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A new place, Old friends, the perfect meeting (Riku Only) Shauntaystaffimgf
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 A new place, Old friends, the perfect meeting (Riku Only)

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A new place, Old friends, the perfect meeting (Riku Only) Empty
PostSubject: A new place, Old friends, the perfect meeting (Riku Only)   A new place, Old friends, the perfect meeting (Riku Only) I_icon_minitimeFri Nov 19, 2010 12:53 pm

The door to the hotel room slowly creaked open, giving the way for one named Faust to enter as he pleased, as he had payed, as he had ordered. The happy traveler persona he had given off at the gate was long gone. He was now replaced to his stone faced mind set. Not incapable of showing emotion, nor never doing so, but simply choosing to not do so unless truly a worthy situation. Nothing going on at the moment, his face appeared blank, mimicking the proceedings of the time. It was just in his nature. Though he was a pure soul, he was also a killer, and that took certain creature comforts like being an open feeler away from you.

He waltzed forward, using his foot to swing the door closed behind him. He turned towards the mirror, positioned soon after having entered, and twisted his neck to view the mark upon the edge of its flesh, a seal placed there by the guard. Given the shape and dexterity of the work, he recognized it as a tracking seal. The village had a clear way of finding him if they really wanted to know, or if he gave them any reason. He assumed it would stay on a short time after leaving the village, but not forever. Konoha ninja werent stupid, but they also werent one to tread on civil liberties too much.

He grabbed a small pen and a piece of paper from a pad off the counter against the mirror and began to transcribe what he saw onto the piece of paper. He wasnt sure but this could come in handy later. As he already knew, he was a killer. Little details like this couldnt be afforded to be missed. Once finished he replaced the pen and pocketed the paper, planing to stash it in a better safe spot later for safe keeping.

He proceeded to the center of the room and after flashing his cloak upward a big, giving him access, he procured a sealing scroll and laid it out flat against the carpeted floor. He did not know if the seal on his neck also tracked chakra, but if the single smallest amount set them off, he was not going to be pleased and probably feel obligated to bring the place down around its ears. No, he simply wanted his sword in his hand again, and such chakra levels did not even equate to some of the simplest jutsu save those taught in the academy.

He placed his hand upon one of the five circles and after a poof of smoke, he got his wish. The blackblade barely visable in the extremely dim light. It wasnt until that moment that Faust realized how dark it was in the room. After sheathing the blade back in its holster on his back, he returned to the door and moved the dimmer switch up, but not by much. The room was still kind of dark, but you could clearly see everything. He supposed the dark blue curtains being drawn together had something to do with that as well, though he had no intention of moving them. He liked this sepia lightning just fine.

Faust turned around one more and made his way to the chair at the far corner of the room, pass the singular bed that was there, and right next to a small square table that had a pot of premade tea as well as a pack of playing cards for entertainment. This was a perfect combination. He knew Riku had already sensed his aura, already knew he was here. It was only a matter of time before he came to see what the hell he was doing here. Riku knew everything Faust did, every single move he made, had a purpose, and that he did not fuck around. He was sure Riku would be curious as to why he was here now. Especially when Faust usually seemed to have his own agenda. However, he also knew that Riku had business at hand here as well. So he was not expecting him to come right away. It could be hours, hell it could be days till the man showed.

Faust sat upon the chair and poured himself some tea, and dealed out the cards for a game of solitare to pass the time. He continued on, pouring and dealing as the hours slipped by, never once breaking his concentration to the game and drink. A few times he had to order some more tea, but that was no bother. Day slipped into night, and to the cold dark witching hour when most men were in there deepest of sleeps. He knew Riku would come soon. He just had a gut feeling. He dealt the cards again, and began to move them in the strategic fashion to separate them into their proper suits following the guidelines of the game rules.

Not much longer now.............
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Shikyo Riku
Shikyo Riku

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A new place, Old friends, the perfect meeting (Riku Only) Empty
PostSubject: Re: A new place, Old friends, the perfect meeting (Riku Only)   A new place, Old friends, the perfect meeting (Riku Only) I_icon_minitimeFri Nov 19, 2010 7:05 pm

****Hours before***

He believed his meeting with the Hokage went well last night. Although the Hokage was definitely not pleased with him entering into his house, Riku had a feeling that the Hokage enjoyed yet despised his stay. What could be more exhilerating than inflitrating the one place that had one of the best security in the shinobi country and upsetting the village leader? Well, Riku could think of plenty of things like sleeping with a woman, having his foot placed in someone's head and there face smashed inward or perhaps just travelling around again toward other countries and continents. Now that he thought about travelling, he wondered how his old friends were doing. He hadn't seen many of the creed members around the middle continents. It was a tad bit depressing he supposed when you really think about it. He hadn't seen them in such a long time and this event meeting with the Hokage had a sort of nostaglia.

He remembered waking into a small inn and checked himself in for a small room. Of course, there wasn't alot of work with in this small room of just a bed, a bathroom, one closet and a small television. It didn't really matter really to Riku, he just wanted to rest his eyes a bit before setting out towards Amegakure. He would return to meet some of the remaining Akatsuki members, which wasn't much by his standards. He didn't have his ideal ten leaders he had planned but hey, he couldn't complain.

Warm sunlight brushed passed the crack through the curtains and it beated softly on Riku's face. His eyes lifted slowly towards the sunlight; its orange beating sun was dim breaking through some of the fog. He didn't move right away, he instead looked towards his bare chest. He saw a small black object placed on the right side of his pectoral region. It appeared to be sleeping. Riku slowly rose himself up so that his back was against the boarding behind the bed and used a hand to cup the small object. Seeing its little thin legs and its large tarantula shape body, he knew it was the spider that he had sent out months ago to find the Akatsuki members. He pet the top of it's head slowly, letting it sleep comfortably. The instant his finger touched the tarantula was the moment he tasted the aura of one of his members. The was bittersweet and remained in his tongue for quite a bit like dark chocolate. He could feel and hear its monk like praying within it.

The praying shinobi, the one they called Faust. Zenjin Faust. He was a young shinobi who had left Kusagakure. But it wasn't because he left for his own intent of finding some type of ultimate power or to seek riches. No, he was forced out of his country and village due to the fact that his clan had betrayed him. They left him to be eaten by the dogs seeing that he was no use to them any longer. Riku picked him up soon after, seeing that he had alot of potential of being a very powerful shinobi and he could see that he could join for a cause.

