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Zetsumei(Finished) Shauntaystaffimgf
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PostSubject: Zetsumei(Finished)   Zetsumei(Finished) I_icon_minitimeThu Aug 05, 2010 11:18 pm

Name: Zetsumei
Nickname/Alias: (Persona's)Itami, Kichigai, Kami
Zetsu(Short for real name)

Age: 34
Age Appearance: 23

Appearance: Thirteen Years Old:
First day of Prison:
Six years of Prison

Gender: Male

Skill Level: A rank
Ninja Rank: Akatsuki

Village: Suna, locked away
Birthplace: Suna
Previous Village:

Clan/Bloodline: Ankoku Manako

Personality: Zetsu is a very insane man, to say the least. He has many different mental disorder's that make him who he is. However, despite these disorders, it seems he is a rather smart person, and can think as well as many geniuses around him. His most notable disorder is his multi personality disorder. It may seem he is the same person, but as he digs deeper in the his other personal, he becomes much more crazy and more willing to kill. He does not enjoy to hear anything about his past, or even mentioned the word past. He goes the craziest if anything is mentioned about his mother.

Adding onto the insaneness of Zetsu, he will act kind and normal around people, the first time he meets them. He will do almost whatever he can to gain there trust, and then take what he needs. This will typically end up, with him trying to kill that person. Being insane, has taught him to be very cunning, and things come his way easily. However, he can not sustain this act for long. The longest he could, was in his younger years, and this lasted for almost three years. He can know only handle about two to four weeks of kindness, and this is slowly decreasing.

Zetsu thinks highly of himself, and will let everyone know that. This is one of his persona's, and he will often call himself Kami. He will demand that everyone who is taking to him, will call him either Kami, Lord, or God. If someone messes up, he will try and harm them in every way possible. He also is much more emotionally shallow, and does not care what he has done. Although he is likely this when he is normal, this persona, know as Kami, is the height for this behavior.

Zetsu is very preoccupied with fantasies of unlimited success and power. He feels that if he has power, he will having nothing but success in his life. He will do anything he can do obtain this power and reach towards his goals. This be seen as a good trait in most, but in Zetsu case, it is the opposite of a good trait. He is willing to kill anyone, if to achieve the smallest goal. He also feels the need to have excessive admiration, but he does not always get this and he either makes him very angry or he will simple laugh uncontrollable.

He has an uncontrollable rage, if he is pushed to far. Surprisingly, it takes quite a lot to make Zetsu go into the stage of complete rage. However, this is one person that can set him off right away. This is his mother and any mention of his mother will set him off, into the persona of Itami. While in Itami, pain will not effect him, in the sense of feeling it, however it is there. He will yell for his mother a lot, while in this persona, and also he seems to be unable to speak anything more than his name, and "mommy" while Itami. He is also seen crying, while Itami, but is still very very angry. After he is out of Itami, he will remember nothing, that just happened.

He also enjoys pain, in general. He does not care if it is caused by him, if someone else cause someone pain, or someone or something cause him pain. However, he will not harm himself, to feel pain. He feels that people who do this, are crazy. If he is harmed or has harmed enough, he will go quite for a while, and then his persona is now Kichigai. While Kichigai, he has a bigger taste for killing. Instead of killing his enemy right away, he will make sure they die a slow and painful death. He is also more likely to eat part of his victim after he has killed them, while Kichigai. However, if not, Zetsu still enjoys blood and flesh.

Zetsu loves to bring people down, in any way shape or form he can. This makes him feel even more higher up than he already feels he is. He does not feel guilt for the things he has done, and in fact he feels that he is doing the world right, when others look at it his wrong doing. Also, if he cannot do something, he will often blame someone, or something else just to spite them, and not make him look as bad. He hates the higher ups, in villages, and also hates the fact that there are so many villages. He wants to make the world as chaotic as he can.

