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Hyouden Yuki\Ookami Tsume (Kumogakure Genin) Shauntaystaffimgf
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 Hyouden Yuki\Ookami Tsume (Kumogakure Genin)

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Hyouden Yuki\Ookami Tsume (Kumogakure Genin) Empty
PostSubject: Hyouden YukiOokami Tsume (Kumogakure Genin)   Hyouden Yuki\Ookami Tsume (Kumogakure Genin) I_icon_minitimeSun May 02, 2010 11:49 am

Name: Hyouden Yuki (This name known only to his siblings)
Nickname/Alias: Ookami Tsume (Known by this name)

Age: 12
Age Appearance:15

Eyes are silver
Gender: Male

Skill Level: D Rank
Ninja Rank: Genin

Village: Kumogakure no Sato
Birthplace: Mizu no Kuni
Previous Village: -

Clan/Bloodline: Hyouden|Yokan

Personality: Tsume is friendly, easy going person. Despite his liking to spend his free time relaxing, he isn't the person you could call lazy. He would never turn down anyone asking for help and without any hesitations Tsume would do even the toughest job just to see a smile on someones face. Mot of his free time, when he isn't training or working boy spends in nature either dreaming or playing with animals. His love for nature can be easily seen in everything he does.

with other people He usually is friendly and careless with other people . He isn't very talkative and spends most of his time alone, though he has great love for good company and good jokes, especially when they make all people around forget their worries and smile for awhile. He understands that everyone is different and does his best to try to understand everyone, no matter how hard it might seem.

Tsume is venturesome, loves all kind of games and competitions and can't stand loosing to anyone. Anything that might offer any challenge is immediately treated as challenge. Boy loves doing all sorts of crazy things, no matter how dangerous it might be.

Tsume has very poor patience which often leads to stupid and reckless actions. Despite his extraordinary silent hunting abilities he prefers to attack his target head on, without even analyzing situation, getting to know his enemies or preparing for everything.

Friendly, easy going, venturesome and impatient - these are the best words defining Tsume.

Goals: His main goal now is to serve and help the people, help everyone live easier and see everyone around smiling happily.

Alignment: Good

Canon Personality:-

Skill Specialty:
Dominant: Weaponry (Projectiles - Kenjutsu)

Elemental Affinity:
Dominant: Fuuton

The beginning of the tale.

It all started in the land of Water. Autumn had just entered those lands, slowly dying forest in colours of gold and red... Small island to the south of main Water country island was shrouded in thick rains, it seemed that it was hiding something... There, in that small, hidden island, surrounded by forests, hidden in a valley, stood a village. Despite the rain, that was doing its best to flood entire island, that small village was lively, full of happy people. No matter what, people of that village wouldn't give up, they have lived through hot and cold and never stopped believing that tomorrow will be a better day. Anyone observing that village from afar would have agreed that it looked more like a living creature.

A normal day for some, it was completely different for others. A family was waiting anxiously for its newest member to enter this world. It took some time. Actually these few moments were something like an eternity for those who were eagerly looking forward to see this new child.

The rain stopped for a moment, few birds that were still singing during this downpour suddenly fell completely silent, entire village died out for a second. This silence was a sign, a sign that finally new descendant of Hyouden clan drew its first breath. This small, fragile, little creature was looking curiously at faces leaning towards him, faces of his family, family, that will be forgotten. This child did not cry, it seemed that he didn't want to break the silence which greeted his arrival and so first to talk was his mother, Hanako. Most beautiful smile in the entire world slowly appeared on her face. Her eyes seemed so gentle and so deep, entire world could have existed in there. Gently and silently she muttered "Yuki... That will be your name, for your face looks like the purest snow in the highest peaks of the mountains..." After that the world fell silent again. But just for a moment...

Yuki was born in family of four people and he was the fifth. His sister, oldest of all three siblings-Mizuki. His brother-Terakoishi, one with the darkest future. Mother-Hanako. Father-Kohaku.