Faust had found him and he had some type of intent. Through the spiders body, he could sense he had some type of plan but he could not determine what he had forming in his mind. He didn't want to know, he rather have the element of surprise on his side rather than figuring it out. He swing his body so he was sitting on the edge of the bed and moved a bit of the curtain out of the way. It was mid-afternoon and after seeing and feeling the life around him, he decided it would be best to wait. He didn't know whether Keiden had sent his elite shionbi to stalk and find him regardless of his Riku's demands. Riku promised not to kill anyone if he had just left him alone while he stayed in Konoha. Keiden was not the type to demand and of course, he wouldn't been able to sway him to do such a thing.

He would wait till nightfall. He knew the light was a good ally for him blending in with the crowd, it was reliable and perhaps a good friend from time to time. The difference between light and darkness was that the darkness was an old lover that had never betrayed him. Her sweet embrace would hide Riku from the sight of those who watch him. He pulled the curtains over the window letting the room be filled by just a small slither of light. He sat on the bed with his legs cross and he rested his hands over his knees. He closed his eyes and began to meditate.

***Present Time***

There was no longer light in his room. It wasn't a drastic change but Riku could not feel the warmth in the room any longer. He open his eyes and everything, for a moment, was black within his room. He couldn't see anything in front or to the sides of him. He felt like he was in a dark cave where he was entirely lost and unfamilar with anything and the worse part was that he was blind within these cave walls. His eyes finally adjusted and he could see everything with perfect clarity. He sat up from the bed and stood where he prepared himself to move through the night. Riku pulled down his long sleeved shirt over him, he zipped the zipper between the chest and set the hood over his head creating the void once more.

He climbed out of the window and closed it softly. He turned towards the aura that was Faust. It's bittersweet color with gave off no definite shape or size. He sensed he was not far from his position. He was 150 meters west of him He could sense guards on his way that were on the top of the buildings doing the nightly routine. Tonight, he would not travel by rooftop, he shall travel through the alleyways where no light shall shine. Riku had jumped from the window and down on the street where he sprinted into the alleyway. His soft pitter patter feet moved into the alley darkness and seeing that no one would catch his speed, he was in good shape.

He moved into a long alleyway where he saw some obstacles that were in his path. The flow was too great and his speed would surely suffer if he were to hit. He jumped over the large garbage bin landed and then ran partly on the wall without his chakra over his feet over a small garbage can. He moved with swiftly agility like a sprinting cat towards the hunt. He was out of the alleyway and towards the next. A person was about to pass by and only saw a blur of a figure moving from the darkness into the other. He stepped and fell backward startled thinking he saw a ghost.

He saw that this was a dead end. The momentum would surely splatter into the wall. No, not today. Riku use the walls on the sides to jump from one side to the other side and upward towards the rooftop. His last wall jump moved him straight in the air where he was soaring through it cutting through the night sky. He was there, right above Faust. He moved his legs so that they were superior to the sky. He focused chakra to the bottom of his feet to get a grip in the air, to effect the gas molecules in the midnight sky. They obeyed willingly and Riku was able to press down and thrust himself forwad at the hotel rooftop. He slowed himself down by making extreme swift movements back and forth so that he wouldn't smash himself into the ground.

He rolled on the rooftop and risen himself soon after. For a moment, Riku just stopped to see if anyone had follow, to see if anyone had notice him move within the darkness. He thought he saw movement but his aura eyes reassured that no one was coming. He moves to the edge of the rooftop and climbed his way down towards Faust room. When he had a clear spot of moving it, he tapped on the window. He then thought that he really didn't need to knock because He. Was. The. Leader. He open up the window and jumped into the room. He closed the window shut and closed the curtains.

"Nothing like a midnight room to jolt the body a little bit" he said with mild enthuasim. He saw that Faust was sitting comfortably over a table where he had set some cards. From the way he had it all set up, he was playing solitare. From the way he was playing it, he was taking his good old time. Riku sat down in the chair by the table "What brings you to the great village that is known as Konoha? If it's for solitare, I know a great place to do it."
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A new place, Old friends, the perfect meeting (Riku Only) Empty
PostSubject: Re: A new place, Old friends, the perfect meeting (Riku Only)   A new place, Old friends, the perfect meeting (Riku Only) I_icon_minitimeSat Nov 20, 2010 12:49 am

When the window slid open, allowing the cool night air to leak through into the otherwise cold room, Faust didnt move an inch. He didnt look up when the shadow of the looming figure crouched on the windowsill was cast upon his face and card game. When the window slid shut behind the man with a fairly loud noise but not of the disturbing nature, he still did not move. He was calm and focused. There was no threat, and he knew exactly who it was. When Riku leaped from the window and into the room, his hand was forced, but only his hand. His right arm snapped out, grabbing the playing card out of the air as it fluttered, caused by the gust created when he had passed over the table. He continued to hold it, and it could be seen as Riku turned to face him. When the self proclaimed leader finished his turn. He flipped the card around his fingers in a few intracite fashions, all the while keeping his gaze firmly locked on the table, he was not one to blink. He placed the card back upon the wood surface in its position, and proceeded to reorganize the cards back into the full deck as the assassin spoke.

It was simple small talk, and Faust was used to this. He quite enjoyed it, even though he wasnt much of a social man himself. He was often not quick to speak, unless it was required of him. It was a trait that made others feel akward to be around him, and unappreciated as people. But as a killer, thats what he had to do to distance himself. As the kind natured soul he was, he would otherwise grow too attached to others he might some day have to judge with his blade.

When the pack was whole again, he dealt two cards to the currently empty chair face down and also to himself, indicating that he wished for Riku to play with him, if nothing more then a pass time as they visited and exchanged words, though Faust knew this to be more of a business meeting then anything rather then a kind visit. Of course there was still no animosity here.

Faust placed the rest of the cards in a single pile against the wall under the window. These would be used later and not now. As he removed his hand and brought it back, he stood up, and in one swift motion, removed his cloak in a swirl of his arm, and placed it neatly upon the back of the chair. It would seem a fluid singular motion to some, but he was not yet fast enough to fool the eyes of the Shikyo, he knew, that he would see the more intricate maneuvers he had made. He sat once more, still not seeming to have noticed Riku.

Until then, his arms upon the table, his hands resting neatly on his cards. He now sported only his white shirt with no sleeves, his black dragon tattoo fully exposed. In truth, this would be the first time that Riku would have seen past the head of the ink on his skin, revealing its winding path up his arm. He looked up finally and met one of the few men he would consider a friend these days dead in the eye, still his gaze unblinking. He said in a matter of fact tone.

