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Working at an Inn - Cafe leads to...? [Open] Shauntaystaffimgf
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 Working at an Inn - Cafe leads to...? [Open]

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Working at an Inn - Cafe leads to...? [Open] Empty
PostSubject: Working at an Inn - Cafe leads to...? [Open]   Working at an Inn - Cafe leads to...? [Open] I_icon_minitimeSun Nov 28, 2010 2:25 pm

Aki sighed as she walked downstairs from the third floor. On her way down she wondered what she'd do for the day. Business was definitely going to be slow since it was raining. Most people did tend to stay inside when it rained than go out. The only people she could imagine still being out in this rain were ninjas and business men. ... And neither frequented these areas unless they lived in the lower class sections of Konoha...

Entering the lobby and going through the entrance to the slightly small cafe shop to the side, Aki noticed Sasaki already cleaning up and getting ready to close the little cafe for the evening, what with all the noise she was making from shoving chairs back under the table and the clinking of dishes being carried back to the kitchens as well as all the little squeeks that accompanied washing off the tables. "Closing already?" she asked, her voice rather loud, or at least loud to those that didn't know her.

"Yes. No one's stopped by in the last four hours or so. I do believe now would be a good time to close up for the day," explained Sasaki, looking up from washing a table clean. "I don't suppose you want to help, do you?"

Aki glanced in Sasaki's general direction. "Uh.... sure," she mumbled out, walking towards her, avoid most obstacles since she'd gotten used to the place already. She merely bumped into a few misplaced chairs here and there. "What do you want me to do...?" To be honest... Aki really didn't like working as a maid for her adoptive mother all that much, but she felt as if she owed it to her at the very least. The woman had taken her in when she didn't need to...

"Just set the rest of the chairs back into their places." "You already sweeped and mopped?" "Yes. After that you can start doing some of the dishes." "Yes, mother," laughed Aki as she did as she was told, feeling quite happy now. "Oh, and if you want, there are a few leftover sw--" "THANK YOU!!!!!" halfed yelled Aki happily, giving her a hesitant hug which she returned fully.
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Fisshu Kashikoi

Fisshu Kashikoi

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Working at an Inn - Cafe leads to...? [Open] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Working at an Inn - Cafe leads to...? [Open]   Working at an Inn - Cafe leads to...? [Open] I_icon_minitimeSun Nov 28, 2010 3:45 pm

Koi woke up early this day. He was planning on spending half the day researching and the other half applying. However, first thing's first. Breakfast, then shower, then get stuff ready to go. As he walked out the door Koi felt the rain drops that his ears had been ignoring until now. It's raining. At least it's not cold. Koi made his way through the busy streets to the library. He walked through the shelves and found a mountain of books and a dimly lit quiet room.

Koi looked up at the clock on the wall and saw that it was getting close to three o'clock. Eep!! I better get going if I'm going to get any training done today. Koi quickly packed up his things and carried the books over to the recirculation cart and placed them in the particular order the librarians preferred and rushed out the door.

Koi bound over roof tops and occasionally landed on the now not so busy street below. One such time he happened to catch a glance into a cafe that was part of an inn. Koi's head stopped moving before the rest of his body did as he looked upon one of the maids within.

Koi slipped in the mud that had formed over the course of the day and now laid on the ground, in the mud, all the while not taking his eyes off this girl. Koi's thoughts jumped into over drive. He'd heard of this place before and of the curious girl that had been adopted into it. He didn't know much more than that. Could this be her, or was he seeing a regular employee? Right now it didn't matter much which was true, Koi wanted to know who she was.
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Working at an Inn - Cafe leads to...? [Open] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Working at an Inn - Cafe leads to...? [Open]   Working at an Inn - Cafe leads to...? [Open] I_icon_minitimeSun Nov 28, 2010 4:05 pm

She had just been about to enter the kitchens when she thought she heard something... off just in front of the shop. On a normal day she might not have noticed this ood thud seeing as the streets were packed and such a sound would be un-noticed or normal, but there weren't a lot of people around today.

Sasaki, noticing this, stopped cleaning off another table and followed Aki's line of sight to the window. In a few moments she noticed the young man outside covered in mud just as Aki was telling her about something or someone outside the shop. Going to the cafe's door, she grabbed one of the spare umbrellas from the bin that was always there and opened it up as she went outside. The rain soon made new sounds as they landed on the umbrella's black top.

"Why don't you come in and dry off inside? I've got some clothes you can change into too," suggested Sasaki warmly, giving him a friendly smile that would quickly change into a bittersweet one if he objected or decline and she'd make him go inside.

Meanwhile, Aki had slipped inside and grabbed a few plates and forks, setting up one of the tables that had been cleaned. She was coming back out with a slice of chocolate cake for herself at the counter, thinking of what it could have been that Sasaki had ran into. She could have used her bloodline to actually see for herself what or who it was, but she didn't quite like the idea of having an outsider know about the ability... well... asides from her 'family' and the Hokage and his close 'friends'.

'I wonder if its actually a person or if something just fell... ... ... Well it must be an object, the noise just came from out of nowhere, seemingly from the roofs or something so... Then again, it could be a person, a ninja. But... Ahh whatever. Just eat the cake. You'll find out soon enough,' thought Aki to herself, taking a few more bites of the cake. She had to admit, working at the cafe had its own advantages. Sometimes... sometimes. Free sweets was just the biggest one out of them all, to her at any rate.