Boy himself couldn't remember his first days, first months and when he grew older there was no one who could tell him of how his family loved him, how was he raised. Not a single hint of his early days spent with his mother in gardens of family house could reach him. Not a single word of tales that his mother used to tell him... Nothing.

Death of peace

The time was flying fast, everything around changed. Yellow trees of the autumn were changed by white snow of the winter. The atmosphere in the village was changing, this happiness that was all over the village few months ago, was slowly changing into uneasiness. Unwelcome rumours were reaching the ears of everyone that would understand them. The history of this clan was long and troublesome, the clan had its enemies, enemies which were never sleeping and spent long years to look for this hidden village, last retreat for peaceful people of Hyouden clan. It looked like that these sad times had finally come and village was no longer hidden from outside world, nor was it safe.

A dark night when the moon was completely hidden in thick clouds. Snow begun to fall and it was a sign. It happened silently and suddenly. Even the fact that this event was long expected didn't help a bit. Strange shadows surrounded village. And when the first sounds of battle begun moving through the air, everyone knew what happened. Yukis mother took him from his warm, cosy bed, it was no longer safe in this village. Not a single moment was wasted, three men clad in white were already standing and waiting, they had to accompany lady Hanako and her youngest son. They left as soon as the first signs of upcoming events touched the village but it was already too late. The enemy was far to great for Hyouden people, their goal was to kill anyone and everyone that had something to do with this village. These people and their cold hearts didn't question this cruel decision.

Doubts were cleared. It was soon clear that nothing could be done to escape from death that awaits. Lady Hanako and her group were ambushed soon after leaving village. The men that swore to protect their lady, stood one against ten, using last bits of their strength to buy some time for an escape, was the best they could do but it wasn't enough. They held for long enough but... Three rings of men were put around this village so no one would escape. [...] Hanako collapsed on the snow dyed in her blood, clutching Yuki in her arms. Assassins were already leaning over Yuki, their cold kunai blades were glittering and promising a death for anyone they'd touch. But the life had other plans for Yuki.

As later wolves used to tell Yuki, they found him lying with his dead mother, surrounded by group of masked silhouettes, the smell of blood and death shrouded those strange shadows. Shirou, the wolf that saved and later took care of Yuki, was guided by strange events to this place, it was a will of someone controling us all he used to say. There, having no doubts, he knew what to do. He jumped on those silhouettes...

Into the forests

Shirou, a leader of a great forest spirit clan, Ookami, took Yuki in his family as his son. These spirits had form of great white wolves. These wolves were as high as humans or evens higher, their main purpose was to guard forests in this island and they had never failed. The oldest, wisest and strongest of these wolves had two or even three tails.

Living with these wolves was a new beginning for this child of people. This boy had no fangs, no fur. He was different from everyone around him. Council of wolves named him Tsume and announced that his existence as human was over. He was now a child of spirits and even though he looked different, he was one of them. He played with other wolf cubs and he lived with them. He had to endure everything they endured and not a single exception was made for him. At first it didn't seemed so bad, life was easy, for all he did was play and explore the world. He did well for a human. But as wolves grow, the time comes and everything changes. They have to learn how to survive, how to fulfil their duties.

One day his father, Shirou, called him. It was finally a time for Tsume to begin real life as a wolf. It had to be difficult, for he was not created for a life like this. He had no fangs for hunting, his legs were slower, sense of scent was weaker and his eyes were not as keen as those of wolves. His father knew this and he knew, that his duty is to help Tsume as much as he can, so he had a gift for this boy. As he revealed this gift, Tsume stood amazed. It was something he had never seen before. "Those who wielded this thing, called it Kogarashi. It is a weapon made by those who had no fangs nor claws. It has been touched by the spirit of wind as well as you have been and when this wind will awaken in you it will awaken in Kogarashi as well. Difficult times await for you and your life will depend on this weapon more often than you would like it." Shirou left his strongest feelings in this blade with hopes that those feeling will protect Tsume.