Poker seems more fitting for a group of two I think. This was all he said, dodging the first question of what had brought him to Konoha. He was not avoiding it, just that now was not the time to answer or reveal his motives for coming here. His hand moving back to his side produced five seperate Ryo and placed them on the table, moving one closer to the center, signafying the bet for this round as one. He did the same on the other side, signifying that it was not gambling, just a token for some fun.

Five rounds, one coin per round. The first to run out loses.

He glanced back up at the Shikyo and cocked his head toward the empty chair, his invitation to sit, and then straightened his neck back out, his gaze once more returning to the table before him. He use his thumb to gently lift the edges of his cards, secretly revealing to himself the hand he had.

Two of clubs, Four of diamonds
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Shikyo Riku
Shikyo Riku

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A new place, Old friends, the perfect meeting (Riku Only) Empty
PostSubject: Re: A new place, Old friends, the perfect meeting (Riku Only)   A new place, Old friends, the perfect meeting (Riku Only) I_icon_minitimeSun Nov 21, 2010 1:20 am

The unanswered question was something he was expecting. Faust was not the one to talk about his intentions all at once. in his first meeting with Faust, he was the stoic type, one who keeps to himself only to speak when it was time to speak. He was a person that let things brew in the pot before letting it be consumed while Riku was one to get to the stew hot or cold. He suppose it was a good change of pace for him. He smiled when the silence filled the room for just a brief moment.

Faust quickly removed his cloak, his fluid motion made it seem so unrealistic to a point of movie time quickness where one sees for a brief moment the body taking off the cloak in half a second and then the other second he was sitting down with the cloak around the back of the chair. Riku's eyes picked up on the black tattoo that took the shape of a dragon. It looked like a dragon from the eastern continents; it had a long slender body, the short arms was compensated by the long snake like body that went around his arm. He liked it actually. It was detailed in comparison with his seal on his left shoulder.

His eyes stared at him, a deep crimson red they were staring into Riku's changing colors of ruby red and distant orange the next. He broke it saying "Poker seems more fitting for a group of two I think". He took the cards off the table and began to shuffle them. Riku didn't mind playing poker, he was ok when it came down to it, but he wasn't specially amazing at it. He shrugged with a silent approval. Faust took out a coin and set it on the table. "Five rounds, one coin per round. The first to run out loses".

For a moment, Riku thought that he didn't bring any money with him. He was cautious at all times whether he had money. In his code, they were taught to always carry some money, whether it was to bribe someone for infomration (Or beating them) or cause a large distraction. He reached into the depths of his pocket and felt around for one ryo. He pulled one out and placed it on the table "Fair enough" he said. The card was placed in front. Riku lean back in his table and he slid his hand over to his cards, his thumb lifted the card up slightly seeing that he had a two of hearts and one ace of clubs.

He moved his hand away "Shit is about to hit the fan" Riku exclaimed "I really dont' want to get involved in this...war" He leans his head back "I don't have any personal quarrel against the shionbi countires but they aren't particularly my favorite ally. I would let them burn to the ground but that's just me being biased" Riku had a thing against the shinobi. It wasn't in the creed to harbor any feelings of hatred towards others. It wasn't a personal matter and he was right about that. He didn't particularly hate the people, just the entire concept of the shinobi. The way things have changed to a point where it is almost impossible to redeem. He could on and on about his personal beliefs but that wasn't why Riku was here playing poker with Faust.

"But that's for another day. For now, we're here to discuss something. Something that been troubling you for awhile. I didn't get into your head, I can't do that really. I can see it around you. What is troubling you?" he said it with a brotherly affection. It was business of course, strictly that, but Riku seem to have some type of affection for his members. Well, ok, leaders. It was probably because Faust was so young. They were a decade or so apart so it just seem a bit natural to say what he said. Granted, probably not his best choice.
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PostSubject: Re: A new place, Old friends, the perfect meeting (Riku Only)   A new place, Old friends, the perfect meeting (Riku Only) I_icon_minitimeSun Nov 21, 2010 1:58 am

Fausts crimson eyes flashed as they followed Riku to his resting place upon the chair opposite him. He bobbed his head in a sitting bow to show his respect. If they were an army, The Shikyo was his commanding officer. If he took anything from his cursed past, it was respect and acknowledgement of power. Riku had that. It wasnt just of the body and mind either. It was the soul. The man in the room with him was a good man, otherwise he would not follow him. He would have tried to strike him down for his movements were going to affect the world someday, of that he was certain, unless he died before his time came. This was not something he foresaw in the future, but it was a possibility all the same. The human body was so fragile, even he, not being really human but having all of their physiological qualities, understood this through experience.

Shit is about to hit the fan. I really dont' want to get involved in this...war. I don't have any personal quarrel against the shionbi countires but they aren't particularly my favorite ally. I would let them burn to the ground but that's just me being biased"

As he spoke, Fausts right hand was slowly pulling the top three cards off of the red deck of cards. The flop. This was a set of cards that more or less, was slopped down as a base. The beggining, the most carefree and least intense part of the hand. they could be used by both players to form their hand, and would remain upon the table face up for both to see this entire round. They would sit right next to the deck. He began to place them upon the table for both to see as he responded in kind to the statment Riku had made.

But what else matters besides the nautre of ones heart and the stability of mind to tame that heart.

It was few words, but he knew Riku would get it. There were good people in this village, and though Riku didnt fully know or understand his religous quest verbatum, he did know enough about his nature, to get what he was saying. The village wasnt just the shinobi, nor was the coutnry. IN fact, the country was less then five percent shinobi. The war wasnt to be fought for other warriors, that was their own job. But the true people did, and that was the heart, the center of it all, the spike, the holy upholding of all other things. What mattered philosiphy and logistics? All of that was folly unless you were true of heart.

But that's for another day. For now, we're here to discuss something. Something that been troubling you for awhile. I didn't get into your head, I can't do that really. I can see it around you. What is troubling you

What was he to say here. He didnt want to reveal to much here, though he knew it would be shown one way or another later on. Now wasnt the time to get to indepth. That was his business, personal. He would say no more then he needed. If Riku pried, he would answer until he got uncomfortable or needed to keep his emotions in check and truthful or full answers hindered that.

King of Spades, Two of Diamonds, Ten of Hearts

My home is under attack.

