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A Day to Remember Shauntaystaffimgf
Happy New Year:

Year: 0638

Month: 1

Season: Winter
Your weekly weather report:
For the week of:
January 16th to January 22nd

Konoha: Snow Storm

Tea: Snow Storm

River: Snow Storm


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Kiri: Snow Storm (40% visibility)



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 A Day to Remember

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PostSubject: A Day to Remember   A Day to Remember I_icon_minitimeSun May 09, 2010 12:25 am

Faust looked up the great expanse of the building in front of him. It was in fact, a mansion, the tallest point in the central sector of Konoha. It was the Hokage's mansion, a place of valor and respect. It was an honor to be granted access to this place at any one point in time he so desired with out being questioned or asked for the proper identification. It was now that he was seeking an audience with the Hokage. However, typically, he went around Konoha in only his pants, with no shirt, and also keeping his sword by his side. Today however, he had on his full personal uniform. He had on a long sleeved shirt with a giant black cloak complete with hood, and white, almost gray looking inside. He had on three buckles around his midsection and heavy duty boots. He was fully equipped. Normally this lay in a trunk in his quarters, which he would summon to him with one of his fuuinjutsu.

Faust glanced at the doors in front of him, surprised he had yet to be questioned. No one would recognize him like this. When he wore this uniform, he was a mystery, which is why he most often used it outside of the walls, to keep his face from being recognized. Why now? He had a personal mission to accomplish. Going through the front doors would be a foolish thing to do, it would blow his cover. Even though he was allowed in there, he was trying to be secretive and keep his identity from being realized.

Instead of going through the doors, he instead took a few steps to the right and forward in a diagonal pattern, and placed one boot on the side of the building. This was it. He took a quick sigh of preparation, and took off up the side of the building. He knew he would be detected by ANBU at this point. His chakra was anchoring him to the building, which was easily noticeable. He had once been in ANBU, and so he knew what they were and were not capable of.

As if on cue, three white masked and grey vested individuals appeared from the sky, landing on the building above him, running down to intercept him. One came from the bottom. Faust had seen his shadow. He had been prepared for this. This was tactical formation, and the most obvious thing for them to do, of course he wouldnt have known that if not for his previous inclusion in their ranks. In response, he took a knee, and waited for them to come to him. Two of the ANBU coming from above split off and went right and left coming down at an angle. The one in the middle lept up and came down from above, or well, out from the building and back towards it "above" Faust. This one drew his sword and aimed it directly down at where his skull would meet his neck.

With out hesitation, Faust rolled to the side, right as the one from above came down, which caused him to lodge his sword into the building rather then his flesh. Faust stood once again, and spun around quickly. His boot clipped the ANBU members head and sent him into the once coming from the right. This knocked them both off the building. Faust had knocked the one he had kicked unconscious, and so the other would be forced to care for him and make sure he was alright. It would only take him a few seconds, but that was all the time Faust needed to take care of the other two.

Less then a moment later, the one coming from the left was upon him, engaging in quick taijutsu. Faust blocked his first incoming punch and side stepped the leg sweep. He spun again, landing ridge handed strike across his jugular, pausing the blood flow long enough for him to get dizzy. To end it, Faust jammed his elbow from below the ninjas jaw, forcing him from the roof, also unconscious. The other ANBU, by law, was forced to ignore it and hope his comrade was OK. In the teams eyes, the Hokages life was being threatened, though Faust had no such intentions, he was glad this was the response he was getting. It was the desired result.

He know faced down the last one, who was coming at him full speed, and had just finished his prepared string of hand seals. However, he never got to deliver his jutsu. Faust was already upon him by that point, hardly being able to be seen. This was a new recruit obviously. Faust slammed into him hard with a knee kick, sending him back the way he had come. Faust spun around once more and finished his journey to the Hokage's window.

As expected, he was in the office. He wasted no time in getting his attention. He drew two of his shuriken and aimed them at either side of his kages head. They zinged by harmlessly, but still very close. Close enough that the zing sound would be very loud and audible. Then, wasting no time, Faust lept on to the flat roof, stepped quickly to other side, and waited with his back turned. He knew the Kage would see his shadow and maybe a bit of material from his cloak. The point was clear though. He would venture up here soon, and Faust could begin his spar. Of course the point was to make it as real as possible, hence his deceit in his disguise.
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PostSubject: Re: A Day to Remember   A Day to Remember I_icon_minitimeSat May 22, 2010 1:31 am

