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Team Renjiro Meeting - Private - Members to arrive IN secret and not followed Shauntaystaffimgf
Happy New Year:

Year: 0638

Month: 1

Season: Winter
Your weekly weather report:
For the week of:
January 16th to January 22nd

Konoha: Snow Storm

Tea: Snow Storm

River: Snow Storm


Taki: Snow

Wave: Snow

Suna: Windy


Bird: Windy

Kiri: Snow Storm (40% visibility)



Kumo: Snow Storm


 Team Renjiro Meeting - Private - Members to arrive IN secret and not followed

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Renjiro Kyoya

Renjiro Kyoya

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PostSubject: Team Renjiro Meeting - Private - Members to arrive IN secret and not followed   Team Renjiro Meeting - Private - Members to arrive IN secret and not followed I_icon_minitimeSat Jul 31, 2010 9:00 pm

It was a cold and miserable day with a storm coming towards the village soon. It was raining quite badly and visibility for the basic untrained shinobi would be bad. Renjiro had decided now was a good time to host his teams meeting and in one of the least possible places for a team meeting to take place. Yes the team would meeting in the red light district of the village and yes he had under-age people on his team but to Renjiro this was the best place to remain covert and not noticed. Why was it so important to remain unnoticed? Well this team was in-charge of village defence and as such needed to be unknown to everyone and anyone.

Renjiro had sent all of team Renjiro a personal note with specific permission identification so they could get into the red light district in case they were stopped by security. The identification was like a 2 page passport with their details on the front page with a sealed photo of them on it and on the back page was Renjiros signature with a Vongola seal on it to verify his identity and that these was true and real I.D.s. The letter delivered to them read ...

Quote :
‘Dear Team Renjiro, I am your new sensei Renjiro Kyoya. Your mission if you choose to accept it is to meet me at this location (see map attached to this letter). Non arrival by 7pm central Kumogakure time will result in your removal from the team and will be reported to the Raikage.

For the junior members of this team i have also included a permission slip which has my seal person seal on it to give to your parent/guardians. Beware though, I insist ... no I demand you arrive in secret, in unmarked clothing and not followed. Results for not doing so will be extremely bad.

Yours sincerely,
Renjiro Kyoya ‘

The letter to their parents would read ...

Quote :
’Dear mother and/or father,

I am Renjiro Kyoya, head of your son/daughters new squad. Due to classified reasons that I cannot openly discuss with you, I request that they meet me in the location marked off on the map i provided. ‘Red light district!’ I hear you say? Well its a descret location for this teams assigned task and it allows for the teams discussions to go unnoticed and unwanted. Be assured that there will be no harm to your son or daughter once they are under my care. I do stress once, i will not be held responsible for any actions/incidents that happen on their way to/from this meeting.

Thanks for your cooperation with this matter

Renjiro Kyoya’

The meeting point was agreed and the time limit on the member’s arrival was set too. Renjiro was where they were asked to arrive (the main traffic lights by the XXX theatre) in plain clothing and a full length leather jacket and a typical western leather hat.

[OCC: - outfit minus weapon]
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Hanashi Shikyo
Hanashi Shikyo

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Age : 31
Location : Living in a fantasy based on reality.

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PostSubject: Re: Team Renjiro Meeting - Private - Members to arrive IN secret and not followed   Team Renjiro Meeting - Private - Members to arrive IN secret and not followed I_icon_minitimeSun Aug 01, 2010 11:33 pm

'Ok, one, two, one, two...' Natsumi counted mentally as she was kicking a doll each time with her feet. Her eyes looking very determined, her hands were clenched into fists as she only used her feet to kick the doll on it's waist, sides, face and/or feet. She also had a new look, her long lower back black hair was now to her upper back, but a few locks of hair were longer, so those few locks of hair ended on her mid back; a twizzle if you will, she also had another one on her right side, ending just above her breast. Natsumi was inside the Vongola headquarters, in one of the many floors that it had for training. She had forgotten what floor, but she wasn't thinking about that at the moment. Delivering the final kick to the doll's stomach, Natsumi panted. She was sweating, of course, she's been kicking that damn doll for the pass 2 hours now, taking the occasional breaks here and there and then returning to kick the doll. "Now, that's done..." She grinned. "Time for a well deserved bath !" After taking said bath, Natsumi came face to face with Gokudera, who, had an envelope with the Vongola crest on it.

She tanked Gokudera and read what was on the papaer, making her eyebrow raise. So, the Cloud guardian of her generation wanted to meet with the Village defense team, eh? So it was Renji, her and someone else... Ok. It had all the specific permissions that they needed, but.. TWO PAGES?! Seriously, and she thought Gokudera was the one who went overboard... After getting dressed in her usual outfit when she's going out[because it said casual], she headed out, her guan dao strapped to her back.

