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Team 4:  Form up  (private, Team 4 only) Shauntaystaffimgf
Happy New Year:

Year: 0638

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January 16th to January 22nd

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 Team 4: Form up (private, Team 4 only)

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Team 4:  Form up  (private, Team 4 only) Empty
PostSubject: Team 4: Form up (private, Team 4 only)   Team 4:  Form up  (private, Team 4 only) I_icon_minitimeThu Jul 15, 2010 8:21 pm

The progression of life had been something worth reflecting on lately, as it seemed to be in constant flux. Typicaly she'd be enjoying her afternoon pouring over endless tomes and scrolls, organizing and catagorizing the knowledge contained within them so that the shelves of Konoha's libraries mantained their orderly and topic-segregated pattern. It was a tireless job, but one that always gave her time to scan over knowledge she'd not been privy too previously. The times, however, we changing. Instead of being clustered away in the cool confines of the library's administrative building, she was out in the middle of the forest, and waiting on new students none the less.

It was unlikely she could have stood out any more than she did if she tried. Her bright red and orange robes contrasted against the softer greens and browns of the forest around her. Even the small pond formed of a great depression in the ground seemed to taunt her with its cool calmness, and serene shade of navy blue. As the ebb and flow of nature drifts harmoniously around her, Coal stands stiff and ridgid in the center of it all. Even with the wind disturbing her hair she didn't seem like she should be there. Barefoot as ever, she suffered the constant sting of twigs, stones, and thorns. She was dressed in fine silk robes, though she didn't seem to fear for them getting torn. Oddest of all, was the slender glass she held in her hand. It was just a simple wine glass, elegant and fragile, but only helped make her seem all the more out of place in the woods.

She cups the glass lazily in her right hand as she scans around the small clearing she was in. There was a small pond that formed a small shallow circle and consumed the greater portion of the east side of the clearing. The west side of the clearing held a small tree near the water, but only sparse grass and bare soil otherwise. The scene was truely surreal, and made for a wonderful sight to those inclined towards loving nature. The local fauna had grown used to Coal standing there for the past hour, so the odd squirrel scampered about, happily collecting nuts for her family. She takes a small sip from her slowly vanishing wine supply, ever mindful of the bag slung over her shoulder.

She had issued three formal invitations just days ago, and set these coordinates as the meeting place. She gave no directions on how to get here, deciding to put their map reading skills to the test right away. Knowledge of navigation was always a useful trait. The invitations had been given to the three genin she had been assigned to instruct, and she was as eager as she was nervous to meet them. It had been some time since she was out in the field, but with the recent events in town, she was not surprised she was being called on again as more than just a walking catalog. She was being trusted to sculpt a few of the future leaders of the Konoha, and she was determined to do well. Even now she was awaiting the results of her preliminary exam, testing how well they're able to time their approach, without informing them they were being silently graded.

The invitation each of the genin had recieved requested they arrived around sunset, and that was still a few hours off. Coal had arrived hours ago, to be sure she was there to meet each of the genin when they arrived. She was waiting just beneath the lone tree, enjoying it's cool shade, and the breeze drifting off of the small lake behind her. In spite of the glass of wine she is nursing, she keeps her ears and eyes open, each sense constantly scanning about the area in anticipation of visitors. Though she was alert and ready.. on the outside she only looked bored.
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Team 4:  Form up  (private, Team 4 only) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Team 4: Form up (private, Team 4 only)   Team 4:  Form up  (private, Team 4 only) I_icon_minitimeThu Jul 15, 2010 10:01 pm

Yoshimaru awoke from his sleep with a startle; the sun from had shone through his windows onto his face, and it was nearly twilight. It had seemed as though he was having a nightmare before he had awakened. 'What was I just dreaming about; it has been getting so frequent for me to wake up like this, but I still cannot remember what I was dreaming.' He got up from his bed dressing in his normal attire: ninja shoes, head band, athletic pants, shirt, and a jacket on top of the shirt. After getting dressed, he put on his ninja pouch and started to walk out of the room towards the kitchen.

Yoshimaru sat down in a stool in the kitchen and looked around for anything to eat. He saw some cereal, oatmeal, rice, and etc. 'I wonder what I should eat? I think that I should have a bowl of cereal and some oatmeal.' Yoshimaru got up from his stool and made some cereal in a bowl by pouring cereal into a bowl and pouring milk ontop of it. After he was done with that, he picked got the oat meal and opened the packet of oatmeal filled a bowl with it and added hot water that he had made beforehand. He took back both of the bowls to where he was stilling at, and he sat them down on a table. After he ate, he washed both of the bowls and sat them on a rack for them to drip dry. He then headed for the door.

After opening the door he walked outside, and he looked on his door. A piece of paper was attached to his door, and he was curious as to why it was there. He read the piece of paper as a rusah of excitement passed through his body. Yoshimaru started to juimp up and down giddy with overwhelming happiness. He then rushed down his appartment stairs to the village streets running through them like a maniac.
Finally when he had reached the training ground, he stopped trying to gain composure before he met his sensei.

Yoshimaru slowly treked through the training grounds finding the right coordinates to the right training ground. Following the algie on the tree, he walked to where he knew he was supposed to go from the coodinates given. He wasn't in a large hurry to get to where he was supposed to be because he thought he had plenty of time. He came to a place where a small glistening figure on the ground could be seen. 'Is that a pond in the training grounds?' He moved forward even littler as a person came into view. He walked curiously surveying the beautiful compliments of the water and nearly bare landscape by it.

Yoshimaru got closer and he realised that his sensei was a woman; he didn't really know beforehand that he would have a woman sensei, but he wasn't a sexist pig like some men, and he enjoyed the change of pace because before that he had a guy sensei. He was never a fan for the trite. "Hello sensei. How are you?" He said that with a calm and curiously caring tone of voice. He then looked forward to see a glass in her hand; it had a substance in it that smelled of alcohal. This eye movement could be spotted by just about any level of ninja, let alone a jounin.
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Team 4:  Form up  (private, Team 4 only) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Team 4: Form up (private, Team 4 only)   Team 4:  Form up  (private, Team 4 only) I_icon_minitimeThu Jul 15, 2010 10:53 pm

Mitsuhide awoke one morning bright and early, knowing that it was the day he could finally meet his fellow team members and sensei. He knew exactly where he needed to be in the training grounds, as he traveled there twice since he received the invitation. he wanted to be sure he was going to the right place on the day of the meeting. He walked into the kitchen and prepared a breakfast of rice, eggs, cheese, and plenty of meats. He ate until he was full and nothing more than that. He filled a canister with cold water, and placed it on the back of his belt, out of sight and hidden by the red overcoat he wore.

He walked out of his house after saying goodbye to his aunt and uncle. He then set off for the training grounds and before he realized it, he was almost there. His mind drifted in thought while he walked, wondering what everyone will look like, and see who would be the weakest link in the team. Mitsu wanted to be the one that knew how everyone on his team ticked. He wanted his team to be the best team of that graduating class. Again, he caught himself daydreaming while he was walking and noticed he was beginning to see two people in the clearing. He smelled a feign scent of alcohol and noticed the wine glass in what he assumed was in his sensei's hand. Mitsu noticed the woman's bright and off setting clothes, but didn't judge her by any of it. He walked to about equal distance as the other fellow was standing from the sensei. "H-hello, I am Mitsuhide Katsudo. I look forward to being trained under you." he said bowing. He gave a slight smile and stood, waiting for the final genin to show.
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Team 4:  Form up  (private, Team 4 only) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Team 4: Form up (private, Team 4 only)   Team 4:  Form up  (private, Team 4 only) I_icon_minitimeFri Jul 16, 2010 12:17 am

[OOC: YAY! Everybody can write in a complete sentence! Very Happy ]

The letter came. It came crashing down upon Grogu like thunder from god. It rattled his brain. It tried his senses. It was the never ending maze he was stuck in. It tortured him like a dominatrix with a whip, except he did not enjoy this. You see, there was one MAJOR malfunction with sending Grogu a letter.

