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Private Discussion [Yoshiko only] Shauntaystaffimgf
Happy New Year:

Year: 0638

Month: 1

Season: Winter
Your weekly weather report:
For the week of:
January 16th to January 22nd

Konoha: Snow Storm

Tea: Snow Storm

River: Snow Storm


Taki: Snow

Wave: Snow

Suna: Windy


Bird: Windy

Kiri: Snow Storm (40% visibility)



Kumo: Snow Storm


 Private Discussion [Yoshiko only]

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PostSubject: Private Discussion [Yoshiko only]   Private Discussion [Yoshiko only] I_icon_minitimeThu Apr 29, 2010 6:38 pm

[Continuing last topic]

Yoshimaru was getting dragged alongside Yoshiko by the arm, which was perfectly fine with him. He knew that probably suggesting his house would creep her out, which he regretted. Yoshimaru didnt want to have a bad relationship with Yoshiko, thats why he thought about what he did or said before accually doing it. 'Outside the gate sounds fine.. I can easly lie to my comrads..'He thought and continued to follow her, which her grip on him was very strong. He wasnt surprised that she had such a strong hold, which felt as if it were experianced. 'I definitely dont want to fight her.. for all I know she could be S ranked.' He thought to himself and arrived at the gate.

She explained to him to what she wanted him to tell his fellow Jounin that were up on the gates. Yoshimaru nodded his head and looked up at them, leaping up and landing ontop of the gate. "I'll be right back guys. This young lady down there had been causing some fuss around the village. I got it handled, though, so I'll escort her out of the village and back to where she came from." He explained to them with the most straightest, and serious face he could express. His voice had no cracks or studder in it to make it sound like he was unsure or tripping over his words. The jounin nodded their heads as he nodded back, leaping back down as he smiled at her. "They believed me. Now, shall we go?"He asked and put his hand on her back to make it look like he was forcing her to leave the village.

Walking with her out of the gate, Yoshimaru lead her down a path and as soon as they got out of sight with the gate, he lead her into the forest. "Wood release.."He whispered and put out his hand, as he began to once more, bend the tree's to his will. The brances moved out of their way and he made sure Yoshiko was by his side, not wanting to lose her in the forest. It wasnt dark, but dim enough not to be spotted by anyone on the road. "Sorry about this, I just dont want anyone to see us." he told her as they came to a small spot that had just tree's around it. He took his hand off of her back and put both his hands out.

Beginning to move his hands in different directions, the tree's enclosed any gaps that was around the perimiter of the circle he found. They were both inside of it. Yoshimaru forced the tree's to cover the top and roots to grow extra long under neath them, just in case someone pops up from every angle. "There we go. Completely protected from anyone. Like it?" He smiled at her and walked more into the area, sitting down and crossing his legs, beckoning her to sit infront of him so they could chat alone.
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Yoshiko Tomoko
Yoshiko Tomoko

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Location : in your closet .. wearing your underwear on my head

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PostSubject: Re: Private Discussion [Yoshiko only]   Private Discussion [Yoshiko only] I_icon_minitimeThu Apr 29, 2010 8:03 pm

She waited until he came back, standing at a relaxed stance as she watched the guards with an uninterested expression on her face. As he returned, put his hand on her back and convinced her they had the guards fooled she put on her role. Making a very frowning look as she pulled harshly from his hand and hissed in his direction, acting like she was a very unsophisticated scoundrel. As they walked at a steady pace away from the village gate, she stopped being as stiff. Finally out of their reach, even if it's just a few steps. She got amused and interested again as he started playing with the forest like it was his puppet, obeying and moving aside to make a pathway for the 2 ninjas.

Yoshimaru picked a nice spot for them to stop, not too far from the village and yet so far that it would be pure luck if anyone stumbled upon them. By using the trees, he also made sure they wouldn't be interrupted. Under any other circumstances Yoshiko would've felt perhaps a little uncomfortable or on the edge, but not with him. He hadn't showed any sign of hostility at all, and didn't seem to be on his way to do that. So as long as he wouldn't ask the wrong questions, then Yoshiko would keep up her calm manners. She walked silently towards him as he sat on the ground, sitting down in front of him and stretching slowly as she looked around.

