][u]Element Affinity[/u][/b]:
[b][u]Training Link[/u][/b]:
[b]Description:[/b] The user will first prepare himself by kneeling down and either equipping his shuriken or laying his scroll flat open on the ground (summoning his weapons). Afterward, the user will leap up into the air into the dance of rushing his shuriken at his opponent skillfully so that they curve mid-air and dart at the target. The more rushed this jutsu is, the less accurate it can be. That also will decrease the number of shuriken that can be used.

[b][u]Name of Jutsu[/u][/b]: Sougu: Shokyuu Geki [Tool Manipulation: Circular Batting Attack]
[b][u]Rank[/u][/b]: C
[b][u]Type of Jutsu:[/u][/b]:
[b][u]Element Affinity[/u][/b]:
[b][u]Training Link[/u][/b]:
[b]Description:[/b] The user will first get his target in his range. Afterward, much like a Boushi taijutsu, the user will spin around as he unrolls his scroll outwards and lets it slide through the air twirling as well. The user's chakra will then immerse the scroll to summon all flails (Metal spiked ball at the end of a chain with handle) in it partially. As a result, each flail will be held by its handle. Lastly, the high-speed spinning spiked balls will be used to hit the opponent multiple serious times.

[b][u]Name of Jutsu[/u][/b]: Sougu: Tobidougu Hageshiri Nagare [Tool Manipulation: Projectile Weapon Violent Stream]
[b][u]Rank[/u][/b]: C
[b][u]Type of Jutsu:[/u][/b]:
[b][u]Element Affinity[/u][/b]:
[b][u]Training Link[/u][/b]:
[b]Description:[/b] This is practically the skill of a throwing weapons' user at which he could utilize her projectiles in a continuous stream of shots, while the user himself spins and flips around, stepping to different directions as needed. Ultimately, this jutsu is about him lunching groups of variable weapons, ending it with a back flip releasing a Fuuma Shuriken.

[b][u]Name of Jutsu[/u][/b]: Sougu: Tobidougu Shigure [Tool Manipulation: Projectile Rain]
[b][u]Rank[/u][/b]: C
[b][u]Type of Jutsu:[/u][/b]:
[b][u]Element Affinity[/u][/b]:
[b][u]Training Link[/u][/b]:
[b]Description:[/b] The user surges his scroll with chakra and flings up into the air. The scroll then bursts with smoke into its sealed projectiles shooting down towards the opponent.

[b][u]Name of Jutsu[/u][/b]: Kage Shuriken no Jutsu [Shadow Shuriken Technique]
[b][u]Rank[/u][/b]: C
[b][u]Type of Jutsu:[/u][/b]:
[b][u]Element Affinity[/u][/b]:
[b][u]Training Link[/u][/b]:
[b]Description:[/b] This attack uses a Fuuma Shuriken (a big, aerodynamically designed shuriken with curved blades). The user throws 2 shuriken at the opponent; however, one is hidden just beneath the first one, creating a perfect shadow. The opponent believes that only one shuriken is thrown, so after dodging it, the second shuriken appears from the blind spot, surprising the opponent, and possibly damaging him/her.

[b][u]Name of Jutsu[/u][/b]: Garyuu [Dragon Fang]
[b][u]Rank[/u][/b]: C
[b][u]Type of Jutsu:[/u][/b]:
[b][u]Element Affinity[/u][/b]:
[b][u]Training Link[/u][/b]:
[b]Description:[/b] he User slips wire around their fingers as they fling several kunai, aiming to cut the target rather impale them, hit or miss, once all the kunai have passed the target, the user tugs on the wire around their finger to change their direction for a surprise back attack.

[b][u]Name of Jutsu[/u][/b]: Haridoku [Poison Needles]
[b][u]Rank[/u][/b]: C
[b][u]Type of Jutsu:[/u][/b]:
[b][u]Element Affinity[/u][/b]:
[b][u]Training Link[/u][/b]:
[b]Description:[/b] A taijutsu technique involving several chutes strapped along the ninja's arm, loaded with poison-tipped needles attached to strings. The strings are tied to the loaders in the back of the chutes that house the needles, which the ninja draws back in attack. Upon release, the loaders shoot forward, snapping the strings and firing the needles at the ninja's enemy.

[b][u]Name of Jutsu[/u][/b]: Harisuzu [Bell Needles]
[b][u]Rank[/u][/b]: C
[b][u]Type of Jutsu:[/u][/b]:
[b][u]Element Affinity[/u][/b]:
[b][u]Training Link[/u][/b]:
[b]Description:[/b] A taijutsu technique where the attacker attaches bells to needles to mislead the enemy into reacting to sound instead of movement. In this way, one or many needles with bells can be thrown, quickly followed by regular needles that would catch the opponent off guard when they react to the sound. Even if the bell needles miss, they cans till be used to mislead the enemy into reacting to sound by attaching strings to the bells, allowing the attacker to create the distraction of sound at any time during the fight, opening their opponent up for another attack.

