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Birth of a New Element [Private] Shauntaystaffimgf
Happy New Year:

Year: 0638

Month: 1

Season: Winter
Your weekly weather report:
For the week of:
January 16th to January 22nd

Konoha: Snow Storm

Tea: Snow Storm

River: Snow Storm


Taki: Snow

Wave: Snow

Suna: Windy


Bird: Windy

Kiri: Snow Storm (40% visibility)



Kumo: Snow Storm


 Birth of a New Element [Private]

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Birth of a New Element [Private] Empty
PostSubject: Birth of a New Element [Private]   Birth of a New Element [Private] I_icon_minitimeSat Nov 06, 2010 6:58 pm


Nasamea sat in the center of a melted circle of snow. Her hands were questionably burnt and the familiar ancient black markings surrounded her like a curse. Once again she was out in her usual training area doing precisely what the place was designated for and leaving herself out of breath. She had been working on her Taijutsu skill by utilizing the Hell Fist technique. Scattered around her melted circle were multiple smaller circles from her hands and feet. She was trying to increase her speed and strength when fighting as a human. She changed to and fro earlier which also sapped some chakra but not enough to make her unable to walk. Mostly, she was trying to use her form to increase her abilities while still remaining as a human. So far it was going mediocre. She tested it by punching a tree, her fist burning a minor hole into it. She needed more work.

From the trees nearby she heard a minor snap which quickly pulled her attention from the soaked grass to a form in the trees. Her eyes narrowed as her lips came up in a snarl while she panted. Soon the figure came out though and her angry expressions faded. It was Shi. She pushed herself up from her hands and knees and to where she sat Japanese style before she pushed herself to her feet.

"Welcome back, how did the mission go?"

He gave a bit of a smirk, "fairly well and accomplished. I see you've been training.."

She grinned slightly and nodded. Her face was covered in a bit of dirt and she still seemed a bit tired, "yeah a bit. Just working on some Taijutsu tactics with the Hell Fist....Would you like to join?"

"Actually, there's something important that you be aware of," he began, causing both of their expressions to fade into serious ones. He had her full attention now. By the look on his face things seemed a bit.. bad.

"Have you heard of the recent movement of troops heading towards Konoha?"

She shook her head.

"There have been sightings of roughly maybe over 30,000 or so heading out way. The people who sighted them weren't able to really count them all so who knows how many more are coming. It's believed they will arrive very soon... Which is why I am here."

She titled her head slightly as he came towards her. He pushed his feet through the snow as he dug around in his pouch for something; breaking the 5 meter distance between them. He then took out a piece of paper and held it out to her to take. She blinked once as she held t in her hand. She was a bit confused.

"Rather than training with you I am going to teach you. We don't have much time left before the troops arrive and you and I are going to jump in with the others to take them out before they destroy Konoha."

She nodded, still waiting for an explanation about the paper.

"Place it in one palm and focus chakra into it to see what happens."

Although a bit skeptical as to what putting chakra into paper may do she did so anyway. This sheet, which took the shape of an exploding tag, didn't seem normal so it was also worth a shot. She began to do as he said, focusing chakra into the paper and watching it. Suddenly, the odd sheet crumbled to dust and blew away in the wind. She blinked once and looked at Shi with a worried expression that could only say "I didn't do it I swear".

A faint sort of smirk then began to appear on his face again before he crossed her arms, "know what that means?"

She shook her head.

"That little piece of paper was special. By applying chakra you can see what your secondary element it and you're in luck, ours is the same."

With that said he gazed around for a moment before he turned towards his right and beckoned her to follow. She did as directed, still a bit curious about the whole ordeal, and together they walked over to a large boulder placed beneath the base of one of the conifers. From its appearance she believed it was a spruce. But this wasn't important at the moment. It appeared she now had a new element she was most likely going to start working with. Why else would Shi direct her to a boulder after testing her with that slip of paper? She assumed he picked it up from his past sensei or maybe some other kind Jounin. Who knew and right now who cared.

"From this point on we are dedicating this time to focus more on your new element. No more fire, block that out. Anything until I say otherwise will be all about Doton, or earth, chakra... Since you also have Katon it won't be as easy as learning how to control your first element. Trust me on this, but you're going to learn."