To learn and hunt. Live the true life of a wolf. It was difficult at first and Tsume struggled. If it wasn't for the Kogarashi he would have failed and probably died many times now but the power that was hidden in that tanto was far stronger, than anyone could have suspected. As the time passed by, Tsume finally prevailed over the difficulties he encountered. His body adapted to the harsh life. His legs grew stronger and faster, making Tsume capable to race with the fastest of his friends, his senses improved and could have been matched with other wolves. A lot has Tsume learned from the wolves. The arts of tracking, hunting, surviving in the wild... Soon there was nothing else to learn there.

Mark of Death

They say that for every light there is dark in this world to keep balance. It was a thing Tsume didn't believe, for his life, no matter how difficult, was still white, full of joy and happiness. But the only way to learn is to learn from mistakes... Or at least they say so. And the time came for Tsume to learn from his mistake.

Destiny choose a sunny day in the middle of winter. The snow was shining like nothing else in this world and so made everyone feel happy and lively. Even the freezing cold temperatures didn't change good moods and so, eager to have some action Tsume and his friend prepared for a hunt. Due to many other things they had to do, they were delayed up until evening. For a moment they had a thought that it would be far better to rest for today and go on a hunt tomorrow but because of his restless temper Tsume somehow persuaded his friend. They both were very young and though that the only thing that could make them feel alive would be a hunt.

It wasn't until early night that they finally left. They decided to split up and make a match who would find and hunt prey first. As the time passed, sudden uneasy feeling covered the forest and boy felt fear, one, that cannot be explained by words. Feeling that something is not right he swept through the forest searching for his friend. As time passed it got darker and darker and this feeling of uneasiness got stronger with every step. Finally boy saw something. A shadow... No.... A silhouette. A figure clad in white... And black... It was kneeling near something. Boy wanted to say something but the words stuck in his throat. As he slowly got closer, some new feeling begun pressing on him. At last Tsume saw it. There, in the snow, his friend was lying. Not a single movement he made, note a single noise he let. Even though boy saw many deaths of his prey, he couldn't understand what he saw there. His friend... Dead... And this figure... What was that...? Now, when Tsume finally faced death of his loved ones eye to eye, he felt terrible anger, sadness and fear. Mixture of emotions that doesn't lead anywhere. In a matter of seconds his right arm grabbed his tanto , drew it and with a sudden jump boy struck that figure from behind, blaming it for the death of his dear friend.

The blade went through this figure like it was only mist and nothing else and boy fell down. Lying near his friend, unable to understand what was happening, tears appeared in his eyes. Somehow he managed to kneel, clutching tanto in his hand, Tsume raised his head. A face covered in a shadow of a hood, face unlike any other, was looking at him. A smile appeared on that face, it wasn't evil smile, nor was it good, not a happy one, nor a sad one. It was 'just' a smile. It felt different... This whole creature, standing right in front of him, was different. A inscrutable conversation begun... One that only took place only in boys head but was as real as any other. A human boy talking with a god of death. No matter what would boy say it only made this god laugh, no matter what he asked, he got no clear answer. In the end that god leaned towards boy and drew something on his left side of face. " It is not a curse, nor is it a gift. It is just a sign, that you met Death. Maybe it will help you to understand... Or maybe not... WE shall see." God of death lauged for one final time and then Tsume lost his conciousness.

Boy awoke after many days. Council of the wolves understood that boy was touched by death and ordered everyone to leave him alone. Tsume had to recover on his own or he'll be lost. As months passed, the soul of forest found its place in boys heart once again and he somehow managed to recover.

New Light

The days there, in the forest, were all the same and at the same time different. Days passed by quicker than you could count. Years passed without any notice. Nearly eight years have passed from the time when Shirou found a human boy lying on a ground, surrounded and almost facing death. The life in this island was happy, every day was filled with idyll. Hunting, playing, exploring, learning, that was how Tsume spent his days. But his heart longed for something, something he didn't know, something distant, something he couldn't get here, in this forest of gods.

