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Seluj Yamamoto [Kumogakure/Jounin] Shauntaystaffimgf
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 Seluj Yamamoto [Kumogakure/Jounin]

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Seluj Yamamoto [Kumogakure/Jounin] Empty
PostSubject: Seluj Yamamoto [Kumogakure/Jounin]   Seluj Yamamoto [Kumogakure/Jounin] I_icon_minitimeWed Apr 28, 2010 4:01 am

Name: Seluj Yatamoto
Nickname/Alias: N/A

Age: 18
Age Appearance: 18

Appearance: Seluj Yamamoto [Kumogakure/Jounin] Clayelementuser

Gender: Male

Skill Level: A-rank
Ninja Rank: Jounin

Village: Kumogakure
Birthplace: Kumogakure
Previous Village: N/A

Clan/Bloodline: Yamamoto/Clay Release

Personality: Seluj is a cool calm and collected individual. Almost to the point of making him lazy or seem lazy as he moves slowly and is hardly ever urgent about it, almost to the point of procrastinating. He is very analytical, almost to the point that he is a conspirator, thinking and worrying about broad phenomenon that he has no control over. He is empathetic and sensitive to the plight of other, almost to the point of hurting FOR them. As you can see, Seluj has many favorable traits that are almost to a fault, but not quite. He is in many ways the same as everyone else in that he has normal male emotions and drives in both his competitive nature, spirited ego and taste in women, however he is just different enough to be considered an individual. In a group dynamic he is easy to work with and compromising, though not enough to break the norm and prevent group think mentality.

When alone, he has learned to appreciate the little things as "art". A nice day, a cold breeze, interesting patterns or small scale events are enough to catch his artistic interest as all these things inspire his own artistic drive. He also enjoys talking and learning from other peoples perspectives on life as a way to broaden his own understanding. He loves to watch peoples faces as a way of catching their emotions, and especially does so when they done know that they are watching. He calls the "people-watching". However, at times he can be quite judgmental and even condemn peoples actions that he doesn't agree with. In such cases he tends to completely neglect such people and remove them from his life. This is more common during bouts of normal depression in which he will most likely apologize for such efforts when back in good spirits. Oddly enough, he also believes that people can only really learn and grow form painful experiences. Though he is still a "good" individual at heart, he has a few sadistic and unforgiving tendencies that simply allow people to "learn the hard way".

In spite of his rather dark outlook into human potential he invests of his emotional resources into pumping himself up and believing in himself. He is very confident and tackles any and all tasks presented in front of him. He believes strongly in the will power and ambition of man and thus enforces his own will and spirit into anything from training, missions to his interpersonal and social life. He will even make exceptions to logic is he believes that the power of his will is strong enough to tackle poor odds. In his mind, if a situation or event is in his control, then he can make impossible odds slightly better by will alone.

Goals: "To become a Legend so that everyone will come to appreciate him and the lost power of his clan."
Alignment: Good-Neutral

Skill Specialty:
Dominant: Ninjutsu
Recessive: Weaponry

Elemental Affinity:
Dominant: Clay[Silton]
Recessive: Water[Suiton], Earth[Doton]

History: Seluj born into an interesting family situation. He had two older and two younger siblings and being right in the middle of a pack of brothers and sisters not only did he have alot of outward influence from the people around him but he also had to compete with alot of the attention and resources he obtained from not only his friends but family as well. Almost as soon as he knew how to read he was force taught the culture and history of his 'people' as spotty as it was. At this age however there was plenty more to catch his attention and in the Lightning country the mountains and games there were more then enough to keep a young boy distracted; not to mention always in danger. His strict parents were correct in their teaching methods and steep punishments for disobeying the rules; for if you slipped up on the mountain side due to lack of attention of discipline, it was a long way to fall before you hit the bottom of the mountain, metaphorically speaking. You see, by his parents joint logic, the shinobi world was a cruel and dangerous place, and the weak minded could be influenced to the ways of darkness and evil quickly if they didn't know how to handle the stress of the world around them. Thus, they raised their children tough to make them strong and while he didn't understand it then, he sure appreciated it as he grew. In this way, they would be better prepared for the real world.

The shinobi academy of Kumogakure was also a steep learning curve for Seluj as he had literally no shinobi experience before enrolling. His eldest brother was already a genin by now and his sister was just in the process of graduating to becoming a real shinobi. Of course Seluj was more then happy to follow in his siblings footsteps and the friendly rivalry that developed between them not only brought them to train harder to get better then the other but also to share what they learned by experience with each other. Seluj, though young, studied both his brother and sister in attempt to point out their weaknesses in small scale spars that they had, and in this way was without knowing it, learning from their mistakes. "This is what not to do" in otherwords. Because he excelled due to his own personal motivation, he graduated a year early, at the age of 11, and had already begun the stage of being force fed the ability to use clay because his brother and sister had also been training in it's use. His younger siblings experienced things the same way he did, as they also pursuit the life of shinobi like their siblings before them. At shit point, Seluj was still naive and carefree. He was child in many senses and his age was reflected in his actions and attitude, however an event in his life would rock both him and his siblings; changing his life forever.

