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Kuroda Yukimura [Konoha Genin] Shauntaystaffimgf
Happy New Year:

Year: 0638

Month: 1

Season: Winter
Your weekly weather report:
For the week of:
January 16th to January 22nd

Konoha: Snow Storm

Tea: Snow Storm

River: Snow Storm


Taki: Snow

Wave: Snow

Suna: Windy


Bird: Windy

Kiri: Snow Storm (40% visibility)



Kumo: Snow Storm


 Kuroda Yukimura [Konoha Genin]

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Posts : 26
Join date : 2010-07-29
Age : 29

Kuroda Yukimura [Konoha Genin] Empty
PostSubject: Kuroda Yukimura [Konoha Genin]   Kuroda Yukimura [Konoha Genin] I_icon_minitimeMon Nov 08, 2010 7:52 pm

Basic Information:

Name: Kuroda Yukimura

Nicknames/Aliases Kuro

Age: 14

Gender: Male


Personality: Kuroda has several different personality quirks to him, often tending to change from one to another in a somewhat short amount of time. Kuroda can tend to be very sociable and laid back. He likes to talk with others often, and does enjoy time to himself if he needs to think, but doesn't like being away from people for long. Though he tries to share the spotlight, he can be a slight attention grubby at times. He will keep his emotions in check when need be, but he does tend to show them to those he considers close. He values friendship, but will try as hard as he can to keep off any serious ties he may have to anything during important matters. He also has a more serious side that he tends to show during serious and dire missions where he will try to cut off most emotional ties and focus on the task at hand. That being said, however, he does have a sense of "no man left behind," and will aid an ally or friend should the need arise.

Though he doesn't shows signs of a particularly violent personality, Kuroda does enjoy a good challenge and would feel it to be a pleasure to fight should he be challenged or opposed. He can be slightly arrogant, being a bit of a showoff with his abilities. Kuroda can be very fun loving in his off time, enjoying time with his friends. He also will generally show respect to elders and superiors, though he may joke around at times. Although he can come off as arrogant and joking, underneath it all he has quite an intellect and truly is rather knowledgeable. He can find as much enjoyment out of a mental challenge as he could from a physical challenge. He has a drive within him that makes him wish to push himself to his fullest extent and constantly improve.

Clan Information:
Clan Name: Koori (Haku's Clan/ All Ice Jutsu)

Clan Location: Kiri

Clan Traits: -

*Must have Water and Wind As elements

Kekkei Genkai: The Bloodline limit of the Koori clan is purely elemental. This meaning that they are one of the few ninja in the world that on top of the regular elements that all ninja have an opportunity of access to, they can also access a singular advanced element. All members of this clan have the basic elements of wind and water. They can combine the properties and fundamentals of both to create the ice element. This is done by the wind chakras adding a chilled factor to the water chakras, causing it become an over all colder chakra. When exuded from the body, its heat level is to low to be liquefied water, and instead takes the form of solid ice.

All of their clan jutsu focus around this singular concept of creating and manipulating ice. A user is capable of taking pre-existing bodies of water, large or small, and manipulating them into ice, as well as pre-existing ice formations and using them for their techniques. This ice is generally very durable and difficult to break, taking an excessive amount of physical damage for most techniques, and is also, in contradiction to naturally occurring ice, displays a resistance to fire, though is not purely immune to it its melting effects.

Secret Clan Jutsu:

Name: Demonic Ice Crystal Mirrors
Type: Ninjutsu
Rank: B
Element: Ice
Description: Using their kekkei genkai, Koori members can create a dome of twenty-one mirrors made out of ice to trap an opponent. Twelve remain at ground level, eight are placed above the first twelve and angled toward the ground, and the final mirror is above the rest and facing the ground. They can then enter one of the mirrors and instantly transport to another mirror. While moving about he bombards the opponent with attacks at very high speeds, such that the rest of the world appear to be moving in slow motion compared to him. If the mirror the user is in is broken, they can leap out of one of the fragments and continue their attack or move to another mirror. The technique requires a large amount of chakra to maintain, so Their movement becomes progressively slower the longer they maintains the mirrors. Roughly a B ranked amount every two posts. Though they are made from ice, the mirrors are imbued with enough chakra to resist fire almost completely

Name: Ice Disk Technique
Type: Ninjutsu
Rank: C
Element: Ice
Description: This jutsu turns the moisture particles in the air into an ice disk. They can be hurled with tremendous force at a target and are hard to dodge because of their transparency. They can also be strung together to spy on areas. They can also be used defensively, creating highly durable shields or disks to stand on to hover in the air.

