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Training with Roaches [Solo] Shauntaystaffimgf
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 Training with Roaches [Solo]

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Training with Roaches [Solo] Empty
PostSubject: Training with Roaches [Solo]   Training with Roaches [Solo] I_icon_minitimeMon Aug 23, 2010 9:48 am

Yesterday's episode with the cockroaches made the day rather interesting.

On her way home she thought over everything Boss Roach said regarding her mother and the two other Kisaki; the same two who were still out there. Her main concern had now changed. Yes, she really wished to become a member in ANBU. Honestly though, the more she thought about it the more she also realized that she was feeding off of Shihouin's goal. He mentioned wanting to be in ANBU first. She really did to though. If she became that important maybe it wouldn't matter what her bloodline gave her. Maybe the people would learn to love her then fear her. She was getting off track. Although she really wished to be in ANBU, she also truly felt the need to gain back what was lost. ANBU would help play a major role when it came to learning skills she could use against fighting the Kisaki but that made it sound like she was only doing this for personal gain. Truth was, she really wanted to gain back her mother's territory to protect it. She had to admit, she loved Konoha and so far it's people seemed nice. Maybe she wasn't giving them all enough credit. Was it wise to make friends again and risk people finding out what she was though? The thought it kind of made her ill. Thus she decided maybe it would be best to stick to her facade; at least for now.

Anyway, after returning home, Nasamea was able to use her summoning jutsu once again when explaining to her mother what happened. She went to the dance area but her mom already left, Nasa didn't blame her. After showing her, seeing her freak out, and learning how to control the amount summoned (which was 5); Nasamea then apologized and they decided to spend the remainder of the day together. Her mother thought it was rather odd of her to be acting so willing but she wasn't about to say anything that could change this.

Once the day had fallen to night and her mother prepared to sleep, tucking Nasa in first like she used to, Nasamea was researching. Due to her interest for animals she had quite a lot of books stashed in her closet. She used to read them all the time, well more so looked at their pictures, but this was the first time she used them to research. She read about cockroaches but sadly it didn't go into enough detail for species and only gave her basic stuff. When she had gone through all the books she crept into her parents office and snatched the laptop. Using that, she was able to find A LOT more information online. By the time her father came home she had the laptop back in its rightful place and was already dozing off to sleep.

When dawn came, Nasamea decided to take the day to return to training. Except rather then doing target practice or working on her jutsu, Nasamea was going to train with her new summons. She felt the need to learn as much about them as possible so that when the time came and they were needed, both her and them would be ready. One thing was for sure, she needed to learn how to talk to them. Today she brought some ink and paper to see if they could write and go from there. If not, she would have to have them take her to Boss Roach to work things out. Personally she felt it was better to stay away from him though. She didn't want anyone noticing her constantly running into the village but never exiting. It would make things seem suspicious.

The scene around her unfolded into various shades of green and brown. There were numerous trees and plants of all kinds; majority of them some she seen everyday and others not. Overall, she still couldn't identify majority, if any, of them. She made note to do this in future. Actually, to study herbs. She was getting off subject AGAIN.

With each ginger step she moved deeper into the forest; her eye wary and ears listening as she made sure nobody was following her. Ever since she became closer to Shihouin, filled in for his team, and even gained a team of her own; Nasamea slacked off a bit when it came to constantly acting cautious. Her guard still remained up but she wasn't as bad as she used to be. That is, until she found out about the other Kisaki knowing she's alive. Boss Roach had told her that one Kisaki was an alley and the murderer was waiting for Nasamea to find her. But would she really allow Nasamea to grow until she was possibly a threat? If this were Nasamea, she would position her forces to where the enemy would be ambushed as soon as they left the territory. Then again, if the enemy waited for Nasa to come find her, she could easily have a plan set up to take her out. Nasamea was taught that it was honorable to fight one on one in a Kisaki fight and not include members, Bokuhi, etc. Just because she thought this though didn't mean the other did.

