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Tatsuya's Starting Jutsu{Done} Shauntaystaffimgf
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 Tatsuya's Starting Jutsu{Done}

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PostSubject: Tatsuya's Starting Jutsu{Done}   Tatsuya's Starting Jutsu{Done} I_icon_minitimeTue May 25, 2010 12:53 am

Name of Jutsu:Kage Bakudan ~ Shadow Bomb
Users: Nara
Type of Jutsu::Ninjutsu
Element Affinity:Kage - Shadow.
Training Link:
Description:In this jutsu Tatsuya makes two black Spheres in each hand, They look very much like bombs but they are not. They actually transfer Kage Mane No Jutsu. They do no Physical damage when the Unfurl. When they do unfurl the let out 4 Kage manes, If the Enemy is within 10 feet of the explosion the will get trapped in Tatsuya's Kage Mane Jutsu.

Name of Jutsu:Kage Tsume ~ Shadow Claws
Users: Nara
Type of Jutsu::Ninjutsu
Element Affinity:Kage - Shadow
Training Link:
Description:The User pulls out pieces of They're own shadow or something(someone) else's shadow and they Form sharp 5 inch talons on each hand. These are on they're fingertips, and continue to go down until they the wrist. They can be used to slash or stab. They are flexible, So you can move the Claws as if they were your own hands. The jutsu only stays up for five posts, Each post it gets Weaker and Duller until they Finally fall off. The Claws can Transport Kage Mane No jutsu, The user must use both jutsu and then if the claws even touch the enemy the jutsu will get set into effect.

C-Rank ~ The claws are sharp enough to rip through flesh and puncture but not much more, If striked more then once it will rip through muscle but it won't get any farther.

B-Rank ~ The claws are Sharp enough to rip through Flesh and bone in three swipes, If used for stabbing will make a hole right through the body.

A-Rank ~The claws are Strong and Sharp enough to cut straight through a tree and the Claw length is extended to 7 Inches.

Name of Jutsu:Kage no Kabe - Wall of Shadows
Users: Nara
Type of Jutsu::Ninjutsu
Element Affinity:Kage - Shadow
Training Link:
Description:Upon completion of the needed handseals, Tatsuya will stretch out his shadow and increase its and a completely black wall will rise from his shadow. This wall can reach up to five feet wide, five feet tall, and one foot thick. It can withstand two C-ranked attacks (depending, of course) before breaking. When it breaks, it will shatter like glass and simply sink into the earth. This wall is very simple, thus Tatsuya can simply return his shadow back to him after raising the wall. However, the wall will disperse by itself after three turns, regardless if it was damaged or not. He can raise a wall up to 1 meters away from him, but all the other effects remain and the wall will convert back to shadow after three turns are over.

Name of Jutsu:Prancing Fawn Shadow Jutsu
Users: Nara
Type of Jutsu::Ninjutsu
Element Affinity:Kage - Shadow
Training Link:
Description:This jutsu is performed after the target has already been bound by the Shadow Imitation Jutsu. Once bound, the user performs the neccessary handseals and a creates a shadow-form deer fawn that rises up from the shadow at the user's end and physically crashes itself into the target with a physical blow.

This jutsu is particularly useful because the target cannot prepare any manner of physical protection from the attack, as their limbs are bound in place by the Shadow Imitation Jutsu, although gathering chakra at the point of imminent impact or any sufficient physical training (such as one of a taijutsu master) may significantly reduce the physical damage taken. This also allows the user to strike their opponent without closing their distance, or even revealing their location if they managed to bind their shadows from a stealthy location.

The problem with this jutsu is after the fawn strikes the target, the Shadow Imitation is released and cannot immediately be reattached until the shadow has shrunk back to its natural size. Because the fawn does not generate a great deal of physical power, the amount of damage done may not warrant its use for the sacrifice of losing the bind of the target, and thus is not a particularly damagin jutsu on its own.The blow is usually enough to knock an opponent off of their feet and onto the ground, however, and could allow the potential for setting a trap behind the target, but this requires some foresight.