After getting out of the Vongola headquartes discreetly, not drawing attention, she headed off towards the red light district. Her eyes were all over people who may have looked at her quickly, and she made sure she wasn't being followed when she was getting closer to the Red Light district. 'Tch, why does Renji-sempai want us to meet there? I swear...' But, she wouldn't say it to his face as she was arriving at the theatre, her eyes watching everyone that was around, looking like a child who just got up since she was scowling a bit.
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Renjiro Kyoya

Renjiro Kyoya

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PostSubject: Re: Team Renjiro Meeting - Private - Members to arrive IN secret and not followed   Team Renjiro Meeting - Private - Members to arrive IN secret and not followed I_icon_minitimeTue Aug 03, 2010 11:37 am

[Skalyx Akuma is away and i cannot get a clear idea of time from the people who know him IRL so i will cover for him but also skip his posts. P.O. Renjiro then Hana (then skalyx when he gets back)]

Renjiro was standing there in the rain looking straight into the main road in the direction his team would take. There was only one true routine a shinobi would to take from central Kumogakure to the red light district without being followed or noticed that much. After 5 minutes of wait for his team Lielad Natsumi, the 11th Vongola storm guardian, arrived in his extended vision. She looked completely out of place but luckily for her it was raining and visibility was poor so the ordinary civilians wouldn’t get a real good look at her or remember her face.

“So shes here.” With that a squirrel on a plain black hooded robe appeared out of nowhere on Renjiros shoulder. “Oh Ki ... hey how’s things?” Whispers into Renjiros’ ear “Oh so he’s running late is he ... I expected as much ... We Jounin don’t get much free time” he laughed looking over Lielads shoulder as she was getting closer to the meeting point ... “Oh that reminds me ... LI! Show yourself to me now! I know you’re out there” he laughs again. Appears suddenly on Renjiros’ other shoulder crouching down and wearing the same cloak as Ki “Yes Renjiro-sama” “Was she followed?” “No my lord. I made sure of it? But I may say that the girl needs to learn some lessons in the art of disguise” “No you cannot ... She’s a chuunin ... and a member of the Vongola family. She has to be trained ...” Was staring at him in a ‘well you know what that means’ looks. ”No ... DAMMIT! GAH! Ok ill teach the girl some things” ”And we’ll be off then” Both Ki and Li disappear as Lielad arrives by the XXX theatre. “Hey Lielad come over here will you” he would say looking over at the girl with a small fae smile on his face.
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Hanashi Shikyo
Hanashi Shikyo

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Location : Living in a fantasy based on reality.

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PostSubject: Re: Team Renjiro Meeting - Private - Members to arrive IN secret and not followed   Team Renjiro Meeting - Private - Members to arrive IN secret and not followed I_icon_minitimeThu Aug 05, 2010 3:51 pm

She looked a bit annoyed. Why would Renjiro would want them to meet in the Red Light District? She couldn't make out the possibilities and it annoyed her a bit. The rain was pelting down worse than ever, but she could still see where she was going. Her green eyes narrowed and focused on only going forward until she was near the XXX theatre. When she was there, she noticed Renjiro, the 11th Generation's Cloud Guardian.

'He noticed me that quickly? Hmm.' She thought as she jogged towards Renjiro. Natsumi thought she noticed him talking with.. somethings but maybe her mind was playing tricks on her because it was raining? Possibly. "Yes, Renjiro-sempai?" The young girl said as she finally reached him, her hands on her hips, looking at him. "Why did you call me out here? Nonetheless when it's raining? She asked the Cloud Guardian. She wasn't being disrespectful, she was curious as to why call her out when it's raining heavily, and thunder seemed to be coming from the horizon. Oh, goodie. It wasn't that long ago she was placed into the Village's Defense team with him and someone else named Skalyx, but she never expected someone like her to be IN the Village Defense team. 'Oh well. Surprises, surprises, I guess.'
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Renjiro Kyoya

Renjiro Kyoya

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PostSubject: Re: Team Renjiro Meeting - Private - Members to arrive IN secret and not followed   Team Renjiro Meeting - Private - Members to arrive IN secret and not followed I_icon_minitimeThu Aug 05, 2010 4:05 pm

Renjiro looked at the girl with a grin "Hey" he said in a calm caring manner. She spoke again and Renjiro responded "Well if you used your brain a little this would make sense young one. The red light district is one of the less 'on duty' ninja populated areas within Kumogakure besides the agriculture area but that's far too muddy and too in the open for my liking. The rain is also a good thing due to it lowering the general population’s visibility meaning that we can hide a little damage as 'due to the storm'. However that doesn't give us due right to start destroying stuff and using that cover story." he paused "Oh yeah my spy's tell me that our third member is going to be a bit delayed due to his previous duties holding him up. I expected it as we Jounins have quite a lot to do but I finished my stuff off early and put other stuff on hold"

