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Ensuring the Safety of the Village [Yoshimaru& Faust] Shauntaystaffimgf
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 Ensuring the Safety of the Village [Yoshimaru& Faust]

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PostSubject: Ensuring the Safety of the Village [Yoshimaru& Faust]   Ensuring the Safety of the Village [Yoshimaru& Faust] I_icon_minitimeSat Jun 12, 2010 1:14 am

Keiden paced back and forth behind his desk, time seeming to go exceptionally slow as he awaited Faust's return with Yoshimaru Kangai. Keiden found himself very impatient, which was odd because he was usually extremely patient. Perhaps it was the urgency of the situation, he needed to see what had occurred with the unknown S rank and what, if any information about the village's secrets were spilled. Keiden abruptly halted his pacing and toward his boarded up window, which had yet to be repaired after Faust had rudely burst through earlier. He chuckled slightly, had they not been interrupted by urgent safety matters, it probably would have been a very interesting fight.

Limping slightly on his left leg, Keiden slowly moved across the room to a beaten old chess set in the corner of his room, to the left his desk. He brushed his hand across the wooden board, the board was home to many dings and scratches, which had accumulated over the many years since the board's creation. He chuckled slightly remembering different memories that focused around the board, which was only a decade younger than he was. He pondered for a moment how leading a village and the politics involved was somewhat similar to the game he had played his entire life. The main component of the game is knowing what conflicts to win and which to lose. To be a kage, you need to know what sacrifices to make to further your village's gain. He chuckled slightly, finding it interesting that the game he had played his entire life

Keiden moved around his desk and sat in his chair, tapping his fingers impatiently on the wood of his desk, each tap making a quiet and rhythmic thrumming noise. It had been some time since Faust had left and the importance of the situation was making his patience wear thin. He looked down at the neat pile of papers, atop of which sat a small scroll which contained the part of the punishment for Yoshimaru, should a punishment be required. The punishment was a fairly simple one he had come up with in the past, but he had never encountered a situation where he found it necessary, but given the very little he knew of the situation, it seemed fitting.

Keiden began to gaze around his office, looking at nothing in particular. After a while his attention faded and he spaced out into a haze as he waited. After several minutes, the haze resulted in Keiden jumping rather sharply as his assistant abruptly entered his office. ”Im sorry Lord Hokage, but I have some paperwork for you to finish.” she said in a quiet shy voice, remembering how she was supposed knock before entering. Quickly walking over his desk she bent over placing the paperwork, explaining the origin of each page and what was specifically important. ”This one is from Ta...........” Keiden's attention to her words wavered as he noticed, as any man would've, his secretary's large breasts hanging right in his face. Needless to say, he was a bit distraction, his imagination taking over, causing him to see his secretary in a way which made him glad that she could not read minds.

OOC: Sorry it took so long, I had a few busy days and then a bout of irritating writers block.
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PostSubject: Re: Ensuring the Safety of the Village [Yoshimaru& Faust]   Ensuring the Safety of the Village [Yoshimaru& Faust] I_icon_minitimeSun Jun 13, 2010 3:23 pm

Yoshimaru had left the restraunt earlier in the day alongside his jounin partner, Faust. He was pretty shaken up from the talk they had earlier, and it wouldnt be surprising if he somehow lost his cool and went insane inside of the Hokage mansion. The office was the last place Yoshimaru would want to be sent to, but he knew what he did was against the rules in Konoha, but he wished it wasnt such a HUGE deal to them. He didnt see the big problem, anyways.

Apon waiting outside the door of the tower, Yoshimaru sighed. 'Well.. Whatever comes at me, comes at me. Whatever doesnt, shall not be mentioned so it never will come. I guess I deserve what I get.' He thought and looked at Faust, then ahead at the door. "Well.. Here we go." He spoke and turned the door knob slightly hesitantly, opening the door and walking in casually. They began to walk up the staircases, which had twists and turns because of the way the tower was shaped and what not. All he heard was his own breathing, and the tapping of both their foot steps. Yoshimaru was both tense, and calm. He was tensing about what might happen and calm about how there was hardly any noise. Wishing the stair cases never ended, they had stopped immediantly at a certain door.