Goals: Mass Murder, Cause War
Alignment: Chaotic Evil

Canon Personality: Hidan, Chunnin Exam Arc Gaara, Curse Seal Juugo,

Skill Specialty:
Dominant: Ninjutsu
Recessive: Taijutsu

Elemental Affinity:
Dominant: N/A

Pre Academy Arc
To understand Zetsu, many years have to be traced back. He is a direct descendant of the a very good man, that saved many with his eyes of 3 elements. Meaning, that he is known as an elemental user, and has skills like that man. This meant he would have a great name to follow. However, later in life, many would be disappointed with his actions. His father, was also a name he would be looked to follow, because he was a great Shinobi, much like the man before him . His father was a great man, however, he had a greater duty to his village.

This mission gave the sand village a new enemy to look out for, and their first target was Zetsu's family. At this time, it was only Zetsu's mother, whom was pregnant with Zetsu. His mother was guarded very much at the time, when her son was in the whom. She lived long enough to have Zetsu and she could now live without being watched. She two was a ninja, like Zetsu's father, but not quite as strong. Zetsu was still little and had already seen a lot of pain, and that was not about to change. He was likely that he was not aware of the pain, yet, but he soon would be.

At the age of two, his mother was killed by man, but the man was also killed. Thus, leaving Zetsu safe, but to fend for himself. After several days of not eating, he had no choice but to eat his own mothers and the mans flesh. This would cause him a great deal of pain, but he had no choice. Even at the age of two, Zetsu knew what he had to do to survive. He would be out of his house, until several weeks, after eat human flesh and oddly growing to enjoy the taste. This was about the time, when Zetsu began to change. He was put under special care, because of this tragic event.

After his special care, he did not change in his mind, but he had learned how to act like he was alright, after several years of this care. This was good enough for the village leaders to allow him to start training as a ninja, which was a huge mistake on the villages part. Although it was not noticed at the start, it would soon be brought to the village, as soon as he became a Genin.

Academy Arc
While training to be a ninja, it seemed to was behind the others, because he had no training before hand, nor did he have time to even play outside, being in care for most of his life. However, he was rather smart and passed most of in class training, but he was weak outside of the classroom. Thus, this meant he would have to stay in the academy, for several more years. This mad him rather angry, and made him wish that the village did not put him in care, but for now, he would hid his feelings for the time being.

While in the academy, Zetsu spent his time outside of killing animals in wild, if he could find some. He's favorite past time was killing, but however, not being strong enough, he had to use weapons to help him. His weapon of choice was a small dagger, or a short sword. He rather hated he had to use suck weapons, but it was the only thing he could at the time being. This would also help him become a very strong person, because he was always killing this, this would be consider training.

Zetsu soon had enough strength to go onto and train harder with the other students in his academy. At this time he also realized that he had a power growing inside of him, and it had came up, ever so slightly. This power was one of the reasons why Zetsu was so weak, because his body was made to use Ninjutsu. This was about the only reason that Zetsu would have a chance to become a ninja, because he was still so weak. That and his slight sword skill helped him along the way. It was soon time for Zetsu to take his Genin exam, and he had hoped this would be his final one.

At the start of his exam, Zetsu was rather nervous, because he was the last to go. He knew in his heart at the time, if he did not pass, he would probably kill someone. This made him throw up and also made him doubt himself. However, this was not the case for Zetsu took the exam and had passed with much ease. It had taken him several years to become strong, but he now knew that his name would be remembered for a very long time. What for he was not sure, but he knew it in his heart he would.

Genin Arc
He, like most Genin was put with a team. At this time, Zetsu did not much like his team nor did he care to learn anything about him. He merely cared for the fact that he wanted to become stronger, and do it any way he could. He would even try to kill his sensei if he needed to. But at the time, this was not the case, because Zetsu was still not strong enough to do so. He had a lot of training to do, before he could follow in the steps of his goals. He was now showing signs of being corrupt, but he could still hide this very well.

The team did not work well together, or well, Zetsu did not work well with the team. He seemed to have his own way for everything they did, and he would always come out on bottom, because he was the weakest of the Genin. This made him rather angry and made him train a lot more by himself. He wanted to be strong without anyones help. He did not want to be defined by a team. He wanted to kill alone. If he could not do this, he could not live up to his name.