He was illiterate. In other words, he could not read. If you STILL don’t get it, maybe you will get this. He was a dumbfuck. Getting the picture now?

Luckily for everybody, he had a few days to de-code this message. To him, it was like the Native American code used back in World War Two. A normal person faced with such a challenge would give up, throw in the towel, wave the white flag and beg for mercy. But not Grogu Oushi. No. He was determined to stick anything out to the end. That was just how he was. Luckily for him, his parents could read…a little bit.

Together, they attempted to crack the code. For days they sat at the table. They barely slept, ate, or drank anything. Some things were obvious even to him. Like his name. That was about it. Actually, that was the only thing. The rest of it was grueling work. First, they figured out the word forest. They even understood its’ meaning, which was a biggy. Everything after that was random and was to be figured out later. But, after days of hard work, they came up with a translation involving “flagger muffins in the forest.” They had no idea what flagger muffins were, but they were proud of themselves.

Luckily, they cracked the code to basic English on the day of the meeting. Not knowing what flagger muffins were, Grogu attached all of his ninja gear and bolted out the door, craving for flagger muffins.

Grogu, even for someone older than he, was tall. He was built like a brick house, muscles bulging. He wore black combat boots that did not slow him down very much, but added to his kicking abilities. One hit from a combat boot attached to Grogu’s foot would most likely be fight over, if placed in the right spot of course. Anywhere else, they would feel it. He wore a black, sleeveless vest, exposing his chest and abs. His pants were black as well, extending all the way to his boots. They were form fitting and flexible, providing a full range of motion and temperature control. His gloves were black and fingerless, going up to the middle knuckle on each, besides the thumb, where it only had a hole. Over his belt, he wore his headband. And on his eyes were his pride and joy. His sunglasses. You did not want those to come off. If they did, you were in trouble.

Like a bat out of hell, Grogu charged for the forest. He would have his flagger muffins if it were the last thing he ever ate. He skid to a stop as he reached the forest. Dirt scattered as he left tracks in the ground. Behind his glasses, his eyes widened. This forest was huge, and somewhere inside were flagger muffins. A look of pure determination crossed over his face. His forehead and nose wrinkled. His lips curled back into a snarl. He barred his teeth at the looming forest. He began to scream to the world, ”FLAGGER MUFF….ooo a butterfly!” A butterfly crossed in front of his face. It was one of the more colorful ones he had seen. His hand reached out for it, but it flew away from his hand, towards the forest.

Grogu crashed through the forest, trying his best to get to the butterfly. Every time he reached for it, it flew that much father from him. It was like it knew that a big dumb bull was following it. Of course, you would know as well if branches all around you crashed to the ground and vines whipped around your head as a giant hand reached outward in your general direction. Grogu ignored the damage he was doing to his own body. He had all ready attained multiple cuts and bruises from crashing into the scenery around him. They stung slightly, of course, but he did not have time to tend to minor injuries such as these. He had been delivered much more severe punishment before. This butterfly had to be his. It was too beautiful for it not to be.
Just as the pair reached a clearing, Grogu caught it. Gently, of course. He wasn’t out to hurt anything. He turned his hand over and released the butterfly. He watched it as he flew off into the sky. Grogu smiled like a little child at the wonder of such life. After a few seconds of this, he snapped back to reality. Where was he? He looked around. He was in a clearing of sorts. There were a few trees still scattered around before they became thick again. A pond was close to the edge of the clearing, most likely feeding into the trees nearby. Grogu noticed the sky. It was dark and intimidating, threatening to rain. Grogu always thought it was the sky crying and sometimes talked to the sky, trying to calm it down. It never worked, however. He looked down from the sky. He noted the two genin, but did not pay attention. His attention was drawn to something else.

In the shade of a tree stood a woman. She was beautiful. More beautiful than the butterfly. Her clothes were brilliantly bright, seemingly matching her personality. In her hand was a cup. She held it fancily, like she had training with how to hold a cup. Her face was extravagant and drew in his attention…for a little while. Even with his glasses on, you could tell where his eyes went. His head cocked to the right. His eyebrows raised high on his forehead. A problem with his jaw appeared. It seemed that the hinges keeping it together was broken, as was the flood control. Someone would need to check that later. Little did he know that this was his squad and that there would be no flagger muffins.
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Team 4:  Form up  (private, Team 4 only) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Team 4: Form up (private, Team 4 only)   Team 4:  Form up  (private, Team 4 only) I_icon_minitimeSat Jul 17, 2010 2:51 pm

A small smirk forms on Coal's full lips, though any remarks she has are quickly stifled by the glass of wine in her hand. She takes another small sip as the first of her students arrives. Before she can begin to answer his salutation, however, the second and then the third both appear. All three of her students seem to arrive not only early, but almost in unison. "Well goodness." She says after a moment of just staring at the three. "It seems you three already have a knack for timing, not to mention a good sense of direction and punctuality. This should end up being.. quite the team." she says slowly as she looks to each one in turn, trying to get a base read of their skill level, and abilities. All three were boys, which she could handle. EVen when she was growing up the men seemed to always be in the majority.

Her gaze lingers for a moment on Grogu for a moment, a slender black eyebrow arching ever so delicately as she does. This one was certainly strange. She falls quiet for just a second as she gives him a quick once more, trying to figure out what might be wrong with the young fellow. "I am Lady Coal." She says, sure to display her noble title. "Some of you may already know of me from the Konoha Library, or perhaps the hospital. I am a talented medic, but I am also as skilled a shinobi as any other Leaf Jounin. I was born in the land of fire, and have lived in Konoha since I was 15. Like others I would give my life to protect both the Village, and it's people. It has been handed down to me from above, that I am to instruct the three of you in the ways of the Ninja. Looking at the three of you, I would say someone already beat me too it."

Coal pauses for a moment, hoping the subtle compliment to their skills will sink in properly. She scans each one once more, again paying extra attention to Grogu.. because something certainly seemed... off, with him. "So.. To begin, I would like you each to introduce yourselves. We'll begin with you." she says as she motions a finger towards Yoshimaru. "What is your name, and what did you join Konoha's Shiobi Force? Please also tell me what you hope to gain from being my student."

Coal falls quiet, though Grogu still lingers in her mind. She mostly ignores her thoughts for now, and politely keeps her apparent attention on Yoshimaru. Distracting as the buffoon seemed to be, Coal had great focus, and could tune almost anything out. She casts a quick glance to Mitsuhide, as if to warn him that he’d be next in the line of questions.
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Team 4:  Form up  (private, Team 4 only) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Team 4: Form up (private, Team 4 only)   Team 4:  Form up  (private, Team 4 only) I_icon_minitimeSat Jul 17, 2010 3:35 pm

Yoshimaru watched as the other genin made it to the training grounds; he was a little stunned by one of the genin in particular, Grogu. He seemed just a bit off to Yoshimaru, and it looked as if he had sustained minor cuts and bruises from earlier. He seemed to have large muscles that a person his age shouldn't even have had. The other genin that was by him seemed to be okay in the sense that he wasn't as goofy or clumsy as the other genin, other than that he was clueless for the moment about the other genin. As for the teacher, she seemed to be alright, even though she had ignored his question, but Yoshimaru didn't get mad or anything, rather he stayed cool and collected.