Setting her worries and thoughts aside, Nasamea focused on her plans for the day. She had arrived at her training destination. It was a quiet area, despite some birds, and the trees were neatly packed together. There was some density to the area, perfect to keep her covered on her opinion. She listened around once more for anything before soon removing the new summoning scroll from her pouch. It was a smaller version of the large one Boss Roach possessed. This one was more travel friendly and easier to hide. Boss Roach had it in storage and delivered it to her sometime last night when she was asleep.

Nasamea bit her thumb and quickly made the hand signs as she placed her hand on the ground; her eyes closing. Symbols spread out around her hand before she quickly lifted and opened her eyes. A poof of smoke appeared and soon so did 45 roaches. Sure, she had not quite been able to summon 50 but summoning 45 just like that was a good start. She had been working on summoning only 5 at a time, then 10, then 20, etc at home. She was working on control and so far that control training had proved to be worth it; of course. Anyway, as they all stood in a clump they turned their attention to her, made noises at each other, and even scurried around in a circle for a bit.

"Okay, pay attention" she told them. They immediately got their acts together and listened as they stood at attention. It was kind of odd but again, what wasn't in her life.

Nasamea soon crouched down before them to get slightly on even ground. She placed the paper and ink before them, opening the cartridge for them to use as she gazed at them. A few of them seemed to turn their bodies towards it, obviously wondering what the heck the paper and ink was for.

"If it wasn't obvious enough, the only roaches I can understand is Boss Roach and the other two giants. The female that carried me and the one who seemed to lead them, Im pretty sure you know who I mean. Anyway... I was wondering, how exactly do you guys speak. What is it that you do when trying to communicate to humans? I put this paper and ink here so you guys could talk to me. Please use english, it's the only language i'm fluent in..."

The roaches then made noises at each other before three moved forward and tapped their little feet on the ink pad. They then squeaked at each other in their cockroach language before they climbed onto the paper and began to make letters. They continued to communicate to one another in their roach fashion before soon enough they created a written message. It was a bit sloppy here and there from them walking off the paper but it was clear enough for her to read.

"Morse Code..." she said, reading it to herself before glancing over at them. One made a squeak sound and tapped its foot, making Nasamea tilt her head a bit in confusion. She then sighed and motioned at the paper.

"I don't know how to speak in Morse Code, what do you all suggest? Should I talk to Boss Roach?"

One moved this time, the one that had tapped its foot and squeaked. It tapped the ink and wrote "yes or the three megas". She tilted her head a bit again, "are the three megas the giant three I saw that stood near him?" The roach squeaked and nodded and so Nasamea made a thoughtful face. This morse code training would be something she would have to do later or some other time but for now she wanted to move on with the training. She believed the roaches sensed this fact to because they soon moved back into as assembled positions as she stood.

Nasamea soon removed another scroll from her pocket as she opened it and looked it over. This one looked rather old merely because this scroll was one made a long time ago that had been used over the years by other roach users. Apparently this was the second one made, that the first was difficult to read and thus destroyed later. Boss Roach made this for users to train roach jutsu with. Every roach summoner could possess these jutsu through training. They only appeared when the user was ready to. It was interesting. The jutsu themselves though were known as "Formations" rather than jutsu merely because not all took chakra or used the summoners chakra; only the roaches. Nasamea knew she was carrying something special on her.
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Training with Roaches [Solo] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Training with Roaches [Solo]   Training with Roaches [Solo] I_icon_minitimeFri Aug 27, 2010 12:36 am

Chi Hitotsu Sakkaku (Thousand to One Illusion):

Nasamea gazed over the first formation. She read the description it provided and studied the picture a bit before her eyes soon returned to the roaches. As she rolled up the scroll and put it back into her pocket, she began to speak again.

”Okay, since I really don’t know how to speak to any of you I will try my best to look for any signs that you are exhausted or don’t want to do the jutsu anymore, whatever. One day though I’ll get better, I promise,” she said with a smile. The roaches made squeaking sounds and beat their wings super fast as though expressing happiness before soon they all calmed down again and waited for her to speak again.