The rumors and gossip would be too, just for info about ninja... ... but... well... not too many important people with real info ever came by. Leaning against the counter, her free hand came up to her mouth to hide a small yawn. 'Maybe I'll just go take a nap after Saki comes back in...'
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Fisshu Kashikoi

Fisshu Kashikoi

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Working at an Inn - Cafe leads to...? [Open] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Working at an Inn - Cafe leads to...? [Open]   Working at an Inn - Cafe leads to...? [Open] I_icon_minitimeSun Nov 28, 2010 4:20 pm

Koi almost missed the woman standing over him but, as the girl he was staring at walked out of sight, he heard the woman offer him aid in drying off and getting into some clean clothes. Koi looked up at the woman, a little dazed, and replied, "Hunh? Oh, yes. Thank you." Koi was lead back into the cafe as the girl came back into sight with a slice of cake. Koi's muddy clothes were heavy on his body. Koi stoob just inside to avoid the rain and proceeded to remove his wet, and now muddy, shirt. He also removed his shoes that weren't particularly covered in mud but he could see the shine of a freshly mopped floor. Koi sat at the table that obviously meant for him as there weren't any other places to sit.

Koi starred at the girl as she ate the cake while starring blankly off into space. Wait, what? Koi thought, She's not even looking at me, as if I'm not even here. But she must have known I was out there, otherwise, why would she have set this table? Maybe I've interrupted a meal? But then, why is she eating cake? Koi's thoughts were long and arduous.

Koi smacked his fist down onto his open palm. "That's it." he said aloud, "You're blind aren't you?"
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Working at an Inn - Cafe leads to...? [Open] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Working at an Inn - Cafe leads to...? [Open]   Working at an Inn - Cafe leads to...? [Open] I_icon_minitimeSun Nov 28, 2010 4:56 pm

Had Aki activated her bloodline's doujutsu she might have seen the mischevious glint in Sasaki's eyes, but she hadn't and merely swallowed a mouthful of cake down. Her eating had disrupted her sense of hearing for a bit, what with all the chewing, so she hadn't really noticed there was someone else in the room. She didn't notice him for awhile either because Sasaki had made a lot of noise on her way out of the cafe and into one of their storage rooms to pull out some dry clothes for him.

It was only until his fist hit his palm that she realized he was there, jumping just a little from the unexpected noise. 'No wonder I thought I was hearing someone breathing in here!' thought Aki lightly as she began to calm down from the slight shock she'd been given. And then his words registered in her mind. 'Ahhh craaap! Sasaki, where are you???' thought Aki worriedly, even though she knew the woman was right next door within earshot.

Swallowing, Aki somehow found a napkin in her nervousness and wiped her mouth clean of stray chocolate. "Y-Y... Y-Yeah. H-How'd you f-figure it out. Most people don't really n-notice unless I t-tell them," mumbled Aki quietly, starting to get red. Mentally she was getting annoyed with herself and trying to herself to calm down. 'Just think of it like you're serving someone. You're working and you're serving them right now,' she thought repeatedly to herself.

On the job, she managed to get over her shyness enough that she didn't stutter... well... not as much at any rate. Otherwise she tended to stutter. A lot. Taking in a slight breath she started to talk again until Sasaki came in. 'Saved,' sighed Aki happily.

"Aki, why don't you take his clothes to the back and wash them? Wait, wait, help him take off his clothes first. He's drenched right through," said Sasaki, leaning in the doorway, holding a fresh pack of new clothes that looked like they'd fit Koi, based on her judgement of his size.

'... Or not... Why is she doing this?!' "R-Right now?" asked Aki, getting redder, this time from actual embarrasment than just plain nervousness. 'Come on, come on, come on, excuses, what excuse can I make?' "Aki...?" asked Sasaki playfully. She hadn't ignored Koi's dazed 'Hunh?' at her and had more or less assumed things with his starring of Aki.

"B-But h-he's a g-guy!" "But you're blind." ... ... ... ... ... "B-But someone can s-see u... m... him!" "I'll pull down the blinds." ......... .......... .......... "F-Fine..." "Good~"

And with that last say, Sasaki went to the windows and pulled down the blinds before slipping off to the kitchens. "Tell me when you're done~ I'll be taking the trash out." "And eating your boyfriend's face off now that he's back from training..." muttered Aki quietly.

"He likes you~" sang Sasaki very quietly to Aki as she passed by her and into the kitchens. "Don't make me make it any worse for that last little comment either!~" "I-I won't!"

As Sasaki finally disappeared Aki glanced in Koi's general direction, still flushed red. Little help her pale skin did too... Swallowing again she moved out from behind the counter to stand in front of it, stopping right in front of him at the polished wooden table. Her right arm was more or less limp and hanging by her side, her left arm bent back behind her gripping the elbow of her right faintly. "A-Ano..." she started before it dawned on her she had NO idea what the hell he was wearing right now or... '... ... I am going to kill that woman... ...'
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Fisshu Kashikoi

Fisshu Kashikoi

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Working at an Inn - Cafe leads to...? [Open] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Working at an Inn - Cafe leads to...? [Open]   Working at an Inn - Cafe leads to...? [Open] I_icon_minitimeSun Nov 28, 2010 5:32 pm

Koi saw her jump at what he had said. Apparently she had no idea he was there. She asked how he knew she was blind and replied, "Well, for starters, I've been sitting here a while now and I just scared you a bit there. Also, you've been staring into space not really looking at anything in particular. You also seem to be listening more than trying to look at things. I might also consider the paleness of your eyes though that could be due to any number of reasons so this fact is rendered useless. However, your entirely pale complexion might offer a glimpse into your past. Perhaps you used to live in a place where there wasn't much sun or none at all and having moved here you are forced to wear clothes that are entirely too large for your size in an effort not to be burned by the sun. From this I can deduce that you are foreign to Konoha. Perhaps you moved here recently?" Koi had been staring far too long.