Riku would know he meant Kusa, the only country Faust had ever had fondness for, true love. It was shown in his actions and mannerisms though his attitude and words would never portray it. Riku knew though, his ability to tell the aura of someone, to know their true mind, to an extent at least, was enough to get this. All Faust had told him was that he had been forced from Kusa for a crime he hadnt commited. That had been enough. He was a good man, capable of and willing to help Riku obtain his dream for the world, and he needed a place to go. The two were fated to work together. Though there relationship up till now had been Faust aiding Riku solely because he wanted to and because he felt it right, he was knowing asking for him to return the favor basically. He couldnt take this on alone, but he couldnt reveal that yet, or why, or the true nature. He didnt need to give off more information then necessary yet. He wasnt really asking yet though. He would see how Riku reacted to the news first.
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Shikyo Riku
Shikyo Riku

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A new place, Old friends, the perfect meeting (Riku Only) Empty
PostSubject: Re: A new place, Old friends, the perfect meeting (Riku Only)   A new place, Old friends, the perfect meeting (Riku Only) I_icon_minitimeSun Nov 21, 2010 2:51 am

Riku formed a smile on his face listening to Faust short comment. It was short and to the point which was another thing that didn't necessarily surprise him. Beneath that small stature was a man who held great wisdom in him. He wasn't a person who dwells at the sight of such comments. It wasn't a reproach that was argumentive but it rather focus on the main fact that man will protect those that are precious to them. It is within such hope that man continues to thrive and continue on living. What surprise Riku was the fact that he openly said it. It wasn't like him to say it towards shinobi. He will correct someone for saying that he is a shinobi. Technically, he wasn't. He wasn't born in Kirigakure and went to the academy to learn any sort of shinobi techniques. He was born miles away from the village closer to the shores of water country in a large facility where it was considered to be an orphanage with hidden intent.

He usually holds his tongue against his own comments. He has had times of outbursting what he thinks. The problem was an escalating matter when he was much younger. He would always say what was honest to him and out of curiousity. Faust was, by technicality, a shinobi. He may not have the same belief structure as one who would blindly follow but he understood his love for protecting.

Faust hand took three cards from the deck and he laid it open for the both of them see. King of Spades, Two of Diamonds, Ten of Hearts. Riku forgot most of the rules about poker. The terminology wasn't all as important to him since he played it very little. He wasn't too ignorant of the situation however, he undersood that he could use some of the cards to his advantage, though it was doubtful if the deck gave mercy and lady luck was on his shoulder. Riku asked what was troubling him. Faust, his cool demeanor did not vansih from his face but his aura was wavering color of turquiose. It was unnoticable at first, an average aura user would not see it right away. When Riku first met, his aura was somewhat wavering. Everyone has something that bothers them, even himself so there was no point of nitpicking at the little things.

Faust outright said it "My home is under attack". He wasn't startled saying this and his aura didn't waver but Riku didn't need his eyes or his intuition to figure out what was needed to be done. Kusagakure no sato was a village was had very little influence to the five, well two remaining shinobi villages. It had a decent economy, never asking to lend money from other countries but it didn't have the power the Konoha and Kumo have currently.

This was Faust home. It was from here that his story began. He knew about the allegations. Riku read up on many of the shinobi apart of the Akatsuki. It was basically his job to find potential shinobi to fight for a cause. The original report gave very little information on the matter, just that he defected and his bounty was in the millions of ryo. Kusa wanted him dead. This made Riku search him out to find out the truth of the matter and perhaps let this young man join the organisation. Unfortunately, he is like a split replica of his father; both were silent and keen, making comments that were both wise and thoughtful. He answered the question with very little detail and really, that's all Riku got; that was all Riku really wanted.

Riku crossed a leg over his knee. He didn't look unnerved. His smile faded away of course and he didn't look like he was ready to ask him for more information. He looked as if he knew everything about what Faust was going through. Trying to force information out of him would not do Riku any good. He didn't want to the information because Ignorance was Bliss. It wasn't true for everything no, to be ignorant was to be limited but with this type of ignorance, it was a gift; a prize that would reveal so much to him.

"I haven't been to that place in years..." he said in a dreaming voice. He was quite honesty strange. He sounded distant, as if he was in Faust head speaking to him through his conscious. "I wondered how it has been really. So many memories. So many things started there and ended there"

He too, had memories of Kusagakure. They were painfully and yet too painful to forget. The start of of love and the end of the beginning. He came back in an instant, his eyes changing colors that were vibrant and lifeful "This isn't a matter of whether you're going to ask for my permission to go back to Kusagakure. I don't monitor you. I'm not a father and not your guardian so the permission theory is out. The only thing I can really think of is you asking for my help which I understand completely"

Oh he did understand. He understood that there were warriors in that place that would give a veteran Shikyo a difficult if he or she was unprepared. "Whatever you ask for, I shall help"
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A new place, Old friends, the perfect meeting (Riku Only) Empty
PostSubject: Re: A new place, Old friends, the perfect meeting (Riku Only)   A new place, Old friends, the perfect meeting (Riku Only) I_icon_minitimeSun Nov 21, 2010 3:22 am

The response came, more or less as expected. The two having respect for each other and knowing the place the other stood, what was expected and what standards they were and were not holding each other too was a great understanding and silent agreement they both had. It was odd how with such little words, great meaning could be exchanged. Past experience and knowledge aided this prospect, as well as the logical and analytical mind of a master of war and a world of strife. While Riku was extravagant, and just elaborating with words being his nature, the way of speaking akin to his personality, Fausts reasons for his maner and speech patterns was of a completely different method and manner, and this was one of the things Riku did not know of him.

Faust was someone who cared. He gave a damn. He was selfless to the core. He was kind, he loved the greatness of human kind, the ones he had been shaped after in likeness, the other thing that Riku did not know. He did know he was different then other shinobi in some way, but he did not know that he was seperate from humanity altogether. He had been shaped by a god specifically, for he was a Zenjin, and that was the way. No, his holy mission, given by said god, is what force him to hide himself, and it wasnt because he tried or because it was programmed into him. It was because it was what he had to do. His duty was clear, and it was neccesary. He was a killer, a merchant of death, a person who was made to judge the acts of man and determine life and death. In some senses hew as a grim reaper, though he did not harbor the soul to the afterlife. He simply made the call, though he could not extend life. In order to do this, he had to hide his true self, because otherwise, he would get too attached. In essence, he had to become someone else. He was not being fake. It was just the duty life had bestowed upon him. He had no choice. The faith was more important to him then anything. He was granted true power because of it, and he would not spit on the one, Lord Takobune, who had gifted it to him. He was not ungrateful, he was not an Uchiha. This was his truth.