”Okay, well then let’s start learning together shall we. From here on we will be training some jutsu, or formations as they’re called. I’m pretty sure you guys have done all this before but now you’ll be learning with my chakra instead. When I learn morse code we can work on this again so that you know what ques to look for. First is the Chi Hitotsu Sakkaku (Thousand to One Illusion) formation. This is where you each use the basic cone jutsu to create illusions of yourselves and make it look like there are more of you then what there really is. It’s a way to scare the opponent. If you’re ready, let’s see it.”

The roaches made more squeaking sounds before they each separated themselves from one another. Suddenly more roaches began to appear as their numbers went from 45 to 90 and then 180 to roughly 200 something. She was starting to lose count.

”Okay good. Now it’s just a matter of all of you moving in formation together without the clones hitting each other and disappearing. Get the idea? Please move from your spots to the tree behind me and then move back. If you’re ready… Go.”

The roaches soon moved forward, making sure that their clones didn’t touch another as they moved in a sort of formation like a marching band from their positions to the tree behind her. It was at least 5 meters away. They then turned around and moved back, still being cautious. So far, there weren’t any casualties. These roaches were good. Nasamea clapped one, ”excellent work. That’s the basic Thousand to one formation but there’s another step to this. Since you each are D ranked I’m pretty sure you guys do not know the Amplified Sound technique yes?”

Some of the roaches nodded and thus she shrugged, ”then that’s fine. There’s another way to make noise. Now, the next step to there is scattering yourselves around the area and then once you have scattered all around this open area you will proceed to beat your wings and make sounds. This works better if you keep your clones, just make sure they don’t touch eac other of course. Or just make more when you’re in your spot. That’s the best way to do this actually. Now go and make sounds when I lower my hand.”

She then raised her arm up as the roaches scattered into the trees and vanished. Most of them destroyed their clones but once they were up in the trees they made more whether Nasa knew it or not. Soon they were scattered all around the area. Nasamea heard everything grow super still again as she listened extremely hard. This was definitely challenging her senses for she had to strain her ears to hear even the slightest sound. Even then she believed she was probably imagining them and thus was counting in her head. Once she thought that roughly a minute passed she then put down her hand. It was then the sounds began.

From all around Nasamea heard them beating their wings and making squeak like sounds. It was how they talked to one another but since they didn’t have that ‘Amplified Sound’ technique they sounded weak. This was to be expected though. Someone needed good senses to hear them over the wind and through the leaves but for now, this was good. As long as they had the basic idea and Nasamea knew what they could do that was fine for now.

Nasamea soon raised her hand again and thus they stopped. At least they understood her motions. She wouldn’t use this obvious sign in battle though she would need another way, preferably morse code, to signal to them what to do.
[749 Words]

Last edited by Nasamea on Fri Aug 27, 2010 12:43 am; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: Training with Roaches [Solo]   Training with Roaches [Solo] I_icon_minitimeFri Aug 27, 2010 12:37 am

Kenkou Senro (Sound Tracking):

”Okay, well done each of you. Now all of you just stay where you and keep your clones if you want to. This next one requires you to hide as well. Remember, a lot of these jutsu want us to have the element of surprise. Anyway, this jutsu is a way for you all to tell me and each other where the opponent is. It’s called Sound Tracking. Basically, you all are out there scattered around and when you see the opponent walk by your area you start making as much sound as you can. In a few, I will make a clone and then have that clone run off into the area. I then want you guys to make as much noise as possible to tell me where my clone is. Now the clone will hopefully not be obvious when moving about so look hard and make sure to keep yourselves hidden.”

After Nasamea finished speaking she then formed a seal and created a basic clone beside her. She then raised her hand and motioned for the clone to go hide. The clone ran off into the forest. Nasamea wasn’t sure where the clone was but its motive was to hide and move around, that was all. Nasamea continued to hold her hand up and as soon as she counted to 30 seconds she dropped it. Soon enough she began to hear sounds erupt in the forest. It started with minor sounds and soon it became more apparent as the sounds moved closer to her until finally the clone was right back out into the open again.