”Anything I should know about?” Keiden said facing away from the two ANBU members, glancing through the shelves in front of him at several of the books within. He wore the traditional Hokage robes, red and white in different patterns, along with the large hat. Keiden recalled his dislike for the hat as he reached up to remove a rather small book with an old leather binding while one of the two ANBU members spoke. ”There are reports of Missing-Nin in the nearby area,” the male ANBU member said, his voice slightly hindered by the mask which obscured his faced. ”But, it's nothing substantial, my Lord.” the female said finishing the male's sentence. Keiden turned to face, leaning slightly on his cane, ”Hmm” he sighed, ”If that is all, then you are dismissed.” he turned once more, towards his desk as he continued, ”Be sure to keep an eye out.”

”Yes, Sir.” They both spoke in unison before disappearing in a flash, most likely heading out the open window to their left. Keiden exhaled rather loudly, he would have to warn the barrier team to keep an especially careful eye out. Stepping around his desk, he positioned himself in his extremely comfortable chair. That was the one things he had done after becoming Hokage, he made sure that he had a very comfortable chair. He placed the book, which he had removed from the shelf neatly in front of him, on the cool wood of his desk as he reached up and removed the hat portion of the traditional Hokage garb.

He closed his eyes as he listened momentarily, noticing that the two guards who were guarding the entrance way into his office had both left their post. His eyes opened and chuckled, ”Seems someone is coming to visit.” he laughed slightly, it seems that they had managed to bring the 'last line of defense' into play, so he figured that the intruder would be skilled enough to make short work of them as well. He glanced at the door for a moment and then glanced at the window which was diagonally to his left. The only two entrances into my office. Which will he take? Keiden pondered in his thoughts.

It seemed that Keiden's thoughts were right on. As if on cue, the intruder burst through the window, causing glass to scatter across the floor. Keiden only had a split second to examine the man who had rudely entered his office, the time only long enough to discern this man was in fact a man, and that he was wearing a large black mass. Keiden's examination time was cut short due two shuriken flying towards towards his head. He moved quickly, his hands folded into a hand sign, preparing to defend and/or retaliate when necessary. As it turns out, defense was not necessary, the shuriken having been expertly thrown to merely flew passed Keiden, leaving only a slightly loud and very annoying ring in his ears.

By the time Keiden refocused on where the man was, he was already out the window, the flash of the black mass which he wore being the only sign Keiden had to know in which direction the man had ran. Keiden stood up, following the man rather quickly Keiden leapt up to the above roof. Keiden soon stood across from the attacker as he faced the man who had abruptly entered and left his office on the flat rooftop. Keiden examined the man momentarily once again before speaking, ”It seems I dont recognize you, not surprising considering there are a lot of people in the world” Keiden chuckled slightly, leaning slightly on the cane at his left side. ”Who might you be? You see, I need to send someone the bill for that window.” Keiden's right hand quickly moved up to open the front of the traditional Hokage robes, revealing a style of armor similar to that of the First Hokage.
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PostSubject: Re: A Day to Remember   A Day to Remember I_icon_minitimeSat May 22, 2010 11:50 pm

Faust eyed the Kage as he made his appearance on the roof. He looked fit and strong. As was to be expected of the head ninja of the village. He did however, quickly make a mistake. A foolish one. Shortly after speaking, making pointless ass conversation. He showed Faust the armor beneath. This revealed his defenses, where as before, Faust could have just as easily been surprised by this had he engaged in simple taijutsu. Now he knew that doing so would be foolish. Of course, he did not know exactly what all was covered. He only saw the chest plate. The rest was still obscured by the robes that all Kage wore. He could chance it in areas that he could not see and guess and check. But that could possibly be a set back, and not an advantage. There were select portions of the body that were almost certainly not protected though. Him not having exposed skin left most of his fuuinjutsu out, though those were mostly reserved for when he was desperately trying to kill his opponent. That would not be happening today.

He still needed to take action though. Faust knew that it was widely accepted that making the first move was frowned upon and viewed as a mistake. Some one did have to make that mistake though, and this would not, at least in his head, be the first move. It would simply be an initiator. There was a difference. The first move of the match would be a defense or an evasion of his opponent, and then he would strike.

He only smirked at the Hokage as he finished speaking.

I already know your name, so there is no obligation in presenting mine, especially since you did not present yours when you asked for my own, Senjuu Keiden. Your jokes may be intended to make you feel more comfortable, this is foolish. There can be no comfort in my presence unless it is a false sense of security.

