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Skalyx Akuma [Kumogakure Jounin] Shauntaystaffimgf
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 Skalyx Akuma [Kumogakure Jounin]

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Skalyx Akuma

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PostSubject: Skalyx Akuma [Kumogakure Jounin]   Skalyx Akuma [Kumogakure Jounin] I_icon_minitimeSat Jul 17, 2010 5:26 am

Name: Skalyx Akuma
Nickname/Alias: The Masked Shadow
Age: 18
Age Appearance: 21

Appearance: Skalyx Akuma [Kumogakure Jounin] Jack_Of_Blades_by_cheeseboy18193
Skalyx wears a long black cloth cloak which sleeves drape down his arms and just barely covers his gloves which are metal claws. He almost always wears the trenchcoat's hood up and his face is covered by a mask which has the symbol of Kumogakure, engraved in it. Under neath the cloak he wears a black and red long sleeved shirt that is tattered when it reaches the wrist. He has two mechanisms attached to his wrists that are thin metal and when Skalyx spreads his fingers, two blades flip out and come together, forming one blade that locks together. When a button is pressed on the side of the mechanism, two blades extend from the main blade at an angle and when the button is pressed again, the blade shoots and extend 50 feet of monomolecular fiber wire. Skalyx wheres digital winter camo pants that expand the further you go down his leg and comes together as it is stuffed in his black ninja sandles. Skalyx has needles hidden up his sleeves of both his trench coat and his shirt. On the back of his hips he carries a two knives. The hilts are cut in half so they can fit into one sheath. The blades are like a bowie knife but are jagged and seraded.

Skill Level: A
Ninja Rank: Jounin

Village: Kumogakure
Birthplace: Kirigakure
Previous Village: Kirigakure

Clan/Bloodline: Akuma

Personality: Skalyx is a cold and calculating person after being trained in Kirigakure to be an black-ops assassin. Skalyx is not afraid to kill anyone even in cold blood. He will do what he is asked to do without question and without hesitation. When teaching his students he will be brutally honest and not afraid to speak his mind. He is a stern teacher being very strict to his students but he only does that so they can learn values and once they do, he will go easier on them. All in all, Skalyx is seen to have no heart, the only reson he would keep his students alive because he has been told to keep his students alive. Skalyx rarely speaks unless teaching and unless he knows the person because he'd rather distance himself due to his acute paranoia that he has under control. He uses his paranoia to give him a hyper awareness of his surroundings but it comes at a cost of being a loner.

Goals: The goal that Skalyx has is to become the best at what he knows and that is assassination
Alignment: Neutral Evil

Skill Specialty:

Dominant: Ninjutsu
Recessive: Medical

Elemental Affinity:
Dominant: Lightning
Recessive: Fire

Skalyx was born in the small village of Kirigakure to a family that lived out in the country. They had a cushy life, not worrying about problems of the city, not worrying about anything and just minding their own business. They were simple farmers, living off the land. Skalyx was one of the best things that happen to his family as they were trying to have a child for years and now that they finally have one, they were as happy as can be, that and the crops started to came in greater than every year combined so his parents thought his birth was an omen.

When Skalyx was 3, he learned how to talk and walk. He began following his parents around, stumbling after a couple of steps but he was a healthy baby boy. His parents were proud of him that he was able to learn these things very quickly and how he was able to establish his independence so quickly. In no time he learned to read and write legibly a few months after he was able to walk and able to talk. In no time, he was starting to help his parents on their farm.

At age 7 Skalyx was enrolled in the ninja academy, he grasped many things but the main problem was that he kept zoning out during class, getting lost in his imagination getting lost in how he will turn out after he has finished the academy and moved on to be a full fledge ninja. He just couldn't wait to get out of school because of this, his grades dropped slightly. The worst however, was yet to come.

When Skalyx turned to be a genin and got into his squad, he was delivered grave news. His mother and father was killed in a raid by rogue ninjas just so they can get some small coin. Skalyx was devastated by this, his personality flopped. He turned from a cheerful young boy until a deeply depressed and disturbed individual. His depression then turned into anger and anger turned to hatred, to the point where he became emotionless. Skalyx excelled at the tasks given to him through his jounin

He was soon enrolled in the chuunin exams. He knew what had to be done as he didn't know the answers to his exam. With that he closed his eyes and listened to the marks of the person infront of him. Examining the length of ticks and observing the sound of them in order to copy the writing that the person infront of him was writing. When the test was over, Skalyx didn't move an inch, even when the proctor asked those who want to leave will fail the test and will have to take again next year. He just stood there unflinchingly with that, he passed the first stage and moved on to the next.