After his explanation he realized he had done it again and cast his gaze down at the floor. He had used the smallest of details in order to create a history that would be more or less accurate with a few varying details.

The girl opened her mouth to speak again when the woman from earlier came back into the room with some clothes in her hands. Koi watched and listened as the events unfolded in front of him become more and more red himself.

Koi stood up and grabbed the clothes from her. "Um." He started, "Could you turn around? I know you're blind and all but, it would make me feel more comfortable. Also, I can dress myself." Koi waited for her to turn around before he changed into the new clothes. He knew it would be useless but, he folded his clothes before handing them over to be washed.

He was now dressed in a simple, yet elegant, Kimono.

As he handed over his clothes he asked, "Were you adopted?"
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Working at an Inn - Cafe leads to...? [Open] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Working at an Inn - Cafe leads to...? [Open]   Working at an Inn - Cafe leads to...? [Open] I_icon_minitimeSun Nov 28, 2010 6:09 pm

Mentally sighing with relief, Aki let a small yawn escape before she answered him. "I can close my eyes... same thing." "YOU BETTER BE HELPING HIM!" yelled back Sasaki. "... ... Move over here so she can't glance back here and see us," mumbled Aki before reaching out and grabbing hold of his shoulder, guessing at where it'd be based from where she was hearing his voice, and moving him over a few feet away from the kitchen door's line of sight.

As he handed his clothes to her, just pants she noticed... it occured to her she didn't know what his name was. Hearing him dressed, well at least she assumed he was done dressing, she started to ask him about his name and what he'd been doing when she started to get shy again since the worse of it was over and that Sasaki was probably just doing this because she really did think the guy liked her. As if.

'Then again... he did seem like he had been rambling or something earlier, some pretty accurate rambling but... Argh, what am I thinking? As if he'd like me that much. I mean some of the guys who come by want me to serve them a lot but... its not like they're serious or anything. Probably just interested cause this is his first time here,' reassured Aki to herself.

Gaining a little courage and self confidence, she finally asked, "Ano... w-what's your name?" No need to introduce herself. He should know by now. "A-Ahh you don't t-think Saki and I look alike? How could you tell so much about me anyway?" The foreigner part was a little expected but to inquire if she didn't even live remotely near Konoha... and to ask if she was adopted so soon. Most people who just met her typically thought she was... well... Saki's daughter or younger sister.

Was he a ninja then...? Ninjas did occassinally stumble over her information and chance upon meeting her and asked her the same thing but... "He couldn't be... could he?" But as she recalled how quiet he'd been and his ability to deduce things about her she didn't even talk about openly... ninja. Had to be. But a Genin or a Chuunin? If he were a Jounin and had slipped in the mud lilke that, well, he didn't seem like a proper Jounin then.
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Fisshu Kashikoi

Fisshu Kashikoi

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Working at an Inn - Cafe leads to...? [Open] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Working at an Inn - Cafe leads to...? [Open]   Working at an Inn - Cafe leads to...? [Open] I_icon_minitimeSun Nov 28, 2010 6:32 pm

Koi obediently followed her over, out of sight of prying eyes before changing.

"Oh. How rude of me." Koi said, "My name is Fisshu Kashikoi but, you can call me Koi for short. As for how I knew those things about you, I deduced them from the little facts I am able to gather by looking at you. Your pale skin suggests that you're not from Konoha as Konoha usually gets a good amount of sun. From this I can assume that you're not originally from Konoha. Also, I am now able to assume the woman's name is Saki, or that is a nickname which I believe more likely from the shortness of it and it's use. As for not being related to her, Saki is much darker than you and has a small cleft in her chin. This is a trait known to be commonly passed down through the generations and her eyes are also a much more vibrant color than yours, also a genetic trait. I can also assume that she isn't married. I heard your smooching comment earlier." Koi watched her face as she processed all this information.

Then she said something strange that he wouldn't have guessed she would say next. "I couldn't be what?" He asked curious.
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Working at an Inn - Cafe leads to...? [Open] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Working at an Inn - Cafe leads to...? [Open]   Working at an Inn - Cafe leads to...? [Open] I_icon_minitimeSun Nov 28, 2010 6:51 pm

'Fisshu Kashikoi... Doesn't ring any bells at all. But he sounds alright, despite his rambling... I don't think he's mean or anything. He actually sounds pretty nice, sweet even. ... ... ... ... What the hell am I thinking?'

But before she could think more about the matter he asked her something she didn't quite understand until she realized she had been talking out loud for once. "I-I... s-sorry, I-I w-was t-talking out l-loud," she stuttered out rather quickly, getting red again. 'C-Crap I hope he doesn't think I like him o-or something!'

Shaking her head a little and tightening her grip she remembered she was holding onto his clothes. That thought in mind she started to go wash his clothes. "I-I'm g-gonna w-wash y-y-your t-things now!" Too bad that in her nervousness and anxiety she was finding it difficult to walk and was more or less half stumbling over nothing, trying to turn around or walk backwards. 'Oh my god! Why can't I just be normal around people I don't know?!' she thought almost angrily. 'I bet I'm still red in the face or blushing even more! Saki and Kashi better not come in soon or... or... argh I am so screwed!'
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Fisshu Kashikoi

Fisshu Kashikoi

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Working at an Inn - Cafe leads to...? [Open] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Working at an Inn - Cafe leads to...? [Open]   Working at an Inn - Cafe leads to...? [Open] I_icon_minitimeSun Nov 28, 2010 7:12 pm

"I'm sorry." Koi said, "Should I not have heard that? My ears are a little sensitive." He reached up to his cat-like ears that sprouted from the top of his head. Koi saw her shaking and noticed this was making it difficult for her to move. Koi wondered why she was so nervous that she couldn't move. Perhaps she had boy phobia or she's been kept locked up in a room somewhere. No, that can't be it. Saki practically forced her on him. Boy phobia it was. Koi's heart sank a little as he thought on this.

