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Shizukesa Hyuuga [Kumogakure Jounin] Shauntaystaffimgf
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 Shizukesa Hyuuga [Kumogakure Jounin]

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PostSubject: Shizukesa Hyuuga [Kumogakure Jounin]   Shizukesa Hyuuga [Kumogakure Jounin] I_icon_minitimeSun Jun 20, 2010 2:07 pm

Name: Shizukesa Hyuuga
Nickname/Alias: Shizu

Age: 30
Age Appearance: 29

Appearance: Shizukesa Hyuuga [Kumogakure Jounin] Hyuuga

Gender: Male

Skill Level: A Ranked
Ninja Rank: Jounin

Village: Kumogakure
Birthplace: Konohagakure
Previous Village: Sunagakure

Clan/Bloodline: Hyuuga Clan. Byakugan.

Personality: The base of Shizukesa's personality has been the same throughout all of his years. It's different, of course, depending on what kind of mood he is in. Usually, he is quiet. This is when he is bored, which is most of the time. When in this mood, he likes to just sit back and listen to what other have to say. He likes to share things with people, but through little words. Often, when he is like this, his friends and family tend to worry about him, and wonder what he could be thinking about. The answer is=______. The emotions sad and furious are two different things for Shizukesa. Two very different things, I might add. When he's sad, he pertains to be normal, like when he's bored. Even if he's dying inside, he wouldn't show any emotion. He was taught by his father that it's a sign of weakness.

When he's mad, it shows. He usually gos back to his house and beats something up, or yells in his room. But if he is no where near home, he'll have to make due with beating the sh*t out of whatever is nearest to him. This is what usually leads him to unorganized fights, which he doesn't get into much. Oddly, opposing his "bored" state of being, his happiness shows a lot. When he is in a happy state of being, everybody knows it, not only Shizukesa himself. In this happy mood, Shizu is overly talkative. Not overly talkative for talkative peoples standards, but for quiet old Shizukesa, he appears to himself as pretty talkative. He also laughs, and chuckles while happy, which is un-likely for him. His personality is a lot like his great uncle Neji's. It's a little bit different, but his personality is quite the same.

Goals: Balance.
Alignment: Good.

Canon Personality: None

Skill Specialty: Ninjutsu/ Taijutsu
Dominant: Ninjutsu
Recessive: Taijutsu

Elemental Affinity:
Dominant: Fuuton
Recessive: Suiton

History: Next page.

RP Sample:
Special Characteristics:
Name: Super Dexterity
Rank: B
Type: Physical
Description: Shizukesa has a keen control and awareness of himself and what goes on around him. His aim is almost perfect.
Open: Yes.

Public Profile
Name: Shizukesa Hyuuga
Appearance: Shizukesa Hyuuga [Kumogakure Jounin] Hyuuga
Village: Kumogakure
Rank: Jounin
Age: 30
Info: Former Kazekage. Member of the Hyuuga Clan.

Last edited by Lee on Sun Jun 20, 2010 4:07 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: Shizukesa Hyuuga [Kumogakure Jounin]   Shizukesa Hyuuga [Kumogakure Jounin] I_icon_minitimeSun Jun 20, 2010 2:08 pm

The story of Shizukesa Hyuuga begins in a large house. The polished wood on the floor revealed the mass amount of light that was shining through the windows on this sunny day. The birds were singing outside, and it was a calm day, all except for the Hyuugas. For them, this would be a day of turmoil and excitement, of pressure and of relief. This day signalled the birth of a new Hyuuga, a new member to the family. A direct descendent of Tenshoku Hyuuga, and Ekimaru Hyuuga, and they was there. She was about to become a grandmother, at the age of sixty five. Shizukesa's mother was also there, and his father. Xiaomara Hyuuga, Shizukesa's mother, and (not Taku's) Dageki Hyuuga, Shizu's father. A few of his other relatives were there as well.