He allowed his smile to widen, revealing a few of his teeth.

You have no idea

He did not say what the Kage had no idea of. He didnt have to. His meaning was painfully clear, and as he uttered those last two words. He moved in a flash. His speaking was intended only to get the opposition focused in on his words, and not what he was about to do. His ANBU training allowed him to move with out giving the signs such as twitches and pre-muscle tension that would tip you off that one was about to enter motion. There was no in between, there was just not moving and then moving. It was fluid and quick. Of course he would still be see-able, he was not a taijutsu specialist. He was of the kenjutsu brand of warrior. Therefore, as fast as he was on his feet, it was his arms, hands, and fingers, that were the true threat. This was heightened by his work with fuuinjutsu and his elite mastery of hand sign weaving. He used this advantage now.

One moment he was on the right of the kage and to the front at a thirty five degree angle. Four senbon came in a spread out pattern aimed for the right armpit, neck, neck, and jaw hing joint on the left side. Then he moved back in the same almost flash like movement and released two more aimed for each foot. Finally he leaped up and fired a spread of seven in a wavy line so that if he moved to the side or forward or back or ducked or leaped, his chances of evading would be lessened. A block was nearly guaranteed. He landed with his back turned and spun back to face Keiden. Already he was in the processes of weaving six hand signs, finishing the last one as he once again stood face to face with his current adversary.

There was not much of his skin which could be seen, but what could be seen, quickly faded to an odd shade of browm, so dark it was nearly black.

Earth Spear, release

The jutsu was already in affect, though he highly doubted his superior knew what the purpose or effect it had was. Now he could attack with out that armor being a problem or even an obstacle to him in any way. He would not even allow himself to think on it at the moment, to do so was only to waste more mental thought and precious seconds. Instead he watched as Keiden responded to his first "attack" and began to calculate which course of action he would take.
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PostSubject: Re: A Day to Remember   A Day to Remember I_icon_minitimeMon May 24, 2010 11:17 pm

Keiden looked at the man across from him, watching him smirk as he spoke his words, not answering Keiden's question, but then again, Keiden hadnt expected the question to be answered. Keiden continued to listen as his right hand moved, obscured by the sleeves of the Hokage robes, into the snake handsign. He was unsurprised that the intruder knew his name, after all he was the Hokage of the Hidden Leaf Village, his name probably got around quite a bit. He returned his focus onto the man as he smilled revealing his teath as he spoke once more.

The last four words that his opponent spoke cause Keiden to chuckle slightly, but he kept his concentration on the man, not letting his mind take off down it's usual rambling path. He kept his eyes on the man as he moved, fast, but not the fastest Keiden had seen. His movements had left him standing diagonally towards Keiden's right. The Hokage didnt adjust his positon because he already had his defense prepared, ready for nearly any long range attack that the intruder could give him.

Eyes slightly turned to keep the man in view, Keiden watched as the man moved in a flash four senbon coming towards him. He saw the man flash again and two more senbon were released into the air, mere seconds after the first four. These two were aimed lower the first, probably at his lower legs or feet. When the six senbon were nearly on top of him, he bent, crouching and turning away from his opponent and staying in a low crouch as he released the jutsu, his skin took on a brown, almost black color. Along with the color his skin took on a thick rocky texture. Luckly the way he was positoned all his skin was obscured by the Hokage robes, not giving the jutsu away to his opponent, and the jutsu protected his skin from the senbon which would hit him in a second.

OOC: Yeah Short
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PostSubject: Re: A Day to Remember   A Day to Remember I_icon_minitimeWed May 26, 2010 10:59 pm

Faust watched as his kage took a very odd approach in his reaction by crouching and turning. The next thing he knew, three of his throw senbon found their intended target, tore through the kage fabric, and bounced back out onto the roof of the mansion that was their battle ground. For a moment, Faust could make neither head nor tales of it. Then he realized it, there was only one thing that the motion could have been intended for, Keiden had used some sort of defensive jutsu to block the senbon. This pleased Faust, he had thrown a pretty good weapon spread if he'd made him resort to using chakra already. However, he had turned his back. That would cause him to lose sight of Faust completely for a moment. This was his perfect opportunity. Faust wasted not time in begining to weave his hand signs. He would create a shadow clone, imbibe it with extra chakra, hide, engage the kage in taijutsu and use the Shadow Clone Explosoin technique to blow Keiden off the roof and score an undeniably vicious blow on the leader of the village. Faust grinned, this battle was going his way. His ability to control the tide of battle never failed him, and this was no different.