It was a late summer night, the moon was full and the stars were barely visible. Winds were dancing in tree branches and birds were singing for them. The trees looked like they wanted to stand up and go somewhere. It all felt so... Strange...
Suddenly, unnoticed by anyone, a white silhouette appeared right in front of great rock which was the gathering site of elders. All elder wolves immediately understood what have happened and gathered there, leaving the young ones behind, guessing what has happened. Tsume couldn't look away from white, shining figure, surrounded by gigantic wolves. That figure was glowing like a moon and those wolves were mere stars. Light of this 'Moon' was gentle but powerful, it made everyone feel happy and calm, it had influence on everybody that would look at it.

Conversation continued for hours. When it was finally over, sun was already rising in the east. Wolves stood silent as the figure begane moving towards Tsume. Every step was confident, every step was light. It seemed that that figure wasn't even touching the grass, like it was floating. For entire this creature eternity moved closer and closer, towards astonished boy, and when it finally stood in front of him, boy realized. It was someone like him. Yet completely different. The face was shining, it looked so beautiful and calm, so happy and friendly. It was a girl, girl clad in white, she looked young but deep wisdom could be felt in her eyes. She felt familiar, though he thought that he had never seen her before. Girl raised her hand and gently stroked his silver, tangled hair. It seemed like she felt something familiar in them and so she removed her hood, revealing long silver hair. Her eyes were silver just like his. A smile appeared on her face and she hugged this boy. It felt like a dream... Wonderful dream... It continued only for a second. She had to let him go. Girl extended her left arm and showed a white pendant resting on her palm. "It is for you." She smiled. "It is a sign, it is given only to those like you... And me... It will bring you good luck. And if you will meet a person that has one like this. You can trust him as you can trust yourself, as you can trust me... I hope it will remind you of me, when no one else will reach your memory. That is it for now... We shall meet one day..." She silently sighed... "I hope it will be soon enough... I must go now..." She smiled, kissed his forehead, hugged him and disappeared, leaving only mist behind. Tsume looked at the signet she left him. It was a snowflake... And in the middle was a circle where water and wind were spinning symbols were spinning and creating something other. It seemed that balance of water and wind was what made that snowflake.

On the Road

After that mysterious girl left. Tsume couldn't live calmly anymore. She had left a trace in his heart. Everything he tried to calm down wouldn't work, it was clear to everyone that something must be done. But the answer came by itself... On two legs... Two months after girl mysteriously appeared, another stranger showed up. It seemed that elders were already ready to meet him. So they spoke only for a second and then this man came to Tsume. He smiled and introduced himself. He said that the white maiden had sent him here to take boy with him on a journey. Waiting for nothing, acting without thinking, boy grabbed all his belongings, said goodbye to everyone and was ready to go. He felt that this has to be done and it seemed that everyone agreed. He promised that he would return someday, he thanked for everything. It would be a lie if someone would say that he left and shed no tear. No. He already missed his friends and family that has raised him and they missed him. Eventhough he still stood in front of them. But hopes of going back made this goodbye easier. Council of elders announced that this boy, Tsume, who came as a human and lived as a wolf will leave once again as a human and will never again be a wolf, for he is who he is, no matter what.

They left. It was the middle of the autumn but places where they travelled where still green and all the trees still had their leaves. That was the day that marked beginning of adventures on the road. Living eight years with the wolves Tsume had much to learn and his new sensei didn't wait a moment.

They spent four years travelling around the world, they saw almost everything and from everything they saw Tsume had something to learn. All that time he was learning and getting even stronger, for his master said that he will have to fight for what he believes is right. No two days were the same, for they didn't spend two days in a single spot. Some days were challenges and some were just like vacation. Boy got to know many humans, good and bad. He saw many villages, many towns. Much has happened in those four years, too much to tell but (almost) everything that happened will be later useful in Tsumes life.