This jutsu is a Genin-level version of a C-ranked attack which uses an adult male deer with piercing antlers, and is used as a training predecessor to that jutsu.

Name of Jutsu:Suibotsu Te - Submerging Hand
Users: Nara
Type of Jutsu::Ninjutsu
Element Affinity:Kage - Shadow.
Training Link:
Description:After performing several hand signs Tatsuya will stick his hand into his own shadow. Upon doing this, his hand and arm only will come out of another spot of his own shadow. This technique is best used when the sun is off to the side and Tatsuya's shadow is increased. The hand cannot drag anything back through the Shadow unless it was already holding it. And this Jutsu will only last for a single turn. If the turn goes by and Tatsuya's hand is still coming out of another shadow, it will disappear in a poof of white smoke and Tatsuya will be knocked on his back from the force of his hand being spit out.

Name of Jutsu:Kage Ukai - Shadow Turning Movement
Users: Nara
Type of Jutsu::Ninjutsu
Element Affinity:Kage - Shadow
Training Link:
Description:Once Tatsuya has successfully captured his opponent in the Shadow Imitation Technique, the Nara will perform a single Ram Seal and several shadow tendrils will rise from the shadow underneath the captured victim(s). The tendrils will turn the victim around and align them to Tatsuya’s will. The victim will still be following Tatsuya’s every movement, but the tendrils will change their position so, for example, when Tatsuya walks toward the victim they will walk toward him rather than continuously walking away from him. These sews cannot hurt the victim at all and are only used to turn the victim’s position.

Name: Touza no Jutsu
Rank: C
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: Raiton
Description: A close range jutsu on which the user makes an electric current pass throw the enemy, by touching the opponent with both hands. This jutsu can leave an enemy paralyzed for one post.

Name: Kyuu no Jutsu
Rank: C
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: Raiton
Description: A jutsu on which the user creates a chakra made sphere of lightning energy in his hands, and throws it to the opponent, giving him a strong electric jolt. This lightning ball will be heavy and thrown in a lateral direction.

Name: Kiba Kyuu no Jutsu
Rank: B
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: Raiton
Description: The evolution of Raiton Raikyuu, this time, the sphere turns into a piercing fang when thrown at the opponent giving him not only lightning damage, but also a small piercing wound. If this jutsu hits a preexisting wound, then the opponent will experience immense pain and the muscles in that area will spasm uncontrollably for one post.

Name: Raiton Bunshin no Jutsu
Rank: B
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: Raiton
Description: Raiton Kage Bunshin no Jutsu is a Ninjutsu technique that utilizes lightning to create a Kage Bunshin clone. Because it is a Kage Bunshin, the Raiton version shares the ability to interact with the environment due to it having physical substance. This allows the clone to carry out limited attacks on its target. If the Raiton Kage Bunshin is injured, the clone will revert into its natural lightning state. Like in other Lightning Element attacks, should the target come into contact with the electricity, they will be momentarily stunned.

Name: Delayed Spark
Rank: C-S
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: Lightning
Description: A ninja with a Lightning affinity touches an easily conductive material and inserts an electric charge into the object. The strength of the charge varies according to rank, but all charges do not activate or show themselves until the ninja makes a gesture to activate the stored energy, releasing it and damaging those near the object, also according to rank.
C Rank: A minor electrical charge may be stored, damages those who are in contact with the affected object. Causes 1 post paralysis if hit.
B Rank: A moderate electrical charge may be stored, bursts out in a 5ft burst of energy, causes 1 post paralysis if hit.
A Rank: A powerful electrical charge may be stored, bursts out in a 10ft burst of energy, causes 1 post paralysis if hit and is slightly lethal, meaning if the target were in water or something else easily conductive, the charge could kill them.
S Rank: An immensely powerful electrical charge that bursts out in a 25ft burst and paralysis for 2 posts if hit. Anyone hit with this jutsu and who remains paralyzed for the two posts has a high chance of dying as the lightning destroys their muscle tissues and organs.