[b][u]Name of Jutsu[/u][/b]: Haritsuba [Spitting Needles]
[b][u]Rank[/u][/b]: C
[b][u]Type of Jutsu:[/u][/b]:
[b][u]Element Affinity[/u][/b]:
[b][u]Training Link[/u][/b]:
[b]Description:[/b] A taijutsu technique where the ninja spits needles out of their mouth. Attacking in this manner, while the enemy is normally focusing on your hands, provides a small element of surprise, but with much more effectiveness when used following a distraction.

[b][u]Name of Jutsu[/u][/b]: Shuriken Taifuu no Jutsu [Shuriken Typhoon Technique]
[b][u]Rank[/u][/b]: C
[b][u]Type of Jutsu:[/u][/b]:
[b][u]Element Affinity[/u][/b]:
[b][u]Training Link[/u][/b]:
[b]Description:[/b] The user performs "Shuriken Boomerang Toss", holding the two shuriken linked together through a wire of minimum length of 3 meters, each in a hand, the user then lunches both successively, attempting to hide the presence of strings. Next, the first shuriken spins around the target to return to the owner. The wire then pulls the starting shuriken back while the second swirls to revert on its turn. Influenced by the wire's central attraction force, both shuriken give a reaction of centrifugal force resulting in both circling the target.

Depending on the force the shuriken were thrown with initially, the shuriken may complete 1-3 high speed rounds before they start narrowing down their radius and closing on the opponent. Finally, the wire tangles the foe then the two shuriken revolve approaching speedily then piercing their body.

[b][u]Name of Jutsu[/u][/b]: Sougu: Dai Tenkai [Tool Manipulation: Great Revolution]
[b][u]Rank[/u][/b]: B
[b][u]Type of Jutsu:[/u][/b]:
[b][u]Element Affinity[/u][/b]:
[b][u]Training Link[/u][/b]:
[b]Description:[/b] The user first hurls his big scroll up into the air spinning it around like a tornado. Afterward, chakra is used to release the weapon within, a huge metal ball at the end of a strong chain replacing the scroll in the user's grip. The user then continues to spin the chain forcefully until the ball gains enough momentum and then he tugs it down to let the ball fall hazardously on his opponent crushing them with massive force.

[b][u]Name of Jutsu[/u][/b]: Sougu: Juudan Fuusha [Tool Manipulation: Slicing Windmills]
[b][u]Rank[/u][/b]: B
[b][u]Type of Jutsu:[/u][/b]:
[b][u]Element Affinity[/u][/b]:
[b][u]Training Link[/u][/b]:
[b]Description:[/b] Dexterity or appropriate weapon scroll.
Description: The user utilizes his scroll's ability for fast summoning to introduce many throws of fuuma shuriken at their opponent reducing their evasion possibilities very drastically.

[b][u]Name of Jutsu[/u][/b]: Sougu: Shuu Senjin [Tool Manipulation: Thousand Sword Array]
[b][u]Rank[/u][/b]: B
[b][u]Type of Jutsu:[/u][/b]:
[b][u]Element Affinity[/u][/b]:
[b][u]Training Link[/u][/b]:
[b]Description:[/b] The user will place his two scrolls at his side, and with a couple of handseals, the scrolls will dart upwards swirling within smoke shaped as two dragons and unrolling. The user will then flicker and jump into the air within his scrolls as his chakra acts up and summons all kunai stored within the scroll. Much like Kugutsu no Jutsu, the user's hands will then emanate chakra threads that will connect to the kunai and rush them all at the target or targets.

[b][u]Name of Jutsu[/u][/b]: Sougu: Soushouryuu [Tool Manipulation: Twin Rising Dragons]
[b][u]Rank[/u][/b]: B
[b][u]Type of Jutsu:[/u][/b]:
[b][u]Element Affinity[/u][/b]:
[b][u]Training Link[/u][/b]:
[b]Description:[/b] The user will place his two scrolls at his side, and with a couple of handseals, the scrolls will dart upwards swirling within smoke shaped as two dragons and unrolling. The user will flicker and jump into the air within his scrolls. The user will then be able to unseal weapons with both his hands as he rises swirling and flipping around, and through his accuracy, he will shoot his projectiles at his target or targets like edged hail.

[b][u]Name of Jutsu[/u][/b]: Hien [Flying Swallow]
[b][u]Rank[/u][/b]: B
[b][u]Type of Jutsu:[/u][/b]:
[b][u]Element Affinity[/u][/b]:
[b][u]Training Link[/u][/b]:
[b]Description:[/b] The user charges at the opponent in a straight line, moving so swift it almost seems like they are flying. At the moment when the user is close enough, he uses chakra to create an invisible extension of his wielded blade or blades. As a result, the enemy would be fooled by the range of the weapon. The extension is normally 6 inches, yet for someone who has Fuuton manipulation, up to 12 inches of extension are possible.