When Shizukesa was conceived from the whom, he was put into his mothers hands. Strangely, he was not crying, or smiling, or laughing, or frowning, or anything. He just layed there with a blank expression on his face, staring into his mothers pure white eyes. They were stressed eyes, for she had just given birth, but they turned into a relieved state when she saw her baby boy. His still innocent face, unsure of what cruel trainings and punishments lie ahead of him. A blue robe was wrapped around the new-born, as he looked around the room to see the smiling faces of his relatives. They all looked at him with the utmost intensity. Suddenly, the peacefulness of the moment was proceedingly broken, by an alert call. "All Shinobi at arms! There are intruders who have come to harm the village!" EVeryone who had been in the room, witnessing the birth was gone, except for a couple of his younger cousins, and his mother, who had just given birth. Unlike everyone else, the relief was still in her eyes. A small battle was to happen throughout the entire village, and Xiaomara Hyuuga could care less. Neither could Ekimaru Hyuuga. The two watched Shizu, the new-born son, as the battle raged on.

It was about six o clock at night at the Hyuuga residence, and Shizukesa was still out and about with his father. Shizukesa panted, while closing his eyes tightly, holding back his tears. He had been training all day, in one of the most intense training sessions he had ever encountered. And he was only four years old. The sweat dripped from his forehead, as he removed the hands from his face, revealing that he had once again activated his bloodline: The Byakugan. The veins around his eyes bulged as he gasped for air. He panted heavily as his father spoke aloud, from an unrevieled location. If Shizu did not find him, something bad was bound to happen. Shizukesa's father extracted his arm, and all in one movement it seemed, had grabbed the kunai from his side-pouch, proceeding to throw it quickly in Shizukesa's direction. But he did not simply throw it in any old fashion. He threw it in a special location, located behind Shizu's neck. It was the tunnel of blindness behind his thoaratic vertebre. Most Hyuugas would have fallen behind when it came to this technique.

People who knew about the Byakugan, knew its weakness. This is where Shizukesa prevailed. His hearing sense was beyond that of most other Hyuugas, as was his speed. Before the kunai could come within thirteen feat of himhe could here the whistle of the speeding kunai. He turned around, jumping to the left. At the age of 4, he hadn't yet learned to grab sharp knives in his hands. The kunai hit the ground, sticking into the grass with a *thud!*After a series of panting, and returning his eyes back to his normal state, exiting the Byakugan, he glanced up to where the kunai was thrown from. His father lay standing in a tree, crossing his arms. He smiled and bowed at Shizu, signalling the end of his training. Shizu bowed back in respect. At this young age, Shizukesa was already put into harsh training, in order to be the best in the academy. He had to be the best. Best behavior, best techniques, best potential, best. His fathers constant training for Klano, ever since he could walk, would definetely help him with that. Shizukesa felt dreary, then passed out, landing next to the Kunai his father had dropped.

"Tommorow, we will start element training."

It was the first day in the academy for Shizu, who had gotten a late start due to medical reasons. He was injured in a spar with his father, where he had broken his right leg and his left foot. After a couple monthes time, about two weeks into the academy season, Shizukesa had come back, almost completely healed. He took his seat directly in the middle of the room, where everyone could see him. If he wanted, though, he could see anybody he wanted to from where he sat. He had walked in on a presentation.

The teacher turned around, spying a quick look at Shizukesa. He smiled, pointing towards him. "Hello there! Err, welcome to the c-class!" The instructor said. He seemed to be a shakey, nervous person. But somehow, he kept all of the children in check, none of them were talking, or getting into trouble. Either these children were all perfect little angels, or this man had some sort of trick up his sleeve. He pushed his glasses up, then turned back to watch the student at hand. Knees bent, the girl with pig-tails in her hair, crunched up into buns, was trying to focus her chakra. Her face in a cringe, she was able to create a perfect bunshin. The whole class clapped, a droopy, kind of bored, clap. Everyone seemed to expect that out of her, she was the perfect student.

"Sh-Shizukesa, why not give it a try, huh?"

With that, Shizu stepped from his seat, and pushed in his chair. He could feel the heavy, expecting eyes that lay on him from the other students as he slowly walked down the stairs. As he got to the bottem step, he tripped and almost fell. He quickly rejuvinated, then send a smile to the rest of his class. He laughed lightly, expecting something back, but the whole class just gave him an odd look. Shizukesa Hyuuga had a sense of humor, that wasn't much revieled because of all the people around him. Everyone else was so serious... and Shizu didn't like to stand out. He recollected himself and walked to the front center of the room. His first time doing this, he had to stare at the board for a moment, reading the "how-to" instructions. This is a technique that took perfecting from academy students for weeks, even monthes for some. Shizu turned around, mimicing the stance that he saw the little girl using.

