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Farmer's Burden: Part 2 [Mission/Solo] Shauntaystaffimgf
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 Farmer's Burden: Part 2 [Mission/Solo]

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Farmer's Burden: Part 2 [Mission/Solo] Empty
PostSubject: Farmer's Burden: Part 2 [Mission/Solo]   Farmer's Burden: Part 2 [Mission/Solo] I_icon_minitimeSun Nov 28, 2010 5:27 pm

Note: I'm posting this due to my topic with Wind being temporarily frozen (since her chara was unapproved)


The dawn of a new day came fast as the blazing star’s close cousin quickly hide behind the earth to cast its light on a new realm. While this part of the land was awake and preparing for work the other side was getting ready for sleep and relaxation; unless they worked 3rd shift anyway. The living raised quickly, their daily lives beginning once more as they changed out of their boxers and purple night gowns and into something actually decent. Next they would move about their homes preparing food, grabbing their suitcase for work, or just moving to the couch to lay down once more. Amongst these individuals there were also the ninja; their positions switching as some prepared to sleep and others were ready for an assault. One particular ninja was also following a routine. She woke up, showered, got dressed, and was soon out the door like she was every morning. She was ready to take on any adventures that came her way yet again.

In her agenda today the word Mission was written in bright red writing, in bold letters, typed as 48 font, and then underlined just for more effect. Nasamea had been dying to go on a mission for quite a long time. She had to admit that she was basically a mission Nazi. She had to keep doing them over and over for she had a large goal that she needed to accomplish. Aside from the fact she wished to grow stronger than Shi, the two of them also seemed to have a rivalry of sorts. She needed to rank before him. He kept beating her. Most of all she wished to get into ANBU first. Was it technically right of her to do so, considering he was the person who first thought of doing so and inspired her, maybe… maybe not. No matter, she would get there first even if it meant she had to take on 5 missions all at once and use ten clones. Sure, she may pass out in the middle of the city afterwards. But she would get rewards in the end!
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Farmer's Burden: Part 2 [Mission/Solo] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Farmer's Burden: Part 2 [Mission/Solo]   Farmer's Burden: Part 2 [Mission/Solo] I_icon_minitimeSun Nov 28, 2010 5:28 pm

Upon arriving at the Mission Providing Center, Nasamea entered with her head held high and the usually look of determination on her face. She was greeted almost immediately and they simply guided her into the examination room where they took their ninja, searched for appropriate missions, and sent them on their way. Nasamea had harassed the staff in this place so much, and arrived at practically the same time in the morning every day anyway, that they knew precisely what she wanted. She followed a rather thin female down a long hallway, past numerous offices, and into a large dome like room. Inside sat an elderly lady with black dyed hair and a blue flower pattern shirt. This woman was basically Nasamea’s special provider. She was the only one who could seem to compromise with Nasa so that Nasa calmed down and the rest of the staff didn’t end up stressed out. She had to admit, she was a problem child.

”Well hello Nasamea, long time no see. What rank would you like today? There’s plenty of C ranks to go around.”

Nasamea put on a thoughtful look, her right hand raising up and placed beneath her chin as she peered up at the ceiling. She held the pose for a moment before she then peered back down at the elder with a smirk on her face.

”C sounds good. Anything’s better than nothing right?”

The elder nodded, ”very well then. Let me see…… Oh! Remember that Farmer you helped a while back?” Nasamea nodded. ”Well he needs help again and this time it involves Chicken. Are you a fan of eggs?”

Nasamea caught on to the hint fairly well. Eggs, Chickens; it could only mean she was collecting eggs from these birds. She wondered what else the mission involved. No matter, a mission was a mission and since she actually had a thing for farm animals; she was up to doing the job.

”Count me in. When can I start?”

”Now sounds good if you’re ready,” of course she was, “here are the details….”

She started to sign her name on the slip, stating Nasamea was taking on the task before she beckoned Nasa over. Nasa was quick due to being giddy about getting a new mission. Once the details were received and the both gave a farewell to one another; Nasamea would be off on a new mission.
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Farmer's Burden: Part 2 [Mission/Solo] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Farmer's Burden: Part 2 [Mission/Solo]   Farmer's Burden: Part 2 [Mission/Solo] I_icon_minitimeSun Nov 28, 2010 5:28 pm

It was 7:45am when Nasamea arrived to the farm. She had traveled here once before with Mitsu to perform a task which involved them spraying pesticides on crops and grooming animals and last time the Farmer even asked that they come back to help him again. Well, even though Mitsu wasn’t with her, she was sure the farmer would remember her and be rather excited. Maybe this was thinking conceitedly but she had to admit they did a rather good job on her opinion. The farmer gave good reviews too. The mission provider found her a job rather fast; she had to have already had this one prepared ahead of time.