Kumogakure no Sato

One day sensei and his student arrived in a big village, surrounded by mountains, hidden in the clouds. Sensei left Tsume alone for few days. It wasn't something unusual. It was always impossible to predict what will that man do. But that time it was different. The sensei himself did not return. One morning Tsume woke up, every belonging of his teacher was gone and on the table a letter was lying. It said that Tsumes master had to leave village immediately and that he can not train boy anymore. He said that he found a place for boy in this village. In a few days some people will come and take him with them, boy will become Kumogakure shinobi. The last few lines were those of parting. Master wrote that maybe they'll meet some day. He thanked for all the good time and wished best luck.

It happened soon enough, a girl a and man came to take Tsume from his hotel room in few days. They said that they're friends of his master and that everything will be alright. Boy was given a place to stay and some money for living. He begun going to ninja academy and in a matter of months gratuated. It is now unclear what will the future be...

RP Sample:
Special Characteristics:


Public Profile
Name: Ookami Tsume
Village: Kumogakure no Sato
Organization: -
Rank: Genin (D)
Age: 12
Info: Before coming to Kumogakure wandered with his teacher around the world. Other than that is unknown about his past. He is a friendly, cheerful, easy going venturesome person, always getting into some sort of trouble. Likes to spend his time reading books or sleeping.

Last edited by Terakoishi on Mon Aug 23, 2010 4:37 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Age : 31
Location : Forests where the snow never stops falling...

Hyouden Yuki\Ookami Tsume (Kumogakure Genin) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hyouden Yuki\Ookami Tsume (Kumogakure Genin)   Hyouden Yuki\Ookami Tsume (Kumogakure Genin) I_icon_minitimeWed Jul 07, 2010 1:48 pm

Phew.... Finished at last (I guess...). Sorry for any mistakes.
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Hyouden Yuki\Ookami Tsume (Kumogakure Genin) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hyouden Yuki\Ookami Tsume (Kumogakure Genin)   Hyouden Yuki\Ookami Tsume (Kumogakure Genin) I_icon_minitimeWed Jul 07, 2010 1:52 pm

You need to lower you special characteristics to 3
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Location : Forests where the snow never stops falling...

Hyouden Yuki\Ookami Tsume (Kumogakure Genin) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hyouden Yuki\Ookami Tsume (Kumogakure Genin)   Hyouden Yuki\Ookami Tsume (Kumogakure Genin) I_icon_minitimeWed Jul 07, 2010 2:04 pm

Hooo... Didn't notice limit of characteristics... Changed. Anything else...?
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Hyouden Yuki\Ookami Tsume (Kumogakure Genin) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hyouden Yuki\Ookami Tsume (Kumogakure Genin)   Hyouden Yuki\Ookami Tsume (Kumogakure Genin) I_icon_minitimeWed Jul 07, 2010 2:14 pm

No, your good, excellant application btw.

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Shikyo Riku
Shikyo Riku

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Hyouden Yuki\Ookami Tsume (Kumogakure Genin) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hyouden Yuki\Ookami Tsume (Kumogakure Genin)   Hyouden Yuki\Ookami Tsume (Kumogakure Genin) I_icon_minitimeMon Aug 23, 2010 4:23 pm

Moved for updating. Approval pending
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Hyouden Yuki\Ookami Tsume (Kumogakure Genin) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hyouden Yuki\Ookami Tsume (Kumogakure Genin)   Hyouden Yuki\Ookami Tsume (Kumogakure Genin) I_icon_minitimeMon Aug 23, 2010 4:39 pm

Edited... (I think (?) ) I only changed skill speciality
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Shikyo Riku
Shikyo Riku

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PostSubject: Re: Hyouden Yuki\Ookami Tsume (Kumogakure Genin)   Hyouden Yuki\Ookami Tsume (Kumogakure Genin) I_icon_minitimeMon Aug 23, 2010 4:42 pm

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PostSubject: Re: Hyouden Yuki\Ookami Tsume (Kumogakure Genin)   Hyouden Yuki\Ookami Tsume (Kumogakure Genin) I_icon_minitime

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