The real Nasamea had been standing with her arms crossed, a satisfied look on her face when the clone returned into the open and the roaches stopped. Soon enough she motioned for the clone to move to the right and then back out. The clone went as told. Once she breached into the forest she heard roaches made squeaking sounds as they beat their wings. Soon enough the clone came out once more and thus was destroyed. Nasamea nodded and lifted her hand.
[353 Words]

Last edited by Nasamea on Fri Aug 27, 2010 12:48 am; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: Training with Roaches [Solo]   Training with Roaches [Solo] I_icon_minitimeFri Aug 27, 2010 12:38 am

Muragaru (Swarm):

”Okay,” Nasamea began, ”now this is one that we are going to need to get a signal for too. For this one, your goals are to pretty much surround the target or swarm them. All of you stay hiding, I will make a clone, and when I yell…hmm.. Con. Then I want you all to swarm all around that clone to where the clone would freak out. Basic technique right?”

She chuckled a bit before she motioned a sign again and created another E clone. She could have easily kept the first but it’s duties were done and thus it was destroyed. It was fine though. The only thing that was taking up chakra was the summoning and at the moment they weren’t actually using any chakra for jutsu. They were all using their natural abilities to form these formations. It was the other jutsu, like the wall technique and what not that would take some chakra merely because it was her way of enforcing the wall.

While the clone took its position Nasamea walked over towards it and around it, pretending as though she were sizing it up and about to attack. She could sense the cockroaches waiting in anticipation for the call. Then, without warning, she yelled out “CON!”

From all around the wings of the roaches began to create a faint hum before they zipped out of the forest from all around and honed in on the clone. They quickly began to surround the clone as they flew all around it. Some tried to land but thus the clone was destroyed. Once it was they then zoomed around in the air for a bit, squeaking orders or something, before they landed in front of Nasamea. They made some more squeaking sounds before Nasamea made a ‘shh’ sound, telling them to quiet down. They obeyed and Nasamea nodded, ”very good. We can practice on some real people later or in battle. That way they wouldn’t know you guys were coming. You all know how useful an E rank kind of is sometimes for this sort of training. Especially for someone who’s used to you all like I am now, now then, let’s move on shall we?”

The cockroaches made some squeaking sounds in response; they were ready.
[379 Words]

Last edited by Nasamea on Fri Aug 27, 2010 12:48 am; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: Training with Roaches [Solo]   Training with Roaches [Solo] I_icon_minitimeFri Aug 27, 2010 12:38 am

Tobikomi Bakudan (Dive Bomb):

One thing that was good about training was how one technique, or formation, tended to lead to another. This technique was sort of something that could be placed in another. She opened the scroll and looked it over, gazing through the techniques before her eyes settled on a formation that would go well with the swarm attack; the dive bomb attack. This would be easy to do.

”All right, settle down” she said to the cockroaches, rolling up the scroll and pocketing it while they all squeaked at one another and apparently held a mini wrestling tournament. It didn’t take THAT long for her to look through the scroll but apparently they were already bored. It was like training a bunch of mini children. At least that’s the impressed she got. She crossed her arms.

”Okay, next is a formation that could easily go with the swarm tech. It’s called Dive Bomb, I’m pretty sure you guys know how to dive bomb something so yeah. Practice on the clone and just remember, eventually I’ll have appropriate signals and stuff to give to you guys. We’ll work more on this later.”

With that said she made another E clone that stood with its arms crossed, mimicking her. Nasamea then yelled ‘CON!’ again as they started to swarm the clone. She then shouted for them to dive bomb and thus moved like a team. Some continued to swarm while a few others began to peel up then in, dive bombing the clone and thus destroying it. They continued to move in a circle around where the clone was before they all got to dive bomb, or so she thought, then they returned back to Nasamea and landed in front of her. They then returned to their straight horizontal and vertical lines as they waited for their next order. She was ready for them to go back to do a mini wrestling match, it humored her. But all well.
”Very good,” Nasamea said, a smirk like smile on her face.