The clouds were rolling in quickly, and Yoshimaru noticed without even looking up because he knew that twilight wouldn't be ending that quickly, and it had been raining a lot lately. He could feel a cool breeze rushing in picking up loose debris on the ground like leaves, dirt from the bare ground, and small sticks. There was definitely something in the air, and the smell of chlorine, which usually comes before it starts raining, permeated throughout the air. 'Yes, it is going to rain soon, and it might be a little strong.'

When the teacher tried to compliment the team, including himself, he stared back at her with a little twinkle in his eye that was soon diminished to nothing soon enough. Yoshimaru had been taught not get get a big head ever, not even if it was from a sensei. He reached down into his pocket and pulled out two apples, and he started to eat it; he had felt a little hunger starting to happen. "Sorry about eating this right here in front of you all, would you like some too?' He pulled out 3 more apples from his pocket offering it to each of his teammates including the sensei. Just after he said that, he gave a little pause in order for the others to respond to his offer.

Yoshimaru knew that when she pointed at him, she was going to most likely ask him some questions. He glanced around at everyone after she had asked him those questions. "I should have introduced myself before I asked you how you were sensei. Anyways, I am Yoshimaru Ibiki. I joined the Konohagakure shinobi forces because the village took me in after my mother had died. I thought it would be best to repay my great debt to the ninja and citizens of this village by joining the shinobi ranks. From becoming a shinobi, I hope to a least save one life because that would mean my life would be meaningful and would make my sacrifice all worth it. Before I am done, I wish to express my happiness in being here. Before this, I didn't have a team and hand nothing to do, and for that I thank you all." Yoshimaru then quickly bowed before each of his teammates in order to convey his thankfulness to each one of them.
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Team 4:  Form up  (private, Team 4 only) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Team 4: Form up (private, Team 4 only)   Team 4:  Form up  (private, Team 4 only) I_icon_minitimeSat Jul 17, 2010 5:29 pm

Just after Mitsuhide had introduced himself, the final genin showed up. He noticed the genin had caught a butterfly, but tenderly, and then gently let it go. The genin then turned his head and made a strange expression on his face. "Something isn't quite right about that one" Mitsu thought to himself. He noticed that the boy was a brute, and guessed he probably wasn't very smart. When his sensei had complimented his team, he knew not to let it pamper his ego. he was a bit ignorant at times, but not when it came to compliments. He knew who and what he was and that was all there was to it.
When this Yoshimaru fellow offered and apple, Mitsu perked up a bit. "Why not? Thanks." Mitsu took an apple and removed a knife shaped bone from his arm and started peeling the apple. After hearing the apple boy's little life story/purpose speech, Mitsu knew it was his turn to do the same. He got the hint from when his sensei had glanced at him after she did Yoshimaru. "I guess I'm next. Well, as I said before, I am Mitsuhide Katsudo. I was taken here to Konoha by my aunt and uncle took me in once my parents died. And please dont sympathize with me about it, I hold no feelings over the subject. Anyway, I was already in ninja training before I was taken to Konoha, and I resumed my training here. I wish to become the best Kayuga there ever was, which you could probably already tell from this knife I just pulled out of my arm. I hope to be able to become a great and legendary ninja and be know all over the lands...and thats about it."
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Team 4:  Form up  (private, Team 4 only) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Team 4: Form up (private, Team 4 only)   Team 4:  Form up  (private, Team 4 only) I_icon_minitimeSat Jul 17, 2010 10:45 pm

Grogu continued to stare at the woman. He didn’t know what it was about her that kept his attention. Well, ok, he knew perfectly. Let us be honest for a second here, if guys could get away with doing what he was doing all the time, we would not neglect a single chance. They were just tantalizingly round. It drove his mind blank, which, generally wasn’t a hard thing to do, but it was like they sapped all brain power from him. Which, ok, isn’t hard to do either, but you get what I’m trying to say. If you don’t, well, you are a Grogu, to be delicate on the subject.
Of course, there is that one thing that can pull anybody away from a clothed breast. Food. Good food. Good food to Grogu was any food, really, but especially apples. At the word apples, his jaw snapped shut, flinging spit everywhere, leaving one strand running down his mouth. His head turned upright, slapping the spit strand onto his cheek. He didn’t notice any of this, of course. There were apples involved. He turned his head slowly towards the sound of the magical word. Every muscle in his neck strained with the insanity of the promise of apples. His eyebrows were as high up as they could be, his eyes wide open, all though nobody could see them through his glasses. And then, he saw them. The apples. Big, red, juicy apples. A giant grin spread over Grogu’s face. His tongue dangled for a second as he saw the other genin receiving an apple. Grogu yelled to the world,”APPLES!!!” Like a happy dog, he bounded off towards the genin, arms open wide, tongue out and to the side, saliva streaming past his face.
Grogu’s powerful muscles worked like a war horse, charging for his target. There were two of them in the boy’s hand. Those two apples, those two crunchy, delicious apples, would be his. A vein pulsed in his neck as he galloped at full steam. As he neared, he dove for the apples, arms outstretched in front of him. A thunderous ”AAAAAAAAAAAAA!” erupted from him as he dove. He felt his hands grab the plump apples. He himself didn’t realize he was about to hit the ground. Luckily, his sub-conscious did. It was his smarter half, after all. On pure instinct, he tucked and rolled, hugging the apples to his chest as he combat rolled through his dive. Grogu popped up standing, his prizes in his hands.
To him, they were pure edible diamonds. There was a twinkle in his eyes as he slowly brought the apples to eye level. He began to giggle like a school girl, excited about what was about to come. Quickly, he rammed both apples into his mouth, one in each cheek. He chomped away like a beaver, juice and apple bits flying everywhere. He savored the taste in his own way, loving every second of the apple. In a matter of seconds, the apples he threw his body on the line for were devoured. By this time, both of the genin’s speeches were done. He had completely missed both of them, but he didn’t care or even notice. There was someone to thank.
Like a man insane, he whipped his head towards the apple giver. With all of his speed, Grogu attempted to pick the genin up in a hug. It was more like a bear attempting to crush the genin, but happily doing so. ”Thank you thank you thank you thank you!” spewed through his mouth as he squeezed the genin tight. He had made a new friend. Gently, he let go of the genin. He smiled and looked up at the sky again, his mind wandering…as much as it could…
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Team 4:  Form up  (private, Team 4 only) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Team 4: Form up (private, Team 4 only)   Team 4:  Form up  (private, Team 4 only) I_icon_minitimeSat Jul 17, 2010 11:26 pm

Oh that look was one Coal knew well, and one she was rather used too. Yes, she was attractive, and she knew it quite well. She worked hard to maintain the exterior of the shell she lived in, even if the mortal coil was only temporary. She covered her body in the softest of silks, and subtlest of fragances. She kepts her nails manicured, her lips painted, and her teeth always the brightest of whites. She took her pride in her appearnce.. but didn't do it for the sake of boys. She smirks just slightly at Grogu, her head tipping a touch to the side. She would have said something on the subject, had it not changed so quickly.

She had listened well to each of her new students responces, and was trying to gauge their attitudes from their responces. The first two had seemed perfectly typical, responsable and prompt, and direct with their answers. Grogu, on the other hand, was something very different. Without bothering to introduce himself he went on a small food based rampage. Interesting though it was, it didn't seem to be hurting anyway. Coal only shrugs a little, and lets the genin have their fun.