The forest of death was next. Skalyx and his team entered the forest at a random location in the forest. There he just waited in paitience, letting his team wait with him. There they set up many traps around their perimeter, waiting for a prey to walk in, thinking they were just sitting ducks. Skalyx and his team needed the heaven scroll to pass and they soon got it, when one unlucky team was caught in a kunai rope trap, shooting kunais around the targets and wrapping them securely with wire so they couldn't move. With the opposition helplessly stopped in their tracks, Skalyx's team got the scroll and headed to the tower where they were then finished with the second stage of the chuunin exams.

Now its time for the third stage but first they had to go through the preliminaries. Skalyx was up against one of his rivals that always tried to put him down whenever he can in which didn't effect Skalyx, it just annoyed him to a degree. When the battle started Skalyx didn't even move as his opponent rushed him with a kunai. When he man was in breathing room, Skalyx stepped forward, grabbed the person's wrist, took the kunai from him, and knocked him down to the floor. Skalyx was quick on his feet when fighting, he wasn't going to let some arrogant man to go on and get chuunin. So Skalyx quickly finished the fight by knocking the person out when he was on the floor. He had other opponents, but he just quickly finished the fight, just wanting the chuunins to get over with.

After the prelims, Skalyx was the only one in his squad to actually get into the actually get into the last stage of the chuunins. Skalyx just thought as them as weak and not deserving of chuunin. Skalyx was in the last match of the chuunin exam. This battle took him longer than he thought due to the person being a trap master and just as analytical as him. So he planned out his attack accordingly, being a trap setter himself, Skalyx is able to vaguely determine where the traps would be placed only to get caught in a net and to become victim to the trapmaster. Skalyx did what he did best, he thought on his feet, he let the opponent think he has won, since that was he was the most vulnerable. When the opponent turned to the audience, adoring the false victory, Skalyx pulled out his knife, cut through the net and grabbed his opponent swiftly, putting the knife tightly against his throat. With that, the opponenet finally admitted defeat and with Skalyx's skill, he was promoted to Chuunin.

Chuunin was an accomplishment to Skalyx, to actually get this far was what was on his mind ever since academy, so even though he didn't show it, he was proud of himself. With the promotion of chuunin, comes the harder missions. Skalyx was given the task to escort a VIP from kirigakure to amegakure. Skalyx accepted this mission with no hesitation. So while he was escorting his VIP, it turned out that it was a trap. The VIP lead him to an ambush. During the ambush, from what he heard from the description of the rogue nin that killed his family, he determined these were the people who slaughtered his family. This broke his emotionless face, leading him to unleash his inner hatred in which he used to slaughter the rogue nin effortlessly and then he went to VIP, skinned him alive, chopped him up, then hung his remains through the trees. Skalyx went back to the village and said that the mission was a set up. Skalyx described the rogue nin and the task giver determined that they were ranked A and B missing nin. They gave Skalyx a promotion that skips jounin and made him an black-ops assassin who was cross trained with hunter-nin training. Through this training he has learned how to control his chakra, how to track enemies, how to lie and pierce those who are lying, how to make deadly strikes and he improved his accuracy with training of needles

Skalyx's experience with his black-ops assassin promotion, really let out the darkness in Skalyx, really lead him to the blood lust that he gained through out all the years of training. Skalyx was 18 at this time and he was put on infiltration missions to steal enemy plans, sabotage enemy weapons, and even release captured allies. The more missions he went on, the better he got and the colder his expression got. Skalyx was then tasked with the assassination of a deadly ex ANBU who has infiltrated an allied town and began to create a crime syndicate, spreading fear through the city. Anyone who went after him, were either scared, or were killed. Skalyx accepted the mission, again without hesitation. Skalyx used unusual tactics, instead of going after him head on, Skalyx joined his ranks and systematically began to gut the entire orginization. When there was no one left but the ex ANBU, it was then easier on Skalyx for the crime lord didn't know Skalyx was behind all of this. So being afraid, he made Skalyx his body guard which lead to his demise. While the crime lord was sleeping, Skalyx slipped in, and slit his throat. He searched his body for anything useful and found the gauntlets that contained hidden blades in which he snatched up and left.