What can I do to make her more comfortable? Perhaps I should stop my ramblings. Maybe it's not boy phobia at all. Maybe she thinks I'm a ninja. Which is true but, still. Koi didn't want to lie to her but, he didn't want to make her even more uncomfortable. Koi's thoughts rushed through his head until he decided to say something. "Um. This may be kind of rude but, why are you here and not with your parents?" Koi could only guess at what had happened to them but, he wanted to be sure. Whatever happened, he was sure it was going to be a sad story so, he amended his question. "You don't have to tell me if you don't want to."
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Working at an Inn - Cafe leads to...? [Open] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Working at an Inn - Cafe leads to...? [Open]   Working at an Inn - Cafe leads to...? [Open] I_icon_minitimeSun Nov 28, 2010 7:23 pm

His voice rang out to her again she stopped. Stupid job habits. Whenever she was in the cafe and heard an unfamiliar voice she always stopped and turned in their direction because typically it was a custommer asking for something or someone coming in and having waited for awhile, or even rarer yet, messages or packages for the shop. "M-My parents?" she asked, more to herself than Koi.

At least that had broken her nervousness and made her clam down enough now. Amazing she hadn't actually fallen, yet. The general public didn't actually know her past, just the Hokage and some higher ups, but she had never really had to explain it or anything. Just... ignore and go away or make up a story. But now... well she was at home so she couldn't go away and she wasn't exactly in the best state of mind to lie.

She wasn't exactly a 'good' liar, but she was able to hide her emotions pretty well so she was usually able to pull of minor lies like this. Now, if it were a lie to save her life or something, it'd probably be a little obvious she was lying, but lies like these that didn't really mean life or death? Ehh sometimes she succeeded, other times she failed. She hoped she'd succeed this time. "Ah... its nothing tragic..." she started. "I mean... I... well to me its not... but.. um... Well... see I just..." her mind blacking out she decided to go with a half truth. "My parents just... they don't want me..." she explained, hoping he wouldn't press on. Aki felt like she should say something else but... what?

"W-What were you doing out in the rain?" 'More like, how the heck did you slip and fall into the mud?'
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Fisshu Kashikoi

Fisshu Kashikoi

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Working at an Inn - Cafe leads to...? [Open] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Working at an Inn - Cafe leads to...? [Open]   Working at an Inn - Cafe leads to...? [Open] I_icon_minitimeSun Nov 28, 2010 7:34 pm

Koi could tell he had hit a hard spot with that question but, at least he was now able to deduce that it was boy phobia. However, it was obvious that something traumatic had happened to either her or her parents. Koi knew to question everything, everybody lies after all. Koi decided it would be a bad I idea to press the subject though, as her demeanor had completely changed.

Then he heard her ask what he had been doing out in the rain. Equipped with knowledge, Koi explained, "Well, I was going towards the training area. I'm a ninja, Leaf of course, and I like train when I have free time. I usually study and do research in the morning and then apply the knowledge in the later half of the day. I was a little caught up in research today though and got out late. I'm glad I did though, else I wouldn't have had to opportunity to meet you. As for falling in the mud well," Koi paused for a moment to choose his next words carefully, "Let's just say I fell." He said with a warm smile on his face.
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Working at an Inn - Cafe leads to...? [Open] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Working at an Inn - Cafe leads to...? [Open]   Working at an Inn - Cafe leads to...? [Open] I_icon_minitimeSun Nov 28, 2010 7:53 pm

She was a little relieved he didn't continue to ask about her parents (thankful really) and listened quietly and calmly to his explanation. 'Ahh so he is a ninja! A Genin or Chuunin I bet then. Same as me I suppose... Probably better than me but...' Mentally sighing, she let the thought go. No need to get down today.

As usual, she started to turn red whenever someone other than Saki or Kashi complimented her and sort of hit on her. "M-Meeting me i-isn't t-that special..." she mumbled, her usual statement... Though she did detect a lift to his voice near the end about falling in the mud. Was he smiling? Maybe, probably. 'Its times like these that I wish I weren't blind, just so I could see people's faces!' thought Aki, a little down, until she realized what that thought just implied.

She didn't get to dwell on it though. Saki (and Kashi) had came in, arm in arm. "So this is the charming, young man of a cat who's managed to grace us all with his presence tonight, is it?" he said happily, smiling. "And Aki's still red~" "N-Not from that!" started Aki quickly. Saki raised an eye at her. "Ohhh you aren't? But I didn't even mention that!" Aki only groaned quietly. "Why don't you go wash his clothes now? And change too! You look absolutely adorable in your maid outfit, but the shop's closed for now anyway~ ♥"

Nodding, Aki slowly made her way to the back room where not only the kitchen was located but also the small laundry room. 'I wish she'd stop it. Its not like I actually have a crush on him or anything. Why would I even like him? I don't even know him!' Angrily she slammed the door to the washer shut after pouring in the detergent. '... Did I just use the word 'crush' and 'like'? ... ... ... Dang it! Sakiiii quit messing with my head!!!!!' groaned Aki, turning around and leaning against the washer after starting it. Vaguely she wondered what Sasaki was up to as she slipped out of the back door to go upstairs to the fourth floor where their rooms were located, stopping on occasion when a guest spied her and asked her about getting more towels or if they could order up some dinner tonight. She quickly got them what they wanted (if she could) or answered their questions. She guessed Saki wasn't going to be up for cooking for the guests that night, so she just told them that maybe tomorrow night they could ask for some of Saki's cooking.