"Seems like it will be difficult for anyone to get in here, but yes I do like it." But as a matter of fact, she was at great disadvantage right now. Being surrounded by his nature, playing the game after his rules. She waited for a few minutes, letting the silence settle in as they both were probably wondering what to say. Yoshiko rested her left hand on the ground, letting the grass tickle her palm as she slowly started moving her hand side to side. This felt very comfortable, relaxing, silent. Like the silence before the storm. Her eye went up to his face, stopping as it reached his blue eyes. He had yet to comment on her katana, her appearance. He hadn't yet asked her anything that would be beneficial for himself. Somehow that was also what made her be able to relax more around him.

Speaking of which, her katana was starting to feel slightly uncomfortable as Yoshiko sat like that on the ground. It's length made it rest heavily against the ground as it pressed against her back. Reaching her hand to her back, Yoshiko grabbed onto the familiar weapon and lifted it off of her back. She held it out in front of herself, her eye still resting on Yoshimaru's face as if to see how he would react. The purple eyed ninja often had small games like that. She made a move, and watched how her opponent reacted, and from that she decided what her next move would be. However, right now she wasn't playing any game so she moved her arm to her side and placed the katana silently next to her.

While stretching her arms above her head, enjoying the freedom of being rid of the katana, Yoshiko turned her face towards the sky and let her eye wander around it in search for any funny looking clouds before she turned her attention back to Yoshimaru. Deciding to be the first one to break the silence, she now spoke. "I hope you wont mind me asking you a few questions." If she was to have any use of this trip to Konoha, she could at least try to get some information before leaving.
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PostSubject: Re: Private Discussion [Yoshiko only]   Private Discussion [Yoshiko only] I_icon_minitimeThu Apr 29, 2010 8:17 pm

Yoshimaru smiled as she accepted his offer to sit down. It was very peaceful; the birds chirping, the soft grass underneath them, and small buds and flowers growing around him. His happiness relfected onto the nature around him. The wind made small songs as they went through the tree's. Yoshimaru definitelty loved today. It was full of happiness for him, even if they came across trouble, if she was safe and he was safe, everything was fine.

He watched as she began to take off her Katana, but he stayed silent and it didnt seem to phase him that she was taking ahold of her weapon. Yoshimaru trusted her not to attack him, and he was sure that she was just feeling uncomfortable from the way she was position. Although, being surrounded by nature, he did have the upper hand if she did seem to attack, or if anyone else did. But because she took off her Katana, he decided to remove his hidden sword on his back, and slowly lowered it to sit infront of them, showing her that he unweilded himself as well, showing her that there wasnt anything to be afraid of.

Once she asked if she could ask him questions, he immediantly nodded. "Of course you can. But I just want to know one thing..." He paused and leaned over slowly towards her, reaching out and softly moving the hair away from her eye, seeing the scar that ran down her face. "I saw this earlier when some wind picked up. You shouldnt hide it, sweetie. Please tell me how you got it?" He was hoping that he didnt go too personal with her, but he did infact want to know how she ended up with it.
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Yoshiko Tomoko
Yoshiko Tomoko

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PostSubject: Re: Private Discussion [Yoshiko only]   Private Discussion [Yoshiko only] I_icon_minitimeThu Apr 29, 2010 9:04 pm

The wind picked up, making the grass rustle silently around the two ninjas that had such different perspectives of life. The younger one from the world of darkness, while the older one was seemingly from a good village and had reasons to smile at the world. Two persons that under normal circumstances would never had met or started talking on friendly terms. Yet those two -had- crossed paths, and something felt so right between them. While watching him remove his sword, she knew they had a mutual understanding and nodded slightly towards him. It was weird that 2 people so different could think so alike.

"What is it you would want to know?" He had his rights to ask, not that she would be answering everything. Confusion was seen in her purple eye as the Konoha ninja leaned closer, reaching his hand out to her. What is he.. However she couldn't finish that thought as his gentle fingers swept aside her hair, letting her white eye and scar become clearly visible. At first she just stared at him, her lips parted but no sound coming out. The cold air against her scar made it tingle, before a small stinging feeling came. In an instant flashbacks started playing in her mind. The paralyzing fear the young girl had had as she stared up into the face of the man that had killed her parents, the blow he had given her which had almost ruined her face. are you? This was the same feeling as just before she had snapped and killed everybody, along with her brother.

