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Takeshi Kanto [Kumogakure Genin]  Shauntaystaffimgf
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 Takeshi Kanto [Kumogakure Genin]

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PostSubject: Takeshi Kanto [Kumogakure Genin]    Takeshi Kanto [Kumogakure Genin]  I_icon_minitimeSun Aug 15, 2010 5:06 pm

Name: Kanto, Takeshi

Age: Fourteen
Age Appearance: Fourteen


Takeshi stands at five feet and seven inches in height. This height is often enough to edge out other, younger Genin in height. He weighs one hundred twenty pounds, which is lower than what most men at his height weigh normally. Though he is still only an adolescent, he has a muscular physique which is the result of his Kenjutsu training. He is skinny, and he has prominent facial features. His eyes are not normal, being a pale, dull yellow color, which is very unusual. It is not like the eyes of a Hyuuga, who have no visible pupils. Takeshi's dirty blonde hair goes well with his eyes, which have similar colors. It is a little spiky, and does not seem to be well cared for, but it resembles a common style of hair that is popular among young ninja. His shoulders are spaced apart like a man's, and he is beginning to grow facial hair, and he appears to be growing a goatee. His skin is mostly clear, without any boils or scars. He appears to be of Caucasian descent. Instead of placing his forehead protector around his head like normal, he prefers to loosely tie it on his neck.

Takeshi owns a curious straw hat which he wears almost all of the time, and takes it off only to be polite around others. He has a black shitagi, which is basically just an undershirt in traditional He wears a pale yellow kosode, which is a piece of clothing resembling a shirt, but is also like a robe. He has a kanji marked on the back of his kosode, which means storm. Underneath this, he wears mesh armor, which can be seen near his neckline, but the sleeves are covered by his kimono. His arms are wrapped up in bandage all the way up to his elbows. He wears a pale yellow hakama as well, with a color similar to the morning sun. Takeshi also wears a black sash, which grips his waist tightly. He keeps his sword sheath attached to him using this sash. Also, his ninja supplies are gripped to the left side of his body. He owns a dark gray hooded cloak which he will cover himself when doing stealthy things or during rain. He has a pair of wooden sandals.

Gender: Male

Skill Level: D-Rank
Ninja Rank: Genin

Village: Kumogakure
Birthplace: Kumogakure
Previous Village: n/a

Clan/Bloodline: Kanto Clan


Primary Motivation: The driving force behind Takeshi's actions and the basis of his personality is his ambition to make his clan well respected, and surpass his father. From a young age Takeshi was instructed in the ninja arts by his father, who wanted his son to make good use of his Kekkei Genkai skills and bring honor to his family. He arguably cares more about that ambition then his son's own safety. Takeshi came to see Masaru as an idol, and a person whom Takeshi should act more like, even if his father was willing to endanger his own son in order to achieve these ends. After learning about the disgrace of his clan which occurred more than seventy years ago, Takeshi has made his goal to be the redemption and rebirth of his deprived clan and bloodline.

Outlook: Takeshi, like many Shinobi, have came to accept the reality that in a world of ninja, the ninja are nothing more than tools of war and business. By becoming a Shinobi, Takeshi believes many of his freedoms have already been surrendered. However, this does not mean he has abandoned his goals to give his clan life once again. He must balance these two things in his life. He has a bleak outlook on life. Being a Shinobi, he has little pride as a warrior. Ninja are the trained individuals who are supposed to get their hands dirty in order to achieve their objective. Their duties include espionage, assassination, sabotage, and deception. They are not like Samurai in that they have a code of behavior, and honor. He does all and any of these things readily because he has a Shinobi's pride. He believes that this world is filled with things like murder, dishonesty, conniving, and hatred. He believes as long as such things exist, the role of a Shinobi in this world will not change. That is Takeshi's dogma.