She hadn't been placed there to correct their every mistake, only to teach them. She didn't need to be living their lives for them, if they were going to grow up into strong willed, intelligent ninjas. She doesn't much bat an eyelash as the topic changed from introductions, to food aquistion. Coal remains a little quiet and just drags her glass once more to her lips. The glass empty, she unslings the bag from her shoulder. She opens the top drawstring and rather carefully sets the glass inside with the rest of the bottle. A moment later, the bag vanishes. Poof.

Coal dusts her hands off afterwards, apparently finished with her drink. The summoning was simple enough, just a bag she marked previously with her own unique tag. Summoning the bag was second nature, she barely had to think about it to do it. While all sorts of people made use of storage scrolls and Kuchiyosi for summoning a variety of things, the essence seal was something Coal created herself. It was much easier for her, than the use of contracts, scrolls, or blood. It was also vastly different from the other methods of item storage and summoning, but might not have seemed it on the outside.
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PostSubject: Re: Team 4: Form up (private, Team 4 only)   Team 4:  Form up  (private, Team 4 only) I_icon_minitimeSun Jul 18, 2010 5:05 pm

After Yoshimaru offered the genin those apples, he was surprised by one of the genins' responces. 'Wow, Mitsuhide had a normal responce by just taking the apple, and he took a bone knife out of his arm meaning he was a Kaguya, but Grogu had taken the remaining two apples from my hand, and he ate them with such ease. That was a suprise to say the least.' He calmed down laughing a little in his head about the maniac person that had just taken him up on his offer. He was delighted in a way to have a person like Grogu on his team; Grogu seemed to bring a life to this team that created a wonderful ambiance.

Yoshimaru was done with his speach, and Grogu had plans for what he was going to do next. Grogu was going to thank the person that had given him the apple, and Yoshimaru wasn't expecting it at all. While Grogu gave Yoshimaru the well-meant but menicing bear hug, he cracked Yoshimaru's back, which let out a large poping sound that just about anyone could hear if they were close. Not only did Grogu crack Yoshimaru's back, but he knocked the wind out of Yoshimaru causing him to gasp for air before Grogu was done. When Grogu let go, Yoshimaru dropped to the ground breathing in air that allows his lungs to refill with air, and he bent his back by moving his head towards his feet little by little. Just before Yoshimaru hit the ground, he extended his arms and turned them so his hands hit the ground before him allowing him to not hit the ground. With the energy he had gained from the fall that was transfered to his arms, he used his legs in conjunction with the energy to backflip by swinging his legs and hips toward his face. After his flip in the air, he landed on his feet facing the other genin.

'Holy crap, I didn't think it was possible to crack a back that hard by a mear genin. Actually though, I have had that for a long time from training out in the rain.' Yoshimaru stood there as the clouds gathered with more strength in the sky, and the smell of rain getting ever stronger. Still though, he wasn't going to look up at the sky at the clouds, and Grogu seemed to be able to sense it, too. 'Perhaps his instincts were telling him something uncoinciously that normal people wouldn't pick up like animals knowing a natural distaster is going to strike a certain area. Maybe Grogu doesn't know exactly why he is drawn to the sky.

As Yoshimaru looked over, he saw the woman put the glass inside of the bag that she had. Lady Coal, as soon as she had put the glass inside of the bag, summoned it away from herself. He just looked at her, watching her stand there with nothing really to do. Then he got up the nerve to ask a question. "Lady Coal-sensei what are we going to do now? If you haven't noticed, which I doubt that you haven't it is about to rain. Are we going to start to train or is there something of other importance that we are supposed to do first?" He stood there waiting paciently for a responce from his new sensei.
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PostSubject: Re: Team 4: Form up (private, Team 4 only)   Team 4:  Form up  (private, Team 4 only) I_icon_minitimeSun Jul 18, 2010 9:38 pm

As soon as Mitsu took the apple, only seconds later did he hear a yell and the rapid sound of heavy footsteps. The brute genin had noticed the apples and bolted to them. He was moving like a train. Mitsu had made sure not to get hit by stepping back. As the juggernaut devoured the two apples at once, he noticed the clever summoning tag his sensei used on her bag that she placed her glass into. Mitsu then started to actually fully take in at of her features. She really was quite beautiful. Mitsu knew she wasn't his type anyway, and wasn't particularly looking for a relationship at all. All of the sudden Mitsu hear a crackling noise coming from Yoshimaru's direction. It seemed like the other genin was squeezing the life out of him...with love. This one is going to be hard yet also easy to control, both at the same time. I'll make him the first on my list to see what makes him tick. But I'll make sure he is last on my list when it comes to what makes him mad. This is going to be an interesting team. He then noticed Yoshimaru's little acrobatic trick. It was slightly impressive, nothing he wasn't able to do, but still something impressive. He heard Yoshi speak to their sensei about the inevitable rain. Mitsuhide was also curious as to what they were going to do. It was going to rain, he could feel it in his bones, literally. The humidity and atmospheric pressures caused a slight disturbance in his bones. Nothing that would hinder any of his abilities, no. It was just another advantage from his bloodline. Trying to get on our sensei's good side already Yoshimaru? Anyway, I too, Lady Coal, am curious as to what we are going to do next. He could tell that Yoshimaru was slightly nervous about speaking up. Mitsu intensionally slandered Yoshi a little to see if he could strike a nerve on the young lad. Twas just a mere test was all. He saw an opportunity to try to understand his teammate a little more, and simply took it. He then stood there waiting either for the brute to finally introduce himself, or their sensei to answer their question.
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PostSubject: Re: Team 4: Form up (private, Team 4 only)   Team 4:  Form up  (private, Team 4 only) I_icon_minitimeMon Jul 19, 2010 1:12 am

Grogu continued to look at the sky, mind mostly blank. He was more interested on the clouds than actual thought. To him, they looked about ready to release water. A drop fell from the sky, landing on his forehead. It was just beginning to sprinkle, and with the weather Konoha was having lately, it could start pouring really soon. Grogu did not think about that, however. All he wanted to do now was catch water on his tongue. With a big goofy smile, he opened up his mouth, still looking up, waiting for water to drop. Almost a minute passed, and grogu began to frown, keeping his mouth open. Something processed in his head. The genin next to him had said something. It was a delayed reaction, but Grogu did not realize it. He whipped his head towards the genin, simultaneously shoving his tongue back into his mouth and shutting it tight. His eyes widened, hidden by the glasses. If the genin said something to him, the following actions would not take place. If not, well here’s what happened.

Grogu quickly became uninterested with the genin. Part of it was due to the fact that the genin had nothing to say. The other part was the butterfly crossing his face. Grogu’s eyes followed it, his head lagging behind his eyes. When the butterfly was out of reach, he reached for it, barely missing. He busted out into a wide smile again and began to giggle, enjoying every second of his butterfly chasing experience. He followed it everywhere it went, attempting to catch it. This one was more elusive than the one he chased earlier. It was not nearly as pretty, but it could more easily move out of the way or slip through his fingers. Every once in awhile, a drop of water would hit him. Instantly, he would stop, look up at the sky, and open his mouth to catch the drop of water that just hit him. He would wait a few seconds, and then catch up with the butterfly, constantly trying to grab it without harming it. This could potentially be hazardous with his teammates all around him and him not watching where he was going, but it could be just a harmless little game. Of course, Grogu didn’t think about all of this. He just thought about catching the butterfly.
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PostSubject: Re: Team 4: Form up (private, Team 4 only)   Team 4:  Form up  (private, Team 4 only) I_icon_minitimeMon Jul 19, 2010 1:16 am

"Oh.. next, huh?" Coal grins just slightly as she looks the three over. "Well, next is somewhat relative. We are a team now, we're going to be spending a lot of time together learning new tricks. There's not really a next, unless you count your eventual progression to Chuunin, as next. However, we should spend some time getting to know each other. While some of you may have attended the academy together, I don't know much about any of you. I don't know what you're capable of, nor how much you absorbed from your time in the academy.."