When Nasamea stepped up onto the creaky stairs of the wooden porch, she peered at the door and listened around. The place was rather silent except for the faint hum of old western music inside and the careless whisper of the wind. Every once and a while she would even hear the sound of a cow bellowing or a rooster crowing as well but their voices seemed like rare treasure amongst the sound of the wind. Nasamea crossed the porch to the white wooden door where she proceeded to knock. She immediately heard an old man yell, ”Coming!” and instantly knew she was in the right place. She knew already but the voice only confirmed it even more. She waited patiently.

The moment the door opened her excitement jumped and it seemed his had as well. He went from an average cheerful smile to an ear to ear grin before he clasped his hands before him as though he were about to clap. It seemed like something a woman would do…

”Long time no see. I have been waiting for the two of you to arrive and help more! But…wait…where’s your friend?”

Nasamea grinned slightly as she shifted her feet a bit. Her posture revealed that she felt slightly awkward to his overreaction.

”I decided to do a mission by myself today. I am sure he is busy with training and such anyway. He was just placed in a new Genin team after all. Maybe him and I will come around next time.”

The farmer nodded, ”very well then. Shall I show you where the chicken coop is?”

”If you would be so kind” she said with a chuckle.
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Farmer's Burden: Part 2 [Mission/Solo] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Farmer's Burden: Part 2 [Mission/Solo]   Farmer's Burden: Part 2 [Mission/Solo] I_icon_minitimeSun Nov 28, 2010 5:29 pm

This old guy was pretty amusing and yet seemed a bit crazier than last time. Nasamea was convinced that he was drunk or on drugs. He seemed so calm and depressed last time because of his family. That had to be it; Alcohol.

The old man and Nasa moved to an area behind the barn that consisted of six chicken coops. She had read on her way here that she needed to collect eggs from all five coops. She could hear, and smell, the hens and roosters flocking about inside as they chirped at one another. She even saw feathers fly out occasionally. The old man stopped just before they went any further and sighed; their positions between the coops and barn.

”Well there are two jobs. Collecting eggs and feeding the chickens and then harvesting corn and storing it in the Silo. Which would you like to do first?”

A smirk then crossed Nasamea’s face, ”how about both? If you show me where the feed and buckets are for the eggs I can get started there while you….”

Nasamea’s voice trailed off as she stopped talking and began to motion hand signs. Beside her appeared three clones. One would help her with the chickens and then the other two would work on the harvesting and such.

”Help these two with the tractor and such.”

The farmer crossed his arms and nodded before he let out a deep bellow of a laugh.

”Well well, nice thinking. Maybe I should become a ninja. Then again what missions would you guys have to do then?” he chuckled before he beckoned her to follow him. She motioned for the two clones to stay put while her and her helper followed.

Together the two of them walked into a small shed located in the center of all six coops. When they walked past two coops on their way to the shed the farmer had unlatched a door in front; allowing the chickens to pile out from the coops into a wire fenced pin. They seemed to flutter about as they began pecking the ground in search of food and such. Inside the wire fences were two containers with fragments of grain around them. Already Nasamea began to assume that was where the grain went.
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PostSubject: Re: Farmer's Burden: Part 2 [Mission/Solo]   Farmer's Burden: Part 2 [Mission/Solo] I_icon_minitimeSun Nov 28, 2010 5:29 pm

The shed came to them in a pale white form. It was small, not that clean, and rather disorganized. It was obvious he had not had much time to clean the thing or else he was just too lazy to. This farmer didn’t seem to be the lazy type though. He did have so many animals and a ton of land after all! She wondered if maybe his house was disorganized as well but personally didn’t wish to find out.

The farmer unlocked the door of the shed and pushed it upon, causing its once golden hinges to creak as it did. He then took a large step, what seemed like a foot up, into the shed and ducked his head. It was a rather small door way and one would have to bend to avoid the cob webs and a concussion. She hoped she wouldn’t have to be inside it that much.