Upon training with his older brother and sister upon the mountains of Kumogakure, they were approached by a bear cub. This cute little animal seemed to have to threat and thus they were quick to flock the little creature with baby sounds, petting and a plethera of other reactions to cute wildlife, however little did they know, that cubs mother, a giant mountain bear was not too far away and took the threes playful natures with its cub as threatening. It charged, appearing out of nowhere in the memory of the kids and attacked them. At genin level skill the three did their best to evade but in its thrashing, the Giant Mother Bear stirred up a land slide. The mother bear was caught in this rush of rolling rock and thus repelled in its efforts, however the three genin were also caught in the rubble. While Seluj and his eldest sister had evaded, his oldest brother was crushed under the pile of stone and fallen ground. He had in fact, died in an instant.

Both Seluj and his sister took this as their fault. For powerlessness, carelessness, nativity, selfishness, all sorts of guilty emotions haunted the both of them and the family, shocked by the occurrence, went into morning. The depression that effected Seluj shaped his personality to this day, though he has sense forgiven himself for the tragic events on that day. His sister, however, completely quit as a shinobi as an effect of the trauma. When she was old enough, she left the hidden village all together and now lives in a town somewhere in Lightning Country, away from the life of a ninja. Seluj was left without his two closest companions and his inspiration and drive to become better. He felt alone and lost, but still had responsibilities and expectations to live up to. His younger siblings still looked up to him and thus to climb up from this fall, with his parents blessing, he went through the trials of the Chunnin exams as soon as he was able, at the age of 15.

The Chunnin exams were quick. He had to adopt a three man platoon for the endeavor but besides working with them for group activity and to show the right amount of compassion and selflessness to pass he had nothing more to do with them. Deep within him he was still torn by the events in his passed and it kept him from making connections with new individuals in the future. During this time only two people became chunnin in status, himself and another individual from Konoha. His life as a shinobi was only a distraction from his depression, but still, it was his never ending run from his past that pushed him forward. He train long and hard so that while he was hurting from the pain of exhaustion he wasn't questioning himself. Even on missions he worked to become better, hardly sleeping for the fear of nightmares. At the age of 16 he was easily one of the best chunnin simply by the shear mastery of his unique clay element techniques and the techniques he had developed to compliment them. However it was now obvious to him and those that considered themselves close to him that he needed help. His father thus took him deep in the valleys of Kumogakure to spend time training with the monks there in an attempt to gain some sort of clarity.

He himself expected the simply pacifistic and weak mountain monk, however, these individuals were much more then he had expected. A small army of well trained martial artists with taijutsu and weaponry stills that far exceeded his own. Here he had a new subject in which to train with and thus he could keep himself distracted with the many different forms of weaponry use while he learned from the teachings of the monks themselves. He was told that each weapon is the same; it's purpose is the same for its purpose it the purpose of the user and though how it is used and how it functions is different it will only act under the command of its user, thus is ones will is to kill, then the purpose of the weapon will be to kill. If the ones will is to defend, then the purpose of the weapon is to defend. While ones will is to defend, he will never be able to kill, until one must kill to defend. Thus, in order to change the vary potential of his weapons, he must be able to change his will. The control of the will is something that comes only with understanding the self, and when understanding the self, one would have no quarrels with their past. It was of course, his past that was holding him back...

He thus looked for answers as to how he could understand the events of his passed. It was soon explained to him that the primary way in which people grow as individuals is from the pain their experience. That life's trials will either pass or fail them and for those that are strong enough to pass, they will emerge from their trials stronger because of it. It was then that Seluj was reminded of the very teachings his parents tried to install in him as a child; that the world is cruel and harsh but to be strong and endure is the only way to survive. He knew that he could no longer dwell in his past and thus, with a final and heart felt display of emotion, he said his final goodbyes to his brother, and decided onces and for all to put it behind him...

During his time with the monks he learned many valuable moral and life lessons as well as became efficient with most forms of hand held and projectile weapon. He was trained to be able to throw anything as a weapon if need be and throw it with the best of accuracy and strength that he could muster due to the shape and weight of the said object. He was also taught many forms of self defense based on hand held weapons. This was his choice. He himself assumed that the bulk of his attacking ability would be in the form of his clay element techniques and thus the close combat defensive styles were right up his ally. In fact, the defend/counter techniques were so flexible that they too could be adapted to almost any use-able object. He may never come to possess the raw power of say, a Kenjutsu specialist, but thats not where his strengths were, and thus he learned to control his will and added another 'weapon' to his arsenal.

As he returned to the world a year later, at the age of 17 he now had the close range ability of a multitude of weaponry abilities to compliment his longer distance/range ninjutsu. After this was demonstrated and display, it became obvious that this balance, as long as insight into three elements (water, earth, clay) would be enough to satisfy the conditions of the next step in his carrier as a shinobi; It wouldn't be too long until he himself took the next step in his training and attempted to become the next rank as a shinobi.