"I haven't been to that place in years. I wondered how it has been really. So many memories. So many things started there and ended there. This isn't a matter of whether you're going to ask for my permission to go back to Kusagakure. I don't monitor you. I'm not a father and not your guardian so the permission theory is out. The only thing I can really think of is you asking for my help which I understand completely

The words were so true. From day one of taking up the name of an Akatsuki member, he had never once adhered to orders. Not because they were orders anyway, and Riku knew it. He was doing favors for a good man, because it had been requested of him. He was no tool, Riku just slected him at times because he was the right man for the job at times. Nor would he ever make the mistake of trying to force him, because he knew, that Faust would not stick around for such treatment. Riku did not have delusions about this, nor did Faust have delusions about Riku being delusional. And so that cycle continued.

He retrieved the next card, the turn, one card. Again justly named. The turn of the game, the fourth card. It could completely change the flow of the hand. Could completey turn the game around. To stay on the same course as the flop had set, was rare and almost unheard of. Again, never look a gift horse in the mouth. This time, the Jack of diamonds. A pair of twos was all Faust had, he was glad this was only for fun, and both partys were using his money.

I cant handle them myself.

Again, few words to be spoken. But it spoke valleys. He rarely admited weakness, and he never backed away from challenges. To date, no man had seen him request needed assistance. He was a man well capable of taking care of himself. And here he was now, calmly. as if it was normal, telling the Shikyo that he needed his help. That he had weakness. That he couldnt handle the situation. This would ravish the mind, of what, how, and who. What could be so great, that it undoubtedly struck fear in a man who had never shown feeling of the word. How could you strike a chord in a stone soldier. Most importantly, who was capable of this. For just a moment, his heart skipped a beat as he thought of the man he knew to be behind it all, the only man he had ever feared making eye contact with. Just as quickly he pushed it aside, hoping Riku hadnt noticed the fluctuation in his heart, but knowing he wouldnt let on, even if he had noticed.

He knew who was behind this, but he wasnt to reveal who yet. He knew Riku would realize that Faust had his reasons and thats all there was to it. He could divulge little more. But not much. He wasnt going to have his comrade go into this completely blind. Even if he told him with his next words, that he was in, he would deny to accept the help until Faust armed him with the information he tought he currently needed.

He turned the next card, the river. A powerful card that sealed ones fate. Simple enough, yet the most important, more unpredictable and life changing then the turn. THe river didnt need to turn to change, it was the most powerful force. The Ace of hearts. He flipped over his own cards, revealing his own hand, the two and four. He had only a single pair. The lowest one there was, what did Riku have.

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Shikyo Riku
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PostSubject: Re: A new place, Old friends, the perfect meeting (Riku Only)   A new place, Old friends, the perfect meeting (Riku Only) I_icon_minitimeSun Nov 21, 2010 3:58 am

His aura waver just a tad bit, radiating off like heat radiating off the body. He could see that this wasn't something that Faust would request from Riku. He was a very flexible leader. He was not a controlling type like the former nor was he was a strict type of leader like his father. He understood that everyone has different goals in mind. It was this that made him magnetic in a sense. He was a kage that was able to move around with each of the leaders schedules. The only thing he truly ask from those who follow is the hide in the shadows about the organisation, never to reveal yourself in public and come together when it was absolutely necessary. Riku wasn't one who craved power, wealth, prestige, anything material like. He was a simple man who cared and that was all he was really.

It was a reluctant for Faust to tell him about his problem. A man has to have some privacy in handling his business. If it was personal stuff, then it shouldn't be pushed on the subject. With Faust, his problem was personal but it was something that he couldn't truly do on his own. It wasn't something a person could do on there own without getting hurt or killed. Faust was private, but there was no stupidity in those eyes.

"I cant handle them myself" he said with hesistation in his aura. It was hard really; the problem that started it all. He was going back to a place where they betrayed him, a place where he was onced loved and now despised. He hid it well from everyone and if Riku was younger he would've probably ignored such feelings. Now, he was older, now too old, just thirty really, but old enough to understand that sometimes it isn't even wise to hold in fear. He knew that for a fact. It happen to yesterday when he met his old nemesis. Faust had that same look as if his heart was ready to jump out of his chest. He looked away hoping Riku didn't see. Riku didn't need to.

His relative calm moved over him once more and he flipped another card from the deck. He notice there was a fourth card which was the jack of diamonds. Shit, lady luck was shitting on him. He could feel it. He obviously didn't show it but his mind was definitely hoping the next card Faust was turning over would at least give him something. It was the ace of hearts. Faust flipped over his cards to reveal his hand. Riku flipped his cards over to reveal his two of hearts and ace of clubs.

"This person that you fight against. I have a feeling that he is strong. Powerful" he said it as if he had a vague idea. Of course he did. It was a matter of logic. A powerful person asking another powerful person for assistants is a bit unheard of. There are some things one with power can do. It wasn't in all of the people but it was in some that when dealt with a problem, it was usually dealt with alone. Whether it is for pride, for reputation, for money or prestige but with some people like Riku and Faust, it was really just a matter of convience of doing it yourself rather than wait for someone. With a force ask another, then that means there is someone or something that gives the person some great issue.

"It's not Kusa. You're able to handle shinobi from Kusa. The only thing left is your clan. The Zenjin. I know some about them, the ancient history of the clan but that is all I know"
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PostSubject: Re: A new place, Old friends, the perfect meeting (Riku Only)   A new place, Old friends, the perfect meeting (Riku Only) I_icon_minitimeSun Nov 21, 2010 7:32 pm

He flicked the coin towards Riku, he had two pair, Faust only had one. After the flicking motion he brought his hand around and swept the cards back into one pile, and proceeded to shuffle. He used his other hand to move one more of his four coins forward, showing that Riku should do the same wiht the coins he had been provided. The bet was still on. It was such a calm game they were playing, even though the converstion was getting slightly more intense then he had anticipated. Riku knew how to ask the hard hitting questins, he was a good reporter. He didnt mean to pry, but the questions he asked were often to complex to be ansered with simple responses. Of course he was under no obligation to answer with whole roundness, but he felt it was disrespectful to do so.