Coal smirks just a little bit, idly pushing a few stray strands of hair out of her eyes as she does. "I figure the best way to learn this, is to have a little match. I can't expect you all to fight me directly, so to make it just a little easier on you three.." She trails off as she speaks, and draws her hands up in front of her. After only a moment of concentration there's a puff of smoke beside her. After it clears another likeness of the Lady Coal stands beside her. Clearly it was a shadow clone, and it would continue where Coal left off. "So, you three can try to fight me instead. If you can manage to beat me, at least I'll know you're all pretty good at team work. I'm doubting a one of you could touch me on your own.."

"So what do you say? You three up for the challange?" the clone continues, as coal wanders a little bit away. She pauses at the trunk of the tree she'd been standing beneath and leans against it. The clone just stares at the genin. "And if you expect to go easy on me, you three together won't be enough. I might not look like much of a warrior, but I know a rare and secret form of martial arts that gives me quite the edge. Even without my jutsu you will find I have a lot of tricks.. but with my jutsu."

The clone pauses for a moment and motions over her shoulder, pointing her thumb at the small lake behind her. "I made that thing a long time ago. It's only over time filled with that much water. Before it was just a big jagged fissure, a long crack in the earth. Of course, I won't be using any of those jutsu against you.. I won't even be needing them." says the clone, and then she all but vanishes. A moment later the clone is waiting out in the center of the lake. Beneath the tree, Coal smiles and motions towards the lake. "Go on out there. Soon as you're ready you can begin."
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PostSubject: Re: Team 4: Form up (private, Team 4 only)   Team 4:  Form up  (private, Team 4 only) I_icon_minitimeMon Jul 19, 2010 9:05 pm

Yoshimaru looked over slyly at Mitsu at his comment about trying to get on the sensei's good side. Although Mitsu may have been trying to guage Yoshimaru's reaction, it was impossible to recognized this look because the second part of Mitsu's statement was directed at Lady Coal; therefore, he would be looking at her due to formal talking, which is used in the case of where one person just met another, and it is a common curtesy to look at the person you are talking to. 'Who does this Mitsuhide think he is? He is not going to get far trying that kind of trick.'

The sprinkling had started, and Yoshimaru could feel it. He looked over to Grogu who paused each time in his playfulness to look up at the sky. He rationalized that Grogu could feel the rain because of the periodocity of his stopping. 'So, it will be starting soon I guess.' Yoshimaru could feel the humidity in the air increase as the storm started, and he could tell that the storm was going to dramiticly get worse as they were out there.

Yoshimaru looked back at his sensei when she was talking. 'So, we are supposed to "pop" the shadow clone ay? I need to think about this for a second...' Yoshimaru thought for a second starring idolly into space, which is why Lady Coal's clone nearly vanished into thin air. While still thinking, he noted that Lady Coal had gone over into the center of the lake and had given them time to plan and think. It would surely be folly to go over there before he had finished planning.

Soon Yoshimaru looked over to Mitsu knowing that he would have to be explained the plan, and he covers his mouth not alllowing Lady Coal to see and drastically dampen the sound that was coming out of his mouth. The moves over to Mitsu telling him his plan on what he wanted to go down. If he didn't like it, tough toe nails, but Yoshimaru would sigh and start his own plans. Mitsu would have to destory the shadow clone of his on accord. Then Yoshimaru followed Grogu closely around not trying to spook him and send him on a rampage. Once he looked over to Grogu he pointed to Lady Coal, and he shouted, "FOOD!!! LADY COAL HAS FOOD!!!"

After shouting out that, Yoshimaru retreated away from Grogu knowing that he was probably going to stampeed to Lady Coal, like an Etheopian would run to a flying pizza. Soon afterward, he ran into the trees on the cardnal western side of the trees, disappearing from normal sight. A few poping sounds could be heard in the forest, echoing from tree to tree, along with a few slapping noises occationally.
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PostSubject: Re: Team 4: Form up (private, Team 4 only)   Team 4:  Form up  (private, Team 4 only) I_icon_minitimeMon Jul 19, 2010 10:41 pm

Mitsu quickly glanced over at Yoshimaru after delivering the obnoxious comment about being a kiss ass. He noticed it slightly angered him, which was all he wanted. He noticed Grogu was prancing around chasing yet another butterfly. He heard slight drops of rain and felt a few on his head. He also noticed a slight calm breeze, but nothing he was worried about. Then, Yoshimaru suddenly approached him. He made sure he muffled his voice and not make his mouth visible to Lady Coal. "Alright, I'll go with that. I was going to just kill the butterfly and blame it on her, but we can do that is he loses focus later. I was also planning to take his sunglasses, I feel they might be important to him, as me made sure almost nothing happened to them when he tripped earlier. We will save that for later though. I'm ready if you are." Mitsuhide whispered all of this to Yoshimaru. Then he yelled "That is the most STUPID plan I've ever heard! that will never work in a million years! I'm going to do things my way!"
Mitsuhide then stormed off into the east cardnal direction of the trees, being sure to leave his sensei's line of sight. the sound of tree hopping was heard until it was out of earshot. Rain was beginning to increase as the droplets were hitting the leaves more frequently, as were the sight of ripples on the lake, where Lady Coal was standing. to The sound of slicing was faintly heard, followed by a slight clacking. Sudden sounds of knocking was heard. Mitsu got in view of Yoshi and a view of what was going to happen with Grogu. All he had to do was watch the amusement and wait for the right time to strike...
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PostSubject: Re: Team 4: Form up (private, Team 4 only)   Team 4:  Form up  (private, Team 4 only) I_icon_minitimeTue Jul 20, 2010 3:17 am

Grogu continued to chase the butterfly as the rain fell. Soon, he gave up on the rain. It wasn’t being nice. With one last effort, he jumped, catching the butterfly this time, catching himself before landing. This grip was a bit tighter than the one he had on the last butterfly he had caught, but it did not harm it. Gently he let it go. He stood there with a big, goofy smile on his face as he watched it fly off. Rain drops hit his glasses, making it hard to see. Quickly, his big goofy smile went away and was replaced with a face of irritation. With a growl, he removed the glasses to clean them. This was a mistake. Instantly, he became filled with anger. The glasses were his sign to become angry and crush some skulls. Luckily, he was not mad at anyone. Slowly, angrily he wiped his glasses on his vest. At this point, a genin pointed to Lady Coal and told him that she possessed food. He looked over at the tree and lake, seeing two Lady Coals. The closest one to him was the one under the tree. The unused anger kicked in. Slowly, mechanically, he placed the glasses gently in his vest pocket, re-buttoning it slowly. He pat the pocket twice before entering you-don’t-want-to-f***-with-me-right-now mode. A demonic roar erupted from Grogu. Birds flew from their nests as the sound wave echoed around the clearing. ”FOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD!”

