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Dancing and the Roach [Solo - Summoning Posts] Shauntaystaffimgf
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 Dancing and the Roach [Solo - Summoning Posts]

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Dancing and the Roach [Solo - Summoning Posts] Empty
PostSubject: Dancing and the Roach [Solo - Summoning Posts]   Dancing and the Roach [Solo - Summoning Posts] I_icon_minitimeSat Aug 21, 2010 1:16 pm

Step, glide, step, glide once more. Now another step, and another, and another.

It was unlike Nasamea do such a thing but this morning she was actually taking a break from all the missions, from pestering Shihouin, and even from hunting. This day she was with her mother instead, whom was also taking a break from work and house chores. Oddly enough the two were at a dance practice. Nasamea believed she couldn't dance at all but only because she never tried. Turns out, her moves were more graceful then her mothers; whom was actually a good dancer. Her mother would always tell her stories in the past of how her father couldn't dance and even took secret lessons before their wedding. Yet, he occasionally messed up and even stepped on her own moms, or Nasa's grandmothers, foot.

"It as terrible", she began, a small grin crossing her face as she presumed to chuckle.

"He was trying so hard that he looked like a walking stick. All nervous and stiff. He felt ashamed for stepping on her foot and even began to avoid everyone. I had to sneak into the men's bathroom just to get him out. My mom wasn't even mad and nobody cared. I suppose it was a pride thing."

Nasamea grinned at these thoughts while following the direction of the woman teaching everyone. Her mom nearly stumbled once, her excuse being that she had not danced in such a long time, but Nasa was rather good. There were a lot of other woman there with their children; mainly because it was "mother daughter dance day". Any mother, whom brought her child, got a discount. Nasamea's mother, or Kyrie as some call her, believed it would be fun and thus here was where they were for a good few hours.

Already, Nasamea felt as though she out classed a good majority of them and was the top of children here. Technically, she was in her own category. The girl wasn't even human after all. Was this cheating? Nasamea didn't care, she was just here to please her mother and test out this "bonding" thing. Which honestly Nasamea already felt close to her and vice versa. It was good for them to get out and do things every once in a while though besides just eating dinner together. Well, Nasamea appearing to eat dinner anyway. Honestly though, she kind of liked it. Was nice to know what its like to dance to. She wondered if Shi could dance. Then again, he may call her girly for even doing it. This made her grin a bit to herself.
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Dancing and the Roach [Solo - Summoning Posts] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dancing and the Roach [Solo - Summoning Posts]   Dancing and the Roach [Solo - Summoning Posts] I_icon_minitimeSat Aug 21, 2010 1:51 pm

As the dancing practice came to a close, Nasamea made her way to the bathroom/changing room much like all the other girls. Her mother was busy talking to a couple other woman; all of them soon bursting out in laughter before the teacher joined in as well. Nasamea overheard something about lasagna and other cooking related talk before she tuned them out and entered behind the white swinging doors. The lavatory was just as sickening girly like the rest of the place. Which honestly she didn't expect it to not be since this place was also where ballerinas usually held dance recitals. The walls were all white with a pink flower trim and there was a rather odd smell in the air. It smelled like sweet pea and lavender which honestly she loved those two scents, just not combined. Normally Nasamea probably wouldn't care to much for this atmosphere because it was nice and clean. However when a bunch of giggling girly girls with their fuu-fuu dresses were added to the bunch; it became a nightmare Her mom even put her in a dress and had her pull her hair back into a bun. She despised that part.

The girls kept eyeing her and whispering about her hair as Nasamea washed her hands. What? Girl can't even use the restroom in peace? They muttered how it was an odd color and wondered whether she died it, etc. They also called her weird while a few others admired her talent. Did she ever mention she hated humans? More so she despised... DESPISED females, minus her mother and a few other adults. It was mostly the female girls she hated. Always gossiping and stuff, it was obnoxious.

Ignoring them, Nasamea moved into the dressing room where her clothes hung by themselves in the background. Yes, she didn't know she was going to be wearing this puffy pink dress until she got here. Stupid dance place. Her mother set her up this time.

Nasamea walked over and grabbed her clothes, which consisted of a t-shirt, black skirt, and stockings, before moving into her own individual stall. It didn't take long for the other girls to soon follow after, especially when their parents came in.

"Nasamea! I'll be outside waiting," she heard her own mom shout before Nasamea said an even toned, "k!"

She repositioned her bra, since it was deciding to raise when she took the dress off, before she slipped on her lavender shirt and fixed her hair. Positioned behind her was a mirror that she soon used to look at her hair before she grabbed the black skirt and slipped that on. Today was the day she acted the most girly... ever. She didn't know whether she liked it or not but it kind of felt a bit good. Minus the girls and the dress anyway.

As Nasamea then took a seat to pull on her stockings she managed to get one on before suddenly there was a bunch of loud squeals coming from outside the door. She head "ew!!!", "thats disgusting!!" and soon "kill it!!" before she began to take interest in the frantic children. She merely blinked as she moved to pull on her other stocking before slipping in a pair of black ninja like shoes.