Yoshimaru took a deep breath inward, then released it. Knocking on the door, he heard a muffled sound, assuming it was the Hokage, he opened the door. "You have been waiting for us, Lord Hokage Senju-Sempai?" It was a long name he had to say indeed. Yoshimaru normally mentioned the Senju part because of their relation. The Kangai clan were meerly only half- Senju, but took pride in that very much. Looking around the area, he saw a chair and walked towards it and sat down.
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PostSubject: Re: Ensuring the Safety of the Village [Yoshimaru& Faust]   Ensuring the Safety of the Village [Yoshimaru& Faust] I_icon_minitimeSun Jun 13, 2010 10:33 pm

The two walked in utter silence. It was almost deafening, he was sure, to Yoshimaru's ears. Faust was pleased. Very much so. There was only punishment to be had for him now, it was out of Faust's hands. A kage got to that position by having only the best at heart for the villagers of Konoha. Faust had a similar mind set, but there was no way he would be one to fill a Kage's shoes. His ideals were much to radical and he had to have some sort of control over him. He realized this. Power was a curse, and not one that he was willing to carry the burden of, lest it turn on him, burn away his soul, and transform him into the nastiest of fiends.

The two crept to the mansion and once there, there pace quickened, the tone set by Faust. They made their way up several stairs, not much flowing through the senior's head at this point. He was focused on the mission, for he was still under pay roll here. This was business. He had his game face on. Faust was all prepared to just barge in and surprise the Kage, but Yoshimaru had a more polite route, and so Faust allowed him to have it his way. At least he could possibly score a few brownie points with the anxious Kage. There was no question that Keiden, by now, was probably growing impatient and worrisome.

And so they entered, quietly, and kindly. It was not Faust's style but......for these purposes,,,,,he could deal. Not to mention the surprise that was waiting inside for Yoshimaru. The one under questioning took his seat. And with that, his cue had been signaled.

It was a sickening sight, and to make sure that he was seen by both of the other two in the room, he cleared his throat quite loudly. His skin, as with the Earth Spear jutsu when used, turned jet black. Only this time, it was even darker, the color of uninterrupted midnight. Also, it wasnt just his skin, but everything. His hair, his clothes, his eyeballs. Even his teeth which were showing in a half grin. Then the weaving patterns appeared, and like that, the whole body which had been Faust a moment ago, dispersed into a flock of crows. The large number of birds flow over the head of those in the room, and out the broken window.

A hollow laugh echoed off of all the walls of the room. The voice seemed to come from everywhere, and thats because, it was everywhere. A tall tropical plant was just to the right of the Kage's desk, the pot it was in made of a thick stone, not cheap plastics. From it a face appeared in the side, facing Yoshimaru, and coming out from with in. As it moved further out, it took the form of a head, Faust's head. It was followed by the entirety of his body. The body before, had only been a crow clone, and he had been hiding here, waiting, using his rock hiding technique. He had done it when he had left the office, and left his Kage waiting on the balcony, even Keidien may be caught by surprise, then again perhaps not.

Taking his seat. He addressed the both of them.

And so we are here. Yoshimaru was kind enough to come clean with me, and everything he told me I sensed nothing but truth, nor do I see any reason why he would lie and put himself in such a position. Go ahead, tell Keiden-sama everything you told me at the restaurant.

Finishing, he shot Yoshimaru a threatening gaze, locking eyes with him, warning him to not leave out even the slightest detail. A second later he held his usual half grin, teeth showing slightly, and the look of seriousness and relaxed both intermixed and etched into his face.
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PostSubject: Re: Ensuring the Safety of the Village [Yoshimaru& Faust]   Ensuring the Safety of the Village [Yoshimaru& Faust] I_icon_minitimeTue Jun 15, 2010 11:36 pm

Keiden looked up with a quick glance as Yoshimaru entered the room, his eyes having been previously double checking the scroll on his desk. "You have been waiting for us, Lord Hokage Senju-Sempai? He gave Yoshimaru a curt nod in answer as Faust walked in beside the other Jounin. As Yoshimaru walked in and quickly sat down at the chair on the other side of Keiden's desk, Keiden cast his eyes up at Faust who instead of sitting stood near the other chair.

As Faust stood, rather than sitting Keiden looked at him curiously. The man coughed in an obvious attemt to get the Hokage's and the other Jounin's attention as Faust's skin began to blacken, it was darker now that it had been when Faust had used the Earth Spear jutsu during their interrupted spar. Keiden watched intently as the now midnight colored skin began to disperse into a murder of crows which exited the room through the window which had been broken earlier. Keiden was pleasantly amused and slightly annoyed, he found the crow clone interesting because although he had heard of it, he had never actually seen it in person. He also found the clone annoying because it delayed this already unpleasant business.