[337 Words]

Last edited by Nasamea on Fri Aug 27, 2010 12:49 am; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: Training with Roaches [Solo]   Training with Roaches [Solo] I_icon_minitimeFri Aug 27, 2010 12:39 am

Mushi Kabe (Insect Wall):

”Okay, looks like we only have three more techniques left. At least from what I see anyway. Odd scroll… Anyway this next one will take some of your effort and my chakra so let’s try to get it right the first time or two. Basically this next one is known as the Insect Wall. Basically it’s a defense technique where you all form a wall before me to protect me from small weapons or other attacks. You all feel up to the challenge?”

They each made squeak like sounds and buzzed their wings again. So far she noticed that this meant yes or that they were excited about something. She was actually glad they were ready due to the fact she was originally a bit nervous that these roaches didn’t care much for her. That would suck, owning an uncaring summoning despite how much appreciation the leader showed. These roaches seemed rready for anything, especially protecting her. This put a smile on her face She absolutely loved them now.

”Okay each of you. Let’s say that someone is about to throw a kunai at my chest, you have less than a second to help me. Ready, GO!”

They immediately sprang forth and made a wall before her chest. They stayed roughly a foot or so away from her as they did. This needed some work and so they did it again. The second time they seemed to have this down, causing Nasamea to nod. At the moment it was hard to tell if the wall would really work on not merely because nobody was actually attacking. She would need a training buddy or would have to practice this when sparring someone; like Shihouin. At the moment, she had a lot of pranks in mind for him with these roaches. Back to training though; after they practice a second time the roaches soon returned to their lines before her again. She clapped a few times, ”very well done. I’m sure this next one will be easy especially after you all figured out the technique that fast. I mean it’s pretty simple stuff right?”
[352 Words]

They each fluttered their wings and squeaked again, obviously agreeing. She began to love these little creatures almost like family. It was like they all had their own personality but all were rather humorous.

Last edited by Nasamea on Fri Aug 27, 2010 12:49 am; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: Training with Roaches [Solo]   Training with Roaches [Solo] I_icon_minitimeFri Aug 27, 2010 12:39 am

Mushi Yoroi (Insect Armor):

Now that they got the Insect Wall technique out of the way this next one was a bit easier. Of course its easiness would grow if they had more numbers but at the moment she would just have to deal with working with 45 roaches. She couldn’t wait until she was stronger though and could possess more. She was excited about meeting them all, no doubt about that.

”Okay, are each of you ready?”

They all beat their wings and squeaked again.

”I take that as a yes” she said with a chuckle before her face returned to its semi serious look. She crossed her arms again, ”okay next is a formation much like the insect wall except this time you guys are literally on me. Your duties are to protect me again like a suit of armor. With the insect wall and this move it would be better if you each had the hardening technique but its fine without it. Anyway, when using this you all usually just hold on to me as I fight or whatever. I’m sorry I have to ask this of all of you honestly, I don’t want you al getting hurt. I have regeneration ability so if there is ever a time you all feel that you don’t need to protect me its fine. Now then, let’s do this shall we?”

With that said she then beckoned them to come and thus the roaches took flight yet again and leaped at her grabbing her clothes or climbing up her legs to surround her like armor. Majority of them surrounded her chest, stomach, and especially back. These were the places to watch out for the most since that’s where all her vitals were. Another was her neck, a place they soon began to surround as well. Once the roaches all stopped moving and gripped her she nodded. Just like the other jutsu she didn’t feel the need to surround them with her chakra just yet, not until they actually were fighting in battle. By then they would need to do all of this stuff almost instantly.

”Very good, you all can get off now.”

They made some squeak sounds as they all shuffled off of her and scurried across the ground, or flew, back to their spots. They then each formed back into their lines and waited for their next order.
[396 Words]

Last edited by Nasamea on Fri Aug 27, 2010 12:50 am; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: Training with Roaches [Solo]   Training with Roaches [Solo] I_icon_minitimeFri Aug 27, 2010 12:40 am

Kanbi Kaori (Sweet Scent):
The roaches assembled into their military like fashion as they waited for their next duty from Nasamea. She however was currently busy elsewhere, her eyes taking to the sky as she gazed at it through the trees around them. The canopy provided some openings but overall it was a bit difficult to see. At the moment it appeared to be some time after the afternoon hours already. Time was definitely flying by. Nasamea was probably out in the forest for at leat half a day now and already she was planning on going to see Boss Roach after to practice morse code. With one jutsu left, one that called upon the certain type of roaches abilities, Nasamea and these roaches were almost done. They barely even did much, she liked these jutsu. Now she just needed to grow stronger and learn how to use more roaches. Things would be so much better after learning morse code to. Once she could communicate with them, her belief was that anything was possible.