Everything mixed up inside her head, making something just....snap within her mind. With a blood hurling scream, the young girl had gripped her katana and used the hilt of it to strike at Yoshimaru's face, causing him to loose his balance as she quickly straddled him to the ground and unsheathed the katana with great experience, showing this was clearly not the first time she had used that deadly weapon. The air around them seemed to start growing colder, literally. Her eyes, now both staring down at his face, had the expression of a scared, mentally unstable person....or was this the face of a terrified child? Her screaming had stopped, but her breath came in short gasps.

But as soon as this had happened, her face stopped having the look of terror on it and she blinked her eyes slowly as if waking up after a long sleep. The hand that held the now unsheathed katana trembled furiously as she still held the razor sharp weapon in the air in a striking position. This was not the first time this had happened, but never before had she woken up as quickly. A single tear formed in her white eye before Yoshiko looked away from Yoshimaru and stood slowly up. Her legs trembled, making her loose her balance and fall with a light thump backwards on the ground. The normal temperature returned to the atmosphere, the chirping of the birds could be heard again and everything seemed to have turned to normal.

However, Yoshiko sat completely still while hugging her knees to herself. Her hair had fallen back to it's place as she now looked at Yoshimaru with her purple eye, her voice slightly quivering as she spoke softly out. "I apologize about that. You....caught me off guard for a minute there." Well that was an understatement, but she didn't want him to question her about the flashbacks, about the true terror that was behind that eye and scar. "I'm going to ask you not to comment face. Is that alright?" At the moment she didn't feel like the ninja she was. She felt vulnerable, scared. That man had in a single day managed to make her communicate almost normally with him but he had also managed to find the biggest weak spot on her.
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PostSubject: Re: Private Discussion [Yoshiko only]   Private Discussion [Yoshiko only] I_icon_minitimeThu Apr 29, 2010 9:24 pm

In a split second, Yoshimaru had blacked out completely after being pushed over on his back, and opened his eyes to see Yoshiko ontop of him with a katana to his face. He was terrified, that he couldnt hide so easly now. He didnt know what to do, or how to react, but what he had done was a mistake. Knowing better he could have just left it alone, but of course him and his nosey self had to question it. He felt terrible about making her feel this way, but he said nothing the whole time. Cold blood ran through his veins as he was, truely, scared.

Frozen and stiff, he remained that way until he got off of him and stepped back slowly, falling down onto the soft grass, and a tear going down her face. Yoshimaru breathed slowly and sat up slowly, and stopped shaking. That was the first time, in a long time, that he was scared out of his life. Gulping hard, he nodded his head to her suggesting on not bringing up that scar again. Still, he wondered about it, but just kept it to himself. 'Shes... crying? Oh God.. What have I done?' He thought to himself, the worst feeling built up inside of him; guilt. 'Theres got to be something I can do...' he thought again and began crawling towards her slowly.

Yoshimaru sat infront of her and wrapped his arms around her, pulling her to his chest, his strong arms completely around her and in a gentle hold. "You're going to be okay, alright? Im here..."He whispered to her in his honest, soft voice. Slowly, he ran his hand up and down her back comfortingly, and he whsipered again, "Dont be sorry, I still think you're.. beautiful either way." He smiled brightly at her and waited for her to respond.
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Yoshiko Tomoko
Yoshiko Tomoko

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Location : in your closet .. wearing your underwear on my head

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PostSubject: Re: Private Discussion [Yoshiko only]   Private Discussion [Yoshiko only] I_icon_minitimeThu Apr 29, 2010 10:08 pm

He had seemed scared, that was the last thing she had noticed before getting away from him. However, it seemed like he was mainly concerned about her at the moment, as he went closer to her and put his arms around her while muttering some comforting words. Her forehead rested against his chest as she blinked a few times, wondering why he was still this nice to her. Honestly, does this man ever back down from anything? Her voice was muffled against his chest. "Are you always like this, or am I getting special privileges?" She leaned back and looked at him, she wasn't crying but had her eyebrow raised while her purple eye challenged him. Beautiful? There that damned pink color came back to her cheeks, as she looked away from his face.