His gaze continued to fester, now focused on the cards mixing in his hands. He had not blinked once this entire visit so far. Faust was struggling to keep his true nature concealed. He had wavered once. It wasnt going to happen again. Not today anyway. He placed the cards back up on the table after dealing out two cards to each player face down. Then he grabbed five cards off of the deck, not three. He was going to speed the game up. They were a jack of hearts, king of hearts, ten of hearts, a spaded three and a four of clubs. Possible set up for total victory here. It didnt matter, there was no stakes, just a pass time.

This person that you fight against. I have a feeling that he is strong. Powerful. It's not Kusa. You're able to handle shinobi from Kusa. The only thing left is your clan. The Zenjin. I know some about them, the ancient history of the clan but that is all I know.

Faust chewed his tongue. He was distrubed that the Shikyo knew even this much, that the Zenjin were a clan of sorts, and that they were powerful. This was true. In fact he deemed them some of hte most dangerous beings on the planet. And they were numerous. The only reason they werent a greater threat was because they were consumed to the shadows, they could not reveal an open mission and campaign. He was glad Riku didnt know their purpose, though he would eventually find out. He was ashamed of who he had worked for in the past.

He was going to cut the game short, after this hand, he was probably going to set out with or with out Riku. It was getting to in depth to fast for him. These things needed to be learned in stages and the secret information he carried was heavy. Even by Riku's standards. He would even go so far as to say the man would be shocked when he learned all. He did not show his disdain for what knowledge Riku did posess, but rather saved the need for having to explain all. It did speed up the process. He had to choose his words carefully.

One man I could handle. It is bigger then that. The entire zenjin line is like me in religion. THe same faith to the same being. He dared not utter the name at this time. He could not show that amount of respect even to Riku, who quite possibly already knew. It went against his better judgement. That faith has been corrupted, for the monastery would never act in such a way otherwise. I dont want to just save Kusa, I want to set the faith right, for it has been corrupted. I want to save my brothers.

This was as personal as it got. He did not say it with emotion though. Instead he only met the Shikyo's eyes. He had been cast out, in truth he did not care for the current members of the Zenjin army. No it was his duty, again it was something he just had to do. His devotion to the faith was unmatched by even a Konoha shinobi to his village. It was for his Lord Takobune. Something was wrong and he had to set it right. This was his chance.

He would wait to show his cards to Riku till he had revealed his own. He didnt even know what he himself had yet.
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PostSubject: Re: A new place, Old friends, the perfect meeting (Riku Only)   A new place, Old friends, the perfect meeting (Riku Only) I_icon_minitimeMon Nov 22, 2010 3:46 am

That was surprising. Riku caught the two coins with his middle and index finger. He had rather won the match and that was something of a surprise. Even through the intensity of the conversation, Riku had a grin on his face. It wasn't a smile of torment but a friendly smile. Riku placed the two coins back on the table and Faust played two more cards for them both. They would be a bit distracted at this point, neither one of them looked at the cards

Faust chose his words carefully, not wanting Riku to find out the true intent of his mission. Riku knew this tactic well as to play his words well so that he can still give enough information but hide enough so he wouldn't give all the details. A clever ploy for the young man. He didn't really want to know all of the information, Riku was a type of person who wants to go into something blind at first. Surely this wasn't the best suggestion for battle but Riku had a good idea whether or not he should go.

Riku had lean slightly over to the left letting his right arm rise and move to the back of the chair. He rubbed the goatee that he has yet to shave with thinking intent. Riku heard of this story many times where a person from a clan wants to go and save his clansmen. He could see the urge in his eyes to do this. His aura backed up those strong red eyes, those crimson rubies that burned. Regardless of whether they were friend or foe, they are family nonetheless. Family was deep and blood was much thicker than water. He would do this no matter what the cost.

The one thing that Faust really needed was assistants and the question still remained unanswered as to whether Riku would help Faust or not. If he would, how much did Riku have to pull on his behalf and what should he be aware about. He rose his hand "I too had a situation like this where I had to save my own family from its own demise. They are protectors. At a time, they had forgotten the calling. I had to save them, for better or worse" he stood up for a moment "I have many things to do Faust-san, that I cannot say that I am without duty as a leader to help out my clan and the organisation" His hand slipped towards his right side of his hip grasping the green hilt. One couldn't tell whether he was ready to quick draw at Faust. He slowly withdrew the blade out of the hilt and slowly moved it down.

"You shall recieve my assistance, Faust of the Zenjin. You need not to tell me anymore" The blade began to glow a gentle blue, it lit the the dim room with it's soft fluorscent glow. Riku closed his eyes. When his eyes were shut, the blade then increased in chakra; a swift burst of wind came around it charing the air. He could smell the smell lightning has, if lightning has a smell. If anyone were to see this event, this would give away the position or one might of questioned it but the event was so brief, the intense burst was so sudden that the mind would not had of taken a notice of the event occuring. It was a sudden rapturous speed that was questionable.

Riku open his eyes and open his fingers so that the blade the would fall. One would expect it to fall on the ground but instead the blade only hovered in the place Riku had set it. It stood there in the moment, giving off that soft glow once more then it stood upright suddenly and rose to Riku's height. Riku's hand began to do handseals before saying "Fool your enemies to death, Bouga..." the blade then glow another sudden flash. With the light encased around it, it was difficult to see what was going on inside of the light. For all it was known, he could be summoning something, he could be putting someting inside of Faust; perhaps he could turn Faust into some god-like figure. Riku was a mystery but whether he held the power of god or not was questionable.

The blade of the light dim and a figure slowly appeared out of it. Blade just faded away and instead turned into something unreal. Standing beside Riku was the exact copy of Riku. A perfect match. It was a clone or perhaps a doppleganger but the image was so persuasive and detailed that it could've been his twin. Both of them bowed. The true Riku spoke however "I placed a third of my chakra inside of this blade. The blade is the power of absolute. It turns into the image of my choice and takes on the abilities, kekkei genkai and all"

The illusion Riku or rather Riku smiled and finishing what the true Riku was saying "The power of creation and the power of destruction at your fingertips. Speed is at your disposal and schordinger is our strategy"
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PostSubject: Re: A new place, Old friends, the perfect meeting (Riku Only)   A new place, Old friends, the perfect meeting (Riku Only) I_icon_minitimeMon Nov 22, 2010 3:55 pm

He stood up quickly at the wrods of Riku. He no longer had any doubt or wavering in his heart. He had drawn the sympathy he had desired from the leader. In truth he had been somewhat manipulitive. He didnt feel bad, it was what he had to do. IN truth he didnt give a rats shit about well being of his clansmen. They had all turned on him at the drop of a hat. He could play the same way. It was only the faith. The way that Takobune had set for them. They had strayed off that path. If he could not set them back on the right way, he would kill every last one of htem with out so much as a flutter of remorse in his heart. It sounded cold but in truth, it was what was needed. The task they were given had to be done a certain way, and what they were doing was down right evil. They had killed a good man. He couldnt let that rest. Taku would have understood their mission. They hadnt given him a chance.