Owner: Mr. K
Name: Raiton: Dendou Jiyuu no Jutsu [Lightning Release: Electric Freedom Technique]
Rank: D
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: Lightning
Description: A jutsu so simple it doesn't require any hand seals! The jutsu is performed by using the most basic of elemental manipulation to create elecricity, but instead of using the outsides of the hands the user creates it inside a muscle, causing intense pain with no lasting side effects. This jutsu's only real use is for breaking genjutsu, since it hurts the user instead of a target.

Owner: Mr. K
Name: Raiton: Dendou Anago no jutsu [Lightning Release: Electric Eel Technique]
Rank: C
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: Lightning
Description: A basic Raiton technique. The user must perform two hand seals while gathering chakra either in a concentrated spot or all throughout their body. This part may be performed as much as thirty seconds in advance of the actual attack and held in till released. Upon release a high voltage shock will either travel through the point of concentration or through the body as a whole, delivering a shock capable of stunning and causing uncontrollable muscle spasms in the victim. To be hit by this technique a person must be either in contact or withing three feet of the user under normal conditions. While under water this effect widens substantially to withing ten feet of the user. This technique is incapacitating for a full ten seconds (meaning two combat posts) and is strong enough to stop a human heart if concentrated and directed correctly. As the effects wear off a person may feel a burning or tingling sensation all over their body, though the technique does not physically leave more then first degree burns even when focused.

Owner: Mr. K
Name: Raiton: Jinrai no Jutsu [Lightening Release: Thunder Clap Technique]
Rank: C
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: Lightning
Description: A basic lightening jutsu requiring two hand seals. The user performs the two seals and concentrates their chakra into their hands creating a negative charge in their hands opposite a positive charge in the air, created by the release of chakra from the body. The two charges create an area extending one foot away from the charged hands of the user that is filled with miniature lightening. The lightening creates a bright white flash that is capable of blinding, and creates a pressure wave that sweeps forward in a 180 degree ark from one side of the user to the other. The pressure wave can rupture ear drums and at close to medium range can knock a person off their feet (melee-20ft aprox). If a person is actually within the foot range of the hands severe electrocution will follow. This technique is built to disorient, not as a melee attack.

Owner: Mr. K
Name: Raiton: Tsuchi Kujono Jutsu [Lightning Release: Earth Destruction Technique]
Rank: C
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: Lightning
Description: A basic lightning jutsu requiring the use of two hand seals. The shinobi performs the hand seals and uses elemental manipulation to convert their chakra to the lightning element. Then the user transfers the energy into the ground to any spot of their desire within 50 feet of their current position. When activated with a release seal from the user that area, consisting of a three foot diameter circle, will explode due to rapid expansion from heating from the electricity running through the dirt and rock. This is near the strength of an explosive tag when the spot chosen is just normal dirt; however, if a small to medium sized rock outcrop or pile of earth were on top of the chosen location the blast becomes much stronger. Composition of ground is important when using this technique as rock will create small fragments that act akin to shrapnel, while plain dirt will act more like a concussion grenade. This technique can be used against constructs created by earth specializing ninja.

Owner: Mr. K
Name: Raiton: Mayoko Rakurai no Jutsu [Lightning Release: Ark Lightning Technique]
Rank: B
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: Lightning
Description: A long range technique requiring four hand seals. The user builds up an electrical charge, usually in the hands, via elemental manipulation of lightning chakra. This is done while the hand seals are being performed and can be seen by electricity arcing between the hands. The user then simply directs their attack by pointing at the spot they wish to attack, unleashing a blast of lightening from said pointing finger at the target. This attack is strong enough to severely burn the point of impact, throw a person several feet through the air, or make rock formations explode as they rapidly are heated. As usual with a lightning element there is a considerable shock at the end of this lightening bolt. People hit often lose consciousness, convulse, froth at the mouth, smoke from the hair, and can possibly have their heart stopped. This jutsu is effective at up to 100 feet away, but becomes less accurate over distance. At 50 feet it is very accurate, at 75, moderately, and at 100 it requires some luck to hit a person sized target.