Name: Ice Prison Technique
Type: Ninjutsu
Rank: B
Element: Ice
Description: This technique requires the user to use either water from underground which they can bring up, ice underground which they can bring up, or water in the air in a highly saturated environment. If using water as a source it will cost an extra D rank amount of chakra due to having to freeze it first. The user can then trap their opponent within the ice by controlling its movements and completely surrounding them in the ice. This jutsu is strong enough to withstand basic fire jutsu, because the ice has already been infused with the user's chakra. This allows this jutsu to double as a defensive technique, by the user encasing themselves in the ice.

Name: Ice Release: One Horned White Whale
Type: Ninjutsu
Rank: A
Element: Ice
Description: This jutsu allows the user to create a humongous whale, the size of a small island, out of ice to attack their opponent. The user needs a source of ice or water in order to use this technique. This jutsu is used more as a distraction technique, or to block an opponents movements, because of its size. If using water will take an extra C rank amount to freeze the vast supply into ice.

Name: Ice Release: Swallow Snow Storm
Type: Ninjutsu
Rank: C
Element: Ice
Description: This jutsu creates a cluster of ice needles in the shape of miniature swallows, which the user then throws at the opponent. These needles can change direction in midair and will maim the opponent with their sharp wings.

Name: Ice Release: Tearing Dragon Fierce Tiger
Type: Ninjutsu
Rank: B
Element: Ice
Description: his jutsu allows the user to create a giant tiger made out of ice. The user needs a nearby source of ice or water in order to use this jutsu. When using water an extra C rank amount of chakra is needed to freeze it for the technique. This jutsu is cold enough to freeze any Water Release techniques it comes into contact with.

Name: Ice Release: Ice Spikes
Type: Ninjutsu
Rank: C
Element: Ice
Description: This justu unleashes great spikes of ice that come out from the users body. They cannot be specifically controlled and are not for attack, strictly defense for a quick and uncontrolled technique. They do not bear any resistance to fire as some other Koori Ice jutsu do. The Ice created from this can be further used for other Ice techniques as well. This defense is fairly weak and can be shattered with the simplest of techniques of almost any kind only being able to turn aside the most basic taijutsu (simple punches and kicks with no chakra added), and basic weaponary (simple nonenhanced metal or wooden weapons with no added chakra capabilities.)

Kuroda Yukimura [Konoha Genin] Icesymbol

The Koori clan are The Mist Villages second most well known clan as its co-founder and unique ability to manipulate and create the ice element. In the time before the great villages were constructed they were one of the lesser clans for hire but they were still well known all the same and held a certain level of respect and honor. Unlike the accursed Kaguya clan they are actually quite peaceful by nature though quite deadly in battle. Despite there grand foothold in the society of Kiri, they at one point, just like the Kaguya were persecuted by the normal villagers for there arcane abilities which were beyond what normal shinobi could do. There faith in the village never wavered though, and unlike the Kaguya, they never struck back against there critics.

When the Kaguya rebellion came to pass, they led the resistance to the struggle and were the main cause for the ending of the feud. As a result of this they single handedly brought their village closer together and ended the persecution, the two clans gaining more respect and stature then ever before amongst their home. For many years they have served as the primary protectors of the village and its most well known family name.

