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    Day of the Roach [P] Shauntaystaffimgf
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     Day of the Roach [P]

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    PostSubject: Day of the Roach [P]   Day of the Roach [P] I_icon_minitimeThu Oct 14, 2010 10:16 am

    The time finally came where Nasamea could finally let her past go and grow into an actual individual. She was ready to take on more missions, ones that actually allowed her to leave the village without a Jounin leader, and was now able to learn more difficult jutsu. In her mind, Chunin felt like a giant step from being a Genin; but she loved it none the less. Maybe now she could finally learn more as her human self and carry all that into her original self. The monster side of her would be able to handle more jutsu as well. With training and a lot of practice, maybe days worth, she would be able to learn how to switch sides at a quicker pace that didn't kill her. It did chakra a steady flow of chakra after all. She had managed to transform in at least seven to ten minutes but she wished to narrow that time down to three to five. She preferred changing in one but that was pushing it at the moment. She was used to the pain when transforming. It wasn't THAT bad but it didn't exactly tickle either. So pushing that transformation at a fast rate would possibly drop her to her knees at this level. But this all was for a different day.

    Today, she wished to work with her summonings. At the moment they were rather convenient in her perspective due to their ability to secretly invade into places and work as spies, dive bomb opponents and hit their eyes, and guard her friends to keep them alive (snazzy!). But she wished to be able to work more with them. It was time to see Boss Roach. Rising from her bed and putting on some decent clothes, Nasamea took out the Cockroach scroll before she summoned herself to their realm. She had done it before, Boss Roach taught her how, so doing it was easy. It was just a matter of seeing Boss roach that was the hard part. He ran the roach realm after all so the chances of him being busy was rather high.

    Arriving at the gate only proved otherwise and at the moment, it appeared that things were rather calm. Nasamea entered through the manufactured steel gate and into the world she has known for quite a while now. Roaches were everywhere. What was funny was when they had mini huts too. Now that was super odd. Luckily they were odd he main path, otherwise Nasamea may have to held rebuild some that were stepped on.

    Continuing past these, she found herself making plenty of squeak sounds to all the passing roaches who greeted her. They knew she didn't belong here, and so did she; but nevertheless they made her try to feel at home. Perks of being a summoner. Maybe it was there way to see if she knew morse code too. She doubted they didn't know of her considering her clan's relation of the years and the fact she was the only known person to summon them. But no matter, she they made good company.

    As she moved past the huts and stepped over numerous roaches who dared to walk beneath her feet, Nasamea eventually came to the kings throne (as she liked to call it) where Boss Roach sat. He was discussing orders of business with the three other large roaches and a few others which were smaller, but also large compared to Nasamea. Nasa waited patiently as she watched them before suddenly one of them noticed and pointed her out. Boss Roaches head rose and she thought she saw a smile, even though cockroaches didn't have lips and couldn't truly make expressions. Maybe she was going crazy.

    "Well look who's here," he said, waving off the roaches and ending the meeting. Nasamea stood a bit uncomfortably now, "sorry if I interrupted." The roaches scattered to their spots or away all together. From what she saw, none of them talked smack but were actually surprised by her appearance and saying how she was their other leader. To give the two leaders space. She didn't think she was really a leader of them. At least not yet anyway.

    "No no, we were just mingling. The real meeting was over roughly five minutes ago. Now how can I help you young one?"

    She grinned a bit, straightening herself now as she stood tall before him. The awkwardness was gone and now it was time for business.

    "I have managed to rank up and because of that I ahve ome to you to request if maybe I can work on summoning another species of roach or so. Please, whatever my mother had or whatever you feel best, I believe I am ready."

    She watched Boss roach eye her with his beady black hues. He appeared to her as thoughtful while she relaxed some, continuing to stand strong but not throwing herself out there to be overly impressive. She was at ease right now, not standing her ground. Boss Roach nodded, "I believe in your words. How have the roaches been treating you thus far?"

    "Exceptionally well sir," she said politely, not actually sugar coating it.

    He nodded, "excellent to hear. Well then. I have a species in mind."

    Nasamea nodded with a grin before she walked closer and sat down before Boss Roach, ready to take in whatever he had to offer.
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    PostSubject: Re: Day of the Roach [P]   Day of the Roach [P] I_icon_minitimeSat Oct 30, 2010 1:34 pm

    "This species is mostly found in Amegakure but there are some who have migrated here to live with us. Oh, speaking of which, did I tell you there are other roach areas stationed all over? More particularly, near each village?"