Owner: Mr. K
Name: Raiton: Seidenki Ittai no Jutsu [Lightening Release: Static Zone Technique]
Rank: B
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: Lightning
Description: A technique that requires four hand seals. The ninja uses elemental manipulation to disperse lightning chakra into the air, creating a highly charged environment for 150 feet in all directions from the user. This zone is prone to static discharge and can be triggered by the smallest of movement. The discharge isn't harmful more then getting shocked on a car door in a windy day, instead this shock alerts the user of the static field to the position of the discharge, making this zone almost impossible to hide in effectively. This technique acts as a sort of radar for the user, giving him a sixth sense that can't be fooled by traditional genjutsu. However, this does have its disadvantage in that the field cannot distinguish what created the discharge, often getting discharge off of nearby animal life or teammates. The more objects the user has to track at once the more stressful a situation can be, leading to headaches if the user is subject to many discharge sources over an extended period of time. Lasts five posts before the user must recharge the field with more chakra or let the jutsu end.

Name:Mizurappa - Violent Water Wave
Description:Suiton • Mizurappa is a Ninjutsu technique utilizing the Water Element. After forming the needed handseals, the user will expel a strong jet of water at his opponent.

Name: Mizu Shuugou no Jutsu
Rank: C
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: Suiton
This jutsu allows the user to gather water from the environment around him, like from the air, soil, etc. However, if in dry lands, this jutsu is useless.

Name: Daibakuryuu no Jutsu - Great Exploding Current
Rank: C
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: Suiton
Description: Suiton • Daibakuryuu no Jutsu is a Ninjutsu technique utilizing the Water Element. After doing the needed hand seals a vortex of water will form, sucking anything on the surface above it down to the depths below.

Name: Taihoudan - Large Projectile
Rank: C
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: Suiton
Description: Suiton • Taihoudan is a Ninjutsu technique utilizing the Water Elements. Amachi will generate water in his mouth and spit it as a stream at his target.

Name: Teppoudama - Bullet
Rank: C
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: Suiton
Description: Suiton • Teppoudama is a Ninjutsu technique utilizing the Water Element. After forming the necessary hand seals, the user manifests a large amount of water in his mouth which he can then spit at his opponent as a large spherical projectile.

Name: Suirou no Jutsu - Water Prison Technique
Rank: C
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: Suiton
Description: Suirou no Jutsu is a Ninjutsu technique that utilizes water to imprison an opponent. The ninja forms the necessary hand seals which causes the water to form around the target into a spherical prison which only allows for limited movement. The ninja must keep their body touching the water prison to maintain its existence. If the contact is broken, the water falls away and their target is released. When combined with a bunshin technique, the ninja can imprison their target but still allow for a clone to attack others nearby.

Name: Mizu Bunshin no Jutsu - Water Clone Technique
Rank: C
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: Suiton
Description: Mizu Bunshin no Jutsu is a Ninjutsu technique that utilizes water to create a Bunshin clone. Unlike a normal Bunshin, the Mizu Bunshin has the ability to interact more with the environment due to it having physical substance. This allows the clone to carry out limited attacks on its target. The range of the clone is limited however; it can not travel very far from the original body. If the Mizu Bunshin is injured, the clone will usually revert back into its natural water state.

Name: Mizuame Nabara - Starch Syrup Capture Field
Rank: C
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: Suiton
Description: Suiton • Mizuame Nabara is a Ninjutsu technique utilizing the Water Element. After forming the needed handseals, Izumo will expel a sticky liquid from his gullet. This liquid can cover approximately 20 square meters. If the target runs on top of the liquid, their feet will become glued to its sticky surface. If the ninja focuses chakra to their feet before touching the surface, they can hover above and move over it without hindrance. This allows Izumo or a comrade to charge and attack without fear of becoming bogged down as well.

Name: Hahonryuu - Destruction Torrent
Rank: C - S
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: Suiton
Description: Suiton • Hahonryuu is a Ninjutsu technique utilizing the Water Element. To use this technique Yamato will generate water to use against his opponent. Depending on the amount of chakra put into the technique is how much water will be generated.

Name: Baku Suishouha - Bursting Water Collision Waves
Rank: B
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: Suiton
Description: Suiton • Baku Suishouha is a Ninjutsu technique utilizing the Water Element. After forming the needed handseals, Kisame will expel water from his gullet. This will then expand into a large volume of water. Being from the Water Country, Kisame is at home with this type of jutsu. He can control the water by riding on top of the waves.