What came to her next made sense for why the girls were screaming. When Nasamea was putting on a black belt to hold her skirt, a small little cockroach suddenly crawled from beneath the door and into her dressing room. The girls gasped a bit and squealed at the same time before they yelled for Nasamea to kill it and to watch out because there was a bug in there. Unlike them though, she wasn't afraid of some bug.

With a sigh, Nasamea finished fixing her belt as she gazed down at this creature. Odd enough, unlike most roaches that crawled somewhere before carrying on their way, this one sat before her and appeared as though it was waiting.

"What are you looking at?"

The roach fluttered its wings a big as it made a squeak sound. Now this, this was very odd. Nasamea raised her eyebrow, eyeing the roach carefully as it remained in its place. The girl continued to make sounds but were starting to die off. Now it sounded like a woman, one of the mothers, had entered the room. Nasamea's ears tuned outside to listen before the roach made more squeaking sounds, trying to get her attention.

"You're an odd little bug aren't you? Sadly I can't speak roach though, what do you want? Food? Water? Maybe a place to hide?"

The cockroach made more sounds before Nasamea moved her arms in a cross-like fashion. Placing her hand on her head, the other propping her arm, she released a sigh. She already felt crazy for talking to a roach in the first place but this was even more weird.

Nasamea soon uncrossed her arms as she bent down and held out a hand. She wasn't afraid to touch the roach merely because it seemed to have a deeper understanding of human speech compared to other insects. It also seemed like it wanted her attention. Any other insect though, she despised them and wouldn't touch them. She wasn't the type to squeal and make a ruckas like the other girls either.

Holding the roach before her, it appeared as though it was gazing at her before suddenly it vibrated its wings and made a bunch of squeaking sounds. Nasamea held it away from her before suddenly it bit its foot and touched her hand. What was with this crazy roach!?

Before Nasamea could drop the thing or ask anymore questions, she suddenly vanished from the dressing room. Roach in hand.

[979 / Roach related = 428]

Last edited by Nasamea on Sun Aug 22, 2010 1:32 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: Dancing and the Roach [Solo - Summoning Posts]   Dancing and the Roach [Solo - Summoning Posts] I_icon_minitimeSat Aug 21, 2010 2:16 pm

The next action was a simple blink and when she had she suddenly found herself nowhere near the dressing room or dance area. One thing that didn't change though was herself and the fact she still had a cockroach in hand. Gazing at it she finally let out that girly squeal she dreaded before making the roach fly out of her hand and hit the ground below. She took a step away from it and stared at it with wide eyes before it hit the ground and scurried off like nothing happened.

Nasamea continued to watch it with wide eyes before she soon closed her gaping mouth and looked around. As the roach vanished she studied her surroundings and noticed a partially familiar area. She was in a forest, one that looked like the Konoha forest due to the type of vegetation it held. Another thing that reminded her of Konoha was the fact the sky was still cloudy and it appeared to be sometime in the after noon. When they left it was morning so the time frame made sense. Was this Konoha though?

As her eyes continued to wonder, a familiar squeaking sound made her jump a bit before her eyes suddenly shifted over to a roach. She didn't know whether it was the same roach or a different one but the damn thing still acted like the roach she just held. The same roach that made her appear in this location. Nasamea turned to the insect with a glare before she took out a kunai, "you want something again?"

The roach made more squeak sounds as it beat its wings harder than usual. It sounded almost like an obnoxious alarm clock. Suddenly from all around, it seemed as though thousands upon thousands of roaches from all different varieties and sizes appeared. Nasamea gasped to herself as she stared at them. It was then she noticed that all these roaches were heading right for her. Putting on a snarling face, Nasamea formed hand signs for a katon technique before suddenly a bunch of roaches even starting popping out from beneath the ground along with some pillars. What the hell? These things had jutsu!?

She rocked on her feet before leaping back away from them, some roaches flying off, as she released the basic fireball technique right at them. There were some screeches but they all kept coming. Nasamea snarled again, her eyes beginning to glow red and teeth growing sharper, as they kept coming. From all around, there was suddenly the sound of fluttering wings and screeching. This made her sense of hearing go out of whack as she relied more on her eyes now. Eyes that were moving frantically back and forth as she let out a loud threatening snarl. This sound emitted made it seem as though she were currently in beat form. It was a sound no small human girl could make, no doubt about that.

The roaches seemed to hesitate from this as she let out another and bared her teeth, her hands beginning to turn blue as her nails grew sharper. Something that made her own self hesitate though was when the trees all around began to move. It were as though something HUGE was coming. Could it have been another beast like her? Was she set up? Maybe this was an attack from another Kisaki. She didn't put it past one, this was something she would do.

While the roaches advanced, Nasamea let out a large snarl before bringing her clawed hand up over a larger than normal roach. Just before she prepared to strike and kill it, there was suddenly a very loud booming, "STOP!!!"

Nasamea listened, her ears twitching as they adjusted to a new sound all around her. Silence.