The amount of chakra that he felt flowing through his body were raging, focusing it on this move. He performed the neccesary hand-seal's a bit wearily. He stood in the same, squatted position for quite some time.Then, in an expulsion of his chakra levels, he attempted to create the clone, splatting it to the left of him. He looked over to the left of him, sweat dripping from his fore-head. He expected a perfect illusion of him, and he was getting quite excited. His joy was cut when he had realized how badly he messed up. It lie on the floor, X's over it's eyes. It's right foot was where it's left hand should be, and vise-versa. The color of the bunshins skin was green, and his head was blown up to the size of an exersize ball. He looked around the class-room, and was happy and dissapointed at the same time. Of course, he was dissapointed on how poorly he had done with his bunshin creation. Just looked at it made him cringe. But, this being a rare occasion in his life, Shizu had witnessed everyone around the room laughing. Even if they were all laughing at him, it was laughter, and Shizukesa loved to hear that. He laughed along with them, as he walked back up to his seat. He was going to need some work, that was apparent.

Shizukesa had passed the Academy with flying colors, moving onto a genin team as a strogest link. He was put on Team three, along with a girl named Sakura, and a boy named Kakuzu. They were all at age 10, and had a sensai named Sasori, named after the puppet user of the Akatsuki. Sakura looked litterally like a younger version of the 5th Hokage of konaha: Tsunade. She resembled her in many ways, but mainly with her breat size. At age 10, she was already starting to form breats, before all the other Kunoichi of the village. That made her special, especially among the ninja art of seduction. She had medium sized, blonde hair, which reached passed her shoulders. She wore a red tunic most of the time, which went down to her ankles. She was a calm, happy person. Kakuzu was a brown haired boy, spiked up in a naruto-fasion. He was the wise-crack of the three, and the happiest at that. He was the only one who wore his headband across his neck, letting it hang onto his chest. His outfit was very leniant, and he didn't care about it much. Shizu enjoyed him the most, although he didn't show it, because of his sense of humor. By this time, Shizu was made into the more serious of his group, being the oldest.

But the main reason was of his family. They never joked around, especially his dad. Dageki Hyuuga was all about work, training, and protecting his village and family. Xiomara Hyuuga, Shizu's mother, had followed Dageki's example, although being a bit more of happy and leniant person. She would laugh and smile everyone once in a while, unlike Shizu's father. But Shizu, being around his father most of the time, had picked up habbits from him, and one of them was his overmaturity. Shizukesa rarely laughed at things now, unless he was in a very happy mood, in which case he would get along with Kakuzu, his wise-cracking teamate. But most of the time, Klano had to act like he hated Kakuzu, to keep his cool. One day, Shizukesa and his team were sent on their first B-ranked mission, the Hokage noticing their unique skill. Kakuzu was a medical nin, not having much skill in combat at all. Sakura was a Nara clan member, who could use shadow control. The three made a wonderful team, utilizing eachothers skills to their advantage, creating a great routine. A main skill of theirs was spying, or watching out for things. This is why they were assigned on the dangerous mission. The village of Konaha had not heard any recent news from the Akatsuki in quite some time, and were getting suspicous on to what there antics might be. It took a while to travel there, a couple days.