    "Actually, no, I don't think so."

    He nodded as he use one of his legs to claw at his side before returning it before him, "bit of knowledge to be aware of when traveling. Each place has different species as well. Fill free to visit them when you can. They're all ran by different Bosses as well. Some aren't that friendly, remember that. But anyway... this species is small in numbers but theres enough for your rank to use. I would say there are roughly 700 around and for this rank, your limit is most likely going to stop at 300 of the small kind. Got it?"

    She nodded.

    "They are known as Amegakure Hissing roaches. Much like their name their are able to hiss and can make quite a ruckus. The originally came here to take me out but failed. Most left but quite a lot stayed so you get a picture of how threatening they try to be."

    Boss Roach grew silent for a moment before he made a loud chatter sound. He did this to summon the species, hurting Nasamea's ears a bit in the process. From all around they soon came. These roaches looked longer and darker than the two Konoha breeds she had been using. She looked over every detail as they lined up in rows near her. A few whispered to one another as they looked at Nasamea. They probably thought she couldn't hear them or didn't really care but nothing bad was really said. They were mostly questioning her as the summoner and wondering what specifically Boss Roach wanted.

    "Your lucky days, you are the next to be summoned. Ready for the challenge?"

    The roaches nodded before one walked over to Nasamea. This one moved a bit more with its head held high, the obvious leader of the group. He crawled onto Nasamea's arm before he bit her, causing blood to form as a little drop. He took in a bit before he looked up at her, "open your scroll please"

    She nodded and proceeded to open it. He made a motion to leap onto it before he bit the end of his foot and marked on it. After that he walked away and Nasamea closed the scroll. This was the normal procedure needed when it came to new roach species. With her having three species and at least one having her own blood to share around, the roach became use able. Even if the one that took her blood happened to die, she could still use the species based on the blood already being inserted. It was rather simple yet complex but roaches didn't have that many alternations of blood per species.

    Seeing as how the deed was done, Nasamea was mostly ready to summon them.

    "You all may leave but be prepared to be summoned at any given time now. Thank you each."

    Some nodded and others squeaked "okay" before most left. A few remained to watch but majority went back to whatever they were doing before hand. They probably felt frustrated for being called for mostly nothing but it was good for the roach to see their summoner and vice versa before summoning on her opinion.

    "Go on, I want to see at least 100"

    Nasamea nodded then stood up. She put the scroll back into her pouch and bit thumb. As quickly as possible she morphed hand seals before thrusting her hands on the ground. She was focusing on summoning a hundred of the Hissing cockroach variety, feeling her chakra extend outward. When she removed her hand she then stood and saw quite a lot of roaches. However a fourth seemed to be the Konoha variety; bummer. Overall she counted up to 75 which wasn't great but wasn't bad either.

    "Thank you for coming, now Nasamea try again."

    Getting straight to business, Nasamea performed the same actions again as she focused a bit harder while allowing the naturalness of her usage to flow out. This time she got a better number of roaches, totaling 95, but when it came to species she had a few Konoha roaches in there still. Better but still not good.

    Once again she de-summoned them so they may leave before she went through the same actions, not forcing herself so much and letting the natural flow go. She was more concerned with species now, trying to make it so she could summon just one instead of mixing. What was weird was that she never really had this problem before but since she controlled three species now and was used to summoning mainly one, it made sense as to why she was having trouble. This time though she got what she wanted; 100 roaches and all of them being the Amegakure variety. They each looked around and made some hissing sounds at one another but soon settled after Nasamea coughed and eyed them. They turned their attention to her in obedience and she looked to Boss Roach.

    "Very good, you're getting better control of your chakra as well. Make sure you keep working on chakra control and trying to master it. It will help tremendously in the long run, especially when you get higher in rank and have to summon a lot more roaches while handling jutsu. But that will come later. For now, keep working on summoning up to 300 of these so you may use them in battle. Roaches, you're dismissed. Nasamea come sit again."

    She de-summoned the roaches before walking towards Boss Roach and taking a seat before him. She was already feeling better after getting some more training in. Now she would have more roaches under her belt that she could use against enemies. 300 was definitely better than 50, no doubt about that.