The last mission started Skalyx's bloodlust, the Mizukage, personally gave Skalyx assassination missions which he carried out flawlessly. Due to his new equipment, Skalyx was able to kill his prey without effort which twisted Skalyx even more, it started to bore him. He began toying with his mark, luring him into his territory, and then like a predator and prey, Skalyx started to hunt the target, stalking him like a dark shadow, his original mask was painted black along with the rest of his armor. He stalked his prey and then killed them, he killed them from the darkness which earned his name The Masked Shadow.

Soon, he got bored with the Mizukage and with the kirigakure village. Nothing ever changes and everything was repetitive to him. Skalyx was finally twisted from his experiences, finally changed, anything that was left of his heart from when he was a boy, was killed and the remains left in the darkness of his personality. He decided to leave Kirigakure without informing anyone and he managed to join Kumogakure in which he was presently staying. With that, Skalyx changed his mask, his appearance, and stayed in hiding till the heat from kirigakure wore off and now he makes his living by being a jounin in Kumogakure, teaching a genin squad. He remains a mystery to the genin, not revealing whole lot of information about what he did or anything about his past. He just says "What i did and what happened to me is on a need to know basis and you don't need to know, so hurry up and do those 100 push ups."

RP Sample:

Special Characteristics:

Skalyx has a few strengths due to his training

Chakra Control: These users have excellent chakra control, which means they waste little chakra in battle. People with excellent chakra control usually have average or below average chakra. Since the amount of chakra is smaller, it is easier to master control over it. People with this skill are like, Itachi, Kakakshi and Orochimaru.

Elemental: This skill gives the user excellent elemental control and a wide variety of uses for the element. Most people with this skill can master an element of their choice and will use it like none other. People with this skill are, Kakuzu, Nidaime Hokage and Asuma.

Tracking/Senses: This skill gives the user a good ability with his senses, being able to track opponents from a distance without them knowing, no matter the ranking the person is most of the time. They have high senses and are able to effectively use their abilities to keep their senses tuned on an opponent. These are your stealth-type characters. The prerequisites for the senses skill is Chakra Control. If you can just track and are not in tune with your senses then there is no prerequisite.

Sensor: This skill gives the user the ability to sense chakra to a more advanced degree than the average ninja. Those with this characteristic have increased chakra awareness and are to be able to feel chakra and sense how strong or weak it is and most notably to determine the source and direction of which the charka is coming from.

LIAR!: Character's with this trait are well versed in the art of lying. They have had practice lying and their bodies give no noticeable clue when they lie. When one of their lies is discovered they often cover it with another lie. This trait is on even footing with 'The Human Polygraph' meaning their lying skills when confronting someone with the opposite trait are the same as an average liar.

The Human Polygraph: Character's with this trait are able to pierce through a lairs veil by reading habits, quirks or nervous reactions given off by a liar. This trait is on even footing with 'LIAR!' meaning their polygraph skills become average when in a 'LIAR!'s presence.

Public Profile

Last edited by Skalyx Akuma on Mon Jul 19, 2010 9:51 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Shikyo Riku
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PostSubject: Re: Skalyx Akuma [Kumogakure Jounin]   Skalyx Akuma [Kumogakure Jounin] I_icon_minitimeSat Jul 17, 2010 6:02 am

Character approved unless said otherwise. It is the Raikage's final decision that'll let you rp with the title and rank of jounin
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Kaji Kanto

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PostSubject: Re: Skalyx Akuma [Kumogakure Jounin]   Skalyx Akuma [Kumogakure Jounin] I_icon_minitimeSat Jul 17, 2010 11:37 am

Quote :
Dead-Eye: Character's with this trait are extremely adept at ranged attacks, their projectiles rarely miss their target when not met with an outside force.[Requires Weaponry]

Weaponry as the specialty, please remove this SC since you do not have Weaponry as a skill specialty.

Approved for jounin after change has been made.
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Skalyx Akuma

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PostSubject: Re: Skalyx Akuma [Kumogakure Jounin]   Skalyx Akuma [Kumogakure Jounin] I_icon_minitimeMon Jul 19, 2010 10:25 pm

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PostSubject: Re: Skalyx Akuma [Kumogakure Jounin]   Skalyx Akuma [Kumogakure Jounin] I_icon_minitimeMon Jul 19, 2010 11:35 pm

approved unless said otherwise.
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PostSubject: Re: Skalyx Akuma [Kumogakure Jounin]   Skalyx Akuma [Kumogakure Jounin] I_icon_minitimeSun Sep 26, 2010 11:56 am

Archived due to user inactivity.
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PostSubject: Re: Skalyx Akuma [Kumogakure Jounin]   Skalyx Akuma [Kumogakure Jounin] I_icon_minitime

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