It was located all the way in the rice country. They arrived all on time though, spirits still up. The Akatsuki base at the time was under a cave, which Shizu and his team had perched themselves on top of. "I don't know why we brought Sakura along!" Kakuzu soud in a loud whispering voice, while listening down onto the Akatsuki base. They weren't talking at all yet, they seemed to all be pondering soemthing deep inside that cave. They would camp there until they had good information. "She can't do anything unless the sun's out, she's usueless!" he said, nudging Sakura on the shoulder. Sakura replied with a fist to Kakuzu's head. "Shut up!" NJKSLAIt was already very dark out, and they had camped on top of the base since sunset. Somehow, they were not noticed by the S-ranked ninja. But that was why they were assigned on to this trip, there stealthiness. Shizukesa put a finger facing Kakuzu and Sakuras direction, and said "Shhhh." He closed his eyes, bringing his hands over them. When he removed his hands, the veins beside his eyes were a lot more noticable. He had activated his Byakugan. Shizu peered into the Akatsuki base, seeing a couple members in there, sheething their swords. One of them looked up and sarted speaking to the other one. They weren't talking about anything major, beside talking about killing people. It was horrible, gruesome news, but nothing vital to his village. Once again, Kakuzu started talking.

"I'm just saying, all she is doing right now is.. well, being dead weight. I'm needed at all missions, because i'm a medical nin."

Noone payed much attention at all, except for Sakura of course. She took what Kakuzu had just said directly to the heart, making her feel useless. "Shut up.." she said quietly, holding her temper at the time being. "Hehe, I mean seriosly.."Kakuzu started. "What are you gonna do if they catch on to us, persuade them with your boobs?"

ting The Akatsuki at the age of ten. He was the only one who could see the tentacles, and this would haunt him for thew rest of his life. He finally managed a, "Watch out!!" while diving out of range from the rock. But he didn't say it in time.

Right as he jumped away, the tendrils bursted through the rock, leaving a cloud of dust. Shizu had ran behind a tree, peeking from behind it. As the dust cleared, you could see his sensai, Sasori, and his teamates, Kakuzu and Sakura, floating in mid-air. The metal wires had pierced through the center of their bodies, leaving them floating throughout the air like lifeless puppets. Blood was dripping from the cold metal of the horrible weapons. Only Sasori, Shizukesa's sensai, had enough life left in him to whither out a few more words.

"Run Shizu... run"

12 years later

Shizu sat up from his bed, startled. He looked around frantically, then after a few seconds, sighed, and got out of bed. That same dream again. That same nightmare. He put his pants on over his boxers that he had slept in, and put his shirt and jacket on. He walked aimlessly to his door, and went outside, skipping breakfast. He took his usual jog to the training grounds of Konahagakure, stopping and saying hi to everyone he knew. He stopped by the ramen shop, and picked his usual pre-ordered delivery up from the ramen shop. He nodded at the shop-keeper and smiled as he picked up his carton of noodles. He then ran to the training grounds a bit quicker. He was hungry. This is how he started breakfast every single day, in order to prepare himself for the cruel world. He never relaxed, he always had to be on his toes.

As he jogged into the training grounds, he kept jogging in place for a few seconds, then propped up against a wooden post. He opened his carton of noodles, extracting the chopsticks from the side of the white box. He stopped his heavy breathing, and took in the nice auroma of the food before him. He began eating aimlessly, food bits falling all over his fresh shirt. As he got towards the bottem of the carton, he began thinking about things. When he ate things, was usually his time to think about important life matters. Alot of things were on his mind, and they all effected a big move. A possible move out of Konaha, as a matter of fact.

His father, Dageki Hyuuga, had died valiantly in battle when Shizukesa was eighteen years old. His mom, Xiomara Hyuuga, still lived in Konaha, but was deathly sick. She would die in a few weeks. Maybe even days. His clan was dying in Konaha, and Shizu was quite tempted to leave. Also, since his teamates, and sensai's old deaths, he hadn't left Konaha much at all. He performed missions every once in a while, but he now had spent mostly every minute of his life in Konaha. He felt as though there were a bigger earth outside of Konaha, like he wasn't living edgy enough. He thought of his mothers nearing death, and how he couldn't waste his life couped up in this village all the time. After training vigourously that day, he went to make an announcement. He had trained his water element, something that seperated him from the rest of the Hyuugas. He walked to his mothers home, the house that he was raised in. He felt a bit odd and selfish, leaving his mother behind in her sickess. The least he could do was to announce his leave. As he pushed open the door, he felt an odd presence about the room. He diverted his eyes to his mother, who was laying on a bed, coughing. She was turned the other way, almost as if she didn't even notice him come in. Shizukesa slowly walked over to the edge of the bed, and sat down in a chair. He put his hand on her mothers shoulder, in an attempt to give her comfort.