Finally getting to her room she locked the door and settled on taking a quick shower before actually changing and going back downstairs. 'I feel exhausted... Massaging some of these guests here... making beds... vacuuming... not to mention helping out in the cafe a little... Ugh, so much work, even for a rainy day.'
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Fisshu Kashikoi

Fisshu Kashikoi

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Working at an Inn - Cafe leads to...? [Open] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Working at an Inn - Cafe leads to...? [Open]   Working at an Inn - Cafe leads to...? [Open] I_icon_minitimeSun Nov 28, 2010 8:22 pm

At the mention of being a cat, Koi suddenly became very self aware. His ears laid flat on his head and his tail curled up and around his leg to hide under the folds of the kimono. "Um, yeah. I am rather cat like. With the ears and tail and teeth and all." Koi smiled politely as the girl, whom he had deduced was named Aki, walked away with his clothes. He heard a washer slam shut with more force than was probably necessary. She must be upset about what they said. Could it really be as Saki implied then? Why else would she be upset about it? Koi blushed a little at the thought. Koi heard her go up some stairs but lost track of her after that. So many other noises drowned her out. He was kind of able to follow her as random people asked her questions when she walked by but, it was scattered and sketchy.

Koi then suddenly realized this would be the perfect time to get more information about her though. "Um, perhaps you could tell me how Aki came to be here?" He said cautiously to Saki and the man he assumed was her boyfriend. They were both rather beautiful people and from the way Saki acted, Koi assumed this man would be good natured as well.
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Working at an Inn - Cafe leads to...? [Open] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Working at an Inn - Cafe leads to...? [Open]   Working at an Inn - Cafe leads to...? [Open] I_icon_minitimeSun Nov 28, 2010 8:46 pm

Takashi easily noticed the change in Koi's appearance, notably how he adopted the same type of mannerism that cats took when they were upset and about to claw you... Vaguely he wondered if the boy did have claws. He remembered very, very vague rumors about some clan or other that seemed to be involved about cats. But that had been back when he was a young teen so he hadn't paid very much attention. "Calm down, calm down. I didn't mean any harm of it, you know," he said quietly to Koi as Aki left. "Just wanted to let her know what you looked like. She doesn't like being outright told what someone looks like since it implies we're treating her different because she's blind, so I've learned to tell her things by saying just a little of what someone looks like."

"I suppose I should've mentioned that to her... but I've gotten so used to her... finding out on her own about what people look like that I've stopped dropping hints," said Saki, careful not to let out that Aki had a bloodline enabling her to see. She, as well as the Jounin aside of her easily caught sight of his blush and how he was a little zoned out at the moment. Kashi particularly noting that the boy's cat ears seemed to be homing in some noise upstairs.

The boy more or less confirmed their suspicions as he asked about Aki. Chuckling lightly, Kashi nodded and broke away from Saki to pull out a chair and sit in it, his arms folded up on top of the chair's back while his chin rested on his crossed arms and looked the young man over. "I myself wouldn't mind telling you as much as I could about Aki, but I think Saki here would like some answers out of you too. Me as well, but I'm not exactly pushy she like is. How about we play a game?"

"Mmm, yes, a game," agreed Saki, coming over to stand beside of Kashi, her hand restingly lightly on his shoulder and in due time would start to play with his hair. The of them getting playful, mischievous glints to their eyes. Even for a skilled Jounin such as he, it would be all too obvious that he was having fun with this. Was it really going to be worth it to learn more about the young girl who was four years younger than him (to the general populace)?

'Honestly, the guy's just here to dry off and maybe catch a free meal or two before he goes home. This is just small talk.' Feet playing with the pooling water below her, Aki turned the knob for hot water on more. It probably wasn't doing her good, making the water hotter, but she liked it hot. Really hot. For awhile her mind was silent and she played with the idea of taking a full shower or not. In the end she settled for just washing her hair. She hadn't gone outside yet so she hadn't picked up too much dirt. Her excuse.

As the water washed off the soapy suds she recalled that Kashi had called him a... a... young man of a cat and paused. She had to be remembering things wrong. It wouldn't be unlike her to do that, but... they had just been talking a few minutes ago. No way she'd forget THAT fast. 'Wait... he's a... Pffft, no way. C... Well... I do go from blind to perfect vision with a slight focus of chakra to activate my doujutsu so I guess it is possible. But... a cat? No way. He's probably just dressed up as a cat.'

The thought sunk in and she shook her head, laughing lightly, her laughter echoing in the shower walls. 'Yeah, like a guy is going to dress up as a cat. What am I thinking? What person in their right mind dresses up as a cat daily? Probably just something for his family or something. ... ... But he was coming home from training, I mean, researching, so....... ............ A new technique...? ... ... ... ... No. Just no. I guess he is a cat then... a... er... beast-human. Yeah. Wonder how that happened...'