Name: Kokuun no Jutsu - Black Clouds Technique
Rank: B
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: Suiton
Description: Suiton • Kokuun no Jutsu is a Ninjutsu technique used by the Rain ninja Kagari which utilizes the Water Element. After forming the necessary hand seals, a black mist will emit from his body and rise into the sky. Black clouds will form, releasing a flammable rain of oil onto his targets.

Name: Suiryuudan no Jutsu - Water Dragon Projectile Technique
Rank: B
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: Suiton
Description: Suiton • Suiryuudan no Jutsu is a Ninjutsu technique utilizing the Water Element. The ninja does a long string of hand seals which then causes a column of water in the form of a dragon to rise from the water and then strike their target.

Name: Goshokuzame - Five Sharks Eating
Rank: B
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: Suiton
Description: Suiton • Goshokuzame is a Ninjutsu technique utilzing the Water Element. Kisame will form the needed hand seals and then place his hand to the surface of the water. A shark of condensed water will emerge from each of his fingers to attack his opponent who is in the water below.

Name: Suitenhoufutsu - Sky and Water Convergence
Rank: B
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: Suiton
Description: Suiton • Suitenhoufutsu is a Ninjutsu technique utilizing the Water Element. The ninja first does a string of hand seals, which causes water to rise from the ground and surround the target. Ruiga can then use this water to drown his target or as a medium to call forth his fish summons.

Name: Suijinheki - Water Encampment Wall
Rank: B
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: Suiton
Description: Suiton • Suijinheki is a Ninjutsu technique utilizing the Water Element. The ninja will first do a string of hand seals and then proceed to blow out a jet of water from their mouth to act as a water barrier from incoming attack.

Name: Suikoudan no Jutsu - Water Shark Projectile Technique
Rank: B
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: Suiton
Description: Suiton • Suikoudan no Jutsu is a Ninjutsu technique utilizing the Water Element. The ninja does a string of hand seals which then causes a column of water to rise from the water and then strike their target.

Name: Suiton: Sumi Senpuku no Jutsu [Water Release: Ink Concealment Technique]
Rank: C
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: Water
Description: A simple water technique. The user performs the two necessary hand seals and gathers chakra in their chest. When the ninja breathes out they breath out a dense mist of black ink that completely cuts off sight in a given area for approximately thirty seconds when used in normal air. The cloud this technique creates is altered by chakra usage and skill. A beginner user may be able to create a cloud that is ten feet by ten feet. An advanced user could create a much bigger cloud, roughly equivalent to the trail an advanced user can make with a grand fireball. This technique truly shines under water where it spreads all around the user instead of just in front of them. The ink is able to last minutes under the water before dispersing enough for a person to be able to see through it once again. In the water a beginning level user could turn a pond sized area black and an advanced user could make a fair sized lake completely black. If an advanced user does this in a smaller area the ink will take longer to disperse in the body of water thus making the effect last longer then usual.

Last edited by Shigeki on Sat Jun 12, 2010 1:51 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: Tatsuya's Starting Jutsu{Done}   Tatsuya's Starting Jutsu{Done} I_icon_minitimeFri Jun 11, 2010 12:09 am

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Tatsuya's Starting Jutsu{Done} Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tatsuya's Starting Jutsu{Done}   Tatsuya's Starting Jutsu{Done} I_icon_minitimeFri Jun 11, 2010 9:49 am

Ehhh might wanna double check your codes. Those spoiler tags won't open for some reason or other.
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PostSubject: Re: Tatsuya's Starting Jutsu{Done}   Tatsuya's Starting Jutsu{Done} I_icon_minitimeFri Jun 11, 2010 10:30 am

Actually, it's a forumotion mess up, it's happening on all spoilers across the community.
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PostSubject: Re: Tatsuya's Starting Jutsu{Done}   Tatsuya's Starting Jutsu{Done} I_icon_minitimeSat Jun 12, 2010 1:50 pm