Integrity: For the most part, Takeshi is a conscientious individual. He shows no signs of being disloyal to his village, the kage, or his comrades. He is not the person who would do a job half assed. He is meticulous, and strives to do well for the sake of his name as a Shinobi, and for his father and family. He attempts to build up his reputation as a reliable and responsible Shinobi by undertaking missions and completing them flawlessly. He works and trains hard so that his performance is one hundred percent of his best potential during his missions. Even if being a Genin means he is relegated to less exciting activities like cleaning or doing chores, he awaits the day he can be promoted to the Chuunin rank.

Impulsiveness: Takeshi is able to control himself well for somebody at his age. He does his best not to be tempted into an argument or a scuffle, or doing anything rash during a mission. However, he is not above bullying others. He is almost always focused, but sometimes there are people such as classmates who make it harder for him to concentrate, and tend to make him impatient. He is not always able to control himself. He is sometimes tempted in to teasing others, and even starting fights if he is feeling up to it. He is especially sensitive towards people who mock him because of his clan name, and will probably not think much about the consequences of attacking a person who is probably trying to bait him by hitting him where it hurts.

Boldness: Takeshi has shown himself to be capable of bold actions. Even if he can be intimidated, he has forced himself to be more intrepid in order to maintain his pride, and would want to choose a path that he believes his father would approve of. He will never surrender if he is backed into a corner, even if the odds are against him because he is a person who is influenced by pride. He is vigilant and tries to plan out his moves in battle. Though he has a limited ability to think ahead quickly during combat, he is always cautious, and waits for a moment to deal damage to his opponent if they were to drop their guard or become careless.

Flexibility: Takeshi is surprisingly adaptable. When faced with changing circumstances, such as being captured by an enemy Takeshi will still be able to think clearly, and try and form a plan. He moves around and speaks in a nonchalant manner, even if he is in trouble, which is to the displeasure of older, higher ranked Shinobi who normally command respect from Genin. Though he may not always seem like it, Takeshi is a person who is able to forgive a person if they had a problem or disagreement, and he can make friends out of enemies over time. However, this does not always apply. For example, the man who brought the second downfall of his clan, Kaji Kanto, is a person who Takeshi would never, ever forgive for his actions.

Affinity (emotional attitude towards people): Takeshi, even towards his own mother, is cold as a result of the void left in him by his father's disappearance. He is uncaring towards others who may be concerned for him, or to people who are having problems and may need help. He is very self absorbed, and because he sees his own mother as an obstacle to him gaining more power, he pays little mind to her, or many other people for that matter. The only person he really gave a crap about was his father, and now that he is dead, he has barricaded himself from others emotionally. However, he is capable of being nurturing and even empathetic, but he has allowed himself to become a much darker person.

Comportment: Takeshi is not a person who one would find pleasure in speaking too. He is found as arrogant, and hardly ever modest. He is very willing to point out the flaws in a person, thing, or idea, and as such, he is also a critical kind of person. Among other words, he is called sanctimonious, crude, and gruff. And all of these words describe him very well when it comes to his behavior towards his peers. He is less so when he is speaking to his superiors, but it is easy for others to judge him as trash because of the way he acts, unaware of his past and his motives. He can be rude and suggestive at times, and such he is very unpopular with the other Genin.

Interactivity: Takeshi will hardly ever make an attempt to communicate with others if it is not necessary. Though he would not throw away teamwork, in life and social situations, he is a taciturn person, and prefers to remain quiet. Although he is also critical, and will sometimes raise his voice in an effort to upset another person. For the most part, he is reserved, and will distance himself from others because of his coldness. He does not like to talk about his feelings especially, and would rather keep them bottled up inside, never ever showing them to somebody else.

Disclosure and Conformity: Takeshi is extremely secretive. Even to his own team he is reluctant to reveal his history and his secrets in battle. He has a mysterious aura. Also Takeshi is not the kind of person that stands out. He follows the crowd, and rarely strays from the conventional way of life and way of thinking. He is down to earth, and somebody like him would probably not like a character like Naruto.