The water cooling again, she turned it up a notch, letting a small sigh escape her as she felt hot water running across her body once more. 'That feels good.' And then her thoughts trailed back to her new found knowledge. 'A cat-boy, huh? I wonder if he's cute...' If anyone had been nearby they would've distinctively heard a heavy thud as shampoo bottles hit the slick floor and caused her to slip and fall. Then of course, they'd hear a slight string of curses as Aki barely banaged to catch herself in time to avoid any serious injuries. 'Damn it! How the hell did I think of that?! Just because a cat's cute doesn't mean this guy is!' Even so, her face was starting to become red again. Whehter it was because she really did like him or if it was because she was just embarrased at the thought of thinking about anybody, she wouldn't know, not consciously anyway.
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Fisshu Kashikoi

Fisshu Kashikoi

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Working at an Inn - Cafe leads to...? [Open] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Working at an Inn - Cafe leads to...? [Open]   Working at an Inn - Cafe leads to...? [Open] I_icon_minitimeSun Nov 28, 2010 9:06 pm

Koi listened to what the man had to say and replied. "Oh right. Sure. It was just nice to not...." Koi's voice trailed off as he spoke, not really wanting to say anything about it.

Koi's eyes widened, revealing the thin pupils he had, at the approach of the couple and the suggestion of a game. It wouldn't have been very creepy if not for the glint in their eyes. However, if he would be allowed to learn more about Aki then it just may be worth it. Koi pulled a chair and sat down, taking a deep breath. "Okay. I'll play."

No sooner had he said that then he had heard a large thud come from upstairs. Koi's ears immediately picked up as he jumped up from his seat and found the source as a string of curses came from the same place. Obviously, Aki had dropped something, in the shower from the way the thud echoed, and was upset about it.

Koi settled back down and sat in his chair again and waited to hear what the rules of this game would be. Koi had a strange feeling this game wasn't actually going to be fun. "So, what game are we going to be playing?"
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Working at an Inn - Cafe leads to...? [Open] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Working at an Inn - Cafe leads to...? [Open]   Working at an Inn - Cafe leads to...? [Open] I_icon_minitimeMon Nov 29, 2010 7:29 pm

Kashi glanced at Saki and gave her a slight nod. Smiling, Saki went over to Koi and bent down just a little so they were at eye level. "Ohh, nothing in particular. Just that, you see, we're both rather good liars and I'm sure you have a lot of questions. So you can ask all you want, but you'll recieve two different answers and depending on which one you think is the truth... an event will unfold before your very eyes. So, shall we begin?"

Sighing, Aki decided she might as well finish up her shower. It wasn't like anyone was waiting for her to pop back down there anyway. Besides, getting out of the shower meant getting frozen from the colder air. She didn't particularly like the cold... Setting the water up another knotch she grabbed the bar of soap and let her mind wander (thankfully nothing to do with the beast-human downstairs).

[OOC: e.e Sorry its short. Not much else for me to work on. >.>]
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Fisshu Kashikoi

Fisshu Kashikoi

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Working at an Inn - Cafe leads to...? [Open] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Working at an Inn - Cafe leads to...? [Open]   Working at an Inn - Cafe leads to...? [Open] I_icon_minitimeTue Nov 30, 2010 3:05 am

Koi looked at them both wondering if they had played this game before and if the one lying would be one person or if they would switch. Koi decided they would probably keep switching to make it harder on him and, from the glint in their eyes, they had played this game with multiple people. Koi wondered about what events would unfold though. Perhaps something in an attempt to scare him away but, this provided him with an opportunity, not just to learn more about her, but the people she lived with also.

Koi thought about what his first question should be. He thought about asking about things about Aki first but, decided that would be too predictable. So, Koi decided to ask something about one or both of them first. Some questions about them could also be related to Aki but, Koi decided to avoid those questions for now and have his string of questions slowly lead to be about Aki. The bridge from them to her was quite clear to Koi so, he could cross it anytime he wanted as it seemed Aki was in no hurry to get back down the stairs.

Koi's face strained from all the thought he was putting into the first question and it showed on his face. After several minutes Koi finally voiced his first question, "Are you married?" Koi knew the answer to his own question however, this would help him to identify how's the liar, who's telling the truth, and if they're going to switch.
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Working at an Inn - Cafe leads to...? [Open] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Working at an Inn - Cafe leads to...? [Open]   Working at an Inn - Cafe leads to...? [Open] I_icon_minitimeTue Nov 30, 2010 12:07 pm

They watched and waited patiently behind eager masks as Koi finally settled on his first question. “Oooo, he’s good. Not like the others,” murmured Saki, glancing back at Kashi before settling in a chair right next to Koi. “Mmm, I can agree with you there, love. But… as for your answer, marriage, huh? I suppose you could say we’re married. Its not official or anything, but who needs it to be when you really love someone?”

“Oh, do stop it Kashi-kun~ You know we’re already together. We always have been, ever since you proposed to me a year or so ago, so of course we’re married,” laughed back Saki, clearly happy. Kashi only humbly nodded. “I suppose you’re right. Or is it me who’s right?” And they both glanced at Koi’s direction.

He had picked a relatively easy question for them to answer and already knew the answer himself, or so they assumed. Not quite the fun they were looking to yet, but it’d become fun in due time. The rewards (or punishments) would get… more fun to say the least.

‘Ade, I wonder if he’s still down there…’ thought Aki to herself as she let the water drain out and was letting the tub fill up with fresh, new, clean, hot water. A bath. A towel about her body she had gone back to her room to pull out an iPod (waterproof somehow according to Saki) and was waiting for the tub to fill up properly before climbing back in. The towel at the very least helped ward off the cold air.

In a few minutes the water gushing into the tub was finally starting to change in sounds. It was about halfway full by now she guessed. Dipping a hand into the water she made sure of it and soon turned off the faucet, slipped out of the towel and plopped down into the hot water. She hadn’t bothered to pull the curtains, screen, whatever you wanted to call it, back into place either. Why bother? Not like anyone other than Saki was going to come into her room, right?