Yeah, I've heard about that. So I'll remove the spoiler Tag and make a line to separate them.
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Tatsuya's Starting Jutsu{Done} Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tatsuya's Starting Jutsu{Done}   Tatsuya's Starting Jutsu{Done} I_icon_minitimeSat Jun 12, 2010 2:09 pm

Question, do you have permission to use all the jutsu that don't belong to you?
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PostSubject: Re: Tatsuya's Starting Jutsu{Done}   Tatsuya's Starting Jutsu{Done} I_icon_minitimeSat Jun 12, 2010 7:00 pm

Yup. Mr.K Used to be my Sensei on another RP and I asked if I could use all these.
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Tatsuya's Starting Jutsu{Done} Empty
PostSubject: Re: Tatsuya's Starting Jutsu{Done}   Tatsuya's Starting Jutsu{Done} I_icon_minitimeSat Jun 19, 2010 10:52 am

Kage Bakudan - Shadow Bomb wrote:
In this jutsu Tatsuya makes two black Spheres in each hand, They look very much like bombs but they are not. They actually transfer Kage Mane No Jutsu. They do no Physical damage when the Unfurl. When they do unfurl the let out 4 Kage manes, If the Enemy is within 10 feet of the explosion the will get trapped in Tatsuya's Kage Mane Jutsu.
Kage Mane Spheres... you do realize that these can't be thrown very far because the length of your Kage Mane is dependent on the surface area of your shadow itself, which varies greatly during different times of the day. This also leads me to my next question of how these spheres will explode with (presumably) enough impact to injure someone.

Kage Tsume - Shadow Claws wrote:
The User pulls out pieces of They're own shadow or something(someone) else's shadow and they Form sharp 5 inch talons on each hand. These are on they're fingertips, and continue to go down until they the wrist. They can be used to slash or stab. They are flexible, So you can move the Claws as if they were your own hands. The jutsu only stays up for five posts, Each post it gets Weaker and Duller until they Finally fall off. The Claws can Transport Kage Mane No jutsu, The user must use both jutsu and then if the claws even touch the enemy the jutsu will get set into effect.
Again, your shadow is connected to you and there is no real exception to this unless you do something similar to what Shikamaru did with the Hidan/Kakuzu fight. Also, Kage Manes attack the shadows and force the opponent to copy your movements. So that last line is a bit out of it, unless you mean you're going to utilize a different form of the Kage Mane (like Kage Kubi Shibari aka Shadow Neck Bind).

Kage no Kabe - Wall of Shadows wrote:
Upon completion of the needed handseals, Tatsuya will stretch out his shadow and increase its and a completely black wall will rise from his shadow. This wall can reach up to five feet wide, five feet tall, and one foot thick. It can withstand two C-ranked attacks (depending, of course) before breaking. When it breaks, it will shatter like glass and simply sink into the earth. This wall is very simple, thus Tatsuya can simply return his shadow back to him after raising the wall. However, the wall will disperse by itself after three turns, regardless if it was damaged or not. He can raise a wall up to 1 meters away from him, but all the other effects remain and the wall will convert back to shadow after three turns are over.
Keep in mind your shadow is limited to its surface area at any given time, and this can either increase or decrease depending on the time of day and amount of light available to you that first creates a shadow. Also, when using this wall you will have a very limited amount of your own shadow left over for your own techniques. Although... I highly doubt you'd even have any left considering how big of a wall it is... Also, C Ranked attacks, do these include elemental techniques, weaponry, taijutsu, genjutsu, etc? Or just a specific type of jutsu?

Prancing Fawn Shadow Jutsu wrote:
This jutsu is performed after the target has already been bound by the Shadow Imitation Jutsu. Once bound, the user performs the neccessary handseals and a creates a shadow-form deer fawn that rises up from the shadow at the user's end and physically crashes itself into the target with a physical blow.

This jutsu is particularly useful because the target cannot prepare any manner of physical protection from the attack, as their limbs are bound in place by the Shadow Imitation Jutsu, although gathering chakra at the point of imminent impact or any sufficient physical training (such as one of a taijutsu master) may significantly reduce the physical damage taken. This also allows the user to strike their opponent without closing their distance, or even revealing their location if they managed to bind their shadows from a stealthy location.