Keiden sat back in his chair, letting a brief look of annoyance spread across his face before it resumed it's emotionless look, which he maintained at most times. He sighed as the laughter filled the room, it seemed Faust felt the need for theatrics, although Keiden was generally curious about where the real Faust had hidden himself. After several seconds of the laughing, Keiden saw the form of Faust merging from the pot of his plant near his desk, and after he had gotten completely out of his jutsu, Faust sat in the seat next to Yoshimaru.

And so we are here. Yoshimaru was kind enough to come clean with me, and everything he told me I sensed nothing but truth, nor do I see any reason why he would lie and put himself in such a position. Go ahead, tell Keiden-sama everything you told me at the restaurant. Faust spoke, obviously to both Keiden and Yoshimaru. When Faust finished he cast Yoshimaru an obviously fierce and threatening glare, before his his face changed back to a half grin. Without a word Keiden turned his head to face Yoshimaru directly and gave the man a curt nod, obviously wanting to know everything.

"Yes" he said calmly, "Do tell?"
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PostSubject: Re: Ensuring the Safety of the Village [Yoshimaru& Faust]   Ensuring the Safety of the Village [Yoshimaru& Faust] I_icon_minitimeWed Jun 16, 2010 12:28 am

Yoshimaru didnt want to seem rude and stare at the Hokage, so he just stared down at his hands, which were interlaced within eachother, and his thumb was fiddling around with the other one. From the side of his sight, he saw Faust standing next to him. Sighing, Yoshimaru closed his eyes for a moment, and them opened them to see a flock of crows flying out of a broken window within the office. He wasnt surprised to see Faust not there, knowing it was probably a flock of his clone crows. He leaned his head back and closed his eyes, not really in the mood for any jutsu showing off by his jounin partner, but it did kill some time.

Once Faust was done, he spoke up as he sat in a seat next to him. "And so we are here. Yoshimaru was kind enough to come clean with me, and everything he told me I sensed nothing but truth, nor do I see any reason why he would lie and put himself in such a position. Go ahead, tell Keiden-sama everything you told me at the restaurant." 'Well... Here we go...' Yoshimaru thought and brought his head back down to look at the Hokage straight in the eyes. He knew it would come down to this, so he decided to just get it over with. It was now or never. Whatever punishment he got, he deserved.

"These might not be my exact words, but I'll try to repeat what I can. No lies, just pure honesty. In the end, I will take whatever punishment you give me, Senju-Sempai." Yoshimaru started and hunched over slightly, continuing to stare deeply into the Hokage's eyes. It was like they were almost connected, as if the Hokage had the power to read Yoshimaru's thoughts, he coudld. "The girl's name is Yoshiko Aiko. She is from Kirigakure no Sato. I did not want to bring her to you, because I thought she'd get into a lot of trouble, or maybe I would." Stopping there, he looked down slightly, cutting the connected eyes from his to the Hokage's. "I can see the good in the people you might think would be troublesome, threatening, violent... But she wasnt. She was with me the whole time and I showed her what it was like to socialize with someone for once. The only troublesome thing about her is her terrible past. Shes looking for her family and... I promised I'd help her. Let me tell you... I've never broken a promise... And I dont plan on breaking this one." Yoshimaru finished and sighed just a little in relief.
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PostSubject: Re: Ensuring the Safety of the Village [Yoshimaru& Faust]   Ensuring the Safety of the Village [Yoshimaru& Faust] I_icon_minitimeWed Jun 16, 2010 10:29 pm

Faust crossed his fingers and listened intently as Yoshimaru explained himself fully to their Hokage. He rested his forehead against his entwined hands and looked at the floor, concentrating on the eb and flow of the words. It was clear that Yoshimaru was doing his best to word everything just right to try to decrease the punishment to befall him and to get them both to sympathize with the reasoning of his actions. As the Kagami finished up his short yet informative speech, Faust stayed silent. There was nothing for him to say. This was Keiden - Sama's show, not his. He had done his part up to this point, and though he play his part more later, for now, his duty was over. That was until Keiden said otherwise. He left his head down, waiting for their Hokage to speak.

OOC: Sorry for shortness, but there was really nothing for me to do or say. I kept the quality up though ^^.
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PostSubject: Re: Ensuring the Safety of the Village [Yoshimaru& Faust]   Ensuring the Safety of the Village [Yoshimaru& Faust] I_icon_minitimeThu Jun 17, 2010 12:21 am

Keiden listened intently as Yoshimaru spoke, carefully weighing each word carefully in his mind. Yoshimaru looked directly at Keiden as he spoke, something the Hokage respected, the man did not flinch away from the truth and the possible punishment it might bring."These might not be my exact words, but I'll try to repeat what I can. No lies, just pure honesty. In the end, I will take whatever punishment you give me, Senju-Sempai. The girl's name is Yoshiko Aiko. She is from Kirigakure no Sato. I did not want to bring her to you, because I thought she'd get into a lot of trouble, or maybe I would." It was at this point that Yoshimaru broke the gaze which he had kept with the Hokage by looking down.