Leaning back she let herself enjoy the warmth and hummed along quietly with the song being played. Ironically, her choice of music usually had something about ‘love’ in it or related to it. Of course there were others, but they were fewer in comparison to the love songs she had. And at that particular moment she was listening to Quiet by a particular favorite artist of hers: LIGHTS. Knowing the words by heart she probably would’ve sang along to it if she wasn’t trying to get herself to stop thinking about what Koi looked like because of what Kashi had said.
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Fisshu Kashikoi

Fisshu Kashikoi

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Working at an Inn - Cafe leads to...? [Open] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Working at an Inn - Cafe leads to...? [Open]   Working at an Inn - Cafe leads to...? [Open] I_icon_minitimeFri Dec 03, 2010 4:28 pm

Even without already knowing, the answer was quite clear to him; a woman would not easily forget the exact date a man proposed to her. Koi didn't spend much time thinking about it before he stated, "You're telling the truth." Koi pointed at Kashi then looked over at Saki. Then he looked at them both and wondered what would happen. He knew he had the right answer, the lack of any rings told him that as well. Also, even if Kashi had proposed, that didn't mean they were quite married just yet.

Now Koi turned his thoughts to what would happen next. They had mentioned he would be rewarded for guessing correctly. However, he hadn't exactly guessed at the answer this time and wondered if they knew that. What am I thinking? Of course they know I knew the answer already. That's why she said I was smarted than the others. Wait, others? What does she mean others? Could that mean that others have tried to get to know more about Aki or that they've simply played this game as a sort of party game? Perhaps I can ask that next. Koi sat, a little nervous, as he waited for what would transpire before him.
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Working at an Inn - Cafe leads to...? [Open] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Working at an Inn - Cafe leads to...? [Open]   Working at an Inn - Cafe leads to...? [Open] I_icon_minitimeSun Dec 05, 2010 7:58 pm

Sasaki and Takashi nodded. “Right, of course!” “But, seeing as you already knew the answer your reward won’t be quite ah, satisfying. So I’ll tell you a little something about this family I have. Sasaki and I both love Aki very much. I’m not sure what she thinks of us, but… all the same we both love her and won’t stand for anything to happen to her. You understand of oucrse?”

Sighing, Sassaki lightly shook her head. “You know, he might not even be interested. Don’t scare him quite yet.” Still, she passed Koi the same semi-stern look Takashi had given him. “But I Wonder… what do you think of Aki, Koi? It seems rather unlikely for someone like you to loose their balance and fall into the mud…” asked Sasaki, noting that cats were usually quite… balanced and if this boy shared features with cats, she was sure he was bound to share other similarities asides from physical ones.

“He fell into the mud outside?” asked Takashi, a little bit in disbelief. “Ahhh must have been distracted by seeing my lovely Sasaki and Aki, hmm?” said Takashi merrily, a hint of laughter in his voice and eyes. “You wouldn’t be the first one to fall for them, but to actually fall, that’s a new one.”

‘Ahhh, why can’t I stop thinking about what he looks like?’ cried out Aki angrily in her head. Sitting up in the tub, Aki let out a long, deep sigh. ‘I really… need to calm down and relax. Why am I getting so worked up over this anyway? Its not like I actually care what he thinks or anything. He’s just one of the first guys around my age and a ninja who’s dropped by here without actually…… gawking or anything……. Yeah, that’s why I’m so interested. He’s different from the other guys.’ Ironic, he really was different from the other guys, at least physically he was.

Arms about her upraised knees, Aki let her thoughts flicker back to what life had been like in Kirigakure. She had been happy there, really happy. ‘Yeah… had… I still… I still can’t believe everything’s been a lie. Everything always was a lie… And as usual when she thought too much about it, she started to cry just a little. Raising a damp hand, she brushed away the tears.

‘It doesn’t matter. They’re not my family. Takashi and Sasaki are. I may not admit it and try to deny it a lot… but they are. They’re more my mother and father and those jerks ever were. At least they don’t lie to me. They don’t… STOP IT! Stop it… Stop it, Aki, you know better. Don’t think about it. It’ll only get worse. Just relax. Calm down. The past doesn’t matter anymore, remember? The past doesn’t matter… and it won’t ever matter again… I can make sure of it.’

[Sorry it took me awhile. >.>]
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Fisshu Kashikoi

Fisshu Kashikoi

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Working at an Inn - Cafe leads to...? [Open] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Working at an Inn - Cafe leads to...? [Open]   Working at an Inn - Cafe leads to...? [Open] I_icon_minitimeWed Dec 08, 2010 5:45 am

Koi looked down at the ground in embarrassment. Yeah, that was a bad thing for a ninja to do, slip in the mud. How could that happen? "Actually, it was just Saki. I really didn't even notice Sasaki until she was standing over me." Then Koi heard the bit about how he wasn't the only one to have fallen for her. "Could you explain a bit more what you mean by that? The part about me not being the first one. Like, how many others and what they look like?" Koi was rather interested to know what about these other guys had dissatisfied Aki. She was very beautiful and could literally have her pick of men. Obviously, she didn't like something about them. Koi aimed to find out what that was.

The two of them seemed to like to make fun of people in general. Koi tried to keep this in mind as the playful insults would soon be battering his ears like it was going out of style. He didn't usually take well to insults, even when they meant no harm. However, he didn't get depressed over such things, no. They only made him try harder to out shine the other 'normal' people. If he could show that he could play on their level or better than they wouldn't be able to make fun of him.
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Working at an Inn - Cafe leads to...? [Open] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Working at an Inn - Cafe leads to...? [Open]   Working at an Inn - Cafe leads to...? [Open] I_icon_minitimeFri Dec 10, 2010 8:52 pm

The both of them smiled quite widely when Koi made his first little comment. So the boy did Aki, did he? For a moment, the two contemplated if they should make him continue the game or tease him a little. They decided to go for both.