Anyway, once the farmer was inside he then walked over to a large blue cylinder bin and turned around to Nasa and her clone. His right hand was firmly laid against it before he patted it a few times. Due to the sound it made it was obvious there was something inside.

”Ok” he began, letting out a bit of cough to clear his throat, ”in here is where all the grain is. There are two containers inside each fenced area. You are to take one of these white buckets located on my right and fill it with grain. Each container gets one buckets worth. That should be enough to feed them for the day.”

Nasamea nodded, her eyes glancing over at the white buckets. There were at least ten of them but Nasamea figured that she could probably carry one in each hand and so could the clone; unless they split jobs. This would be roughly six or three trips depending on what she decided to do.

The farmer then turned away from the bin and towards the white buckets. He picked one up and lifted it up for Nasa to take before he picked up another in his other hand. Nasamea grasped its handle as the bucket made a clank like sound before the farmer opened the bin. He took the lid off with ease and set it beside the bin before reaching down into its mysterious opening. It appeared that he had grabbed a scooper for when he took it out he dumped some grain into a bucket. One, two, three, four… Four seemed to be the magical number here. He then set it back into the bin and handed Nasa the filled bucket. She misjudged the weight and nearly dropped it but all was well and the bucket kept its organs.

”Four scoops are all you need. The empty bucket you can use to collect eggs. Once you are both done collecting then bring the eggs up to the house. I’ll leave the door unlocked so you both can just set them inside the doorway for me to get later. Use as many buckets as you like. If you seem to run out then there are more inside the barn. Sometimes these little buggers can lay. Aside from that, here’s the key to the coops,” he said, digging a small silver key on a ring from his pocket. He handed it to Nasa who pocketed it as well. The farmer nodded then smiled, ”Very well then, good day. I’ll go talk to your clones. Yell for me when everyone’s done.”

He stepped past them as he said his last sentence, his right hand waving back. Nasamea thanked him as he left before she handed the grain bucket to the clone and walked over to the bin. She took the scooper out of the bin and dumped four scoops of grain into the empty bucket before she handed this to the clone as well.

”You feed and I’ll get my hands dirty with egg collecting. The soon we get this done the sooner we can help the others with the main part of the mission.”

The clone nodded as she took the bucket and walked back outside the shed. She crossed over to the nearest coop as Nasamea herself grabbed two more empty buckets and filled those as well. She set them beside the door for the clone to take, her ears picking up on the sound of grain being dumped into the container and the chickens going crazy. The clone could fill the rest herself, now she had to collect eggs.

Grabbing two empty buckets, Nasamea soon exited the shed and head over to the nearest coop.
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Farmer's Burden: Part 2 [Mission/Solo] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Farmer's Burden: Part 2 [Mission/Solo]   Farmer's Burden: Part 2 [Mission/Solo] I_icon_minitimeSun Nov 28, 2010 5:30 pm

While the real Nasamea and a fellow clone took care of the hens, the two other clones were preparing to do the major work of the mission. The objective for today was to harvest four acres worth of corn using a columbine and then store it all inside a Silo. Nasamea had a bit of experience with the tractor but the Columbine looked like a total monster. It was huge!

The farmer met up with them where Nasa had ordered them to stay. They appeared rather bored as they waited but lucky for them the wait wasn’t to long.

”Ok you two, follow me” the farmer said, motioning for them to do as he said. The clones did as told and together the three of them entered the equipment barn. Last time Nasa was here the tractor was already prepared outside but today the Columbine was still inside. It took up half the barn by itself and made the tractor look like a midget. It was rather frightening.

The three of them walked over to the machine before the farmer began to climb up. He beckoned the two of them to follow and thus they did as told. It was a bit cramped inside the control room considering it was made for at least two people but they made room.

”I’m going to show you the basic use of it and how to harvest the corn and such. Since you did so well with the tractor last time I am sure this won’t be so hard, it’s just bigger.”

Yeah, a lot bigger.

The farmer proceeded to point out the key for her to start the machine. She pressed her foot on the break and removed the emergency break as directed first before turning the small yellow ended tool. It caused the engine to roar to life like the beast it was. The machine vibrated lightly outside as it warmed itself up. Nasamea was on edge.

Next, he showed her the basic operating gears. Basically what gear made it go at what speed, etc. With the large door to the barn already open, it’s opening a garage door fashion, the farmer directed her to drive the Columbine out of the barn, to the left, and towards the corn fields.