"I can see the good in the people you might think would be troublesome, threatening, violent... But she wasnt. She was with me the whole time and I showed her what it was like to socialize with someone for once. The only troublesome thing about her is her terrible past. Shes looking for her family and... I promised I'd help her. Let me tell you... I've never broken a promise... And I dont plan on breaking this one." Yoshimaru sighed in relief as he finished.

Keiden let out a sigh and leaned back into his chair, his hand came up to his chin as he thought. It seemed he had quite the puzzling situation, on one hand, he had a Jounin who had acted in the exact same manner many of Konoha's great Shinobi from the past would have. However it is entirely impractical to run a village in this manner. Inherently trusting anyone when you first meet them is a good way to end up dead or getting people killed. Keiden sat up once more and spoke, "Hm..... We have quite the interesting situation." He paused for a moment and looked directly at Yoshimaru,"You acted in the interest of your heart. However, in this situation, using your heart to judge people is a good way to get someone killed. What would you have done had this 'Yoshiko's action been merely a ploy to get into the village and kill those within our ranks?" His voice was entirely calm as he spoke, no hint of anger existing at all.

Keiden stood up and walked around his chair to look out the glass doors behind his desk as he continued, "I'm afraid these are the kind of mistakes a Jounin of Konohagakure can afford to make." He turned around to look directly at Faust, his tone making it obvious that what he was about to say was an order and not a request, "To prove that Yoshimaru is worthy of the Jounin rank, you will fight him. Providing he passes the test she can remain Jounin, however if I believe he does not make the cut-" he turned to Yoshimaru, "he will be demoted".
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PostSubject: Re: Ensuring the Safety of the Village [Yoshimaru& Faust]   Ensuring the Safety of the Village [Yoshimaru& Faust] I_icon_minitimeThu Jun 17, 2010 1:07 am

Yoshimaru's hands began to sweat as the Hokage stayed silent the whole time, and after the speech he had just spilled out to the man. The Hokage had leaned back in his chair and thought intently, as it seemed, about everything that he had said to him. The second that the hokage opened his eyes and looked dead into Yoshimaru's was the moment that his life was about to change. For the better or the worst. Whatever came to him, came to him. He would either deal with it or protest with reason.

Although, with every word the man said infront of Yoshimaru, it struck him deep within the heart. Even if the voice was calm, it was how he was putting them and how he worded each letter of the sentence. It came down to "I'm afraid these are the kind of mistakes a Jounin of Konohagakure can afford to make." which made a bead of sweat drop down from Yoshimaru's forehead, and onto the padding of his green vest. 'Oh god... Oh god...' Those words repeated within Yoshimaru's mind. Eventually, he was going to go insane. The Hokage stood up and turned around, continuing to speak, then turned around again to look at Faust. "To prove that Yoshimaru is worthy of the Jounin rank, you will fight him. Providing he passes the test she can remain Jounin, however if I believe he does not make the cut-" Yoshimaru's heart stopped for a moment, the Hokage giving him a glare... This was it.. "he will be demoted". With those four words, Yoshimaru almost passed out.

Getting a grip of himself, there was mistunderstanding and anger running through his mind. "... I cant..." A small voice of Yoshimaru's spoke out. His head was facing downwards, his long bangs covering his face. ".... I cant fight my own jounin accomplice." He said once more, his hands gripped onto the wood of the arms on the chair he was sitting in. Gripping so hard that he accidently made the wood chip and dent, splinters coming out of it. Suddenly, he stood up, breathing heavidly, a tear running down his cheek. "HOW DARE YOU DECLARE SUCH PROFANITY!" He shouted, unlike himself. Yoshimaru looked up at the ceiling and stopped his breathing for a few seconds, then looking back at the Hokage. Wiping his eyes, he sighed. "Im sorry about that..." Yoshimaru appologised and looked away. "I just dont think that such a matter like this should come down to making me fight Faust. No one was even hurt while she was here. Even if she was deciding to, I had it under control..." Yoshimaru stopped before going on. He looked over at Faust, which was by his side. "Even if I had to... I just couldnt fight you. However... The Hokage wants me to. I know you're powerfuller than me." Yoshimaru spoke to Faust, then looked back at the Hokage. "Is this what you really want?"
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PostSubject: Re: Ensuring the Safety of the Village [Yoshimaru& Faust]   Ensuring the Safety of the Village [Yoshimaru& Faust] I_icon_minitimeThu Jun 17, 2010 10:12 pm