Last edited by Nasamea on Sun Aug 22, 2010 1:31 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: Dancing and the Roach [Solo - Summoning Posts]   Dancing and the Roach [Solo - Summoning Posts] I_icon_minitimeSat Aug 21, 2010 4:17 pm

The monstrous sound was heard from her right, her head swiftly turning to gaze at the beast as her crimson red eyes burned into it. She dropped her threatening gaze as it soon rested into a firm glare; one that was questioning and yet cautious. The cockroaches retreated but now Nasamea faced one, no three, that were far more larger than the normal sized ones. Even the giant ones were nothing compared to these. From out of the bushes and trees they came, their long forms and thin legs moving gracefully over their brethren; their ginger steps making sure not to step on any.

Nasamea stared at them, standing her ground as she stared into the beady eyes of the one who yelled for the others to stop. She couldn't tell if they were happy, sad, or mad, nothing. Their faces provided no readable expression. What did these beasts want?

"You're a Tsuyoshi yes?"

Nasamea didn't say a word as she held her own expressionless glare. She seemed angry but at the same time her eyes and face were unreadable. She simply held her firm gaze as she stared into the eyes of this beast. It was then she returned into a more casual yet defensive stance as she took in a deep breath, puffed out her body, and held her ground. She stood tall and with pride. This was the same thing she did when around other woman. It was her way of saying "i am the leader here and if you feel you're going to threaten me then I will simply not give it and will fight for freedom"; typical Nasamea. If this roach really did know about her clan then he should know what her stance and body language meant.

The cockroach, obviously the leader in this scenario, twitched his antennae as he then seemed to relax. She wasn't sure how she saw it, but she did. Maybe it was the way he was standing.

"I see... you are...I ask that you come with me, the boss wishes to speak with you."

He soon moved his head to the other two roaches before one stepped forward towards Nasamea. The other turned around and began to walk away, making all the trees bend around them. The smaller roaches had all vanished by them, their whereabouts unknown unlike these three giants. They must have been good at hiding.

One of the three similar roaches moved around Nasamea before positioning itself beside her. It soon lowered down before speaking in a female like tone, "climb on. Ill carry you madam."

Did this female roach just call her madam? A part of her soon stopped as she looked at the leader roach; or at least the temporary leader. She had a few choices now. She could go with them and see what waited for her beyond the forest, make a run for it by kawariming and using E clones, she could attack them and kill them, sprout wings and fly off, or fight them until she got answers right here and right now. Personally, she wished to learn what was beyond the forest. Besides, how did she know 100% for sure that this was Konoha besides the familiar smells and atmosphere. She could even be in another world for all she knew. One that was full of cockroaches of all kinds and the only way out was to meet the Boss.... she needed to stop reading fantasy and science fiction books. Cockroach world, what a joke.


"Oh yeah, right right, thank you."

Nasamea said, before even realizing that she said it. She got so caught up in her thoughts and began to create this world in her mind that she zoned out again. The cockroach caught her off guard and now it appeared that she was going anyway.

Climbing onto the back of the rather large cockroach, she searched for a place to hold on before lightly cupping her hands around the area its wings connected to its back. The cockroach didn't complain any so she appeared to grab on to the right spot. Nasamea's eyes soon glanced up to notice the leader was gone already, the sound of moving trees being heard in the distance. Apparently he trusted Nasa with this female roach. Maybe they were powerful, especially knowing that Nasamea could change forms. She was a Tsuyoshi member after all.

As the cockroach began to move, Nasamea found herself bewildered by it. It moved gracefully despite its large form and moved through the trees as if they weren't even there. Nasamea soon found it would be better to lay flat on her belly on the roach to avoid branches and leaves from hitting her; her hands still gripping the roaches wings. Wherever they were going, Nasamea was about to find out.


Last edited by Nasamea on Sun Aug 22, 2010 1:30 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: Dancing and the Roach [Solo - Summoning Posts]   Dancing and the Roach [Solo - Summoning Posts] I_icon_minitimeSat Aug 21, 2010 4:25 pm

The trees bended causally around the roach as it moved; her large form followed behind what appeared to be the leader roach. She noticed their differences now. The leader roach moved more with some pride and walked like no big deal while the female roach moved with grace and caution. Besides their gait, the male had a numerous spots on his back and his wings were a darker tan while the female has only two spots and a very light colored tan back. The third one, whether it was male or female or different colored, that all was unclear. At the moment though, Nasamea didn't care. She just wanted answers to her questions.

Despite the fact Nasamea was partially enjoying the journey, it didn't take long for the an opening to soon appear in the forest. Now it seemed like they were all traveling on a man made dirt trail. Unless it was cockroach made...
She still kind of believed she was in Cockroach world. Next thing you know she was going to be the main course. Why wouldn't they have taken any of the screaming girls? Maybe she should have squealed too. Anyway..