At the time there was no "Jounin Exams" but rather a set list of things in which he must do to even qualify for such a position. Each and every Jounin was considered not only an elite member of the military force and a contributer to the army but also as a member of a unit. It was critical that they have everything about him on file and thus a series of exhibition too place in which he would have a chance to show off his skills to those that would be judging him. Apparently, every jounin to date was judged in this way, but not only were they judging him, they were also recording him. Checking for emotional stability, control, consistency, all factors that would not only deem him worth of Jounin status or not but also how much of a military asset and liability he would become. If given jounin privilege and he for whatever reason deflected, did Kumogakure have the resources to hunt him down? It was these sorts of questions that were taken into account, and Seluj was well aware, or at least assumed as much. In any case, he was continued on as if it were any other test of skill or strength or speed; with determination and will.

There were few that passed this test 100%. In all honesty this was like a written paper or an essay. There is no 100% qualification but rather a pass/fail basis in which someone is deemed "okay enough" to be given such a rank. With a few restriction he was named Jounin status and approved to continue acting as a part of the military force of Kumogakure. To this day, he carries the lessons learned with him but not the weight of the past. With an open mind and heart along with a strange combination of realism and idealism, he is an accomplished Jounin, and hopes to even further his carrier as a shinobi with new goals and dreams.

Today as an 18 year old he continues to work hard, learn from the people around him and strive for outrageous goals. He is happy and content with his own individual spirit and style. The lesson of his parents now rings loud and clear as the shinobi is a person all his own and stands out against the generic armies of the military, both physically and mentally. Even now he retains some of his naive youth, though it is by choice, not through ignorance. He recognizes that he is still young and that he should remain so for as long as possible even if his wisdom is farther in years then his 18 years of life suggests. What adventures does this next chapter have for Seluj? With the rise of the Akatsuki will he be up to the challenge? Find out on this exciting new episode of "Shinobi Armada".

RP Sample:

Special Characteristics:

Skill Based:

Tracking/Senses: This skill gives the user a good ability with his senses, being able to track opponents from a distance without them knowing, no matter the ranking the person is most of the time. They have high senses and are able to effectively use their abilities to keep their senses tuned on an opponent. These are your stealth-type characters. The prerequisites for the senses skill is Chakra Control. If you can just track and are not in tune with your senses then there is no prerequisite.

Sensor: This skill gives the user the ability to sense chakra to a more advanced degree than the average ninja. Those with this characteristic have increased chakra awareness and are to be able to feel chakra and sense how strong or weak it is and most notably to determine the source and direction of which the charka is coming from.

Name: Large Chakra Capacity
Rank: N/A
Type: Skill Based
Description: While not necessarily a skill, this characteristic allows one greater then average amounts of chakra capacity. As a result, they will be able to use more chakra then the average person without being burnt out. However, this only makes a slight difference as one is more likely to waste chakra easily through techniques without proper chakra control.
Open: No


Name: Natural Athlete
Rank: N/A
Type: Physical
Description: Due to ones heredity, they are naturally athletic from birth, including higher speed and agility then the average ninja of their rank.
Open: Yes

Name: Lean Figure
Rank: N/A
Type: Physical
Description: Ones body is low body fat, high muscle and relativity thin. As a result, they are both strong for their body size, and less of a target, however when they are hit, their lighter weight body will take more physical damage as a result.
Open: Yes

Name: Muscle Memory
Rank: N/A
Type: Physical
Description: One muscles perform actions that have done before or trained in the passed with better dexterity, speed and accuracy. Academy Ninja arts that have been long mastered can be performed by reflex, however, new tasks seem to be harder to grasp and take longer to learn.
Open: Yes


Strong Willed: Character's with this trait are often hard to dissuade when they set their mind on something, anyone attempting to convince them to do something else may often find themselves leaving very flustered.

Name: Self Attuned
Rank: N/A
Type: Mental
Description: One is conscious of their emotional state. They can thus, to a degree, prevent extremes in changes in mood. This includes effects of genjutsu; one can keep a calm mind while in an illusion or even resist genjutsu that specifically effect ones emotional state.
Open: Yes

Name: Over-Analytical
Rank: N/A
Type: Mental
Description: In situations of focus, one can quickly analyse and draw conclusions from the slightest of conscious details. However, this is almost to a fault as one can end up over-thinking situations, and come to wrong conclusions about people or events based on prejudice.
Open: Yes

Public Profile
Name: Seluj Yamamoto
Appearance: As seen above.
Village: Kumogakure
Organization: Kumogakure
Rank: Jounin
Age: 18
Info: All that is known about Seluj is that he is a BloodLine user and has been seen demonstrating the earth element. Though he is never seen carrying any weapons he apparently is also well equipped. In missions he is cool, calm and doesn't talk much. A shy, antisocial individual only slightly know by those he has been on missions or squads with and even then they get little more then essential information from him. Often seems cold or indifferent depending on the situation.
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PostSubject: Re: Seluj Yamamoto [Kumogakure/Jounin]   Seluj Yamamoto [Kumogakure/Jounin] I_icon_minitimeWed Apr 28, 2010 4:37 am

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PostSubject: Re: Seluj Yamamoto [Kumogakure/Jounin]   Seluj Yamamoto [Kumogakure/Jounin] I_icon_minitimeTue Jun 08, 2010 6:28 pm

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