Grogu’s veins began to pop out from his neck as he showed all of his teeth. He flexed all of his muscles, bulging them as much as possible. After a few seconds of this, he charged the Lady Coal that was at the tree. His powerful legs muscles propelled him. Surprisingly, he took quiet steps for such a large being. His arms were held behind him in the way ninja ran. His head was low to the ground, but he continued to look up, his eyes never leaving his target. If she tried anything from long distance, he would be ready. If not, then he would attempt an attack. If he would be able to get close enough, he would attempt a flying front kick. This would put all of his weight and superior strength to his advantage, so that the sensei would have to react fast to either deflect or move. Unless his momentum was shifted, then the woman would be pushed back at the very least. This kick would be done with his right leg. To follow up, unless the situation called for a different tactic, Grogu would land and throw a left straight. If something were to happen where Grogu could not land and punch, then he would have to react in the air, using the enemy’s movement against her. If she were to move far away, he would follow. If she were to swing back, he would fight her hand to hand. Whatever she did, he would be ready to react. He was in battle mode now. Someone was going to be defeated.
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PostSubject: Re: Team 4: Form up (private, Team 4 only)   Team 4:  Form up  (private, Team 4 only) I_icon_minitimeTue Jul 20, 2010 3:39 am

A small smirk grows across Coal's lips as Yoshi calls out that she had food. It was a clever move, no doubt, and as soon as she heard them her attention moves over towards Grogu. With her clone out of sight she had little doubt the fool would rush her instead. It was a predictable problem, but a nuissance none the less. With a little sigh Coal straightens herself up, just as Grogu is begining is wild charge in her direction. He was fast, and no doubt strong, but Coal had no intention of fighting him herself.

Almost casually she brings her hands infront of her and forms a few simple hand seals. While she could have dodged his wild assault, or even countered his actions by redirecting his energies, and throwing him into the lake, she decided on a more passive responce to his aggressions. As he charges closer, Coal dispersed her earth chakra through her body. Before he can even arrive to throw his first punch, Coal would be gone. Displaying one of her elemental affinities to her students, Coal reaches down and places her hands against the ground. A moment later her entire form sinks beneath the surface of the earth, as though it was little more than water.

Hidden safely away Coal easily avoids her students wild desires to attack for food. She can't help but grin, wondering just how they'd react. Underground, Coal drifts slowly forward and away from the tangle of roots the tree around her planted in the ground. She didn't need to move far, just enough to not be in the same space she was previously. God only knows Grogu might be inspired to dig to china in pursuit of her. Of course, with earth techniques on her side, he wasn't going to get to her down here. She just has to hope the others will lead grogu towards the clone that still waits for them.

Still standing in the center of the lake, The clone watches the sidelines. Though she can't hear most of what's going on, she can see easily enough. Though she is holding a tiger hand seal, she still manages to laugh at the antics of her squad. "I'm over here!" the clone shouts, just to give the slower student an idea of where she went. "And I'm still waiting. Don't tell me you boys are getting cold feet. Come on, I promise I won't hurt you." She says, hoping the mild taunts will fuel their desire to fight.

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PostSubject: Re: Team 4: Form up (private, Team 4 only)   Team 4:  Form up  (private, Team 4 only) I_icon_minitimeTue Jul 20, 2010 7:42 pm

Yoshimaru could see in the trees that Grogu was going after the real Lady Coal from his position in the forest. He was on the ground at the moment to aviod drawing too much attention by messing around in the trees. 'That is so funny, he went after the right one, which is a very good thing. After removing Lady Coal from this battle, she cannot interfere or cheat with the match very easily. Now that that Lady Coal is gone, Grogu is most likely going to attempt to chase her, and once he figures out he cannot chase her, he will go after the clone.'

Yoshimaru then formed some hand signes and blood started to ooze out of both of his arms like he just got cut, but it was actually coming out of his pores. Soon the blood started to gather at his hands in the form of two kunai knives, coagulating in to that form making them as strong as steal. Soon after he takes out three regular kunai from his pockets and attaches something to the regular kunai before putting each of the kunai, including the blood kunai, and climbed up into one of the trees that behind one of the trees that was behind the lake.


As he heads up the trees he notices the calm breeze and the rain. The rain seemed to get a little stronger, but still it could be said that it was still a drizzle and it disguised Yoshimaru making it up the tree because Lady Coal's clone, being on the water, could here the droplets of water, though this fully didn't cancel out the sound. Yoshimaru could look down from his position and see the back of Lady Coal's clone very well. He was roughly 30 meters from the clone and about 15 meters from the edge of the water length wise, and the surrounding trees were nearly 40 meters tall..

Yoshimaru held his regular kunai in his hands and he did one hand sign. A burning noise could then be heard from Yoshimaru's direction. He quickly threw the regular kunai at the Lady Coal's clone while he backflips out of the tree into the air. Soon enough he reaches into his pocket while he back flips messing up the flip a little. He is thrown out of wack, but he managed to get the blood kunai out of his pocket. Soon, he hits the tree behind him with the blood kunai, and they slices into the tree slopping him 20 meters up the trees. He was roughly 5 meters away from the other tree.

While heading towards Lady Coal's clone, the three kunai with exploding tags are burning. Even if Lady Coal's clone dodged, the exploding notes would explode before impact on the water. Also, as soon as the exploding tags were to explode on the kunai, exploding tags that were placed on 5 trees behind the lake that were nearly 40 meters tall were going to explode causing the trees to collapse into the lake. This would force Lady Coal to only go to the left, right, or forward from her position. Furthermore, the exploding tags on the kunai would destory the kunai causing them to turn into shrapnal going spreading out into most directions, besides the end where the force from the explosion was applied.


After the explosions went off, Yoshimaru unsticks the blood kunai from the tree, while he wraps his legs around the tress. He then climbed down the tree quickly, while the confusion, with the aid of smoke, rain, and a little mist from the explosion. Quickly he hides again in the trees. A figure could be seen by the edge of the lake, and it looked like Yoshimaru. The mist, smoke, and rain cover the now slightly muddy ground and water.
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PostSubject: Re: Team 4: Form up (private, Team 4 only)   Team 4:  Form up  (private, Team 4 only) I_icon_minitimeWed Jul 21, 2010 6:25 pm

Mitsu watched on a tree branch as Grogu attacked the wrong Lady Coal. Wow, that boy really is a juggernaut. Lady Coal had virtually no sence of being startled on her face. She was completely calm as she made the signs. Then suddenly, she got down to the ground and sank in. Mitsu had heard of something like that before, but never saw it. He was amazed and impressed of what she did. Mitsuhide then turned his attention to to the Lady Coal clone on the lake. He noticed that the rain was becoming more frequent, but the wind did not change much and was still a gentle breeze. Behind her, there was a sudden series of explosions. First being kunai that Yoshimaru must have thrown and then the 40 foot trees behind her that fell over towards the lake. She could only try to escape by moving left, right, forward, or going underwater.
Mitsu decided that now was the time to strike. He jumped to the front of the lake and jumped towards it. Throwing four of his bone knifes, two at the right and two at the left of the Lady Coal clone's escape routes, and activating the explosive tag just at the right time, so they would explode before hitting the water, so the bones would burst into fragments, making shrapnel.
As Mitsuhide descended, he landed on the lake front, and ran out to block off the clone's forward route. He protruded a pointed bone from his right arm and wielded at bone knife in his left hand. He raised his right arm in front of his face and kept his left hand by his waist. He was ready to defend himself if she came his way, and would do his best to make sure she would not pass.
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PostSubject: Re: Team 4: Form up (private, Team 4 only)   Team 4:  Form up  (private, Team 4 only) I_icon_minitimeThu Jul 22, 2010 1:32 am

Grogu easily powered out of what mud there was trying to suck him down. His focus was completely on the woman. Normally, he would not attack anyone for nothing, especially a woman, but the glasses were off. He was like a police dog off of its chain, going after a drug dealer running for his life. His face remained contorted in a look of pure malice and venom. Grogu saw the hand-sign. He had no clue what it meant or what its’ purpose was. It did not look like a tag activation hand-sign, so she wasn’t trying to blow him up. While he thought the hand-sign out, she suddenly went underground. Grogu’s eyes opened wide in his shock. Was this an attack, as well? He did not know. All he could think to do was to react. At this point, he wanted to be away from the ground. He put his hands on the ground and pushed off with all fours, using his legs first so that he flipped forward. He did this with all of his power, so you could imagine he went pretty far. As he reached the tree, he stuck his feet out, catching himself in a wide stance on top of two branches. His momentum carried him forward so that he stumbled into the trunk. Before he crashed, he put his forearms up and turned his head to the side, using his forearms to take what impact there was. After this, he pushed with his left leg, standing completely on the branch his right foot was on.