[b][u]Name of Jutsu[/u][/b]: Midare Senbu [Chaos Fan Dance]
[b][u]Rank[/u][/b]: B
[b][u]Type of Jutsu:[/u][/b]:
[b][u]Element Affinity[/u][/b]:
[b][u]Training Link[/u][/b]:
[b]Description:[/b] The user attacks the enemy with their fan, thus launching them into the air. They then throw their fan behind the enemy and disappear, reappearing behind the enemy. Finally, they grab the fan and strike the enemy headfirst into the ground.

[b][u]Name of Jutsu[/u][/b]: Sakura Fubuki no Jutsu [Sakura Blizzard Technique]
[b][u]Rank[/u][/b]: B
[b][u]Type of Jutsu:[/u][/b]:
[b][u]Element Affinity[/u][/b]:
[b][u]Training Link[/u][/b]:
[b]Description:[/b] The user hurls several kunai at their opponent, each with a small sack of miniature explosive tags attached. The opponent, while deflecting the kunai, will cause the sacks to break and scatter the tags on themselves and the area around them. The user merely has to throw another kunai with an explosive tag to ignite them, thus catching their opponent in an immense explosion. The sacks can also be broken and scatted by more thrown weapons of the user.

[b][u]Name of Jutsu[/u][/b]: Yanagi no Mai [Dance of the Willow]
[b][u]Rank[/u][/b]: B
[b][u]Type of Jutsu:[/u][/b]:
[b][u]Element Affinity[/u][/b]:
[b][u]Training Link[/u][/b]:
[b]Description:[/b] To perform this technique, the user must have two blades in their hands. The user can then use these blades to stab, slice, or even impale their target in the movements similar to that of dancing. With quick movements and fast jabs, this is a formidable dance.

[b][u]Name of Jutsu[/u][/b]: Sougu: Meigetsu Jigoku [Tool Manipulation: Full Moon Hell]
[b][u]Rank[/u][/b]: A
[b][u]Type of Jutsu:[/u][/b]:
[b][u]Element Affinity[/u][/b]:
[b][u]Training Link[/u][/b]:
[b]Description:[/b] The user will hurl their big scroll around their foe in a circular matter, taking only a few seconds. Once the scroll has completed a full circle, the user surges chakra through the scroll's parchment summoning and shooting kunai or senbon to the center of the circle. The weapons shine with a bright white color that it all appears like a shining full moon from above. Though, dodging this appears to be easy, the jutsu lasts for two long that the opponent would land back from an evasion jump to get slashed with the weapons still being shot. At the other hand, this jutsu is way too draining to be used more than once per fight and holds quite the risk factor of the weapons ricocheting at the user.

[b][u]Name of Jutsu[/u][/b]: Sougu: Tensasai [Tool Manipulation: Heavenly Chain Disaster]
[b][u]Rank[/u][/b]: A
[b][u]Type of Jutsu:[/u][/b]:
[b][u]Element Affinity[/u][/b]:
[b][u]Training Link[/u][/b]:
[b]Description:[/b] The user will hurl their big scroll high into the air over their target or targets. Afterward, their chakra will summon all bladed weapons within the scroll (ideally kunai) and let them shoot down like hail with flashing blue lights at the opponent. Lastly, three large blades will rush down, all attached to three huge chains that will finally descend on the victim or victims with great impact. The hailing projectiles cover quite a large area (Approximately a few blocks). This jutsu is also too draining to be used more than once per battle.

[b][u]Name of Jutsu[/u][/b]: Mikatsuki no Mai [Dance of the Crescent Moon]
[b][u]Rank[/u][/b]: A
[b][u]Type of Jutsu:[/u][/b]:
[b][u]Element Affinity[/u][/b]:
[b][u]Training Link[/u][/b]:
[b]Description:[/b] This is an advanced Ninjutsu technique. As the user charges at his opponent, he creates multiple shadow copies to confuse his opponent. Using the confusion, the real user will be able to attack from the opponent's blindside.

[b][u]Name of Jutsu[/u][/b]: Taikuuhouka Kumo [Flak Cloud]
[b][u]Rank[/u][/b]: A
[b][u]Type of Jutsu:[/u][/b]:
[b][u]Element Affinity[/u][/b]:
[b][u]Training Link[/u][/b]:
[b]Description:[/b] The user gathers a stack of shuriken and explosive tags. The user then proceeds to kick the stack at his opponent. A precision kick is a must. The swirling mass of shuriken then detonates sending shuriken flying like shrapnel. This double pronged attack is dangerous.
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