As Zetsu grew stronger, he was able to fight with the team, instead of being left out of many things, because he did not have the energy to do so. This meant that the team now could do many more things, because they seemed to be more prepared. Thus, they were set on their first mission. They were late bloomers, because they had a lot of training to do, but with this training they got ahead of the game. Zetsu had seemed to calm down a bit, because he was no longer a big jump away from the other Genin. In fact, he might have been able to hold his own against one of them now.

As the Genin team, advanced in many mission, they were getting much stronger. They had done many missions and now Zetsu was about the same level as the other two Genin in his team. However, it still enraged him, that he could not take them both on at the same time, which he tried several times. He vowed that one day he would kill them, along with his sensei, but for know he needed them, which made him even more upset about this whole thing. Things were not turning out, as the village had planned for Zetsu, like most things they planned.

As the team grew, they thought about becoming even stronger. They would soon be ready to take the Chunnin exams, but they would need months of training before they started the exam, and they had more than enough time to do so. This meant that Zetsu could go off on his own, for several weeks at a time, and train by himself. Thus, meaning that he would get very strong in a very little amount of time. Weeks before the Chunnin exam started, Zetsu was able to take on the two Genin in his team. He could know even hold his own against his sensei. Although, he could not win, he felt as if he was close.

Chunnin Exam Arc
Soon, it was a day before the Chunnin exams and the team was finally ready. Zetsu was now the strongest of the team, with the abilities to use fire jutsu, and kenjutsu. He was more skilled with his bloodline, but he could use his sword quite well. They entered the next day. It was lucky for Zetsu because he was skilled in many things and could find out things about each team, with much ease. This gave him the upper hand. He did not tell his team about their opponents, because he did not feel the need that they needed to know.

After the first exam was over, Zetsu knew that he would have to tell his team members a little bit about who they were fighting, but just enough to get a slight upper hand and only when they met someone. He knew that the ones they had met, would meet the same fate as many people Zetsu met, death. Zetsu knew that he was stronger than a lot of people his age, because of his training he went through and the hard work he had been put through. He was surely looking like a strong shinobi, much like his father before him, and his father, and so on and so forth. He was becoming more and more insane by the minute, while in the exam.

The second part was under way, and this was the part Zetsu was looking forward to. He could finally get some killing in, without anyone really caring or knowing for a while. He did not much care for the rules of the exam, he just wanted to get and start what he knew best. He was one of the first ninja to run in the forest, and he almost left his team behind. He did want to become a chunnin, so he knew that he had to stay with his team, if they wanted to win. However, this was not the top thing on his mind. Soon, all the teams were inside the forest. Soon, Zetsu laughed uncontrollable. This was a side of him his team had never seen before. They each had thought he was a nice kid, but was just a little odd. It seemed that both of them were wrong, and he was on the verge of insanity, at such a young age. They did not know what he had seen. Zetsu looked back at them and gave them an evil smirk, telling them he wanted to go.

During the first day, Zetsu had seemed to have bleeding from his eye. He did not have any idea what this meant. In fact, he rather enjoyed the pain, which made his teammates rather scared for their lives. Zetsu eyes were bleeding a lot more, as he fought another team. It did not look good for him, because the blood was interfering with his fighting. The second exam was going in the midst of things, when Zetsu's eyes begun burn, like never before. Three Genin had been on him, while his team was trying to take on another. He was surely close to death, at this moment. He felt weak, until flames shot from his eyes. He had finally found his true power that he had been searching for, for a very long time. After he killed the the team, he awaited for his teammates to arrive with both scrolls in his hand. They were ready to get out of this exam.

It was a good thing that the exams were close to over, because Zetsu had passed out from obtaining his new eyes. Zetsu's two teammates were forced to carry him to the end of the exam. This caused them trouble, but it was a good thing he was rather light at a young age, almost sickly if someone looked at him. The three made their way to the end of the exam, and soon each of them passed because they had everything required. Zetsu was put in care afterwards, until the third and final exam started. He would be ready when the time came.

After Zetsu recover, he had a little time to learn his new found power. He knew this would help him out, in the next and final part of the chunnin exams. He was glad that he was getting stronger, even while in this exam. It was looking good for him, in his own mind, but everyone else was scared for his well being. He was not turning out like the man everyone hoped he would. The village was going to have to keep him away from the life he once knew, and give him things he never had. He was put in a family, and he was finally given some rules to follow. This he did not like. He did not look into it much, because the final exam was soon, he would deal with it once he had finished what he needed to.