Clan Details: Open

Rank Information:
Skill Level: D
Ninja Rank: Genin
Village: Konohagakure
Birthplace: Kumogakure
Previous Village: Kumogakure

Special Information:

Elements Affinity:Hyouton
    Dominant: Wind [LOCKED], Water [LOCKED]

Skill Specialty::
    Dominant: Ninjutsu

Special Characteristics

Points and Ryo:

  • Strength: 8
  • Dexterity: 11
  • Stamina: 11
  • Speed: 9

Total Stat Points Earned:
Mission Points Earned:

Justu/Item/Other Information:


Name of Weapon or Item:Twin Katanas
Owner: Kuroda Yukimura
Location: On Back
Rank: D

Description/Abilities: These katanas are standard katanas, with no special enhancements. They are made from carbon steel, and the blade measures 24 inches in length.

History: After receiving the package containing the twin katanas used by his father, Kuroda, although feeling extremely proud to now own these swords, did not yet feel worthy to use them. He did, however, wish to own similar katanas so that he could work and train until he felt that he could rightfully wield his father's swords. Thus, using money given to him by his grandparents, he went out to buy a pair of katanas as a means to train himself and prove his worth to use the blades given to him by his father. After searching for several days throughout shops, he found these katanas, and being impressed with their craftsmanship, chose to buy them.


Basic Equipment:
x10 Kunai
x10 Shuriken
x15 Senbon
x25 ft Wire

Background Information/ RP Sample

History: Late one night, the night sky littered with bright twinkling stars, Kuroda Yukimura was born in a hospital within Kumogakure no Sato. There he lived and was raised from infanthood all the way to the age of nine. His mother, a ninjutsu specialist of the Koori bloodline, and his father, a skilled swordsman native to Kumogakure, both attempted to teach him their respective specialties at an early age. Kuroda grasped ninjutsu very well, and took great interest into kenjutsu, always wanting to learn more techniques from his father. When he was just ten, however, his mother fell victim to a slow and silent illness and died, leaving his father wracked with grief. Enraged at the loss of her, Kuroda's father fled the village to seek solitude, Leaving Kuroda at a loss of both his parents, only in his first year of being in the academy.

His grandparents, who lived in Konohagakure no Sato, quickly took him in with open arms. Upon arriving in Konoha, Kuroda joined the ninja academy To continue his learning that he had started in Kumogakure. He quickly adapted to the new environment and socialized with anyone he could to make new friends. His bloodline abilities to use ice intrigued many of his peers, causing his circle of friends to increase. Already well versed in basic ninja techniques from his mother's teachings, Kuroda soon graduated from the ninja academy, with high merits, as one of the top few students of his class. Sadly though, it turned out that once he graduated, his circle of friends diminished, leaving him feeling alone again for a time.

A few days after his graduation from the academy, Kuroda came home to see an unaddressed package lying before him in front of his house. He brought it in and asked his grandparents about the strange package, yet they knew nothing of it, or where it might have come from. It was strange to Kuroda because he never received and mail, let alone a a large package such as this. It was an oblong package, and could be compared to a large loaf of french bread at least by its shape. It was wrapped several times, and with care it seemed. There was only a mere piece of heavy string tired about the center kept the package bound together. He gently pulled upon the string which was tied very tightly. It took him more force to untie it, but it was done with little effort. He unraveled the outer packaging and it was revealed to be wrapped in the same fashion but in a think cloth of some kind. He untied this string, which was relatively as tight as the last. He slowly unwrapped the cloth, for why he didn't know, possibly for dramatic tension.Upon opening it, Kuroda was shocked to find what it was. His father's twin katanas lie inside, along with a note simply saying, "You've earned these; take care of them." Kuroda now felt a determination to continue training and to make his father proud.

Role-Play Sample:

Public Profile
Name: Kuroda Yukimura
Village: Konohagakure
Organization: N/A
Rank: D
Age: 14
Info: Little is known about Kuroda Yukimura, aside from the fact that he has recently graduated from the ninja academy.

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Last edited by Kuroda on Mon Nov 08, 2010 11:43 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: Kuroda Yukimura [Konoha Genin]   Kuroda Yukimura [Konoha Genin] I_icon_minitimeMon Nov 08, 2010 11:40 pm

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PostSubject: Re: Kuroda Yukimura [Konoha Genin]   Kuroda Yukimura [Konoha Genin] I_icon_minitimeTue Nov 09, 2010 12:26 am

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