As the trees gave way, Nasamea's amber hues soon caught sight of something she will never forget. Something so, strange. Here she believed that her clan was the weirdest beings alive but this was unreal. Before them were thousands upon thousand, no, billions upon billions of cockroaches. They were all moving about, lining up, carrying things, she didn't know what all. They moved out of the way of the three roaches as the previous leader roach and the other large unknown roach took their positions near something far greater then these three giants. Sitting causally on a large chair surrounded by garbage and numerous roaches was the largest cockroach Nasamea had ever seen in her entire life. She swore the thing was the size of at least a small house. She bet that it could even crush a house if it wanted.

Her amber hues stared up at the giant roach as she sat up on the female giving her a ride. She even gaped as she saw the enormous roach stare back. She thought she saw a smile cross its face but then again, she could have been crazy. Actually, her theory now was that she passed out in the dressing room and was super tired. No, she couldn't have been tired. Making one of the girls knocked her unconscious. No, she would have heard them coming and knocking her out was very very difficult due to her healing ability. She made a move to wake herself up by pinching herself; she wasn't dreaming. Really? Could such a huge roach exist? It was then she remembered that she was a monster. Anything was possible...

"So... you must be the young Kisaki yes?"

Nasamea nodded unintentionally before shifting her gaze away and glaring at the ground. She hated giving away information. This made the cockroach let out a booming laugh. Just how could these dang things talk anyway? Laughing was odd as well. She then realized that her entire life would probably be odd. Maybe Shihouin would be the thing to keep her from going insane. Some red appeared on her cheeks for a second then faded as she glanced back up at the mega roach, still on the back of the female.

"Where am I? What do you want from me?" she demanded.

The roach finally stopped laughing before it peered back at her, "asking a lot of questions aren't we? I like your personality, you remind me of your mother... Kyire Tsuyoshi.."

It was then Nasamea's eyes narrowed in defense, "how do you know my mother...."

"Well you see, she is the one who first signed the pact with my children and I. Before this, we used to be owned by a rather.... interesting....clan. One that abused us more then anything. She saved us by murdering the leader and stealing the scroll. Once she signed it, she explained everything and even took some of us on in a fight. I was on the verge of dying, not from battle, but from old age. But you see, you all born in the bloodline possess special blood. I'm sure you already know this. That blood was what saved me and has preserved me over the years. My lady, if you don't perish, you may possibly live for hundreds of years...."

Nasamea listened carefully before hearing this. This comment made her gaze at him in wonder yet again. Hundreds and hundreds of years? Did she even want to live that long? It was... unimaginable. Anything was possible though, she had to remember that.

"Well, with that out of the way. To answer your questions, you're in a forest not to far from Konoha. One that is rarely walked through. Normally people would find beings such as myself walking around but lucky for us, we have earth affinities. I'm sure you've heard of the mole hiding technique yes?"

She nodded.

"Very good... well anyway. The reason you've been called," she listened intently now, "since I told you that your mother summoned us and because I have mentioned her saving me from death, I am sure you can put the pieces together. I am in your clan's debt.You even saved a roach from some squealing girls earlier, or so I heard. So... my lady...what do you think about learning to summon our kind to help you in battle and for what ever other reasons? I am sure we can help you.... it would be an honor."

She stared at him in surprise. Originally she expected to be held hostage and forced for knowledge. She even thought that what was beyond the forest would kill and try to eat her. But never this. This was, unimaginable yet again. She began to think this over. She had the choice to summon any creature if given the chance. Should she summon cockroaches though? They were so tiny...

As she though more on it she then realize how useful they were. They were so average. Who would even think a cockroach was actually working for a ninja? She thought the roach before was just one that scurried in to find shelter from the girls. She never expected it to be following the rule of this gigantic cockroach that was the size of a small house. They all even treated her nice and with respect. Originally she was creeped out by roaches but now she learned to respect them. Just like they respected her.

Sitting there for a moment, Nasamea thought this all over and soon realized that cockroaches were probably the best ninja tools ever. She began to even grow excited about the idea of summonings them. One day she could even summon boss roach right? Yeah, that sounded right.

Nasamea finally gaze back at the roach with a wide grin before she nodded, "if you don't mind. I accept. I promise to take excellent care of them. I'm sure together we could all learn from one another. Maybe I could help you as well with my own blood!"

Was this really her saying these words? Never did she expect herself to say anything like this but it was an amazing offer she couldn't pass up. She wasn't sugar coating her thoughts or anything either. This was her actually saying this. Even she couldn't believe it.

"Very well then.....if you are going to... you must summon our contract... and learn how to summon us. Are you ready?"

She nodded like crazy. Was she? How hard could it be?


Last edited by Nasamea on Sun Aug 22, 2010 1:30 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: Dancing and the Roach [Solo - Summoning Posts]   Dancing and the Roach [Solo - Summoning Posts] I_icon_minitimeSun Aug 22, 2010 2:06 am

Summoning Technique:

After Nasamea nodded, informing the roach that she was ready, Boss roach beckoned her over with one of his legs. The female roach soon leaned down, letting Nasamea slide off, before she took her position next to the other two large roaches and Boss Roach. Nasamea stepped forward, standing before Boss Roach as she gazed up at him.

"First.... before we do anything... you need to be tested... your mother passed these tests with ease. I'm sure you can to."