He paused pointing to the XXX theatre "I'll also explain why I chose here as our meeting point. It's a landmark and a good observation point for you to learn how people change their behaviour and their body language. You should know how to read peoples normal body language but when people forcefully change their body language it doesn't apply to the normal stuff you were taught. Go on try it with him" He points out a smart dressed man in a full black suit with a black umbrella who had a quick pace and a bit of a cocky swagger "Analyse him for me, will you. Theres something not quite right with him ... Tell me what’s not right."
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Hanashi Shikyo
Hanashi Shikyo

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Age : 31
Location : Living in a fantasy based on reality.

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PostSubject: Re: Team Renjiro Meeting - Private - Members to arrive IN secret and not followed   Team Renjiro Meeting - Private - Members to arrive IN secret and not followed I_icon_minitimeSat Aug 07, 2010 3:55 pm

Natsumi's mouth made an 'O' shape, while saying "Oooh, I see, sempai." It isn't surprising that the last member, a Jounin, is not here yet. Jounins sometimes do have their hands full with taking care of Academy Students, Gennin teams, or sending paperwork to the Raikage after they come from a mission. Her eyes followed where Renjiro was pointing at. It was a man, it was obvious. The way he was dressed seemed... Odd? Black completely, reminding Natsumi of the Vongola's for a minute before shaking that thought out of the window.

Nonetheless, she did as Renjiro told her to do and analyzed the man. The way he was walking, the quick pace, it seems that he was in a hurry. And the swagger he had on him... It was quite... cocky? "Well." Natsumi said, her eyes blinking as she looked at him. "The way he's walking, sir. It's almost like he's in a hurry. He also seems out of place, if you ask me." She then said "Maybe he's running form someone? Or he's just in the wrong place at the wrong time?"

[OOC: Sorry for the short post.]
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Renjiro Kyoya

Renjiro Kyoya

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PostSubject: Re: Team Renjiro Meeting - Private - Members to arrive IN secret and not followed   Team Renjiro Meeting - Private - Members to arrive IN secret and not followed I_icon_minitimeSun Aug 08, 2010 8:13 am

Natsumi spoke to Renjiro and told him her brief description. He raised an eyebrow and said "Well that's one way of putting it. I, personally, would have described it like this ... The man is roughly 6'3" and of a medium build giving him a distinct view over other people explaining the superior but yet cocky walk he has. However he is dressed in what looks like a pretty expensive suit, I know my suits and that is a very nice one so it'd be expensive. Now why would someone draw attention to themselves by wearing a suit, I didn't wear my suit because i didn't want to draw attention to myself. So... it's either been done on purpose or it's by accident. If it was on purpose than this man is very egotistical and is a man of high stature or he thinks he is. On the other hand if it was by accident then the man has just came straight from work and came here to relax and let off stream but wearing a suit would get you recognised and that isn't what any business man would want here".

He stared at the man again looking at him as if it wasn't raining and noticed a small mark on the shoulder of the man's suit. ‘Why would a member of Varia be here ...’. “Any who forget about it ... that’ll be one of the things that I will teach you whilst you are under my wing. ‘Is the tenth gearing up for the inheritance ceremony or the contest for the true owners of the Vongola rings ... I’ll ask Hibari ... he’ll know’ “So yeah ... Natsumi ... watch your back here ... this is where some of the notorious gangs of Kumogakure hang out and I don’t have 360 degrees of vision like the Byakugan so I’m going to need you tell me if you spot anything out of place or as if it doesn’t belong. I’ll protect you with my life as that is the Kumogakure way as well as the Vongola way. This is how I differ from the previous cloud guardian ... when on duty I am nice and I am caring. Just don’t push my buttons okay?” His thoughts went back to the man in the suit ‘Varia ... that could cause problems ... why Varia ... wasn’t they exposed to be out of Kumogakure on a S rank mission for the tenth ... Is will get dirt if there are any more of them’ he let out a sigh still searching everywhere with his line of sight “Ki ... Li ... Here now!” Arrives in an instant onto his right shoulder Arrives in an instant on his left shoulder “Yes Renjiro-Sama” “Natsumi ... I would like you to meet Ki and Li ... my two personal summon squirrels” bows to her"Hey?" “How Ki I need you to stay here and keep watch for my 2nd Jounin ... you remember right ... cool ... Li i need you to keep scout of this 500 meter radius and keep me informed if anything comes up. I’m putting my trust on you two okay?” ”Yes Renjiro-sama” ”we won’t let you down”. The pair disappear just like they appeared and Renjiro looked at Natsumi. “Shall we move on?”
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