Faust relaxed back in his chair as Yoshimaru finished and in preperation for what Kedein would have to say on the matter. He closed his eyes, and he meditated on the words as they flowed through his ears and into his brain. This was turning out to be quite an interesting mission, and in his own village no less. It appeared that the grass, or the leaves rather, were green as could be on this side. If they were richer elsewhere, it was paradise, heaven if you will.

It was what he had been waiting on. His part in this arose once more. This was the time where he was reinstated. Where he took action, actions ordered by the only man he would answer to as a superior. He was to be an examiner. Yoshimaru would have to retake his test to see if he could still fit the bill, to use a slight metaphor of sorts. Faust glanced over to see Yoshimaru's reaction to the news.

His own reaction to the reaction of the order was one of pure shock.

Yoshimaru basically lost his head. First desperation set in as well as confusion. Then anger, he yelled out into the room, echoing off the walls. Then he regained his composure, calmed himself and his nerves, apologized, and explained his pitiful excuse for his actions. He had not expected this form a jounin. He was more or less groveling, no he was begging at this point. Faust changed his view of Yoshimaru based on this one act. He was no longer to be looked at as an equal jounin. Now he saw him as nothing more then a criminal. A common criminal who had broken the law unnecessarily.

Faust stood once it was clear that Yoshimaru had finished. He looked at the ground and sighed before glancing up at his Kage and locked eyes with him so that what followed next wouldnt be a surprise to him.

It was fast. One fluid motion was all it took. He moved his arms and legs all the same time. One moment he had been standing straight up and postured. Next he was bending his knees next to Yoshimaru's chair so that they were eye to eye with out having to look up or down. His left arm rested on the top of the back, the other ended in a hand grasping a kunai which was aimed at Yoshimaru's throat not a meter away from his voice box, at which it was so plainly pointed.

Let me explain something to you. First off being, what the Kage proposed was only to see if you still held Jounin qualities, not if you could beat me. You have blown your chance to show Konoha you still have what it takes. Instead you act like a nine year old brat who got told he had to do hard physical work as a punishment instead of going out to play. You have disgraced yourself and your title. Also you have insulted the very integrity of this office and the rank of Kage by needlessly yelling when everyone else has been nothing but purely patient with you. On a final note. You seem to think we dont understand. Quite simply, I can sympathize with your actions with this Yoshiko. However. All you had to do was bring her here, explain the situation, perhaps a few ANBU would have been assigned to tail you as an extra precaution. We are a hospitable village, but we do not act in stupidity. NOw this is your ultimatum. I know your chakra isnt at its fullest so Ill give you a day. Ready yourself. Meet me at the training area tomorrow, to prove to you that your nation is not with out heart, your test is still on. However, if you skip out on it, I will deem you a criminal, and I will hunt you down, and I will kill you.

Faust did not blink as he said this. His stare was cold and lifeless. It told not telltale signs of any emotion anger or otherwise. He put extra empathis on the "will" at the end of his little speech before lowering the kunai and straightening up. He took a step back so that an L was formed out of the threes positions. This way he could view them both with ease. He glanced at the Kage to see if he now would be the one to get reprimanded.
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PostSubject: Re: Ensuring the Safety of the Village [Yoshimaru& Faust]   Ensuring the Safety of the Village [Yoshimaru& Faust] I_icon_minitimeFri Jun 18, 2010 2:25 am

Keiden watched Yoshimaru, awaiting his reaction. The Jounin was looking down as he spoke, his voice filled with traces of anger. A predictable reaction, one he completely expected to see. He sat back in his chair and watched calmly as the Jounin in question, stood up and yelled. There were probably several ANBU guards who were set on edge by the shout, but knowing who was in the room with him, they did not burst in. Keiden eyed the tear running down the Jounin's cheek, but did not feel guilty for his action, the punishment was set and within reason for what had ocured. He would do what was best for his village and nothing more or less.