”Okay so, his next one calls for a certain species of roach. I’m not entirely sure who’s who here just yet… I promise I’ll work on it… but if we have any Konoha Woods Cockroaches could you guys please huddle up over here to the right of the group now.”

Nasamea waited as about 10 moved out from the rest of the group, forming their military lines beside what Nasamea knew was the Konoha Cockroach. It was the most well known roach in Konoha, Nasa knew that for sure. These next to them though were kind of rare unless one were to go into the woods; duh.

She gazed over both, studying them and seeing how they were different. She then committed this to memory before she turned to the Konoha Cokroaches.

”Okay, you guys are free to go I just need these over here now. Thank you for your hard work and I will see you guys some other time.”

They made some squeaking sounds and beat their wings before Nasamea de-summoned them. She then turned to the 10 wood roaches and smiled, “”all right let’s do this. The next ability is one that is just for you guys and only you guys. I hope you guys feel a little special because of it. Anyway, I am sure you each know that you are able to release a special scent. The next formation is basically for you to release this scent all around the opponent to confuse them. This can also be used for the rest of us to track you if one of you had the opportunity to be placed on a moving target. After you release the scent and stuff then we’ll be done all together, okay?’

This group was a little quieter than the Konoha roaches. These fluttered their wings a bit and made very light squeak like sounds. It was time.

Nasamea motioned for each of them to make the scent and soon the area smelled kind of tangy sweet. It was a very odd smell, something she couldn’t exactly figure out but was committing to memory for later use. It was very weird indeed. Nasamea told them they could stop though. Whether they did or now, she wasn’t sure, but then again this may have been a good thing.
[211 Words]

Last edited by Nasamea on Fri Aug 27, 2010 12:50 am; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: Training with Roaches [Solo]   Training with Roaches [Solo] I_icon_minitimeFri Aug 27, 2010 12:40 am

After that was all said and done, Nasamea let out a sigh before she sat down in front of them. She crossed her legs and the roaches soon climbed on to them, tickling her as they sat on top and waited. She giggled a bit as she looked at them.

”Verygood, we’re all done now. There is one final favor I would like to ask though. I am about to de-summon you all, could one of you tell Boss Roach to summon me there so that I may talk to him about something. I would like to learn Morse Code whether it be her that teaches me or one of the other three megas that were there okay?”

They fluttered their wings and squeaked happily, causing her to giggle as she nodded.

”Very well then, thank you very much. You guys did good today, just like the rest. Now it’s time for you to do just that. Please, don’t forget to tell him. I’m counting on you guys.”

They made some squeak sounds again before she de-summoned them and sighed. She lied back onto the dirt, a smile on her face as she gazed up through the canopy and at the sky above. She soaked in the moment while she could; resting and gathering back some chakra while she had the chance. Soon enough she knew she would be mind boggled by the morse code thing. She would need some sort of communication technique whether it was through code or other sounds, as long as it wasn’t hand motions.

Before her mind had the chance to wonder again, her eyes closing, she then disappeared in a poof of smoke. Soon enough she would be with Boss Roach and the other roaches and it was there where she would practice morse code and communication skills. She knew that by the time she was done with this, it would probably be dark before she returned home. One thing was for sure, she enjoyed a good training session and couldn’t wait o learn as much as she could about these roaches.

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Training with Roaches [Solo] I_icon_minitimeSun Oct 30, 2011 11:13 pm by youshiyinianla

» Oakland police action unnerves some protesters
Training with Roaches [Solo] I_icon_minitimeWed Oct 26, 2011 11:53 pm by zhendeainia

» Ump admits he blew call in game three
Training with Roaches [Solo] I_icon_minitimeMon Oct 24, 2011 12:35 am by weishinia

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