Nasamea nodded again before Boss roach made some squeaking sounds. She tilted her head in confusion before she heard the roaches nearby move once more. They all came towards her, causing her to look around. She wasn't frantic this time but rather, curious. What did the Boss Roach have in mind? While the roaches made their progression, some roaches suddenly burst out from beneath the ground again and climbed up her legs. Their tiny legs tickled her skin,causing her to feel the urge to itch as they made their way up her legs, above her skirt, and soon surrounded her. They sat on her shoulder, covered her face and head, everything. Good thing they didn't go beneath her skirt, that would be awkward... and disgusting.

They surrounded her and made odd squeaking sounds but she did not budge. They even fluttered her wings, but she simply stood there and accepted it. Soon enough, the Boss roach made noises yet again and the roaches receded. Nasamea held her ground as they finally all retreated, her gaze still peering at Boss Roach. It looked like he nodded then before he confirmed this motion.

"Very good.... you're just like your mother. Well... I think that settles that. I have a feeling you can handle what we have to offer...if not, ill know." Boss Roach let out a bit of a chuckle. From what Nasa saw, he enjoyed humoring himself quite a bit. She didn't mind though, more so she didn't care.

Boss Roach moved in his chair again before he turned his head to some giant mini (if that made sense) roaches behind him. He made the squeaky noise again that she began to believe may have been a form of morse code. It made sense since the smaller roaches didn't seem to have the ability to speak. It appeared that being the boss or one of the three giant roaches paid off. Anyway... a group he had called to soon moved forward carrying a rather large scroll on their back. From the look of things it had been carried around through quite a few battles but otherwise was super clean. She was impressed.

The group soon brought the scroll around front and placed it down before her as they squeaked at once another, apparently barking orders or something. After that, they retreated back to their positions again and Boss Roach leaned forward a bit. Nasamea gazed over the scroll's detail. It was large, something that would tremendously weigh her down at the moment if she had to carry it, and it's body was tan with brown ends. In the center was a picture of a cockroach that looked almost real. She felt like she could almost pick it up off the page. What was even more nifty was there were the metal ends the scroll itself wrapped around. There were two small handles that the user could pull on to open the scroll and both looked like mini cockroaches. It was very very interesting.

"Go on and open it, I will guide you from there."

Nasamea nodded at Boss Roach once more before she grabbed the tiny metal roaches and pulled, opening the scroll. She unrolled the right side more merely because that was normally where you should open a scroll. It would be where the most updated stuff tended to be. When she did this she saw quite a few names she did not know, majority belonging to one clan. It must have been the clan Boss Roach talked about. Once she saw her mother's name she felt as though she was getting somewhere though. Upon unrolling it and passing her mother's name, there was a blank spot without any signature. Nasamea gazed at the scroll now, examining it and attempting to figure out what to do. Boss Roach may have caught on and knew she would do this merely because he had not said anything yet; allowing her to look it over. There were some marks that looked like Cockroach prints around the scroll, just beneath the brown. It gave Nasamea the impression of them trying to make a border. The scroll instill still held the tan and brown outline. Here and there were a few mini roaches imprinted on the scroll but otherwise the main theme seemed to be the foot print border. In the center of every circle where people signed there names there was a hand. The hands looked like they were dipped in something, maybe ink. Then there signatures below the hand print. Nasamea sat there, a hand raised to her chin as she pondered this. Finally she believed she came to an appropriate conclusion that made sense but wished to ask Boss Roach.

"These hand prints..." she looked up at him now in question, "were they done in blood?"

Boss Roach looked like he smiled but then again that was difficult to say since they all lacked expressions. He nodded once more and Nasamea felt some easement. It made sense, users summoned their creatures by using blood so why would they not sign the contract with blood. With that thought in mind, it reminded her of them signing the contract with the devil. Odd. She was starting to zone out a bit but continued to peer at Boss Roach.

"So it's obvious what people sign the contract with. That is what you must do yourself. Due to you possessing regenerative abilities though you may want to sign fast. After marking you hand print, you will then sign your name in blood below it. Try as hard as you can, I know it can be tricky. Especially for your kind. Your mother used to get frustrated when signing it because the wound would keep healing on her," he said with a partial chuckle.

This made Nasamea smile herself. If only she was able to talk to her mom and dad more. Before allowing herself to get depressed she pushed the thoughts aside and gazed back down at the scroll. She first looked at how her mother did it. Anyone could notice how she kept messing up or where the wound was healing. It was rather funny to be honest. Nasamea nodded to herself before she removed a kunai from her pouch and quickly sliced all her fingers with deep wounds in one stroke. She then sliced her thumb and palm as well with deep cuts, all of them starting to gush blood. As soon as the blood covered her hand she smacked it down on the paper and rubbed it on a bit before removing her hand; perfect. By the time she removed her hand, her wounds were almost healed already too. This may be an issue at the moment. She imagined herself as her mother now, growing frustrated and stuff when signing her name. She smiled a tad, telling herself to stay calm.