"Well... we'll still be playing our game. So choose wisely, young man. We're starting to take a liking to you. Don't disappoint us too soon," chuckled Takashi warmly. He really was taking a liking to this boy.

Sasaki merely nodded in agreement. "Yes, we do. Now about question of yours. I run this inn, and this little cafe is a part of it. Aki works here, obviously, but she's rather shy and timid. Still, shy as she is, the way she reacts to the customeers seems appealing to them, particularly to the teenage boys that drop by and have become something of regulars for her. She hates them though. Hates men. They've mildly taken advantage of her and harrassed her," explained Sasaki, very seriously.

"What are you talking about?" asked Takashi, glancing over at her direction and giving her a puzzled look. "You know she loves the attention. She blushes everytime they say something sweet to her and turns extremely red whenever they start to give hints about what they want to do to her. She likes it. She'd probably agree to it too if you weren't so srict."

"I am not strict! I'm just looking out for her! Besides... she likes women better," countered Sasaki very quickly.

"Ade... I'm telling you, she likes it. Why else would she meet with them out back now and then? Don't you think I'm right?" asked Takashi, looking over at Koi. "None of the guys who like her have really done anything offensive to her. Just some love letters, poems, gifts, stuff like that. Maybe somehow get to touch her hand briefly or something and then smile like crazy for the rest of the day. I love Sasaki to death, but she is too protective sometimes, you know?"

NOW, maybe if he guessed correctly he'd learn something a lot more interesting about Aki...

She was starting to get a little waterlogged now, but didn't mind it. Sighing a little, Aki settled back down into the water, drawing more hot water out before closing her eyes and letting her mind black out. Yep, she was gonna take a little nap in the bath. Just a few minutes anyway... She never could actually sleep in the bath in any way possible.
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Fisshu Kashikoi

Fisshu Kashikoi

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Working at an Inn - Cafe leads to...? [Open] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Working at an Inn - Cafe leads to...? [Open]   Working at an Inn - Cafe leads to...? [Open] I_icon_minitimeSun Dec 12, 2010 2:37 pm

Koi was slightly confused as to who was right. He felt that neither one of them was completely telling the truth. He could that she was shy if she had really wanted to get into his pants she would have done so earlier when Sasaki told her to undress him. This also meant that Sasaki wasn't as strict as Takashi was trying to make him believe. Koi thought about how to best phrase his answer.

"I think you're wrong, Takashi. And I think you're only partially right, Sasaki. I think she has developed a mild hatred of men but, I don't think she would prefer a woman." Koi explained his thoughts.

Koi looked at them both, curious to know if was correct in his deduction or not. Also, he was curious to know what would happen next. Koi was quite certain in his answer so, the negative result wasn't what he was concerned about.

Koi tried to read their faces even though he knew he wouldn't be able to get anything from them. They had not only played this game before but, they had obviously been doing it a long time. Not only that but, at least Takashi was a ninja. Koi could tell from the way he carried himself. Not so much his demeanor but, the way his feet and hands were positioned. He was always ready for the, 'just in case'.
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Working at an Inn - Cafe leads to...? [Open] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Working at an Inn - Cafe leads to...? [Open]   Working at an Inn - Cafe leads to...? [Open] I_icon_minitimeTue Dec 28, 2010 7:01 pm

"Ade... right again. Kid's good." "Yes... he is, isn't he? Alright then. Time for some information then. Aki might actually be interested in you considering this is the longest I've actually seen her talking to someone when she doesn't have to. She could've easily left at any time she wanted to... but she didn't. Anyway, you wanted to know how Aki got here?"

"I'm not sure how much Aki told you but... basically her parents don't want her. They disowned her. She came here eventually, where from, I don't know. We don't ask her. If she wants us to know, she'll tell us. I'm the one who found her though... She seemed to be doing fine on her own, but she might have a bloodline or something along those lines. Don't underestimate her. She can fight decently. Gave one of my Genin quite the scare, she did."

"But I think she'd have to have come from overseas. She has a natural taste for seafood and can make a few dishes even. That and other traits that seem more developed than usual in a normal human unless they lived on the seas or at least near them."

"Anything else you'd like to know?"

Slowly she woke up, feeling as if she'd been out for hours but as she glanced at her iPod and checked the time it'd only been a few minutes. 'Well... I guess I should get out but......' Sighing she looked up at the ceiling. 'I wonder what they're talking about down there...'

Mentally chiding herself as she got up and out of the bath, drying herself off, she tried to think about something other than the three people downstairs. 'No, no. Two. He left already.'

As she went back to her room with her towel about her she wondered what to wear. But as she searched through drawers and her closet she found that there were no clothes for her to change into. Sasaki hadn't done the laundry yet... So that left her with old, dirty clothes or... her work clothes... Great. Another string of curses left her. 'Could today get any worse?'

Takashi studied Koi for a moment before making up his mind. "Hey kid, do you want to know who the real Aki is?" he asked, quite serious, his playful mannerism coming to a standstill.

"Takashi..." started Sasaki questioningly. She doubted he would know more than she would. Was he really going to tell her about her ability to be able to see despite being blind? He merely waved her aside. "Do you?" he asked again, staring at the young man intently.

[OOC: :/ Yeah, I know I said I'd be posting soon but... no computer for the past couple of days. -.-']
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