”They are practically right beside the beans you sprayed last time. You couldn’t miss it really. Once we get over there I will show you how to operate it to where you can harvest.”
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PostSubject: Re: Farmer's Burden: Part 2 [Mission/Solo]   Farmer's Burden: Part 2 [Mission/Solo] I_icon_minitimeSun Nov 28, 2010 5:31 pm

Back at the Chicken coops Nasamea and her clone were working deliberately. Nasamea was already in her second coop cleaning out the nests of any eggs and placing the white delicate things into her bucket. So far she managed to collect fifteen eggs from the first coop and five from the second. It was odd doing this. The eggs felt rather warm to the touch from the mother hens protectively sitting on them. A shame they would live short lives though. The more eggs Nasamea collected the more she began to feel a sort of motherly instinct kick in. It was her need to protect the small precious creatures in her bucket and make sure they stayed safe no matter what. These eggs may even be important to the farmer’s wealth as well. Who knew, as long as she got the job done and finished accurately that’s all that mattered.

While the real Nasa worked inside the coops the clone was busy outside. So far she had fed three coops already. Since the real Nasa had already prepared two more buckets of grain for the second coop all she had to do was drop the first two off and switch. Once the second was fed she then walked back into the shed and filled two more buckets, both having four scoops worth each. It was an easy task at that and now she just had three coops left. The clone crossed the dew soaked grass and walked over to her fourth coop. For each new coop she walked over to she had to open the panel to let the chickens out much like the farmer had. When the doors were opened the chickens inside would pile out much like a broken damn would allow water to freely flood out. They would then scatter themselves throughout the fenced areas, but near the food containers, for a meal to feed their bellying. ‘Nasamea’ wondered if the farmer tended to feed them sooner or later than she was at the time. Maybe she got lucky and it was around the same time.

Once ‘Nasamea’ filled the grain into these two containers inside this pen she then sighed and peered over at the sun. The large inferno burned brilliantly in the sky as its light spread across the land and began to create a light fog from the evaporating mist. It was definitely a sight to see but as soon as it came it was gone once more; the clouds beginning to take over. She had felt the warmth for maybe an instant but it appeared the clouds may break and allow her to see the big red beauty sometime in the near future. In the meantime, she had two more coops to feed.
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PostSubject: Re: Farmer's Burden: Part 2 [Mission/Solo]   Farmer's Burden: Part 2 [Mission/Solo] I_icon_minitimeSun Nov 28, 2010 5:31 pm

The Columbine had crept its way over to the corn and was now waiting to pounce. The farmer clapped a bit and commented on her minor success. This caused the two clones to grin in unison as they waited for further instructions.

”Alright… now the basic controls to operating the harvester…” he began, his hand already making its way to a lever. He pointed it out and began to speak about how it was used to bring the front part of the Columbine down. Next he explained a button that started it and another lever which was used to turn the speed of the machine up. It was all confusing sounding at first but after his five minute explanation of everything she was put to the test. This was where she would really learn how to operate.

The machine grunted as it lurched forward with the harvester roaring much louder than the machine itself. Thing was, the sound was mostly muffled from within the control room of the Columbine. It was weird. Nasamea wasn’t foolish though, she knew it had to be loud outside. While the monster ran; it sucked up all the corn, ripped it from its base and casted the corn into the back of the machine where it was store it until they moved it into the silo. Nasamea wondered if there was more to this than meets the eye. She figured she would find out later and moved on.

Once the three of them managed to go up and down the field one time the farmer was ready to leave. He approved of their work, told them to keep it up, and made his way out of the control room and towards the chicken coops to check on the other Nasamea team. Considering it was dangerous for someone to walk around such a machine while it was running, one of the Nasa’s had turned it off, but now the beast was awake once more and ready to claim its prey. Nasamea turned the Columbine around and thus prepared to go down the field once more. The other clone would just sit beside her and wait for more instructions later. There wasn’t much else for her to do anyway.
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Farmer's Burden: Part 2 [Mission/Solo] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Farmer's Burden: Part 2 [Mission/Solo]   Farmer's Burden: Part 2 [Mission/Solo] I_icon_minitimeSun Nov 28, 2010 5:31 pm

At the chicken coops the real Nasamea and her clone partner worked at a steady pace and managed to get a lot down. Four coop had their doors opened and containers filled with grain while the clone was already making its way to the last coop. While she did this the real Nasamea had managed to collect eggs from three coops and was about to make her way to the fourth. Overall she had managed to collect 15 eggs from the first coop, 20 from the second, and 17 from the third. She hoped the fourth would be just as promising. Her goal was to have two buckets worth; the first one already filled and set inside the shed for safety. The clone would guard the bucket or take it up to the house once her master was done.