Once the blood dried she gazed at her hand before shrugging and licking the blood off. Majority of the people would probably think this was gross since she just signed a contract with roaches and nobody else knew where the scroll or summoners have been but honestly, her blood tasted the same. In fact she kind of hated the taste of her blood; she preferred natural born humans. Especially virgins. Getting off topic..

After getting rid of the blood she then slit the kunai across her finger, making a deep wound, before she tilted it in a way that she could write with a finer point. She then marked her name. The wound healed and he blood was used up just before she got to Tsuyoshi. Rather than getting worked up, she did it once more and made it halfway through. She then cut it once again and finished her name before even placing her finger print at the end of her name. She stuck her finger in her mouth and awaited for new orders.

Boss Roach seemed to smile before beckoning the roaches over again. They squeaked at one another as they went over and grabbed the scroll, rolling it to where it locked, and placed it on their backs. As they crawled off Nasamea then found a questing pop into her head.

"Wait, how was I summoned here anyway?"

Boss Roach was silent for a moment, as though he did not wish to tell her. She then gave him a firm gaze, demanding the answer now that it appeared he had something to hide. A sigh escaped his breath, "you're mother gave us some of your blood when you were a child. We put it in a different blank contract and promised her when the time came we would summon you here and offer you our aid. Honestly, I was worried you would grow up to be a problem child at first. But you're mother and father are good."

She heard him chuckle again and she had to admit, that one was a bit funny. This made her smile again before the mood changed, along with Boss Roaches posture. It was time to move on to something else.

"Well, now that you signed the contract you need to know how to summon us right. Have you learne how to perform the Summoning Technique* yet?"

Nasamea shook her head.

"Very well then, allow me to teach you. I am sure you already know about having to use blood to being with correct?"

She gave him a simple nod.

"Good good. Well, since I don't have hands, I actually had your mother draw me a diagram of all the hand signs a long time ago. Genius idea right? Anyway..."

Once again he beckoned over the roaches from behind whom carried a new scroll over. This one was much smaller than the other and lacked any real detail except it was tan with teal border. Dropping it at her feet they backed away before allowing her the chance to look it over. She dove right in as she opened it right away and began to look over the handsigns. With a nod she then motioned them a few times so that she could commit it to mental and muscle memory. After that she decided to give it a shot. First, she bit a good chuck out of her thumb before quickly motioning the signs and slammed her palm on the ground. At first, nothing happened. This was to be expected though.

"It took your mom ten tries, then again she was also mad when she was going this."

Nasamea smirked a bit before she bit her thumb again, since the wound healed already, and motioned the seals. She performed the same action with more focus and below her was a poof of smoke. She removed her hand to reveal about five roaches. A smile of accomplishment then crossed her face as she looked at Boss Roach in happiness. A minor chuckle escaped him then, "keep trying until you can summon 50. Thats your maximum at this rank."

It was the third time she went through the hand motions and soon enough she managed to summon roughly sixteen. She wished to do more, feeling her chakra ranks depleting despite of it. At least she got the main motions done. This helped her with chakra control training as well. Soon enough, the third time turned to a fourth and then into a fifth and a sixth. About the seventh time she did this she summoned roughly 38 roaches before sighing. She bent her knees before allowing herself to fall back onto her bum. Her gaze rose up to Boss Roach who chuckled a bit, "you've got the gist of things. I don't think it'll take you long to summon more.
[441] Now you should rest. Well..... I think that's all I have for you. Otherwise you'll just need to do some research and figure out all our uses. We are all much like regular cockroaches but are far more adapted to the ninja style of course. You'll figure it out."

Nasamea nodded, a smile on her face. Yes, she would figure it out. But first she would need to get some answers from him. Something involving other matters and not cockroaches themselves. Anyone could probably figure out what she wanted know. Or at least get the main idea.


Last edited by Nasamea on Sun Aug 22, 2010 4:33 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: Dancing and the Roach [Solo - Summoning Posts]   Dancing and the Roach [Solo - Summoning Posts] I_icon_minitimeSun Aug 22, 2010 1:36 pm

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PostSubject: Re: Dancing and the Roach [Solo - Summoning Posts]   Dancing and the Roach [Solo - Summoning Posts] I_icon_minitimeSun Aug 22, 2010 10:05 pm

Thee clouded skies began to lose their bright intensity, marking the end of the afternoon. By now Nasamea figured her step mother would be worried sick about where she was but then again it wasn't uncommon for Nasamea to just up and vanish either. Nasamea felt a little guilty leaving her mother to herself while she was here with these roaches but at the same time it wasn't entirely her fault. They were the ones who brought her here in the first place and honestly, she wasn't 100% where she was in Konoha. Actually, she wasn't sure if she was anyway near Konoha. For all she knew this place could have been considered Konoha territory but was numerous miles away. Just how far was "not to far" and which direction was Konoha from here? Well, since she was here, she figured she would use the time while she had the chance. Boss Roach should have anticipated that she had many questions anyway.

"Pardon Boss Roach....but by chance could you answer a few questions for me?"