The problem with this jutsu is after the fawn strikes the target, the Shadow Imitation is released and cannot immediately be reattached until the shadow has shrunk back to its natural size. Because the fawn does not generate a great deal of physical power, the amount of damage done may not warrant its use for the sacrifice of losing the bind of the target, and thus is not a particularly damagin jutsu on its own.The blow is usually enough to knock an opponent off of their feet and onto the ground, however, and could allow the potential for setting a trap behind the target, but this requires some foresight.

This jutsu is a Genin-level version of a C-ranked attack which uses an adult male deer with piercing antlers, and is used as a training predecessor to that jutsu.
Ade, again, surface area! Keep this in mind. Your shadow is not infinite. It is severely limited to the surface area of your own shadow. You could use the other shadows around you yes, but only to allow our shadow to extend a little further. You can't actually control other shadows. To be utilizing a Kage Mane and then creating a creature from your own shadow... Ahh I don't know if your shadow can do that much.

Kage Ukai - Shadow Turning Movement wrote:
Once Tatsuya has successfully captured his opponent in the Shadow Imitation Technique, the Nara will perform a single Ram Seal and several shadow tendrils will rise from the shadow underneath the captured victim(s). The tendrils will turn the victim around and align them to Tatsuya’s will. The victim will still be following Tatsuya’s every movement, but the tendrils will change their position so, for example, when Tatsuya walks toward the victim they will walk toward him rather than continuously walking away from him. These sews cannot hurt the victim at all and are only used to turn the victim’s position.
Again, keep in mind the tendrils will have to come from your own shadow, further limiting the surface area of your shadows.

Kiba Kyuu no Jutsu wrote:
The evolution of Raiton Raikyuu, this time, the sphere turns into a piercing fang when thrown at the opponent giving him not only lightning damage, but also a small piercing wound. If this jutsu hits a preexisting wound, then the opponent will experience immense pain and the muscles in that area will spasm uncontrollably for one post.
Raikyuu wrote:
Raikyuu is a Ninjutsu technique used by Kurosuki Raiga. One of Raiga's many lightning based jutsu, this technique is used in conjunction with his two swords. Drawing his two swords together, Raiga will form a ball of electricity which he can hurl at his opponent.
First off... exactly how would you have learned Raikyuu? And if you don't know Raikyuu to begin with how can you utilize such a technique?

Raiton Kage Bunshin no Jutsu - You need to know Kage Bunshin before being able utilize this kind of a technique and since its a more advanced form of a Kage Bunshin, this would need to be an A Ranked technique.

Delayed spark - Not sure about, mostly the S Rank ability part. Would prefer it if someone looked over this.

Raiton: Dendou Anago no Jutsu - Lightning Release: Electric Eel Technique wrote:
A basic Raiton technique. The user must perform two hand seals while gathering chakra either in a concentrated spot or all throughout their body. This part may be performed as much as thirty seconds in advance of the actual attack and held in till released. Upon release a high voltage shock will either travel through the point of concentration or through the body as a whole, delivering a shock capable of stunning and causing uncontrollable muscle spasms in the victim. To be hit by this technique a person must be either in contact or withing three feet of the user under normal conditions. While under water this effect widens substantially to withing ten feet of the user. This technique is incapacitating for a full ten seconds (meaning two combat posts) and is strong enough to stop a human heart if concentrated and directed correctly. As the effects wear off a person may feel a burning or tingling sensation all over their body, though the technique does not physically leave more then first degree burns even when focused.
Mmm how high of a voltage? And if its used under water... wouldn't that also injure you? Also, this doesn't seem like a C Ranked technique, a B at least in my opinion. Ehh another person to look over this would be nice.