He heard Lady Coal from over on the lake. He looked over. She was not dirty from going underground, which struck him as odd. Every time he had dug into the ground, he had gotten filthy. He looked back at the spot where he had seen her go under the ground. He eyed is suspiciously. He was curious as to what the tunnel she used to get to the lake looked like, but there was no entrance hole. Keeping his eyes on the entrance spot, he tied a paper bomb to a kunai using wire. It was a fast and practiced process. He threw it at the spot. As it hit, it made a wet noise. The little bit of sprinkling that there was was softening the ground. He activated the tag. When it exploded, it left a nice sized hole, but there was no tunnel.

Grogu looked back at the Lady Coal on the lake. Explosions were going off all around her. Easily, she could be killed. Grogu didn’t realize this, but it was a trap placed for her to move forward or to perish. If the clone stayed where it was, then it would be destroyed. If it moved left or right, it would be destroyed as well. If she moved down, she could not move down far and away fast enough to not be destroyed by the blast. Her only way out of it was to move very quickly forward. Of course, Grogu did not realize any of this. All he knew is that his food was about to be destroyed by giant explosions.

Grogu noticed the bone genin move out to in front of the water, weapon in hand. Grogu felt the urge to help him. He jumped from his tree and ran as fast as he could, moving around the lake. He skid to a stop about three meters away from the genin, preparing for whatever may come their way.
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PostSubject: Re: Team 4: Form up (private, Team 4 only)   Team 4:  Form up  (private, Team 4 only) I_icon_minitimeThu Jul 22, 2010 1:42 pm

A small glance over her shoulder was enough for her to realize what was happening behind her. The flying kunai and explosions made for quite the arsenal of deadly weapons coming her way, and another pair of explosive tags seemed to be approaching from the front. Really she had few escapes, other than the obvious route underwater. The lake she was standing above was only ten or fifteen feet deep, and would have offered the refuge she needed, if she really needed to evade. Explosive tags had been a challenge on the battlefield since she was a genin, and she'd learned ways around something so trivial. Coal remains standing right where she is, and doesn't dodge at all. As all of the kunai close in on her, there is a terrible explosion, and massive cloud of steam and smoke the fills the area. Truly it was a well timed attack that could have devastated the area.

The trees falling above are easily affected by the massive explosion, the force of the shockwave enough to push some slightly off course, and even slightly delay their landing. The little opening was all she needed, for it would be enough room to work. To her students' surprise, no doubt, Coal's form makes a sudden appearance bursting out of the top of the smoke. Though it would be hard to see during the blur of movements, her flesh had taken on an ashy grayish tone; and by the time she lands on the face of the falling tree the short term effect is gone. As she soars upwards she flips half over in midair, just in time to land with her hands and feet against one of the large, falling trees. She presses her chakra firmly against the wood and pushes off to the side. She bounces from the side on one tree to the next one beside it, and lands on top of it's broad trunk. There she stands for only a moment, smiling the whole time.

Gravity was a strong force, but such a slow one. It took far too long to reach terminal velocities, and when something was just falling over it took even longer. Even the explosions had beaten the falling trees, and she'd be gone again before they did finally crash down in the water. From the top of the second tree she leaps skywards, gaining quite the impressive amount of height from her bounding escape upwards. With ease and grace she slowly rolls over, her feet kicking out above her head, as a pair of kunai are summoned forth. She keeps them in her hands for now, each one bearing an explosive note attached to the end of it. Though she had made quiet the escape, she'd only done more to place her situation in danger. She was curious to see how her students could take advantage of this.

Gravity was slow indeed, and for the moment, at the peak of her flight, Coal lingers in midair. She's weightless for a split second before gravity finally gets its grip and begins to pull her downwards. This was one of those situations she trained for on assaulting, because a falling enemy is almost completely helpless. She held on to her two explosive kunai for defensive purposes, and quickly assesses the area as she falls. One of her students was still in plain sight, while two others were hidden. Judging from the angle of the previous attacks she had a rough idea where Yoshimaru was, however Grogu had yet to reveal himself.

From her spot in midair, she shouts at her students, her voice rather cheerful, and calm. Truly, she was just taunting them at this point. “Oh you will have to do better than that!” She shouts, having time for only a few words. Underground, away from Grogu, coal was quite safe from the exploding tag. Though the rumbling in the earth hurt her little ears, it didn't harm her supple frame. Instead she continues to move, making her way towards the side of the lake. She had her own ideas, now that she too has been brought into the fight.

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PostSubject: Re: Team 4: Form up (private, Team 4 only)   Team 4:  Form up  (private, Team 4 only) I_icon_minitimeThu Jul 22, 2010 4:07 pm

The new trees that had made it into the lake suck out of the lake due to their large size and lack of depth in the lake. Something perfectly resembling Yoshimaru was standing between the trees by the lake that was just devistated by the many explosions and trees. Lady Coal was very close in the air to this person, and he was standing happily where he was. He stood there out of the the sprinkling rain, sheilded by the canopy above him that was made by the trees. In his hand it looked as if there was a kunai and he was pulling back to throw it at Lady Coal's clone that was in the air at the moment with the kunai with exploding tags in the air.

Meanwhile, on the ground by the new third row of trees in the training grounds, the real Yoshimaru was standing. He could see out into the battle grounds at the others, including the shadow clone that Lady Coal made that had greyish skin, which was still in the air and Grogu and Mitsu at the lake front. He had moved a considerable distance away from where he previously was at after his attack. He wanted to make sure that he wouldn't give up his position so easily. He stood still where he was, but other others, though in sight, weren't in very clear vision. The smoke, rain, and mist had particially obscured them from his sight, although he could still see their bodies in the confusion of the moment. 'Everything is coming together well, at the moment, since she is in the air and cannot move easily, the others should make a hard challenge for her. It isn't going to be easy for her to dodge their attacks.'

Yoshimaru looked around for the real Lady Coal, but she wasn't at the position where he had last seen her at. 'Oh, this might be a problem, she has escaped from my sight and I cannot converse will my teammates at the moment or else I would give away my position. I remember hearing something about someone with this kind of power... Her skin seems to have kept her save from the shrapnal and explosions, which would take a high defensive jutsu. She must has the earth element. This might be quite problematic that I cannot see her either, meaning, she could be hiding in the forest, or, better yet, she could be underground.' With this Yoshimaru made hand signs, and he focused chakra into his feet. He then proceeded to running up the closest tree to him to a thick enough branch to support him, where he would play lookout surveying the battle field.