"Shizukesa.. I'm dying soon."

"I know mom... just a rest a bit. I've been thinking a lot lately... about moving away, but seeing you here, sick like this. It's just... too much. I'm gonna stay here with you, until you pass away. I cant stand to know that I wasn't here for you during your time of dying. I wouldn't be able to live with myself. I love you, mom."

No responce.


She turned over due to a large gust of wind that had blown in, her dead, white eyes staring into Shizukesa's. She was dead. Before he could hear the three words he'd wanted to hear from he, she died. Shizu only stared for a long time, emotionally. He didn't cry. He had braced himself for this moment. As she turned over, her hand revealed a necklace, with a golden tablet at the bottem. He recognized it all too well. His father had used it to gain power during battle, although the name of it escaped him. Instead of taking it, he left the necklace on her chest, and did something else as well. He went into the bathroom, and began cutting his hair. His hair at the time, had been styled like the legendary Neji Hyuuga's, hair. He cut the entire back part off, and made it short. He wrote a letter, for his grandparents, who would soon be home. He set it on his desceased mother, along with his hair. He took his leave from the village hidden in the leaves, promising to one day come back once again.

2 years later

Over his time away from the village hidden in the leaf, he had met up with a man named Battei Sennin. He was creating an earth village Forming a village that he had never heard of, was exactly the kind of thing that Shizukesa was out to do. He needed adventure, something different then what he had been doing. He'd descided he wanted to stay here, to see what life in this village would be like. For now, it was only a group, that went by the name Wasuremono. Even if he didn't trust the group entirely, he did not care. He was doing this for the fun, and adventure, although he didn't seem like an adventerous person on the outside. Shizu thought of his mom everyday. Going back to Konaha would bring back to many memories.

While in the group called Wasuremono, he and Battei expanded on the group greatly. For a while, it was almost as powerful as any village. They were expanded. However, it first started as a tiny, three man group, with a man who had later quit the group to join his home village again. His name was Ryu. They traveled from village to village, looking to recruit. One day however, Battei had gotten into a meeting with a man named Sinic, the supposed leader of the new Akatsuki. But because of an offer that Shizu had first declined, a man-demon-thing, named Kaji-Kanto, decided to blow away the location where they all were. Shizukesa made it out safely, but not with his stone. Battei had secretly taken it to give it to Kaji Kanto, without his knowing. Shizu had to excuse the rudeness of that act, however, because of how much he enjoyed being a part of Wasuremono.

After this, he did various missions, but his favorite was teaching a boy he met, named Kiyoshi Hikaru. He trained him his favorite fuuton techniques.

With that, Shizu left, sadly. The rest of his days were Wasuremono's inactive years. However, Shizu did learn some new techniques, and hunted down summonings as well. They slowly died down, until Battei himself died down as well. Shizukesa became the Kazekage in his place. After a couple years of serving as Kazekage, the job became to tiresome, so he gave the job to someone else. He thought he'd visit his old friend Kiyoshi, so he moved to Kumogakure and became a jounin.
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PostSubject: Re: Shizukesa Hyuuga [Kumogakure Jounin]   Shizukesa Hyuuga [Kumogakure Jounin] I_icon_minitimeSun Jun 20, 2010 4:14 pm

Accepted as Jounin & Approved
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PostSubject: Re: Shizukesa Hyuuga [Kumogakure Jounin]   Shizukesa Hyuuga [Kumogakure Jounin] I_icon_minitimeFri Jul 16, 2010 9:43 pm

Moved back to Character creation due to Inactivity.... You have well, you have until kumogakure fills up to come back and re-claim this character.
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PostSubject: Re: Shizukesa Hyuuga [Kumogakure Jounin]   Shizukesa Hyuuga [Kumogakure Jounin] I_icon_minitimeSat Jul 24, 2010 10:38 pm

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PostSubject: Re: Shizukesa Hyuuga [Kumogakure Jounin]   Shizukesa Hyuuga [Kumogakure Jounin] I_icon_minitimeSun Sep 26, 2010 11:57 am

Archived due to user inactivity.
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