Goals: Become an excellent Shinobi in hopes that he would be a beloved warrior to his father, and bring honor to him as well as his clan.
Alignment: Neutral

Canon Personality: Sasuke

Skill Specialty:
Dominant: Weaponry (Bladed and Projectiles)

Elemental Affinity:
Dominant: Ranton (Storm)


Takeshi Kanto is one of the few living descendent's of the former Suto-Mu Clan. Once upon a time, it was a powerful clan in the Water Country. However, the bloodline massacres that occurred because of the fear of the Kekkei Genkai that these clans possessed almost ensured the destruction of the Suto-Mu. The Hidden Mist Village was successful in killing the majority of the clan members. Those that survived were hungry for revenge against the village that tried to eliminate them. However, the few clan members that remained after the massacre were nowhere near powerful enough to challenge the Mist Village. Only two of the survivors chose to flee, trying to find a new life somewhere. The remainder who chose to avenge their family and comrades joined them in the afterlife, slaughtered by the Hidden Mist Shinobi. Those that survived arrived in the Lightning Country to start a new way of life.

Their numbers slowly grew in Kumogakure, and they had hope that their clan could be reborn here. However, once again, the Suto-Mu found themselves being purged, not by their home village, but by a blood member of the clan. Kaji Koi Kanto. He targeted every person who beared the name of the Suto-Mu, and butchered them without thinking about it. He was a highly skilled ninja, so for the most part, killing them all was a sinch. However, one man formed the last line of defense to protect his clan. By the middle of the night, there were only four remaining clan members in the Hidden Cloud Village. The leader of the clan, his wife, their son, and their unborn child.

The man fought Kaji, but in the end, he was unable to stand up against his opponent. His last effort was to create an opening for his family to escape. In addition, his primary focus the entire time was to alert the other Shinobi of the village, and bring about reinforcements. Kaji had to choose between letting his prey escape, or pursuing them and risk being caught. Eventually, Kaji decided upon finishing off the leader of the clan before fleeing from the scene of the crime. There was innumerable damage done to the clan compound. Flames, soaked and ruined furniture and other items. In addition, the corpses of the Suto-Mu clan laid everywhere.


Takashi Suto-Mu was the great grandfather of Takeshi Kanto. For years, the three mentioned in the story were the only members of the clan, but soon Takashi's children had children of their own, and the majority of them possessed the Kekkei Genkai that permitted them to combine water and electric, and also use their other clan ability. Even today, few people are related to Takashi Kanto by blood, and fewer have inherited the clan's bloodline abilities. Takashi Suto-Mu is the great grandfather of one of the inheritors of the clan's bloodline limit. Takashi's grandson is named Masaru Kanto, and the woman that he married is called Nanami. Together, they had a son, whom they named Takeshi. Takeshi is an only child, and he bears the Kekkei Genkai of the Kanto clan. As a result, Masaru saw great potential in his son. From a young age, Takeshi was acquainted with harsh training methods and was constantly tested to evaluate his skills. Masaru was a role model for all Shinobi. Merciless, intelligent, strong, and unlike other, and younger Shinobi, Masaru had composure during a mission, allowing him to lead a squad of four and accomplish the objective. Takeshi also saw him as a role model.

Nanami was a lot more nurturing than her husband was. Where as he wanted his son to be a great Shinobi and carry on the Kanto blood, Nanami just wanted to have a son to love. Nanami and Masaru lost a son before he was even born. She didn't want him to be putting his life on the line at such a young age, especially if it meant she could lose her child. Since he was so so young, he didn't have much say in whether he wanted to be a Shinobi or not. Takeshi, who was around six years old at the time was amazed by his father's abilities. Masaru was a Kumo Chuunin, and he had a lot of skill in swordsmanship, as well as proficiency in his clan's powers. Takeshi wanted to be just like his father, and become a Shinobi worthy of praise. He vowed that he would bring honor to the fallen Kanto family. Takeshi was enrolled in the academy, where he scored very well on tests and exams, and he was consistently complimented for not just his natural talent as a Shinobi, but also his commitment to Ninjutsu. Nothing was going to stop this kid from going to the top, they said. Then, one day, Masaru was assigned a dangerous mission. Leaving his small family behind, he joined his squad members and left the village to head to the Wind country.