As he stood his hand clasped the collar of the cloak, wrapping it around him before he was fully erect. It looked like one minute he was relaxed sitting and with out hindering clothes. Now he was up, business, and with the cloak. He was the one who loved making quick and sudden motions. It tended to take many a people back. That was not his goal here, it was just habit at this point. It was muscle memory. That was just how his body moved now.

So Riku was going to send Bouga. He understood, though he thought 30% was a little less then they needed. He wouldnt complain though or show any fault of face. He would just go. The transaction was complete. He had already shown he wasnt one for small talk. He had already planned for Riku to outright tell him no and had a back up plan for just such an occasion. In truth, he was going to fetch her in any such sitiuation of any kind. They needed all the help on this they could get. It was a big task they were undertaking.

He bowed his head slightly to Riku, showing his thanks and began to walk to the door. He passed the dresser, the bed, the sink, the bathroom. He had one foot out the door before he stopped and turned back to the Shikyo. A question was burning his lips. He could have just asked Bouga later, but best to get it out of the way now.

Where might I find Yoshiko

While Riku did not monitor them all and tell them where to go. He did know that he usually had a rough idea where everyone was. Especially Yoshiko. The two had an animal magnetism with one another. He didnt know if they had any sort of relationship, but based on their personalities, they would mesh well. He knew Yoshiko had the same respect for Riku that Faust did, though he had only met her briefly and had no clue how she felt about him in particular. Nor did he care. To him she was just a tool, and she filled her position well. Now that tool needed to be used, for he had use for such a thing. A killer.
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Shikyo Riku

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PostSubject: Re: A new place, Old friends, the perfect meeting (Riku Only)   A new place, Old friends, the perfect meeting (Riku Only) I_icon_minitimeTue Nov 23, 2010 12:27 am

Bouga sat himself down in Riku's chair where the poker game had been played. He leaned his head against his hand and rested there for awhile. It had been so longed since he had been summoned. He felt as if he had caught some dust on his shiny blade which was luminscent and spotless, he felt dull being sheathed for such a long time waiting for to be used by his current master. But he couldn't really complain for not being used, he was a powerful weapon for powerful situation and he liked to be thought as a 'one of a kind' weapon. When was the last time a weapon fight on its on accord and has conscious thought? There were probably few, but they were either sealed away completely or unused because one lacks the potential of unlocking its power.

It's a depressing thought; to be ignored by your owner is like leaving a child left alone. All that potenial will never be unlocked, sitting idly as it becomes forgotten and would wither away to a faded memory. He didn't want that to happen to him. He felt a bit spoiled. He was complaining just a minute ago that he wasn't be used enough but there are some who are never used. The thought of being unused sent shivers down his spine (Did he have a spine? Technically he did but that's only in a transformed state) He would have to be grateful. He was grateful.

He saw that Faust had gotten up from his table, getting his cloak off of the chair and headed towards the door. The business was done. Bouga wasn't listening to the conversation. He usually has an ear out if something important was dealing but he was at a time where he was dwelling in his own thoughts getting himself lost in his own self-pity of being unused. Faust turn to ask "Where might I find Yoshiko"

"Last that I've known, she was in Amegakure no sato. I was there currently to meet with the rest of the leaders there but they are taking such a long time to arrive" he said shrugging after the last word "Everyone is just so busy. I don't mind however. If they are productive, I have no problem"

Bouga said in Riku's voice "We can probably go there first or we could send a message to Amegakure to let Yoshiko know"

"That could be a possiblity" Riku implied "But we need her to know fully of the situation at hand. It wouldn't be best to just give her a message to just say "meet in Kusagakure'. Besides, it'll give you time to walk off some of the sleep in you. You need it"

Bouga sighed in defeat "It doesn't matter. Just making a suggestion" he got up from the chair and walked over to Faust. "I suppose you can lead the way then"
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PostSubject: Re: A new place, Old friends, the perfect meeting (Riku Only)   A new place, Old friends, the perfect meeting (Riku Only) I_icon_minitimeTue Nov 23, 2010 1:21 am

Faust eyed the two as they exchanged a few words about how to get a hold of the bitch. He wanted to smack Bouga. His hand tightened for a moment as they conversed but he let it go. It wasnt important. Bouga may have been Riku's copy in nearly every way, and could play the part, but he had his own concious, his own intelligence and personality. To Faust, it wasnt worthy of being Riku's right hand blade. Not like his own which was fitting for its master. The thing was an exact extension of his soul. He could wiled it like his hand was just another elbow and the tip of the blade was a sharp fist. It was him. Bouga on the other hand, was just a helpful tool as far as he could tell. True he served his purpose well, but all the same, unless he could adapt more to his role as Riku, he didnt expect to much enjoy the trip to Amegakurge. Maybe the woman would prove more entertaining for him.

At Bouga's last remark he only chose to respond with a grunt and the following words.Suppose It was a geasture of a mocking tone. He was going to be leading this entire operation. His gaze hit Bouga square in the eye, to deliver this message, and continued out the door in a blur, a hurry to get the hell out of here and make god speed to his new destination. This was already taking too long for his taste, but he didnt have much choice. Not if he wanted to succeed.

Before long he was to the gate, the distance was not far. He had chosen one close to the border of the village so he could get in and out as swiftly as possible. Time was not his friend here, and it was getting less and less on his side with every passing moment. He needed to be out of here now. There was no more need for him to be here. He was finished with Konoha for now.

He had stuck to the shadows on his way here, and till this point, had not even bothered to see if Bouga had followed him. He looked over his shoulder to double check and sure enough he was. At least the brat was good at following his masters orders. That was a good thing. Whether or not Faust held dislike for him, he should be gracious that he had the help. His glance was softer then before, though still stern because that was just his expression. He was trying to show he had no ill will toward the blade. It wasnt his fault that he was how he was, and he wasnt an evil thing. He was as he was created, and to be used for good or evil was solely the heart of the wielder. His soul was mirror of Riku's ultimately because that was who he was bound too. That was enough for Faust.