The giant roach was currently gazing over a piece of paper some roaches held up to him. His eyes then fell back on Nasamea as he motioned for the cockroaches holding the paper to get away. They climbed down from their roach tower they made and soon scattered, one of the roaches placing the paper beside his chair before scurrying off. It was kind of funny.

"Yes madam I will try my best," he said casually, sounding very formal. It was apparent now that they both had high respect for one another. Boss Roach seemed to be enjoying it as much as Nasamea did. Kind of odd for a mutual respect to grow between a giant leader cockroach and a blood thirsty monster in human form but what wasn't odd for Nasamea?

Nasamea continued to sit on her butt as her amber hues remained on the roach. At the moment she didn't have a defensive gaze, a glare, or even a threatening "i am stronger than you" look. Now it was one of pure calmness. This seemed to surround her like an aura that the Boss Roach must have felt. He himself also appeared to relax in his chair as he waited for her to speak.

"Well... I am sure you probably know what this might be about...since I mean, she's the whole reason I am even here... what I was wandering is," she paused for a moment. Her amber hues fell from him as she sat up more, her hands resting under her stretched out legs before she sighed.

"I was wandering you may know what happened to my mother and father the night they were murdered. I just want to know something, anything. Please...."

Boss Roach's usual expressionless appearance gazed into her desperate sorrow filled eyes. She searched deep in his beady black ones as she tried to find something, anything. She just needed to know at least the names of the Kisaki that attacked, her motive, even what color shirt she wore. He seemed to let out a sigh.

"There's quite a bit I know actually," he began, causing Nasamea to lean forward towards him in anticipation, "your parents put you to sleep before they went downstairs. That much I think you remember. They knew the Kisaki was around. Every Kisaki has a potent scent compared to all the other members in the Tsuyoshi clan. It is how you can all tell one another apart. At least thats what your mother said. I can explain more of that later if you'd like.

Anyway... the reason they knew the Kisaki was around was not because of scent but because they invited her and her Bokuhi in. Together, with your parents, they planned to negotiate their territories. You see, because you were the Kisaki in line, your mother decided it would be best that you started with a small territory until you learned to protect a far greater one like the adult queens. This Kisaki was more so an elder and because of that, your mother believed she actually deserved some more territory. Well.. you see....."

He coughed a bit as Nasamea's eyes never fell from him, her ears fully opened and listening. Even the other roaches were gathered around and listening. It took her a moment to even realize that there was one sitting on her shoulder. Actually, a familiar one that she believed was the roach who first transported her here. It was like story time for them.

"Your mother owned majority of the territory and because of that, the elder wanted what she had. So, long story short, the elder murdered your mother and your father to gain that territory. She then attempted to murder you but you managed to get away and soon enough moved to Konoha. Thus we are here today."

Boss roach sighed for a moment, beginning to talk once more before Nasamea asked more questions. He knew she planned to, it was read loud and clear on her face. Plus, apparently Nasa was just like her mother and this roach knew her mother quite a lot.

"Nasamea, you're a miracle in our eyes.... honestly, everyone thought you died until we heard word that you got away. My scouts searched throughout Takigakure but couldn't find you. By then you must have up and left for Konoha. Lucky for us, Konoha was where our base was. We searched everywhere until we found you in your apartment. I recall your mother hating roaches, remember?"

Nasamea let out a chuckle as she smiled and nodded. She remembered being in her room playing with a stuffed dog when she heard her mother scream. Due to the accident with her parents she immediately ran to investigate, ready to kill whatever was threatening them until she saw her mother standing on a chair. She was holding a broom and wearing her cleaning accessories. Nasamea rose out of a defensive stance before her mom saw her and called to her, pointing at a cockroach and asking Nasa to kill it. Nasamea simply walked over, picked it up, and put it outside before she was forced to wash her hands. That was the day her step mom and herself became extremely close. It was kind of humorous. Before then they rarely talked but seeing her mom squirm like that only made Nasa's day. To be scared of such a tiny roach....

"I'm sure you have more to ask now. One maybe being what happened to the territory?"

She nodded, he was reading her mind or it was just obvious and expected.

"Well, the elder still lives... I bet that answered another question...but because you are also alive, you still own territory. Your mother's goal was reached though... now, the only territory you own is Konoha...."

"What did my mother used to own?"

"The whole fire country first of all, the lightning, earth, river, wave, and whirlpool country, and then some minor villages such as Takigakure, Otogakure, Kusagakure, and Amegakure."

Nasamea's mouth dropped as she stared in bewilderment again. That was A LOT of territory. She was actually kind of glad her mother was thinking about making it smaller for Nasa. Then again... if she hadn't thought of it maybe she would have been alive.

"The elder owns the wind country and bird country and the third Kisaki, which you probably have heard anything about, owns the water country and the sea around it. You see, the third is a water type. She transforms into a rather beautiful water dragon and rarely comes up for air.

At the moment, the elder owns the most. She owns all the territory your mother did except for Konoha, the wave, and the whirlpool country. The third, a woman you're mother was friends with and is around the same age as she would be now, took those two islands from the elder and continues to own what she previously had. She did possess the smallest territory until you came along and well, when it turned out you lived...."