He had arrived in the middle of the arena, where everyone was watching the remaining Genin, getting the rules told to them. The Genin were allowed to spot the fights if they feel it, at anytime. His eyes were red with rage, because he did not want to stop his fight for any reason. He wanted to kill his opponent and he would do just that, no matter who the person was. He would have to wait for his fight, because it had been one of the last. This made him uneasy, because anything could go wrong, before then, and the fights could have stopped. However, he tried to keep his cool and watch the fights like everyone else. He just kept the fact that after ever fight, his was one closer. This kept him able to be under control, for the time.

Soon, he was called to his fight. and the person he was fighting, was one of his teammates. Zetsu hoped that his teammate thought they because they had been through the exams and missions together, he would not die in this fight. It had seemed he thought so at first, because about twenty minutes into the fight, his hand was raised and the fight was suppose to stop. Zetsu could not deal with this, because he did not get to see much blood, if any at all. The exam protector stood in between the two, to make sure that Zetsu would not try to attack again. Zetsu began to breath very heavy when this happened. Soon, the boy screamed out and his eyes went from red, to fire in his eyes. He was going to kill someone, even if it meant not becoming Chunnin. He fired off something from his eyes and hit the protector. Zetsu then jumped over the man, and began to pound his teammates head in. He was soon stopped by several Jounin. This made him very angry. However, the Kage of this village saw this, and was determined that he could be used as a weapon of war. It seemed he was unafraid to die, and was willing to get the kill. Thus, Zetsu became a Chunnin on the spot. Although, he was thrown in Jail for a few weeks, so that he could see a little discipline.

Chunnin Arc:
He was soon let out of the jail, and was able to live a somewhat normal live. He still lived with his family, and had to check in with them, everyday, so they knew he was not causing trouble. He was good at hiding he was, and for the most part would listen to what his new parents said. The village thought he had been changing, but keeping with rules and under checks, only made matters worse. He was rarely put on teams to go on mission and if he were, he would always end up the last one to arrive back at the village. He was a major threat to the entire village, and not a single person knew it yet. He was good at keeping a low profile, for the time being, even though he did not like it. He would only become more crazy as the days went by, but the Kazekage knew that he was truly breeding a killing machine. If Zetsu became strong enough, Suna would likely have one of the murderous ninja's alive. The kazekage took it upon himself to start personally training Zetsu.

The training was going quite well, at first. Zetsu looked at it, as his best chance to get stronger and get the power he was after. It was about this time, that Zetsu realized one of his first goals in life. For him, it had been all about killing people, which was already fun, but it seemed kind of bland, and everyone had done it before. He had only a taste of this killing, and it was time for him to get to real deal. He had read about several wars in the past, and would have enjoyed living in the era. He knew that if he wanted to something great, he wanted to start a war on all the nations, once again. He did not tell anyone, because he knew they would cast him out, or likely kill him. For now, training with the kazekage was good enough. He knew it would be great learning from the best in his village. Zetsu was also told the Kazekage's plans with him, that he wanted Zetsu to become a killing machine. He really enjoyed that fact, but things would soon get rough, Zetsu would lose the only person that truly understood him, after several months of training with him.

Several weeks had passed and the two trained almost everyday. Soon, the Kazekage started Zetsu on what he liked to call, Pain training. This required Zetsu to endure all kinds of pain. It was not too bad at first, but after several days, Zetsu began to enjoy it. It made him feel that he was really getting somewhere in life, and knew that he person he was fighting, would not be a pushover. The Kazekage even trained him to withstand Genjutsu and pain on his mind. The Kazekage's life was in consist danger, because he would set off Zetsu ways that no one else did. Zetsu would always get taunted about his real family and how he was nothing. Its about this time when, that Zetsu's family had gotten worried for his well being. He would always come home bloodied and tired. It was not before long, that Zetsu would not see the Kazekage anymore. It had turned out the man was corrupt, and was going crazy. He was soon put in jail and Zetsu never saw that man again.