"Uhm..perhaps we should..focus on the matter at hand now." She avoided looking at him again as she slowly pushed herself away from his warm, strong arms. This moment was probably more frightening than any other, as something was tingling down in her stomach. She couldn't think this close to him. The day when Yoshiko Tomoko was starting to have her first feelings for someone had finally come. But what a bad damn timing it had. Licking her lips nervously, Yoshiko managed to inch just slightly further away from him before she was able to find her voice again. Do people feel like this when they have feelings? Does it usually happen this fast? Her instincts told her to run for it and don't look back, but she was stubborn at getting some questions answered. And this new feeling also had a kind of ... nice touch to it.

"W-what I would like to ask you regards someone I'm looking for. And seeing that you are of a high rank you might be able to have also information for me."
She was blushing more now, almost making her eye twitch in annoyance at herself. Wasn't it typical though, that she would start falling for someone she would most probably never be able to have? I can at least say I have gotten to know how this is before I die. But I will not be stopping here much longer and let some girlie emotions cloud my judgment. But what were his thoughts? Was this perhaps just a trap? He had said himself he was a good liar. What difference does it make Yoshiko? Just ask the man the questions and be out of here before the day is over.
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PostSubject: Re: Private Discussion [Yoshiko only]   Private Discussion [Yoshiko only] I_icon_minitimeThu Apr 29, 2010 10:33 pm

Yoshimaru chuckled when he asked her if she was just getting special privilleges, but in all honesty, he would do this to anyone he saw crying. But she was special to him, for he too, had some sort of feelings for her. Yoshimaru blushed just slightly from seeing her do the same, but she began to push herself away from him. "I dont like seeing my friends like that, so I step up and do something about it, you know. But in accuallity... I really wanted to hold you." He chuckled and relaxed himself, placing himself next to her just in case she needed him again.

"W-what I would like to ask you regards someone I'm looking for. And seeing that you are of a high rank you might be able to have also information for me." Her voice was unsteady and she was slightly studdering. Yoshiko was becoming more and more pink from, what he guessed, was himself. Yoshimaru chuckled more and laid himself back slightly, putting an arm behind her and behind him to balance himself from falling on his back, as he looked up into the clouds. "Go ahead and question away. I probably do know this person, I probably dont." He told her and grinned.

Yoshimaru was silently talking to himself in his mind. He was hoping that she didnt have to leave anytime soon, and that maybe she could stay in Konoha for a little longer. It would be dreadful to see her leave, in such a short day. It was only noon after all, and was it her purpose to come here; to find this person? He was glad that she did though. "Im as serious as a heart attack when I said you were beautiful, by the way. I wouldnt ever lie to you." He told her in a soft murmur, hoping that she would have heard it so he wont repeat himself.
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Yoshiko Tomoko
Yoshiko Tomoko

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Age : 37
Location : in your closet .. wearing your underwear on my head

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PostSubject: Re: Private Discussion [Yoshiko only]   Private Discussion [Yoshiko only] I_icon_minitimeThu Apr 29, 2010 11:09 pm

She didn't actually question his words, she was very sure he was a person that was always there for others. And especially those that were close to his heart. Yoshimaru was a person that was probably loved everywhere. And now he was starting to be .... well at least liked by a criminal. How amusing that must be... well although Yoshiko didn't find it amusing herself. More like it was a very bittersweet feeling. He wasn't helping her out with her blushing state when he said he had really wanted to hold her, making her look away in embarrassment. If anyone from my organization saw me now, I'd most probably get kicked out of it.

Yoshiko wished she could've just been born a guy, or then be completely rid of all feelings whatsoever. He moved next to her, making her almost jump. She felt like she was being overly sensitive at this moment. What made her think though was if she had been mistaken when she thought she had seen him blush. It can't be he's that good of a liar... oh what do I do? ... I don't know how to act now. How nice it would be if she knew how to act like a female.

"T-the person I'm looking for is a girl. She's at the age of 14. Most probably she would look a little like....well me. Her name is Hina." Yoshiko pondered to herself what more she could say. Honestly she didn't have much more information... She sighed slightly while turning her head towards him. "Last time I saw her was 9 years ago, so I'm not that sure I would have much more information about her... I don't really think what I said now would even be able to help."