Soon, he started to jump tree to tree trying to get closer to the battle and the clone. He wanted a perfect vantage point for what he was going to do next in this battle. He held the two blood kunai in his hand running towards the battle, but the rain was starting to get even harder, if this battle wasn't ended soon, the ground battle could end in a disaster because of it becoming extremely muddy because of the lack of a proper amount of vegitation to keep it together, and the fact that she had the earth element, and could turn the very earth under their feet into a trap.
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Team 4:  Form up  (private, Team 4 only) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Team 4: Form up (private, Team 4 only)   Team 4:  Form up  (private, Team 4 only) I_icon_minitimeThu Jul 22, 2010 9:40 pm

Mitsuhide stood there, waiting for any possible sign of movement of his sensei's clone. He squinted and had a very serious look of determination on his face as he peered into the smoke and mist. He heard Grogu running up and eventually stopping next to him. I still don't know this brute's name. Wait...what is that? Mitsu noticed something jumping from some of the trees moving higher and higher. It was his sensei, completely unscathed, but with what appeared to be a slight layer of ash all over her skin, but not her clothes. He thought this was slightly odd, but dismissed it from his mind. He then focused on her every movement. Astounding. Simply astounding! not only did she manage to escape the blast, but unscathed and using the environment, even as its literally falling apart around her, to ascend away from ruins. I feel I am going to learn much from her. No. Stop. Stop being distracted. I need to think. Going directly at her...probably not the best idea. right now. Hmm, where will she land? Perhaps I should attack from a distance from here, and then run to her landing area. Are those kunai knives she has? Ok, I think I got something.

The rain was getting heavier, and the ground was turning to mud. Mitsu realized that there was an extreme lack of plants and other vegetation around, so the ground would soon become very muddy. He remembered that Lady Coal, the real Lady Coal, dug underground, meaning that she has an earth affinity. And that could mean trouble. Mitsu faced Grogu. "You! Throw so kunai with explosive tags at her then follow me!" As he spoke, he showed him his kunai and a tag and then pointed to her, then motioned to follow. Mitsu turned around, quickly turned around, retrieving two kunai and placing the tag he used to show Grogu on his bone knife. the kunai in his right, he threw them at the Lady Coal clone. Then while completing the spin, he threw his bone knife and activated the tag, the explosion would, of course, create shrapnel. Mitsu spun again both arms extended, firing finger bone bullets from each of his fingers, as each hand passed the clone's direction. Mitsuhide turned and faced the direction where she would land. He dashed off towards the location, stepping in mud and puddles along the way...
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Team 4:  Form up  (private, Team 4 only) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Team 4: Form up (private, Team 4 only)   Team 4:  Form up  (private, Team 4 only) I_icon_minitimeFri Jul 23, 2010 1:04 am

Slop kicked up as Grogu skid to a stop next to the bone genin. It wasn’t quite mud worthy yet, but it soon would be. The rain was starting to pick up. The dust and debris cleared to reveal a woman free falling, her skin looking different than normal. It was no doubt Lady Coal. As her skin became normal, Grogu decided to react. Before his teammate got the chance to give him orders, he was off again, charging across the water. He kept his eyes and all of his concentration on the woman. She was very elusive and frustrating, making him want that food all the more. He reached into his ninja pouch and pulled out three shuriken. He tossed all three at once, chucking them in a forward arc. At this point, they would be headed at the woman at a different angle than the bone genin’s attacks. He reached back into his pocket as he ran across the water, digging out three more shuriken and throwing them. These two would be at an angle farther away from the bone genin’s attacks.

During all of this, he kept his eyes trained on the woman as if he were a starving dog and she was a steak. He wanted to be victorious here. He wasn’t quite sure why, but the need was strong and you can’t argue with primal instinct. It is there for a reason. He slid to a stop close to where the woman would land, giving the bone genin a clear path if he were to keep up his long ranged attacks. This was risky, but Grogu did not think about that. All he could think about was being victorious. His eyes stayed trained on her as she free-fell. Hopefully, his earlier attacks in conjunction with the other attacks by his teammate would be enough, but if not, then he had plans. He wanted to finish this fight with his hands. Hopefully he could get an axe kick to the top of the head or collar bone in. That seemed like a satisfactory win to him or a set up for a win. Mostly, he would enjoy nothing more than a ground and pound approach. Of course, using submissions to set this up would be satisfactory as well. Pulling fast moves to break bones and joints were always fun, especially when the target had no clue what was coming. Admittedly, his favorite submission was a jumping arm bar. It was a highly skilled move and could be done with knocking the opponent down or while standing. Also, it set him up for the triangle choke. A brutal choke, no doubt, and difficult to escape. Keeping these strategies in mind, he waited for his opponent to reach his location. If she moved, he would move. If she attacked, he would react. It was a waiting game that he would eventually win, he was sure of it.
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Posts : 184
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Age : 45
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Team 4:  Form up  (private, Team 4 only) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Team 4: Form up (private, Team 4 only)   Team 4:  Form up  (private, Team 4 only) I_icon_minitimeFri Jul 23, 2010 5:17 pm

From her vantage point in the air, she could see well as her new students gathered beneath her. She was close to helpless here, as going so high is usually a bad idea, but she had some defenses available too her. The knife she held in her left hand was flung straight downwards towards her eventual landing spot, though it would arrive long before she did. The second, the one held in her right hand, is more carefully aimed towards the oncoming barrage of projectiles. While she couldn't outright destroy them, she could do enough to save her cute little butt. The kunai flies past the two shuriken by only a few small feet before the attached note explodes, the ensuing shockwave blasting out in a full spherical radius. The force and gust easily un-stabilize the light shurikens, and all but bats both sets out of the sky. With her hands free she was able to call on some jutsu for the rest.

With amazing speed Coal weaves through about eight rapid handseals, so quickly it is almost impossible to even tell what she did. When she's finished, however, she makes it plainly obvious what other element she possesses. She draws her right hand to her lips and takes a good breath, getting her bearings on the incoming bone bullets as she does. When she breaths next she doesn't blow out a cloud of blazing flames and smoke, but a laminar stream of boiling hot fire. The gout is narrow but long, bursting out from her lips through the bones and easily reaching the ground where the genin had been standing a moment before. Even evading the technique they can feel its impressive heat, though wouldn't be damaged or anything like that. The bones, knife, tag, bullets and all, caught in the jutsu are all but destroyed in the hot fire of her dragon flame jutsu.

The jutsu itself would hardly be finished by the time Coal finally hits the ground. Before she lands she kicks her feet back beneath her and forces a good deal of chakra into her legs and feet to balance her self and prepare to absorb the landing. When she strikes down, mud bursts up like a splash of water, spraying in all directions around her. She lands on both of her feet, but falls down to her hands and knees to fully absorb the blow, and also to scoop up the kunai she threw before. The tag attached to it never exploded, and the small bluff was only there to buy her some space to land. From her crouched position, she is already prepared for the upcoming fight. Grogu and Mitsu had rushed over to challenge her, so she decided to give them both the fight they wanted. Hand to hand it is.

Beneath the surface of the earth, Coal has had some time to move. After escaping from Grogu she had made her way towards the lake to go around it, but decided on a better hiding spot shortly afterwards. As she rises upwards through the silt and mud into the bottom of the lake, she is rather surprised to find it full of large trees. While most small lakes hold a bounty of fallen limbs, it's rare for full trees, especially still living ones, to be cluttered about as they were. This was fine, though, as the strong straight trunks and shallow pool made for plenty of places to hide beneath them. As she peers up through the water she can barely see daylight, so she figures she is hidden well enough. Secretly, out of sight, she forms an easy hand seal. Two more clones appear beside her, each one hiding beneath the freshly fallen trunks of the trees. Though their appearance would disturb the surface of the water some, it wouldn't likely be noticed amongst the cluttered branches, foliage, and number of explosions going off mid-air.

With the two clones deposited into the bottom of the lake, Coal once more flips over and forms a pair of hand seals. She presses down against the lake bed, pushing past the silt and muck until she reaches proper mud, and sinks back into it. The little deposit was only a delay, and the Real Lady Coal sets back to drifting to the far edge of the lake.

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