    "Now that you can summon the breed of roach it's time I tell you a bit about their natural ability they possess compared to most roaches; hissing. Each of them can do it, it's how they got their name, but something else they can do is use a technique called Okosu Kenkou or Amplified Sound. This allows the roach to focus chakra into their voices in order to make them sound even louder. If you scattered these 300 around and had them each do this jutsu it may help cover where you move and make it tricky for the opponent to concentrate. Never know right? I want you to summon just five of these and have them use the technique so you get the idea of what it does."

    She obeyed, except for getting up though she summoned while sitting. 100 may ahve been tricky but 5 was simple. Once there were five before her she asked them to use the Amplified Sound technique and sure enough, they were loud. Their hisses started out normal, like she heard not to long ago, but soon enough these 5 roaches each sounded like there 50 more behind each one; meaning 2,500 overall. She could imagine 300 roaches doing this. It would probably giver her a headache. She motioned for them to stop, they did.

    "Good, we're done with this species for now. Care to move on?"

    She de-summoned the Amegakure roaches and sighed, "yes"
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    PostSubject: Re: Day of the Roach [P]   Day of the Roach [P] I_icon_minitimeSat Oct 30, 2010 5:13 pm

    "Next is more formations. There is one you can learn for sure but the other I will just get you started on. It will range from B to S rank so you see the problem with learning it now."

    "The first is simple, a clone created of cockroaches. Have you learned the Kage Bushin yet?"

    She nodded.

    "Very good then this should be easier for your then. The cockroach clone, otherwise known as Gokiburi Bushin, works much like Kage Bushin or in a better sense, an earth clone. This clone is composed of nothing but cockroaches with the appearance of yourself or whomever you want it to look like. Until you're stronger in rank I don't want you to overuse this, even if it's a B rank technique. It takes quite a bit of chakra control and the summoning technique blended into one. Use it wisely and only stick to the basic roaches at the moment....Now try it out."

    Nasamea stood back up again and focused, thinking through what she had to do. She wasn't sure what hand signs she would need for sure so she tried the kage bushin ones then the summoning ones and focused. A partially disformed clone then formed beside her but did she know what it was exactly? Ehh no, not really. She looked to boss roach who said nothing then turned back to the clone. Taking a kunai she walked over and lightly slit a cut in the confused clones hand. It looked at her before it soon began to transform from a mass of skin and flesh to numerous cockroaches. There had to be at least 200 sticking together to do this and left her feeling a bit tired. She looked back to boss roach who then spoke.

    "Not bad for your first try and there were plenty of roaches involved. Due to your rank this jutsu will probably be a bit more difficult as well. Especially when it comes to forming the clone due to your limited supply of roaches. Like I said it works like a kage bushin except no information will travel back to you after it is destroyed. This aspect makes it like the E rank clone. You can work on developing a kage bushin roach clone later if you like, would help you a lot. But wait until you're higher in rank."

    Boss Roach moved a bit in his chair and Nasamea glanced around to notice a few more spectators had taken interest in what she was doing and watched them. Most were probably from the clone but it was hard to tell. So many breeds, so many roaches to work with, it was making her fidget with excitement. She wanted to rank up as fast as she could and grow into someone who was strong. She needed to be prepared to fight this Kisaki as well.
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    PostSubject: Re: Day of the Roach [P]   Day of the Roach [P] I_icon_minitimeWed Nov 03, 2010 11:13 pm

    "Okay, you have one more summoning type and a new formation. Next is a new summoning except this one is considered a Giant and not a Basic due to its size. This species is nothing compared to the three roaches you have seen nor myself but majority are my children. They are Giant Burrowing Cockroaches and like their name implies, they know the Mole Hiding Technique."

    With that said he made a different calling sound, drawing in a roach larger than Nasa's head. The thing looked like a smashed bowling ball. Her eyes widened in amazement as the sturdy creature crawled up and replied back to the call with a formal, "you call sir?" Boss Roach gazed down upon him yet the roach never shuddered unlike the Amegakure ones. It stood tall and with pride. Nasamea noticed another thing as well, this roach traveled alone. Where were the others? Maybe it didn't feel that it was necessary for the rest of the kind to follow. She had to say that it was some courage on her opinion. Then again, the roach probably felt safe considering this was his father he was answering the call too.

    "Our young roach summoner has finally reached the level where she could possibly be able to summon our kind. I need you to perform the blood ritual and sign the contract but only if you feel you all are ready."