Once again she nodded before he brushed the snow off with his arm and patted the rock, "this will be your first test. You're going to break this rock straight in half by utilizing Doton chakra. You're going to need to tap into your source like you do with fire. The rest is for you to figure out..."

A determined look flashed across her face, making her appear a tad bit angry, before he stepped away from the rock and leaped into the conifer above. He took a seat on the branch and that was where he would wait until Nasamea managed to figure out how to break the rock. Truth was, he would probably be waiting for quite a long time....
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Birth of a New Element [Private] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Birth of a New Element [Private]   Birth of a New Element [Private] I_icon_minitimeFri Nov 12, 2010 9:32 pm

Truth was she wasn't sure where to start. Nasamea observed the rock from all angles she could see before she peered up at Shi. He was sitting casually in a tree with his arms crossed and back against the trunk. One leg dangled over while the other remained propped. He was resting in the shadow of the canopy, causing his onyx eyes to only become darker. She gave a bit of a nervous smile before she peered at the rock again and took a quick breath. She huffed which caused her rib cage to fall dramatically as she took on a determined look. She thought about shaping her chakra to a fine point which would allow her to work on her chakra control but even then what were the odds of her doing so. She then thought of making her own chakra like that of a rock, hard and sturdy. It was the same concept of making her chakra burn freely like fire. Although it didn't always burn it moved freely but together as a unit. She felt her chakra shape into fire all the time. maybe she could feel it shape into earth?

Leaving out the feeling of fire Nasamea fell into a very calm and focused state of mind as she closed her eyes. She hooked her hands together to focus as she felt for her inner core. At first she though of fire and after maybe a minute she felt the inner burn within her soul. Her inner flame as she called it. Then, she took that flame and began to imagine it as a rock. She imagined the boulder in her mind as she tried shaping her chakra into it. She wished to make her chakra strong and sturdy. She focused as hard as she could and soon began to lose her sense of time. Even her internal clock was a bit shaky. She focused more, feeling the chakra grow strong and loosing its fiery essence. Then she tried her assault.

She imagined this inner strength and sturdiness to travel down her arm and into her hand while she opened her eyes. Next she focused on the rock and continued trying to keep a grip on her chakra before she casted her hand out and hit the side of an open hand against the rock. She imagined her chakra piercing through and going into the rock as it caused a crack. Thus the rock would shatter. However nothing happened. She paused for a good 30 seconds before a sigh of disappointment escaped her and she stepped back again. She could have sworn she felt her chakra extend forth and into the rock.

She then began to assume maybe she needed to try harder when it came to syncing with the rock and her chakra; making them more similar. She felt a bit of the fire like essence in her hit so maybe that was why the rock didn't crack besides inexperience with her second element. Her first must have been getting in the way. Well, Shi was right, the second was always the hardest. What about the third? Seeing as how thinking about the third was to far into the future, Nasamea brushed the thoughts aside to focus on her second: Earth.

Once again Nasamea was back to where she was. She let out a sigh to clear her thoughts and focus on her chakra flow again. She knew by then this may take hours and even possibly days to complete. Once she had the basic idea though Shi's work was mostly done. Nasamea felt for her inner core again. She tried focusing and forming her chakra into something like the rock would be. Then, she tried to shape it down her arm and into her hand. When Nasa opened her eyes, she tried shaping her chakra into that of a sword, her hand creating the tip of the blade, and attacked the rock once more. She tried extending her chakra into the rock and cause it to crack but once again, nothing.

She then stepped back as she examined the rock once more and searched for any signs of cracks. Nothing. Was her style not what she needed to do? Maybe she needed to use brute force. Not everyone used brute force though. But then again those people seemed to possess more control too. Maybe shape her chakra into a sort of paint AND use brute force whil extending it into the rock? This seemed more reasonable. However, as she prepared for another go, something soon came up. With a sigh Nasamea stopped then facepalmed.

"Shi, this will have to wait. I have to go. Im sorry about this and thank you vry much. I'll learn then as soon as possible after I take care of family matters. Thank you for helping"

Being polite she bowed and gave him a sorry look before turning tail and starting to head off into the woods. Army or not she had some family matters to attend to and if she didn't help she may not have even been allowed outside to even fight for the sake of the village. She of course would have sneaked out but she made a promise to help her mom. Besides, at least she had a better idea of how to approach the rock. All training did count after all.
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