He stopped, suddenly, he could feel a probing at the back of his brain, and this meant only one thing. He lowered his hands and closed his eyes, quickly concentrating. He had to make this quick or his kage would realize the opening, attack, and kill him. He had to protect himself and protect the village at the same time. This could not have happened at a worse time. An intruder had just broken the barrier. In a few moments he had the info he needed to know to tell that the situation could be serious. The barrier had been breached by a large force it did not recognize and so had tripped the alarm in his brain via the secret jutsu known only to the barrier team. The person was S rank, and had just waltzed through the front gate with out problem. There were no scheduled visits from other nations the next three weeks. He did not panic though, mostly because it was not in his nature to do so, and also because the unknown was accompanied by a Konoha Jounin who Fuast knew by name and chakra signature thanks to the barrier. Yoshimaru Kangai.

Faust threw off his hood. Revealing who he was. As soon as the kage saw him, he knew there would be questions. He knelt on one knee and looked up at his kage waiting for him to turn. As soon as the kage saw his face he would bow his head in respect. He was in trouble but that did not matter at this point. For now he only said:

Forgive me
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PostSubject: Re: A Day to Remember   A Day to Remember I_icon_minitimeThu May 27, 2010 3:20 am

The voice of the intruder twinged at a familiarity in Keiden's memory, he focused briefly to determine that there was no noise behind him and as far as he could tell no traps, but he could have been wrong, after all he was no sensor. He carefully stood, and turned, slowly keeping an eye peeled for an attack or perhaps a secondary wave of senbon. His caution increased when he noted the man kneeling in the middle of the roof. The man's skin was brown, almost black, with the same coloring and rocky texture of Keiden's. Standing in a defensive stance, his cane in front of him, on the ground where he had dropped it.

Maintaining his defensive stance, Keiden examine the man in front of him after determining that there were no traps of which he could detect. His mind raced through all the images of people he had seen which were still retained within his head before he managed to find one that connected with the face of the man who knelt in front of him. He chuckled slightly as he crouched to pick up his cane, Standing up, leaning against his cane at his right side he walked over to the man kneeling infront of him. The man was Faust Arp. S rank Jounin of Konohagakure. Head of the Konoha Barrier team. Possessor of Earth Grudge Fear and Crow Summonings.

”Well.......I didnt quite expect this...” Keiden chuckled slightly, He was admitedly interested, curious as to what Faust's reasons could be, and didnt really hid it as he spoke, his intrest coming through and a humerous and obviously curious tone,"I will admit, I didnt expect it to be you." Without warning, his humerous tone and facial expression disappeared as he looked down upon his village member."Explain." he said in a both cold and severe manner which reflected within his brown eyes.
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PostSubject: Re: A Day to Remember   A Day to Remember I_icon_minitimeThu May 27, 2010 12:19 pm

Faust new there could be no forgiveness for what he had done. Though granted no wrong had come of it, nor had he intended any wrong, did he think he would be severely reprimanded. Even if he thought he would be, he would not have hidden the full truth. However, his timing had been a grave error, with this new possible threat to the villages security. It was for that reason alone, he had to now explain himself to his Hokage, and take precautions to protect the village, throwing away a perfectly good fight, because that was his duty.

Suddenly he realized that he still had his Earth Spear Jutsu activated, and that his appearance was not suitable for this. He was ashamed that in his haste he had forgotten to respectfully cancel the jutsu. With out a word or movement, he canceled his chakra flow through sheer force of will, and his skin slowly began to bleach back out to its normal complexion. When he was satisfied that he was no longer in battle mode in anyway, he lowered his head in a show of respect to the kage. It was time to give his briefing.

Sir, things have been slow as of late, and I have been losing faith that my level is as it once was. I simply needed to test myself to ensure that I could maintain myself even in a time of peace. The best test I could come up with was a battle with you. However, I do know you kage, and it is of no true consequence or fault on your end, it is the way the mind of a leaf ninja should work, especially the kage. If you had known it to be, you would have held back, for fear of taking my life. This way that fear did not exist, and you could attack me freely. I merely needed to test myself. If you deem punishment necesary to deliver punishment, I will accept it. However, it must wait. There is a strong unidentified chakra signature that just entered our vilalge along with one of our jounin. There was no scheduled appearances and it could be a possible threat. Under protocol they should be brought to your office for a clearance pass. We must go to your office and await their arrival at once. It was an S rank level signature sir....the village could be in danger. It could also be a false alarm but to treat it as such would be a foolish mistake, Im sure you would agree.