Raiton: Jinrai no Jutsu [Lightening Release: Thunder Clap Technique] wrote:
A basic lightening jutsu requiring two hand seals. The user performs the two seals and concentrates their chakra into their hands creating a negative charge in their hands opposite a positive charge in the air, created by the release of chakra from the body. The two charges create an area extending one foot away from the charged hands of the user that is filled with miniature lightening. The lightening creates a bright white flash that is capable of blinding, and creates a pressure wave that sweeps forward in a 180 degree ark from one side of the user to the other. The pressure wave can rupture ear drums and at close to medium range can knock a person off their feet (melee-20ft aprox). If a person is actually within the foot range of the hands severe electrocution will follow. This technique is built to disorient, not as a melee attack.
How long can someone be blinded by this? Additionally will simple things like closing your eyes be able to prevent blindness? Ade have someone else look over this one as well :/ seems ify as to whether or not it passes for a C Rank or not.

Raiton: Tsuchi Kujono Jutsu [Lightning Release: Earth Destruction Technique] wrote:
Then the user transfers the energy into the ground to any spot of their desire within 50 feet of their current position. When activated with a release seal from the user that area, consisting of a three foot diameter circle, will explode due to rapid expansion from heating from the electricity running through the dirt and rock.
Simple question: once set in place, only you can activate it right? Meaning even if you've set something in place and someone walks over it, it won't activate unless you activate it? Also, the range of this technique seems a tad bit extreme. Limit the range or have another mod look over this please.

Raiton: Mayoko Rakurai no Jutsu [Lightning Release: Ark Lightning Technique] wrote:
A long range technique requiring four hand seals. The user builds up an electrical charge, usually in the hands, via elemental manipulation of lightning chakra. This is done while the hand seals are being performed and can be seen by electricity arcing between the hands. The user then simply directs their attack by pointing at the spot they wish to attack, unleashing a blast of lightening from said pointing finger at the target. This attack is strong enough to severely burn the point of impact, throw a person several feet through the air, or make rock formations explode as they rapidly are heated. As usual with a lightning element there is a considerable shock at the end of this lightening bolt. People hit often lose consciousness, convulse, froth at the mouth, smoke from the hair, and can possibly have their heart stopped. This jutsu is effective at up to 100 feet away, but becomes less accurate over distance. At 50 feet it is very accurate, at 75, moderately, and at 100 it requires some luck to hit a person sized target.
The range I have a problem with :/ But ehh have someone else look over it. Additonally, how badly burned can someone get from this attack? Also, width of this technique? It a thick/thin beam?

Raiton: Seidenki Ittai no Jutsu [Lightening Release: Static Zone Technique] - Ehh the range is mainly what makes this iffy for me.

Mizu shuugou - I dunno bout this one mostly because of Niidame's ability to materilaze water out of nowhere (likely from the air, etc) because of his high mastery over the water element... so second opinion would be preferable.

Teppoudama - This is a summoning's technique so the size of the water bullet should be a bit decreased? Second opinion preferable.

Regarding Nara Clan Techniques:
-You still need to post Kage Mane and the like here in your jutsu list otherwise it will be assumed you were never taught Kage Mane.
-The surface area of your shadow generally determines what you can and can not do.

Creation Guide & Template - Elements/Elemental Jutsu wrote:
If you have a recessive element, the rank for the recessive jutsu may not exceed B Rank. These count for elemental jutsu only.
Regarding Suiton Techniques:
-The vast majority of them should be C Ranked with a few that are B Ranked. At the moment its at a 9:8 ratio of B to C. You should remove a few of the B Ranked techniques since your recessive element is Suiton. (I know it says you can have up to B Ranked techniques for recessive elements, but even so your higher leveled techniques shouldn't outnumber your lower leveled ones.)
-Regarding your Hahonryuu technique, it should not surpass a B Ranked level.

Jutsu Guide & Template wrote:
B ranks: May possess 16-25 Jutsu majority being B rank and below with up to 2 A rank.
Creation Guide & Template - Skill Specialty wrote:
Will be allowed to exceed the normal limit of Ninjutsu to up to 10 more if Dominant/5 if Recessive.
Also, you have 4 techniques too many for starting jutsus. Please remove at least 4 techniques. You may have a total of 30 jutsus.

Ahh might have missed a few things here and there or overlooked some things but this is generally what I noticed. Feel free to comment otherwise if I'm wrong/missed something.
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