When Nasamea was inside the fourth coop the farmer was making his way over to them and the clone had already finished. She placed her empty buckets inside the shed and sat down in the doorway beside the bucket of eggs. The farmer glanced over at the coops as he walked; making sure all the work was done. With a nod he soon was standing in front of the clone. To her he seemed impressed.

”You all work fast, I’m impressed. Is your other one still working?”

The clone nodded and glanced over at the fourth coop; which was creating the most noise at the moment from unhappy chickens. It was as though they were screaming not to steal their children. Which Nasamea didn’t blame them; she would yell too. That or tear off someone’s limb. The thought of her even having a child made her feel awkward so she brushed the thoughts aside.

The farmer turned his attention to where the clone was looking and noticed Nasamea finish with the fourth coop. She stepped outside and shut the door behind her, locking it back as she found it and then looked at the contents in the bucket. She had managed to gather 29 eggs; an amazing harvest on her opinion. She grinned a bit and directed herself to the last coop. She felt proud considering they were almost done.

He chuckled a bit when Nasamea had grinned, ”appears she got a good harvest. Anyway, let’s see here…” The clone’s eyes met his arm as he lifted it to peer at a watch. It was weird seeing old people have technology. She wasn’t sure why considering they had a lot of it everywhere but whatever.

”Looks like you guys still have 4 ½ hours left. If only I had a second Columbine for you guys to help your buddies. It shouldn’t take them to long though so maybe you’ll finish in the next hour or so. Just bring the eggs up to my house; I’ll be inside cleaning still. A lot of work to be done there… Ugh,” he said with a chuckle before turning away from the clone, ”Good day.”

He waved back at the clone who returned with a wave back. She then directed her attention back to the fifth coop. It was making a ruckus at the moment from Nasamea wandering through. The clone could just imagine Nasamea fighting past a sea of chickens and feathers floating anywhere. She could just imagine what it may smell like inside and soon decided she didn’t want to know. So, she simply sat and enjoyed the breeze with her eggs as she tried to find the sun once more.
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PostSubject: Re: Farmer's Burden: Part 2 [Mission/Solo]   Farmer's Burden: Part 2 [Mission/Solo] I_icon_minitimeSun Nov 28, 2010 5:32 pm

The Columbine continued to devour the corn stalks and digest them into its stomach as the two clones began to do something rather interesting. They apparently found the radio and were now jamming to what sounded like an old time upbeat love song. It was odd considering it was an old time song but they were enjoying it none the less. They even made a duet out of it as they sang out loud and acted like old friends. No, not weird at all. Just wait till all of these memories they were making traveled back to the original Nasamea. If only she knew.

So far the clones had managed to cover an acre in maybe ten minutes. They figured the other clone and Nasamea herself would be finished by then and would probably wait on them. The job machine was running smoothly, the corn was being collected, and these two got to sing. It appeared everyone was happy. That is, until the machine choked and began to slow down. The clones immediately stopped singing and turned the radio off as they looked at one another and around at the Columbine. The machine choked again and the clone who was driving guided it to a halt in the center of the corn field. The machine made more sounds before it shut off, causing the clones to panic. Had they broken it? What happened? The clone driving didn’t remember doing anything wrong but then again she was just a novice.

The passenger clone soon opened the door and stepped out. She made her way down the stairs and began to run towards the house. The farmer should know! While one clone did this the other stayed with the machine and shut it off the proper way. She pocketed the key and got out before looking around at the machine from outside. It didn’t look like anything was wrong with it. The clone sighed as she turned her attention back to the house. Hopefully they could fix the issue within the five hour time limit and still finish all of their work.
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PostSubject: Re: Farmer's Burden: Part 2 [Mission/Solo]   Farmer's Burden: Part 2 [Mission/Solo] I_icon_minitimeSun Nov 28, 2010 5:32 pm

The secondary part of this mission was practically complete when Nasamea exited the fifth coop. All were fed, all eggs were collected, and now they just needed to take the eggs up to the house. Nasamea beckoned the clone over who grabbed the full bucket and walked over to her. They then made their way to the house.

Together the two of them walked up to the porch and knocked on the door. Once again the farmer shouted that he was coming and greeted them. ”Excellent, how many did you collect?”