His murmuring barely reached her ears, and yet those words slammed into her mind, making her swallow hard as she hugged her knees to her again. "How can you say such embarrassing words with such an ease?" While having her right arm still on her knees, she started fiddling with the grass on the ground with her left hand. Her teeth started worrying her lower lip as she waited for him to tell if he could possibly find some information about Hina, while she also almost hoped he wouldn't answer her later question. I wonder if Hina really did sometime come here... maybe she even lives in this village. The image of her sister, grown up with her own family now, made Yoshiko's heart feel like it stopped for a second. Sometimes she had those moments where she thought it was probably for the best that she'd leave her sister be, perhaps she was happier now than if Yoshiko would come and mess up her life. It wasn't as if Yoshiko had anything to offer really...
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PostSubject: Re: Private Discussion [Yoshiko only]   Private Discussion [Yoshiko only] I_icon_minitimeThu Apr 29, 2010 11:29 pm

Yoshimaru listened to her when she said something about a small girl looking like her, that she was trying to find. He stared up into the sky, leaning his head back, and thought. After a few seconds, he shook his head to her. "I dont recall ever seeing anyone like you, I apologize that I cant be much of help. I can help you on your search though."He offered her and smiled softly. 'Although I'd have to confront the Hokage if I go anywhere further than this...' He thought, thinking of the consiquences of leaving the village he loves and cherishes, but it would be for a good cause. He'd do anything to see Yoshiko smile.

"How can you say such embarrassing words with such an ease?" Yoshiko had asked him, as he just chuckled and sat up right. He put his hand on her back and gently moved it around her back. "Come on, just relax. Its a compliment. Besides, im very open with how I feel. Am I not allowed to call you pretty, hon?" He was just messing with her on the last part, hoping she was able to take a little joke. Yoshimaru rubbed her back in order to make her feel more at ease and hoping to make her feel comforting and hopefully she'll open up to him.

He removed his hand from her back and put out his hand. "Watch this." He told her and and slowly, a small stem grew out of the palm of his hand, and blossomed into a flower. "I want you to do this for me. I want you to blossom and open up. You can tell me everything." He explained to her, as he picked the flower and placed it inside of her hair, making sure it stayed in there.
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Yoshiko Tomoko
Yoshiko Tomoko

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Location : in your closet .. wearing your underwear on my head

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PostSubject: Re: Private Discussion [Yoshiko only]   Private Discussion [Yoshiko only] I_icon_minitimeThu Apr 29, 2010 11:55 pm

His answer made her slightly disappointed, but not really surprised. It was after all probably difficult to remember a face this quickly, especially if he had seen her a few years back. But other possibilities were available. "What about any documents about strangers entering the village? Do you keep stuff like that in Konoha?" That was about all she wanted him to do to help her. She wasn't even thinking about the possibility of having him leave his village to help her out. That was simply ridiculous. Even if something felt right between them, didn't mean he should throw away everything for just that. And besides, the matter that she was an -Akatsuki- just might have some saying in this. Yoshiko wasn't stupid and she didn't fool herself with idiotic dreams, even if she allowed herself to feel like this at that exact moment. She knew that as soon as she would leave this village, she would leave her feelings behind. And it was unknown if she would ever return in the future. It was no guarantee either that when she would return, if that happened, she would be the one bringing others with her that would destroy this peaceful village.

She glared slightly at him after his next words. "I am pretty relaxed as a matter of fact. I don't think you would want to see me on a non relaxed day." Truth be told, if anyone else had their hand on her back like this and was this close to her, that same person would probably be running around with her katana through them. But Yoshimaru was different... but how she didn't know. Just maybe it was that he reminded her of good times when there were no worries in her life. "You should at least be a little more serious at times." How foolish is this...ugh The way she was scolding him made her feel like they had been married for at least 2 years.