He turned his attention back to the Jounin who's attitude had calmed much within the few seconds, he was now apologizing for his earlier outbursts. The next step was excuses, followed by pleading, both of which Keiden had expected. Keiden open his mouth to speak as Yoshimaru finished his plea, "Y--" however he was inturupted by Faust performing an action he did not expect. In one fast and fluid motion, Faust Arp was knelt next to Yoshimaru, A kunai held up to the Kangai's neck. Faust was faster the Keiden had anticipated, but he noted that Faust made no further move as he held he Kunai he only began to speak. But still, Keiden made a hand-sign hidden from view by the desk, so that he could rise up to defend either Jounin if needed.

Fausts words were to the point, and truthful, if not overly fierce for the situation, however Keiden respected Faust and let him finish his speech rather than stop the assault in any way. In fairness, Faust set the spar for a later date, allowing Yoshimaru time to replenish his chakra. However, he then made a declaration which Keiden wasnt so sure he could stand by. Keiden did not wish to see blood needlessly spilt when there were other ways of ending conflict and delivering punishment. As Faust ended his speech, lowering the kunai and standing, he cast his gaze at the Kage. Keiden for a moment Keiden did not speak, looking back at Faust his eyes showing nothing as they shifted from Faust to Yoshimaru.

He was quick and emotionless as he spoke, eager to get this meeting overwith, "Then it is settled, the spar will take place tomorrow at Noon." he looked directly into Yoshimaru's eyes as he continued, "If you manage to past the test, then you shall remain at your current position, if not, then you will begin the next day as a Chuunin of Kohonagakure."
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PostSubject: Re: Ensuring the Safety of the Village [Yoshimaru& Faust]   Ensuring the Safety of the Village [Yoshimaru& Faust] I_icon_minitimeFri Jun 18, 2010 3:43 am

Just about a few seconds after his outburst, Yoshimaru felt a sharp, cold, metallic edge of a weapon to his throat. He was breathing very steadly and if he made one move, he would be dead. Yoshimaru looked at Faust with his eyes, knowing if he turned his head that the sharp blade would cut through his skin and Faust would probably attack him. Now looking at the jounin next to him, using his ocean blue eyes, a small bead of sweat dropped down his head, then down to his neck.

Faust's cold, serious face stared into Yoshimaru's innocent and confused eyes. Listening to Faust's seeming threat and challenge, made Yoshimaru's head spin with all these questions, running through his mind, one by one. 'Am I really worth putting this village in danger...?' 'Should I just leave...?' 'What if I get hunted down and die... Who would look after Yoshido...?' 'Yoshiko... What if she never gets reunited with her sister...?' All of these thoughts made his heart pound and his head spin even greater. But just then, it seemed as if he blacked out, but inside his mind. Out in the real world, he just stared blankly infront of him.

There, in his mind, Yoshimaru stood in a room, alone seemingly. Everything was blank, white, no sound. 'Where am I?' Yoshimaru thought, his voice echo'd throughout the room in his mind. He looked around, then turned his body around and saw someone from a far distance. 'Whose that..?' Another echo went throughout the room once again. Blinking quickly, it appeared infront of him, just a few feet away. "Hello, Yoshimaru." It spoke to him. It was Hashirama himself. 'Senju-Sama...?' Yoshimaru thought, squinting and then rubbing his eyes. He was in true awe. They looked almost exactly alike other than the eye colour and hair colour. Hashirama was way bigger and taller than Yoshimaru. "I've been watching you... You're very kind hearted but... You've made some mistakes that seemed to get you into some sort of very bad predicament." Hashirama spoke, a gentle smile and soft tone. "I understand you feel very confused in what you should do. You've spent your whole life here trapped within this village, and you have hardly travelled outside of the Fire Nation.. Now is a chance for you to start a new life.." He continued on as his eyes connected with Yoshimaru's. It was stunning how so real this was.. Maybe it was accually real. Yoshimaru opened his mouth and tried to speak, but couldnt. It seemed he could only communicate via thoughts. 'You.. You completely understand..' He thought, sighing softly but no sound, once again, would appear. "Just follow your heart and do what is best for your village..." Hashirama said and disappeared.

With that ending, Yoshimaru snapped into the real world. It was just a few short seconds in real life, but it seemed like a few minutes in his mind. "I decided to just do best what is for this village... And take my own route. I'd honestly rather not put this village in grave danger like I almost did. You all cant afford to suffer for my own mistakes." He stopped and looked at Faust. "Even if I do become a missing ninja, I would rather you not hunt me down. Im doing you all a favour. You can thank me later." With that, he clapped his hands together and with a puff of smoke, he was gone. There was a Kangai clan sign on the ground. It was all that was left of Yoshimaru now.
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