” 15 eggs from the first coop, 20 from the second, and 17 from the third, 29 from the fourth, and finally 16 from the fifth. All together…” she paused for a moment as she stared up at the ceiling and counted, ”97 eggs.”

”Dang, almost broke 100. All well close enough and very good work. Did any break?”

She shook her head.

”Excellent. Well, set these inside and then I can sort them into cartons later. Well done you two now you could go help… oh?”

The farmer gazed past them, causing Nasamea and her clone to turn around, and soon they saw the reason he stopped. Running up to the house was one of Nasamea’s clones and in the distance she then noticed the stopped machine. Had something gone wrong?

”Appears there may be a problem,” the farmer said nervously as he watched the clone come towards them. The clone ran as fast as she could and soon leaped onto the porch before stopping before them. She took a moment to breathe before she gazed at the farmer.

”The Columbine just randomly stopped; we don’t know what’s wrong with it. Can you help us?”

Nasamea looked at her clone then at the farmer who nodded, ”just get me over there.”

Nasamea grinned. That was an easy task to do.
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PostSubject: Re: Farmer's Burden: Part 2 [Mission/Solo]   Farmer's Burden: Part 2 [Mission/Solo] I_icon_minitimeSun Nov 28, 2010 5:33 pm

His brow marked a presence of worry at the thought of his machine failing. This unsettled Nasamea and the clones more than anything. Now Mitsu would probably look like a golden child compared to her had the thing broke. She prayed to herself, considering she wasn’t religious, that it would be fixed and that she could finish the mission in time. Little did they all know that the problem was minor and very easily fixable; which is what the farmer found out once they arrived.

”Nothing to fear, it just needs gas,” he said with a chuckle. His laughter pierced through the tension and soon caused everyone to relax. Of course now the next thing to worry about was did he have any to spare.

[color=blue]”If one of you take me back to the barn I can show you a whole container full. It wil take two of you to carry it. Silly me, I should have checked ever which is what the farmer found out once they arrived.

”Nothing to fear, it just needs gas,” he said with a chuckle. His laughter pierced through the tension and soon caused everyone to relax. Of course now the next thing to worry about was did he have any to spare.

”If one of you take me back to the barn I can show you a whole container full. It will take two of you to carry it. Silly me, I should have checked it all out before sending you out. I sincerely apologize.”

’Crazy old coot’, Nasa though as she waved a hand, ”no big. Let’s just get that fuel and hurry back.”

One clone uncomfortably loaded the farmer onto her back yet again before she, along with the real Nasa, took off towards the barn. She despised carrying him but it was the quickest means of travel and time was everything when it came to missions. Everything done had to be done with a purpose. So they rushed back, quickly grabbed the container, and returned to the Columbine before someone could say ‘Uncle’.
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PostSubject: Re: Farmer's Burden: Part 2 [Mission/Solo]   Farmer's Burden: Part 2 [Mission/Solo] I_icon_minitimeSun Nov 28, 2010 5:33 pm

The machine snarled once the fuel had been injected into its tank and the key was turned. This soon turned into a groan before finally the beast roared to life once more. Seeing that the job was done on this part, Nasamea and her clone took off to the silo to wait for her other two clones to finish. Unlike before, when they were having fun with the radio, they now sat in silence. The control room was filled with an essence of seriousness blended with tension to make the beast seem far more vicious than before. It was as though the two were trapped within its mind; only able to look out and unable to say a word for anything which escaped their fine straightened lips would simply go unnoticed.

It took another hour or so to finish the job with the corn. The beast had had its fill and was now waiting to dump its load at the Silo. The driving clone positioned the monster towards its technical bathroom where Nasamea and her other clone stood waiting. The farmer, whom had already counted and stored the eggs she had previously collected with her clone, was waiting alongside these two with the anticipation of a child on a Christmas morning. Nasamea glanced over at the old as the Columbine approached then, catching his mutual attention.

”So how do we load the corn in? Shouldn’t we get the Silo ready too?”

The farmer nodded, ”of course. If you go to the other side there is a box with a few nozzles. Push the one marked Hatch #3 and then it will be ready to fill. The Columbine will do most of the work once we prepare it. That’s something I could easily do. Then it’s up to you and your clones to put the Columbine back and I’ll award you for your labor.’