Days passed. No word on the progress of the mission. Weeks went by, but still there was no attempt to communicate with the Hidden Cloud village. Tracker Shinobi were gathered and sent to find the four man cell. But, they were never found. Weeks of search ended in vain. It was if Masaru Kanto had dropped off of the face of the earth. Nanami was heartbroken. Takeshi is twelve at this point. Today is his graduation ceremony. His mother accompanies him, but even then Takeshi is still waiting for his father. He trained everyday as if he was still beside him, encouraging him to get better. Eventually, a year passed. Wherever Masaru is, the Raikage told Takeshi that he will never return to this village. Takeshi left, a piece of his heart ripped out from inside of him. The void left from the death of his father made him feel empty inside. Nonetheless, he swore he would get better as a Shinobi, and also he would one day discover what happened to his father. As a Genin, he had no rest any day, constantly training his jutsu, and everyday his father crossed his mind. Through despair, Takeshi hangs on to the life of a Shinobi, promising to surpass his father, and redeem him as his son.

RP Sample:
Special Characteristics:

Rank: C
Character's with this trait are in excellent physical shape. They are generally slightly stronger, heal faster and are rarely ill.

Rank: D
Character's with this trait, as a result of a previous event, being a member of a family or clan, or a product of their personality, are inclined to engage in actions that they see as favorable to the reputation of themselves, or other people, including parents, friends, and siblings, as well as clan members and a clan as a whole.

Public Profile
Name: Kanto, Takeshi
Appearance: Pale yellow, spiky hair and pale yellow eyes. pale yellow kosode, black sash, pale yellow hakama, and katana sword.
Village: Kumogakure
Organization: Kanto Clan
Rank: Genin
Age: Fourteen
Info: Currently a Genin within the Hidden Cloud Village. Son of Masaru Kanto, and member of the former Suto-Mu, now Kanto clan. Not much else is known about him.

Last edited by Keiteki on Wed Sep 01, 2010 9:34 am; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: Takeshi Kanto [Kumogakure Genin]    Takeshi Kanto [Kumogakure Genin]  I_icon_minitimeSat Aug 28, 2010 11:47 pm

completion bump.
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Shikyo Riku
Shikyo Riku

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Takeshi Kanto [Kumogakure Genin]  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Takeshi Kanto [Kumogakure Genin]    Takeshi Kanto [Kumogakure Genin]  I_icon_minitimeTue Aug 31, 2010 5:24 pm

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Takeshi Kanto [Kumogakure Genin]  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Takeshi Kanto [Kumogakure Genin]    Takeshi Kanto [Kumogakure Genin]  I_icon_minitimeTue Aug 31, 2010 8:06 pm


Ranton is a combination of the elements water(Suiton) & lightning(Raiton) so you'd need both before being able to make Ranton jutsu and seeing as you're a Gennin, you'd need to start off with one of them.
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PostSubject: Re: Takeshi Kanto [Kumogakure Genin]    Takeshi Kanto [Kumogakure Genin]  I_icon_minitimeWed Sep 01, 2010 9:34 am

Okay, I have Water as my element now.
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PostSubject: Re: Takeshi Kanto [Kumogakure Genin]    Takeshi Kanto [Kumogakure Genin]  I_icon_minitimeWed Sep 01, 2010 9:19 pm

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PostSubject: Re: Takeshi Kanto [Kumogakure Genin]    Takeshi Kanto [Kumogakure Genin]  I_icon_minitimeFri Sep 03, 2010 5:59 pm

Actually, if this was the case Kiyoshi, all Genin that have an advanced element, Hyouton, Mokuton, etc, which requires the combination fof two elements, needs to be removed.

Genin can start with advanced elements, they just can use the two that make it up. Its the nature of the chakra. (Yes I know what Yamamato said, but creative license applies here).

Reapproved with Ranton as the element.
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PostSubject: Re: Takeshi Kanto [Kumogakure Genin]    Takeshi Kanto [Kumogakure Genin]  I_icon_minitime

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