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PostSubject: Re: Dancing and the Roach [Solo - Summoning Posts]   Dancing and the Roach [Solo - Summoning Posts] I_icon_minitimeSun Aug 22, 2010 10:45 pm

Nasamea felt silent for quite some time. This was a lot to take in all at once. She knew there were three Kisaki but never had any idea about how much territories they owned or even how much SHE owned. She thought her foster parents owned the house she lived in and that was it. Never this. Technically, the rightful Kages owned their territories but the land the Tsuyoshi clan claimed as their own was where the Kisaki's members would be found. Now it made sense why Nasamea never saw any other Tsuyoshi members around Konoha, because Nasamea didn't have any followers to begin with.

"Boss..." she finally muttered, catching his attention again, "what happens when a Kisaki takes over another's territory? I mean, what happens to all the previous Kisaki's followers?"

"That depends on the Kisaki. Majority of the time the time, the members either follow the new leader or get killed. Its rare that they are allowed to move. Sadly though.. with the elder.... they all perished.... only a few managed to get free and they moved to Kirigakure. But you see, years ago another clan known as the "Shikyo's" wiped that out 5 or so years ago. So who knows if any of Kyrie's followers are left... we haven't found any...."

Nasamea sighed and looked down, "I see...."

She grew silent once more before she soaked this all in and came to a realization. She owned Konoha and had no followers. That was it. Meanwhile, the elder owned literally everything all around Konoha and must have had numerous followers if there was enough to wipe out her mother's. Nasamea felt kind of .... scared. She felt vunerable and more so, weak. She had very little experience. From the way Boss Roach talked, the elder must have been S-rank. She was an ELDER after all and when one was called an elder in this clan that normally meant they were 100+ years old. This must of meant she had a lot of experience under her belt. Nasamea needed to know more about this woman...

"Would you happen to know where this woman is? Her name? Anything? .... and does she know I am alive....?"

Another sigh seemed to escape him before she heard what she wished she never knew. She had to know though!

"I'm afraid she does Nasamea.... thats why you were granted Konoha. There are always three Kisaki no matter what, even if it means a female suddenly changing in one of the other clans. Nobody knows or understands how this happens, but it always does. Its a weird phenomenon about your clan....

Anyway, yes, the elder's name is Shoushi Tsuyoshi.... at the moment she lives in Wind Country. This was where they've always been. Normally she would move place to place but seeing as how she doesn't feel the third and you aren't much of a threat... she feels she doesn't need to continue to hide."

"Is there a chance... that she would be hunting me?"

"Hmmm... at the moment I don't think so. Last we heard, she's going to wait for you to go to her. That's the rumor though. For now she plans to bask in the glory of it all..." he said before making a scoffing sound. "Trust me Nasamea, we won't let get anywhere near you OR Konoha for that matter. The third will even help if she must. Nasamea, you have more allies than you think. Not only us but even the third and all of her allies as well. To be honest... the third wishes to see you when you've grown. But first, you need to do just that. It's to dangerous to make the travel right now. Your safe haven is in Konoha... got that."

The way he worded that it sounded as though he was threatening her more then asking her nicely to stay put. Nasamea had plans to leave before he mentioned it. He knew her to well. This must have meant her and her mother were far more alike then what she thought. It was kind of scary now.

Nasamea grew silent and soon Boss Roch seized this as an opportunity to suggest ending their meeting soon. He was busy after all and at the moment it looked like Nasamea was done asking questions.

"Although I love to continue to talk, I am a leader of my own. If you don't mind I would like the call this to a close or do you have more questions?"

She shook her head, "no, at the moment you answered majority of them. The rest are mostly questions I must answer myself.... thank you greatly."

"Very well then... no problem... now, it would be best if you returned to the dance area. Go ahead and explain what happened to your mom about where you've been. I'm sure she'll understand. Plus i'm positive you know what to tell and what not to tell her. Anyway... if you head south east, you'll arrive back in Konoha."

He pointed the direction out and she nodded. As she said her thanks again and they share goodbyes, this was exactly where she headed. She truly needed to get back.

For now, she needed to just sit and think about everything. This was the first time she actually saw a path for herself besides her vision to wanting to be ANBU. She was a Kisaki, a leader in her clan, and now she needed to think of what to do to grow and expand territory. At the moment, she felt she needed to be far stronger to fill the gap between her and the elder. Not just herself but with man power. Making friends didn't seem so bad now but at the same time, she didn't wish to drag humans into a battle against monsters. This reminded her of Shihouin now.... what should she do about him? She really liked him.. a lot... but what if he got caught up in all of this because of her and died? Could she ever forgive herself? She didn't think so. At the same time though, she also felt he could handle himself. One day, they both could with ease. Then maybe he could help her take out the other Kisaki and gain back the lost territory her mother possessed. That was to far ahead in the future though.

Continuing to move forward, she wouldn't stop until she reached the dancing place. Neither would her thoughts...
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