Zetsu was paired with his team for one last mission, before his jounin exams. While on this mission the three seemed to get along, up until the very end. Zetsu was made angry when the two wanted to get down to earth and talk to him. He got so angry that he tried to attack each of them. This did not turn out well for any of them. Zetsu was soon thinking he was on his death bed, as soon as he ripped of on their arms off. This made him angry and soon his eyes begun to bleed and turn to a white like color. A few moments after, lightning shot out from his eyes. He could not stay awake long because he passed out from the chakra use. He soon awoke in a bed, with the Jounin exams the next day. His teammates both had live and the one had gotten his arm reattached. It was time for the Jounin exams.

Zetsu had reached a new power level in his clans jutsu. It was very helpful in the exams, because he had to fight another Jounin to become a Jounin. This did not cause him
because he was already about the Jounin level, if not higher. The fight went on for at least an hour, and Zetsu had lasted quite sometime. Both of them were very skilled ninja, but Zetsu did not end up coming out on top, but nor did the Jounin. The match ended up being a draw. Zetsu was a Jounin, but was not happy about it. His teammates would not share this title with him for some time. Zetsu would rub this in there face, until he was out of the village. He had to kill the man, he was at the level of a Jounin, and was ready to get out of the village.

Jounin Arc
Zetsu had enough of just having a draw with this Jounin. He had to kill him, no matter what. Late at night he went into his home, and attacked him. He had given him time to react, so that he could have a little fight, but this gave him the upper hand. Within a matter of mintues, Zetsu had killed the man, and throw him out the window, so that everyone could see. He then chained him up on a high tower so that he could be seen throughout the entire village. He left right afterwards, because they knew the village was going to look for him, once the sun came.

Missing Nin/Akatsuki Arc:
Zetsu was now free of all rules, and could do almost do anything he wants. Although he did not want to take part in actives with others, he knew that he could not cause war, by himself. He had heard of a group of criminals from inside his village. He was a a strong ninja now, and thought if they had enough openings, they could use him. The only problem was he did not know where to find them. He knew that they were probably looking for ninja that were capable of killing and he surely was one of those ninja, but he had to get his name out. He started on very tiny weak villages, and killed every person in sight. Most of these villages had very few ninja, and if any, they were nowhere near as strong as Zetsu. Soon, he had caught the eye of the Akatsuki and he even had found one of their hideouts after several months of searching. He was now a underling in the Akatsuki.

After several months in the Akatsuki he become strong enough to be called a full time member. Although he did not have the full power of his doujutsu, he knew a way he could get it. He wanted to see his old friends from the village again. After a few months of being a full time member, he went out to his old village, and began to kill. Several ninja had stopped him and tried to kill him. At this moment, his eyes began to bleed like never before and the turn completely black. He was able to kill a few more men. He was soon jailed and put in the lowest jail, and strongest cell that suna could obtain. He was wrapped in a straight jacket and his hands and legs where chained. There was almost no way of him getting out.

Six years have passed since then, and he has awaited his death since the day he was put in. The village took a very long time to decided if they were to kill him or not. They have come to the conclusion that he was needed to be killed, but they were not sure of the date, for when they could do it. He is still waiting in the jail cell, for his death to come.
RP Sample:
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Public Profile
Name: Zetsumei
Zetsumei(Finished) 14c75e3b23441a4de576e42b6ef28270-2
Village: Suna
Organization: Akaktsuki
Rank: A
Age: 34
Info: A serial killer ninja, that is part of the Akatsuki. His main abilities are Taijutsu and his Clans Doujutsu. He is insane and very deadly. He awaits his death in a secure jail cell.
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PostSubject: Re: Zetsumei(Finished)   Zetsumei(Finished) I_icon_minitimeSun Aug 08, 2010 2:11 am

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PostSubject: Re: Zetsumei(Finished)   Zetsumei(Finished) I_icon_minitimeSun Aug 08, 2010 4:39 am

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PostSubject: Re: Zetsumei(Finished)   Zetsumei(Finished) I_icon_minitimeMon Aug 09, 2010 8:58 am

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PostSubject: Re: Zetsumei(Finished)   Zetsumei(Finished) I_icon_minitimeSat Oct 02, 2010 6:05 pm

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