    The large roach peered over at her with its beady black eyes while she continued to sit Japanese style before Boss Roach. She gazed back, their eyes meeting for a moment before the roach began his venture over to her. She watched the proud creature come near before it appeared that he nodded, "I think our kin is ready but only if she is." She nodded to him then, her head held high as well, "I feel I am."

    The roach then nodded and Nasamea removed the contract once more. She unrolled it on the ground and then the roach performed the blood ritual by marking the scroll with his blood type and taking some from Nasa's open wound. Most may worry about contracting a disease from these roaches but due to the D-base running through her, that she was actually unaware of, anything potentially harmful was typically countered and erased. Nasamea could not remember a day where she had been sick. But this was for another time.

    After the ritual was complete the roach bid her a temporary farewell before he bowed to Boss roach and walked off.

    "A good lad he is. Now then, you know what to do but be aware that your limit is roughly 5 of these due to their size. These, like the clone, you will want to use very wisely."

    Nasamea nodded before she sighed and focused on the roach. She formed hand signs and imagined the image of summoning at least two before her. She was granted her wish and two formed. Since Boss Roach may be confused, she then explained she only aimed for two, thanked the roaches, and de-summoned them. Next she tried going for four and after only one try her wish was granted. Due to her chakra supply growing lower from training and summoning so much she was now more able to grasp full control of it. She had to admit though, she needed more chakra control training still to fully master it. She would do this later though.

    She then tried summoning once more, aiming for five, and soon five appeared before her without any basics around. This made her rather tired seeing as how this was her limit for this rank and she had already summoned quite a bit today. Boss Roach noticed this due to her slumping after she de-summoned the roaches.

    "Well done, again, this is all stuff you will need to work on on your own time. One more species down. Have them perform the Mole Hiding technique later. Do you know what technique that is?"

    She nodded and spoke with a very quiet and relaxed tone, "it's one I wish to learn actually....but I need a teacher."

    "I know it but Im afraid I can't help you. Besides, it would be best to find a teacher anyway. Maybe that boy you've been running around with could aid you."

    She didn't even look up at him but her thoughts were rather clear, these roaches were stalkers. She understood they were watching out for her safety and it was best they know all about her anyway but it was still rather awkward. Plus side is the roaches obtained numerous amounts of knowledge regarding the village because of their watchfulness. This would come in handy when she reached her desired ANBU rank.

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    PostSubject: Re: Day of the Roach [P]   Day of the Roach [P] I_icon_minitimeFri Nov 05, 2010 4:23 pm

    "I have one last thing for you and then you will be done for the day. You've used up quite a bit of chakra and expressed both limitations so after this take the rest of the day off and go home. You can train these more on your own time but now and later is not that time."

    She nodded before she took a seat before him once more. She could already feel the heavy burden of chakra lose being placed on her shoulders. It weighed her down like bricks. The last time she had felt this way was when Shi and her fought. They both trained to the point that she passed out and he ended up throwing up a bit. He later passed out after carrying her to his house and hell, she still wasn't sure when they woke up. Would this happen again? For the time being she would set these thoughts aside and focus more on what Boss Roach had to say.

    "Last but not least is the final Formation at this time, unless you create more of course. This formation summons all the roaches you possibly can in an attempt to surround the enemy. It can be used as a major distraction anywhere while causing some pain and slowing the enemy down. Roaches can bite you know and when jutsu are added by them separately and creates an amazing result. This formation is known as Invasion and like it's name the roaches wll invade the area of choice. This formation is better off used when you are able to summon more roaches but for now you can get the general idea down so you can master it later."

    She thought this all over as he continued.

    "You can work on this later but the general idea is to summon as many roaches as you want to overcome a target. This includes mixing a variety of species so as you can see, this formation demands training. Understand?"

    "Sounds easy enough to use."

    He shifted a bit, "good. This is all I have for now. Once you are able to master invasion and your two new species then come back again. Until then have fun and good luck kid."

    Nasamea stood up and bowed to Boss Roach, thanking him for all hes done and bidding him a farewell. She retraced her steps through all the mini roach civilizations before she summoned herself back to a forest near Shi's house. This was where she had summoned herself to the roach realm in the first place. Once she returned she would then probably head out to her own home to grab her ninja gear and some basic clothes (none she normally didn't need to wear) before returning back to Shi's. She hoped he didn't mind her presence for a bit of a while and truth was she wasn't ready to return yet. Something would work out but for now thats where she was for the time.
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