Faust remained paused where he was and formed a few handsigns, focusing chakra to his back. He was sure Bouga was unsure as to what was going on. He had never seen Faust in action truthfully. At the moment he was activating a seal on his back, in between the shoulder blade and center. He was initiating a prayer.

The lord commands the shadows as well as the light, the balance of all things in his palm

At the last course of words, his body was fueled with the prayer and he felt the glorious power flow through him. He was being graced by Takobune right now, not cursed, so the feeling the prayer gave him was euphoric. As it flowed through him, so the light ceased to exist on his skin. He became completely black, and one with the night. No detail was visible, just his shape if you were paying close enough attention.

Stay here

He left Bouga and used his chakra to run up the side of the wall, more then liekly unseen by anyone. THere was no light on this side of the wall. The gaurds only needed to react on what was on the outside, or who went outside. It wasnt a threat till it was on the other side of the door, or so was their thought. The cameras of the village wouldnt be able to make out his figure. As he leveled out on the roof of the wall, he located the gaurd that he had interacted with earlier, he was still on duty, good. Faust slinked towards him, making speed but being careful not to betray his position. Any sight of his movement would probably be a written off as a faint shadow cast by one of the many surrounding trees. In moments he had his hands on the jar with the eye which had been sitting next to the gaurds leg, and was up and back over the side of the wall to the ground below. He ended his prayers hold on him and beckoned for Bouga to follow him, his hand and the jar concealed beneath his cloak. They walked out, and the guard yelled down at them from above, recognizing Faust from before.

Hey wait a minute

It wasn stern, it was kind. Just because he wanted to return the previous payment made by their visitor. At this time, Faust moved the jar from his cloak for the gaurd to see and looked over his shoulder with a friendly smile and a wave before continuing forward. About five meters from the dark of the forest, he paused, and so did Bouga. They were still in sight of the wall behind them. He made a few handsigns, and brought his hand smashing to the ground.

There was a puff of smoke and when it cleared, the Riku replica and Faust were now upon the back of a large rhino. Sendo, a white rhino, larger then normal, but faster then all the rest. It was big enought to fit the priest and the sword on his back side by side. He wanted to speak, but knew better based on the feeling he got from Faust and having been pre instructed that he was going to be needed yesterday.

To the Rain country. Make haste, dont damage these trees.

Faust sat down and leaned his back against the left shoulder blade of the rhino, taking his rest for now, but not sleeping. He was much to awake for that. The impending feeling of doom was getting larger on his chest with every move he made that brought him closer to the zenjin monastery that had bred him and turned him into what he was now. He did not know the outcome of this plight, but he prayed Takobune would see that it came out in the correct order of things.

Quote :
Name: Shadow Sunder
Rank: D
Script: "The lord commands the shadows as well as the light, the balance of all things in his palm"
Description: This prayer ceases all light to be reflected from the afflicted. This will cause them to be completely black. This works two ways. It can conceal greatly, or it can reveal. It can aide one to sneak through the shadows, or be a good way to keep the eye on someone, depending on the circumstance. Lasts 3 posts.

Name: Holy Rite: Heed My Cry oh Lord
Rank: D-S
Type: Fuuinjutsu
Element: -
Description: These are seals that are placed upon a member of the Zenjin clan when they are ready. It symbolizes they are capable of using higher leveled prayers. To obtain it they must show worth in being able to handle higher ranked techniques. They will be placed upon the back from right shoulder blade to the left hip in a line of five seals when the line is complete. They allow the bearer to user to prayers upon themselves by funneling chakra into the seal and then using the prayer, of course using an equal amount in accordance with rank. The seals are as follows and are about the 3 inches in diameter.

Name: Sendo
Rank: A
Sendo is your typical white rhino only with a few key differences. The first being that he larger in some aspects. He is about 20 foot long and about ten foot tall. Though he is noticeably taller and longer, and over all, bigger, he actually weighs about the same as a normal white rhino, and this is because he is much skinnier. His physical make up is much less bulky and more toned and slim. He is still a rhino though, so he has a good amount of weight and would be considered a large mammal, he is proportionality smaller then the average rhino in this aspect. This makes him much more agile and quicker then the average rhino. He can run a decent amount faster, 45 mp/h at top speed, and is capable of making better turns and avoiding things. The downside to that is he is not as burly or durable as other rhinos and so he is damaged more when he is hit. He is also missing BOTH of his horns. This however has been mended because a pitch black armored plate was fused to his head which has long black blades attached where his horns had been upon his snout. They stand at 7 foot tall in the front and the rear one is 4. The face plate extends and covers his neck as well, protecting it from forward and downward assaults. It stops just past the shoulders.

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A new place, Old friends, the perfect meeting (Riku Only) I_icon_minitimeWed Jan 29, 2014 2:04 am by lifeanddeath

» Senju Atsuhiko, [Kirigakure Chuunin]
A new place, Old friends, the perfect meeting (Riku Only) I_icon_minitimeSun Jun 16, 2013 11:44 pm by lifeanddeath

» Versace For H&M Party.
A new place, Old friends, the perfect meeting (Riku Only) I_icon_minitimeMon Nov 14, 2011 4:31 am by snowlin42

» National alert test set for Wednesday
A new place, Old friends, the perfect meeting (Riku Only) I_icon_minitimeMon Nov 07, 2011 11:49 pm by yidiandiana

» Texas judge who whipped daughter won't be charged
A new place, Old friends, the perfect meeting (Riku Only) I_icon_minitimeFri Nov 04, 2011 12:02 am by youxieshi

» A Likely Favorite’s Long-Shot Story
A new place, Old friends, the perfect meeting (Riku Only) I_icon_minitimeWed Nov 02, 2011 12:23 am by kuaiguonianlo

» Pittsburgh Steelers quiet Tom Brady and New England Patriots in AFC showdown
A new place, Old friends, the perfect meeting (Riku Only) I_icon_minitimeSun Oct 30, 2011 11:13 pm by youshiyinianla

» Oakland police action unnerves some protesters
A new place, Old friends, the perfect meeting (Riku Only) I_icon_minitimeWed Oct 26, 2011 11:53 pm by zhendeainia

» Ump admits he blew call in game three
A new place, Old friends, the perfect meeting (Riku Only) I_icon_minitimeMon Oct 24, 2011 12:35 am by weishinia

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