Her eye looked down at his palm at his request, her gaze softening as the flower blossomed. However she looked sadly at him and put her hand over his, covering the flower. "I am not like this flower, Yoshimaru. I can't open up and probably never will, but I thank you for being who you are. I believe you are the first honest and kind person I have met in many years and you have given me some new hope for this world we live in now. But I know what my fate is, and I have come to settle with that. All I would ever want was to find my little sister, if just to make sure she is alright." The things that were behind her, the things in her past. These were things she could never undo. Maybe she would be able to lead a happy life in her next one, but not this life, not this time. She was truly thankful for being shown a glimpse into something beautiful that -could- have possibly happened, but making the dreams go further than that was not an option.
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PostSubject: Re: Private Discussion [Yoshiko only]   Private Discussion [Yoshiko only] I_icon_minitimeFri Apr 30, 2010 12:29 am

Yoshimaru began to answer the questions that she began to ask, as he thought and ran his fingers through his hair. "Honestly, I havent been inside the Hokage's office in a long while. I dont think he keeps files about who walks inside the village if they're wanderers, but if they caused any harm, he would probably hunt their profiles down and file them." He told her and sighed softly. He felt as if he failed her, and disappointed her in everyway possible. Yoshimaru hated that feeling of letting someone down, but he will help her find her little sister if it was the last thing he did.

Hearing her say that he should be more serious was pretty funny to him. Smiling, he told her, "Be more serious? You should see me on a daily basis of the same duty over and over again. Sometimes I just hate people, but normally im well.. this way." He tried explaining it the best way he could without sounding like a jerk or anything like that. "When I fight, im serious as well. But I try avoid fighting unless my village is being attacked." He added and sat crosslegged, getting himself comfortable again. She seemed pretty serious about when he would try to be kind to her and compliment her, which was new to him because whoever he met, he would say something nice about them to brighten up their day.

Yoshimaru heard what she said about not being able to be like the flower he showed as an example to her. "I hope you always know that I'll be here just for you and everyone else. And if it is your dream and goal to find your little sister, I'll do whatever it takes to make it happen. You got it?"He asked her and chuckled. He pivotted his body a bit and reached into his pocket, there he pulled out a small scroll and handed it to her. "This scroll has unlimited summons... of me. If you ever need me, all you need to do is lay this on the ground and run your blood across it like any other summoning scroll."He offered her and explained to her how to work it.
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Yoshiko Tomoko
Yoshiko Tomoko

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Location : in your closet .. wearing your underwear on my head

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PostSubject: Re: Private Discussion [Yoshiko only]   Private Discussion [Yoshiko only] I_icon_minitimeFri Apr 30, 2010 10:31 am

"Ah I see. It can't be helped then. Perhaps when I have more time I will return to this village again, even if I doubt she would be here." Yoshiko spoke softly as if she was almost talking to herself. Maybe, just maybe Yoshimaru would encounter her sister and let her know that Yoshiko was alive. But too bad that Yoshiko couldn't tell Yoshimaru where she was going next, she couldn't risk it. And neither could she tell him her last name, as proof for Hina that it was her older sister that had been in this village. Imagining Yoshimaru with a frown while doing his daily routine entered her mind, but quickly went away again. Him, hating people? Honestly, Yoshiko would pay to get to see that. A small twitch at the corner of her mouth began, but stopped just before it managed to become a smile. "I'm sure we all have our...serious days then." Some day, I would like to fight this man and see his resolve. Feel how strongly he believes in his village as we clash blades.

With a softened gaze she glanced at his face, nodding her head as his words entered her ears and heart. "Somehow I don't think you are lying, so your words mean a lot to me." When he reached into his pocket and brought forth a scroll, she looked curiously at him. As he explained it's purpose, she slowly but hesitantly held out her hand as she grabbed the scroll. "I am sure it will come in handy some day." Her other hand reached forward, taking Yoshimaru's hand that had offered her the scroll as she looked at him again. "Thank you, Yoshimaru." As she quickly put the scroll in her backpack, the sweet aroma of the flower he had earlier gotten to place in her hair, even if she had protested a little, filled her nose and gave her an idea. Inside an old book of hers, she had always kept a small and dried up flower from the same mountain they had lived on when she was small. Maybe if she let Yoshimaru have it and he then encountered her sister, he could show Hina it and prove therefore that this was her sister that had come searching.