After he finished talking, Faust raised his head up once more slightly to make eye contact with his Kage to see the seriousness in his eyes. He had no doubt he would act as Faust knew was needed. He was the Hokage after all, this was his job.
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PostSubject: Re: A Day to Remember   A Day to Remember I_icon_minitimeSat May 29, 2010 1:08 am

A slight flash of humor flashed in Keiden's eyes as Faust deactivated the 'Earth Spear' Jutsu, most likely out of fear showing some sign of disrespect. It was rather amusing to Keiden, given that he often found many if not all of the social niceties rather irritating, useless and tiring. Which as it turns out, can be a bit of a bad habit for a Kage, so he often tolerated them. The humor disappeared from Keiden's gaze as he listened intently as Faust spoke. His face gave away no inkling of emotion, any feeling of anger, of annoyance or amusement hidden from Faust through years of training.

Keiden found Faust's reasoning behind his 'attack' rather reasonable although it was handled in a bit of an inappropriate manner. To test one's strength was the very reason for a spar, however going to such elaborate lengths was a bit extreme. Once Faust finished speaking, Keiden gave him a curt nod without speaking and as Faust had done only moments ago, Keiden released his Earth Spear Jutsu, before moving his hands into a series of simple hand signs.

Out of Keiden's left ankle spurned a rectangular branch extended about a foot outward and grew to equal Keiden's size before parts of the wooden block equal to Keiden's size began to recede and redefine themselves. After a short moment the wood looked exactly like Keiden, down to the color of his robes and the cane in his right hand. The clone gave Faust a curt nod before disappearing down the edge of the roof, towards it's intended destination

”Your test of skill. However well reasoned was rather ill timed.” he exhaled a slight sigh, ”So, let us go wait for our Jounin and perhaps this anonymous S rank who has come to visit. ” he turned, raising his left had motioning Faust to follow as he let out a slight chuckle as he noticed that none of his ANBU guards were rushing to his 'rescue', ”You seem to have incapacitated majority of my ANBU, a feat entirely not without merit .” he chuckled slightly as he hopped onto the small balcony on the northern side of his office and waited for Faust to follow.
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PostSubject: Re: A Day to Remember   A Day to Remember I_icon_minitimeTue Jun 01, 2010 12:40 am

Faust breathed a sigh of relief as Keiden went over the edge of the roof and back to the balcony of his office window. He had escaped reprimand-em this time. He doubted he would do so again. He was not one to push his luck with out good purpose. He had proven a little here today, and also that he put his duty before himself, and that was certainly more important. He stood up and removed nearly all of the gear that barricaded his body. It was truly heavy, and made him not nearly as fast as he could be. It took him a few minutes, but he had time. Yoshimaru would not be getting to mansion that fast.

After he was down to only his gi pants, leaving his chest, feet, and arms bare, he walked over to the edge of the roof and leaped down next to his kage who'd been waiting for him. He laid his hand upon the superiors shoulder, and bowed his head in respect and gratitude. After that he stood next to him in silence, watching the village with his leader, protecting them.


Its been 3 hours sir, I dont think they are coming. This is extremely suspicious. What would you have me do?

OOC: Short, i know. sorry.
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PostSubject: Re: A Day to Remember   A Day to Remember I_icon_minitimeWed Jun 02, 2010 2:27 am

Keiden waited a short while for Faust to join him on the balcony as they awaited the expected visit from Yoshimaru Kangai. He looked over the edge of the balcony taking in the magestic view of his village. As he looked at the village, his wooden clone returned, it's body growing from the wooden walls. " I sent them away... It was merely a chuunin seeking to expand their skills." the clone said as it walked over to Kieden, making contact with his hand and merging into his body. Returning to what he spawned from.

After that short exchange, Faust landed quietly on the balcony beside Keiden, wearing only Gi pants, his arms, feet and hands bare, displaying his stiched skin. Keiden gave him a short nod as Faust bowed his head in respect.


"ts been 3 hours sir, I dont think they are coming. This is extremely suspicious. What would you have me do?", Faust siad, breaking the silence they had maintained while overlooking the village.

"Let's see...."Keiden said before thinking in silence for a moment, "Bring our Jounin to me and if your able bring our S rank visitor along as well." Keiden turned towards his and began to walk towards the balcony door as he spoke, "I'd offer you some assistance but my ANBU seem to be a bit slow to recover." he chuckled as he walked into his office and sat at his desk without another word.
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