The farmer then raised his arm up to check his watch once more. The thing appeared to be digital, which on her opinion was very handy when you needed to time fast.

”Looks like you made good timing too. I said a maximum time of 5 hours in my details but it appears you have finished the job in an hour and a half. Once we’re done here it’ll probably be roughly two. Excellent. Will you be back tomorrow?”

Nasamea shrugged, ”Maybe. It kind of depends how the tides turn I suppose.”

”You ninja and your busy lives. You live like farmers,” he said before humoring himself at his own joke. Nasamea let out a nervous sort of chuckle before her attention returned to the Columbine. The machine had squeaked to a halt in front of them and beside the Silo. The driving clone set the emergency break before the other crawled past her and looked out the window, ”what do we do now!?”

To hear what the farmer had to say the driving clone turned the machine off. It let out a final roar before it hissed itself asleep, waiting to be used once more. Rather than talking though, the farmer raised a finger before he walked towards the machine and took a huge step to climb onto its ladder. He then proceeded to climb up while Nasamea’s other clone took care of the hatch.

A tick sound soon came from the Silo and was followed by a ‘ker-chunk’ noise from the hatch. Nasamea peered up then looked at the clone that now approached her with a thumb up to show it was accomplished. Nasamea nodded; her sign that she was pleased with the work. She just hoped the farmer was as well and that the clone chose the right one.

”Thanks for all your work, you can go now,” she said to herself before the clone poofed into a cloud of white smoke. All the memories it had gained flowed back into Nasamea’s mind, causing her to close her eyes for a moment as she soaked up the experience. The hens were funny when they ran over to eat. They had been tumbling over themselves and shoving as though they were small children going after one piece of candy. It reminded her of piñatas.

The Columbine suddenly roared back to life, causing Nasamea to jump from her thoughts and focus on what was before her. She really needed to fix her zoning out problem. She peered up at the machine and watched as the long arm which was extended from its center began to move. It was inserted inside the hole of the Silo then began to make a sort of continuous hissing sound. It was the corn being poured inside.

Nasamea sighed a bit and waited for this to finish up. Once they were done her clones could drive the Columbine back and then they would disappear like the first. Afterwards she could finally leave this farm behind for a second time. Maybe she would come back, maybe not. Like she had said before, it all depended where the tides took her.
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Farmer's Burden: Part 2 [Mission/Solo] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Farmer's Burden: Part 2 [Mission/Solo]   Farmer's Burden: Part 2 [Mission/Solo] I_icon_minitimeSun Nov 28, 2010 5:34 pm

The end time was 9:55am when they had finished the missing, two hours and ten minutes later. It was perfect timing. Nasamea’s clones had put the Columbine back and followed the farmer to his house. He showed her inside and over to his fridge where the eggs she had collected were resting inside; twelve to a carton. Meanwhile the clones would make their way over and meet her on the deck. She could have them disperse from there when she left.

”Well it appears you completed the tasks I asked for, well done. Now I can call in the Mission Provider and let them know. What’s your last name? It’s Nasamea right?”

”Nasamea Tsuyoshi” she said, confirming that he was right about her first name. While they talked she had been peering around his home. It smelled like Cinnamon and matched the overall look on his land; farm style furniture and décor. She had taken a fancy to his pet pig, Herbert, which she didn’t even know was inside the house until now. The thing was white with black splotches and had the personality of a friendly dog. He even snorted and wagged his little curly tail. It kind of made her want one but she knew there was no room for the thing in her apartment and her parents definitely wouldn’t agree. Besides, she couldn’t really take care of it anyway since she was gone all the time. Maybe she should persuade her family to get a cat.

While she busied herself by playing and petting Herbert, the farmer was making a phone call to the Mission Provider. She overheard him say that she did a splendid job and achieved all her tasks. She simply let out a nervous laugh again, feeling embarrassed but distracting herself once more with Herbert.

”All right, they said to head over. You’re done for the day.”

”Thank you” Nasamea said before standing up and bowing. The farmer waved her off, ”no, thank you.” Cheesy farmer, he needed to aly off the alcohol.

Nasamea said a goodbye to Herbert and slipped out the front door. The pig seemed kind of depressed that she was leaving but she had to. Such a kind pig he was. Outside, Nasamea thanked the clones and dispersed them as she headed down the porch. The memories they all gained nearly made her brain flood, especially when they were singing songs, but she got over it and head off back towards Konoha.

She hoped she achieved a good rating amongst the providers.
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