I will just have to completely put my trust on this man. Yoshiko reached into the pouch at her side and let her fingers glide over the book she kept there, until she found the place where the flower was. As she retreated her hand from the pouch and held the small, dried flower up the memories of how her sister had enjoyed picking these same types of flowers almost overwhelmed Yoshiko. Swallowing, she held the flower out to Yoshimaru. "This is a flower that only grows in special parts of Kirigakure. If by any chance you will encounter my sister, then this will proof to her that you haven't been lying about meeting me."
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PostSubject: Re: Private Discussion [Yoshiko only]   Private Discussion [Yoshiko only] I_icon_minitimeFri Apr 30, 2010 5:41 pm

Once Yoshimaru heard that she would be leaving shortly, a small frown came to his face. Once in a very long time, he was sad, and showed it. He was so good as to hide any emotion and cover it with any facial expression he was used to it, and showing sadness was something he was most definately not used to. Wanting to help Yoshiko was the one goal he had in his heart now, but he knew he wouldnt be able to lie to the Hokage's face, and leave his son home alone. This was something she trusted him with.

Once given a small flower, he looked at her in the eyes as she explained to him that the flower he was given, only grows in Kirigakure. Nodding, he put it in his jounin flak jacket's chest pocket. Yoshimaru wondered as well what it would be like to battle with Yoshiko, and he knew she probably would put up a good fight. "Of course, I wouldnt ever lie to you."he said softly and made himself comfortable, slightly getting closer to her as he did so. Yoshimaru didnt want her to leave so early, though. He wanted her to stay with him for alittle longer, but he knew she had things to attend to, and he had to as well.

"I have something for you," He told her and took away the frown that he had and smiled once more, that sweet smile he always had on. Yoshimaru took her hand softly in his, and held that one hand with both of his hands. Looking into her eyes, she would be feeling chakra run around her ring finger on her right hand, from him. After about a minute, he took his hand off of hers and there laid a ring made of wood and vines, but very small ones. On the top of it was a little rose bud, and on the sides, carved in the words "Its not too late." on the left and "Its never too late." On the right. Grinning, he stood up and stretched. "I couldnt afford a ring at the moment, so I decided to make you one. Its something to remind you of me when you leave." He told her.

He opened his arms and smiled. "One last hug before you go now?"He asked and smiled.
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Yoshiko Tomoko
Yoshiko Tomoko

Posts : 228
Join date : 2010-04-24
Age : 37
Location : in your closet .. wearing your underwear on my head

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PostSubject: Re: Private Discussion [Yoshiko only]   Private Discussion [Yoshiko only] I_icon_minitimeFri Apr 30, 2010 6:23 pm

His handsome face had a small frown on it, showing he was not happy about something. She could only guess that it had something to do with her departure, and yet she didn't dare hope for such a place in his heart. After he had taken the flower from her and put it in a safe place he gave her once more that charming smile that almost managed to melt her heart. If she only hadn't built up such strong defenses around it. She waited to see what he possibly could give her more, her stomach tingly as he took her hand in his. As they looked at each other, a strange feeling started to appear on her hand like he was releasing his chakra towards it. What is he doing..? With a curious expression she looked down, and froze at the sight of the simple yet beautiful ring that was on her finger.

"Yoshimaru, why would you..?" Don't think for a reason for everything, just thank him. Blushing slightly while looking stubbornly away she muttered her thanks. She felt very touched. Her other hand went up and closed around her right one, her thumb stroking over the ring as she looked at Yoshimaru with a softened gaze. My first friend... no perhaps my first love. I can't know that even myself. Why must we be this far apart? He stood up so she followed his example, but got a little shocked at his request. Hug? An awkward expression entered her face while she worried her lower lip with her teeth for probably the 100th time that day. She hadn't hugged anyone for...well for 9 years and was a little nervous. But her body seemed to know what to do as she stepped closer and rested against Yoshimaru's strong body, her arms wrapping around his waist as she squeezed lightly and buried her face against his chest while feeling his arms around her. It has been so long that I had forgotten how good it felt.

But all good things must come to an end, so after exchanging that short yet comforting hug with Yoshimaru she stepped back. "Goodbye, for now. Let's hope that we wont have to be enemies as we meet again." Turning on her heel, she bent down and retrieved the katana from the ground. After securing it on her back, the young girl stood still for a few seconds before she turned her head and exchanged the last glances with Yoshimaru. "Stay alive and stay strong while protecting your village." And with those words spoken, she jumped in the air and disappeared over the trees. And such ended the meeting with the respectable Konoha Jounin and the young Akatsuki member.
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